Chapter Sixty-Six: Say Hello to Mother, Ena

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Artorias lay awake all night, a smile etched on his face.

He felt an unusual giddiness.

Simple pleasures had always satisfied him, such as savoring food.

He reminisced about Huaiyan's creations, chiding himself as the old man dubbed them failures.

He recalled witnessing with glee at Jing Yuan being impaled by Dan Feng's spear.

Baiheng had often brought him gifts from her diplomatic journeys to other planets.

He remembered when he had reassigned Ying Xing from his usual smithing duties to try his hand at sewing.

These were just a few of the moments he cherished in his life, yet none compared to the recent events.

He had never imagined he would reunite with his childhood friend and finally reveal his deepest feelings to her.

He gazed at Jingliu, peacefully asleep under his cape, her face serene as she breathed softly.

Gently, he removed his shadow gauntlets and caressed her cheek.

She had fallen asleep shortly after his confession, likely exhausted by the recent upheavals.

He whispered softly, "Everything is fine... I am here for you. Nothing will come between us."

She seemed different to him now. Her once pale blue hair had faded to white, as if the blue had been scattered into the stars. Her soul had transformed, too, retaining its essence while undergoing change, unlike his own complete sacrifice.

Her aura reminded him of the Tree, which seemed to tug persistently at his consciousness.

He decided to wait for her to explain, suspecting she had endured a trial similar to his.

However, she had the support of friends during her ordeal, a comfort he lacked.

He sighed, a trace of bitterness in his voice, "Life really has been harsh to me... It's as if someone is playing a cruel joke on me."


As Artorias pondered—Igris, Sandra, and Alphen—he struggled to classify them definitively as friends. They were once beings of sentience, created by the Great Ones, or as he now realized, corrupted by Beauty.

Yet, he couldn't deny the rich and unique experiences their companionship had afforded him, though thoughts of Sandra's fate brought a pang of sorrow.

'Was she just an illusion crafted by Beauty, or does she truly exist somewhere? Considering the lives of the Aeons, she could be part of a larger scheme... but whose?'

He looked up, his expression turning forlorn.

'Sandra... you showed me kindness in a strange land, and for that, I am grateful. Without you, I would probably still be wandering, alone and aimless...'

He closed his eyes, expressing silent gratitude to the princess. But soon, he felt a gentle movement on his lap.

Opening his eyes, he saw Jingliu slowly rising from his lap, her yawn endearing and at odds with her usual stern demeanor.

She rubbed her eyes gently and looked out at the river where fish leaped, creating ripples that caught the sunlight, transforming the water into a shimmering spectacle.

Artorias chose not to disturb her tranquility, allowing her to awaken at her own pace.

Jingliu then turned to look at him, and he offered her a soft smile.

Seizing the moment, he greeted her, "Good morning, Jingliu."

She returned the smile. "Good morning... Y/N. Ah, I should be calling you Artorias now..."

"It's fine," Artorias hummed, understanding the difficulty of change. "You've known me by that name for so long; it's understandable."

Jingliu nodded, moving closer to him, her arm touching his.

The duo sat in silence for several minutes, simply enjoying each other's company.

He glanced at her again; she had her eyes closed, a serene smile on her face, seemingly on the brink of sleep.

Jingliu broke the quiet with a soft remark, "I missed this, Artorias. The feeling of being with a loved one after so long, being able to touch them and not just fade like a memory... it still feels surreal."

He blinked, absorbing her words. "I've missed it too. Though, to be honest, I hadn't really thought about it much..."

As Jingliu traced circles on Artorias' armored palm, she said, "From what you shared yesterday, your journey seemed relentless, without pause. But now, we can rest as much as we want."

"That's true..." Artorias agreed, then added thoughtfully, "But I must say, you've handled everything incredibly well—almost too well."

Jingliu responded with a knowing hum, "Remember what I said yesterday? As long as I'm with you, I'm fine with everything we've endured."

Artorias closed his hand over where Jingliu was drawing circles, gently capturing her hand.


She cut him off, "Just let me have this moment. Can't your significant other show affection? I've been deprived of love for a millennium, Y—Artorias. I need this."

Artorias, taken aback by her intensity, sighed softly.


Jingliu's smile returned, and she giggled, but then added with a hint of regret, "I don't mean to cut you off like that; I'm just glad you're here. I didn't want this to be just a dream."

Understanding her feelings amidst their surreal reality, Artorias responded, "It's fine, I don't blame you. It shows we're still capable of feeling deeply."

Jingliu expressed her appreciation for his understanding. "Yes... yes, that's true."

Artorias then glanced upward, noticing how the dewdrops on the leaves above sparkled in the morning light.

Then a memory surfaced.

"So... the 'siblings' you mentioned, how did you come to meet them personally? They seemed quite powerful, not like ordinary beings from this universe."

Artorias was genuinely curious about the siblings he had met the day before. They all exuded formidable power, yet there was a weariness about them that he couldn't attribute solely to age or to Jingliu's ascension.

Jingliu sat up straighter, assuming a dignified posture. "I realize I didn't mention them yesterday... but we have plenty of time now."

"Could we possibly meet them soon?" Artorias asked eagerly. "I'm sure they're looking forward to seeing you again."

Jingliu shook her head, "No, it wouldn't be right. I've known them for a long time, and it would be disrespectful not to introduce them properly. They'd be quite offended by my neglect."

Artorias smiled at her consideration. "Is that so? They seem like genuinely nice people."

"They are," Jingliu affirmed. "They're the kindest and most powerful individuals I've ever encountered."

Still, Artorias felt a need to voice a slight concern. "Are you sure they have no hidden motives? I don't mean to question their honor, but..."

Jingliu poked Artorias' cheek playfully. "Because they're so unusual? I thought the same initially, but the more time I spent with them, the more they opened up. Their intentions are pure."

Artorias gently pulled her hand away from his cheek, "It's hard to believe, but that aligns with what I observed yesterday when I accidentally challenged them. If only there were more like them..."

"You challenged them, as in a physical confrontation? What exactly happened?" Jingliu asked, surprised.

Artorias wore an embarrassed expression. "Well, it was right after my ordeal with Idrila. I found myself in this realm, met them, and let's just say I didn't make the best first impression. But after Vahn intervened, everything improved."

"Oh..." Jingliu murmured, absorbing his tale.

"Now you see why I think they're strange," Artorias said with a cheeky grin.

Jingliu remained silent, prompting him to continue.

"Anyway, I assume there are parallels in your story? Like, did you meet them after your trial?"

Regaining her focus, Jingliu responded, "Yes, though they were already waiting for me, anticipating my arrival."

"They anticipated your arrival?" Artorias asked, intrigued.

"Yes, but at the time, I didn't question their reasons. I was lost, and following them was the only thing that helped me heal," Jingliu explained, her voice softening. "They taught me so much—improved my combat skills, showed me how to navigate the ancient ways of life, and more. Without them, I wouldn't be who I am today—a new me."

Artorias smiled warmly and pulled Jingliu closer, which she gladly accepted.

"If you say so, then I'm completely fine with them. But I think getting to know them personally will help me understand better. Shall we meet them now?" he suggested.

Jingliu shook her head but appreciated his willingness to learn. "Let's just enjoy this morning together, please?"

Artorias sighed but agreed, "Alright, just this morning. From what you've told me, they seem eager to meet us together, especially me."

"Mmm," Jingliu murmured in agreement.

The couple sat close together, basking in the warmth of the sunlight and the beauty of their surroundings, content in each other's presence.


Vahn reclined on her plush seat pillow, savoring a glass of wine that Miqeulla had brought back from their recent mission.

The setting was tranquil—a castle-like residence not quite sprawling enough to be a mansion but sufficiently spacious for her family. However, Vahn was the sole inhabitant; her siblings had chosen to live elsewhere, each seeking their own dominion as they put it.

"And yet, they haven't found suitable homes for themselves... Apart from Miquella, Yara, and Seris, the others seem hopelessly adrift without a shelter," she mused aloud.

Alsanna, seated on a floating crescent-shaped prism, opted not to reply, instead amusing herself with a Memory Bubble.

Vahn expected no response from her sister, yet she continued speaking. Alsanna was, after all, a good listener, even if her aloofness might be misconstrued as disrespect by others.

"Though, I wonder about Patches' timing here... I don't recall him mentioning a return. His arrival with Artorias and Jingliu seems far too coincidental. Do you think I'm overthinking this, Alsanna?" Vahn inquired, only to receive a noncommittal shrug in response.

Vahn sighed and uncorked a wine that seemed nearly ancient, "So, you don't know... Elation's Favorite isn't just a title given for his cunning; he truly embodies Elation itself. Even if Aha were to perish, the Path of Elation would persist, paving the way for a new Aeon to ascend."

Setting aside her relic-like bottle, she gazed out from her balcony at the world beyond, which dazzled with myriad colors and seasons. In the distance, she could see twinkling stars encircling a floating city.

"Then, Ena is active now, but why? The Order should have dissolved with the emergence of Xipe, the Aeon of Harmony, and yet, it endures..."

As Vahn prepared to continue, she and Alsanna sensed an intense, though non-malicious, pressure enveloping them.

A black circular portal materialized some distance away, distorting the space around it.

Vahn's lips curved into a smile of recognition at the familiar energy emanating from the portal.

Two figures emerged: one's footsteps resonated against the marble floor, while the other's were silent.

"Welcome back, Artorias and Jingliu. I hope your reunion was delightful," Vahn greeted them warmly.

Artorias gave an awkward wave, while Jingliu managed a small smile, replying, "Thank you, Vahn... though, your abrupt departure yesterday was rather abrupt."

Vahn raised an eyebrow, "Abrupt, you say? Ah... From your perspective, that must have seemed quite disrespectful. But I sensed a threat from this man," she indicated Artorias, who averted his gaze, "and it was too significant for my siblings to manage. So, I intervened without hesitation. The safety of my family is paramount. I'm sure you understand, Jingliu."

Jingliu nodded slowly, acknowledging Vahn's explanation with a deeper understanding of her priorities.

Artorias stepped forward to mitigate any brewing tension. "Thank you, Vahn. It was inappropriate for me to intrude into your home without warning, and for that, I owe you an apology."

Vahn dismissed his concerns with a wave of her hand. "Hmm, I had imagined someone like you would be a bit more... lively, perhaps even a touch arrogant. Yet, here you are, surprisingly humble and reserved."

She rose from her seat and placed a hand on her hip. "Besides, you already apologized yesterday, and we've moved past it. There's no lingering resentment among us."

Artorias blinked and glanced at Jingliu, who gave him a reassuring nod. She then turned to Vahn and commented, "I had assumed you and Artorias might have known each other, but I didn't anticipate such a solid rapport..."

Sensing a hint of jealousy in Jingliu, Artorias gently took her hand, soothing her. Vahn caught this and burst into laughter, "Heh... Hahaha! Oh no, don't misunderstand—I hold a deep respect for those outside my family who possess power comparable to or greater than mine. While I find him intriguing, I assure you, I have no intention of pursuing him romantically."

Jingliu relaxed after hearing this and shared her thoughts, "Unlike everyone else, I'm not familiar with you or the others here, so it's natural for me to be cautious, especially when the man I love has just arrived so unexpectedly."

Vahn nodded and crossed her arms, "I've never been romantically involved, so I can only imagine what it's like. I'm not here to worsen things by simply saying 'trust me.' Instead, I'd like to establish a friendship with someone like you, who has formed such deep bonds with my siblings."

Although Vahn might not have always been the easiest company, her straightforward nature made her the de facto 'leader' of the family.

That was probably for the best. Everyone in her family had their quirks, which didn't necessarily lend themselves well to diplomatic roles.

Artorias was taken aback by Jingliu's forthrightness; he hadn't expected her to be so outspoken in discussions like these.

She truly has changed.

Vahn then turned to him, "Now, Mr. Silence, perhaps it's your turn to share. I suspect your experiences might be even more baffling than Jingliu's."

Artorias' brow twitched at Vahn's comment, which only made her laugh at his subtle reaction.

He composed himself as the shadows stirred, putting Vahn and Alsanna on high alert. The darkness that had been confined by the shelter of the building expanded and crept toward Artorias.

From the pool of shadows, a hand emerged, and the pressure in the room shifted. Rising as if scaling the highest peak, a shadowy figure stood, revealing a majestic knight with a red plume. Once clad in brilliant silver steel, his armor was now as black as the void.

This was Igris, once one of the Marshals of Beauty, a knight who had instilled fear in the hearts of the Swarm Disaster.

He drew his sword, a long blade so ominous that it sent shivers down the spines of Jingliu and the others—a longsword stained with the blood of countless foes, all in the name of Beauty.

Artorias now found Igris under his command, a shift dictated by Idrila's wishes, making Igris a soldier in his service.

Artorias was taken aback by Igris' sudden appearance and felt the ties that bound them. It seemed as if dark threads were weaving through his very essence.

"Igris..." Artorias murmured, his voice tinged with nostalgia. Although the Igris he knew from his past was an illusion, the essence and design that stood before him were strikingly familiar.

He could now affirm that the knights he had encountered in his dreams were not mere figments but true friends.

Igris bowed to him and the others. Sensing Artorias's nostalgic tone, everyone relaxed, recognizing the knight as non-threatening.

Then a coarse, scratchy voice broke the silence.

"My liege... I have come to ensure your safety, as this woman presents a danger."

The ability of the Shadow Knights to speak surprised Artorias, but it was a welcome development.

Brushing off his astonishment, Artorias turned to Igris, who now pointed accusingly at Vahn. It was clear to Artorias that there might have been a misunderstanding.

"Vahn is a friend... Perhaps her manner has triggered your instincts, Igris," Artorias clarified, and Igris nodded in understanding. Vahn gave Igris a knowing look, which Artorias filed away mentally for future reference.

He then instructed Igris, "You may stand behind me. I will direct you if action is necessary."

Igris responded with a bow, "I will follow your orders, my liege." With that, the marshal took his place behind Artorias, his sword sheathed but ever vigilant, watching over both Artorias and Jingliu.

Artorias turned to Jingliu, who seemed tense amid the flurry of revelations. He gently inquired, "Will you be okay coming with me? The discussion I need to have with Vahn may lead to significant developments for our journey ahead."

Jingliu shook her head slowly, "I'll be fine... and before you say anything else, I'm coming with you, and that's final. I don't want to be apart from you any longer..."

Artorias realized how deeply Jingliu missed him, to the point where she couldn't bear any separation.

'Her narrative might have been downplayed... No, it seems the profound encounters with Aeons have deeply unsettled her, making her feel as if anything could happen at any moment.'

Aeons' actions were unpredictable by nature, never allowing time for full understanding, especially when the experiences were entirely novel.

He sighed and addressed Vahn, "Vahn... there's a matter we need to discuss."

Vahn hummed, "Heading out again so soon after your reunion?"

He nodded, and it was apparent to Vahn that their earlier conversations had been significant, and Artorias was placing his trust in her to discuss these matters.

Artorias then suggested, "The one blessed by Fuli can stay, too. She'll be useful for our future endeavors."

Alsanna felt a surge of emotion when Artorias mentioned her utility, and Vahn merely sighed.

"Very well. Let's talk," Vahn prompted.

Artorias leaned on a shadow sword he summoned as a cane, a habit he picked up after seeing his Ego do the same.

"I'll be direct; Jingliu and I will be meeting with Ena. I think it's important to inform you to avoid any misunderstandings."

Vahn blinked, taken aback. "You have connections with Order?" she asked, visibly stunned.

"Yes, I do," Artorias confirmed. "I trust her as she trusts me. Her assistance will be invaluable to us."

Vahn remained still for a moment, then grabbed a wine bottle and took a swift drink. The revelation that Artorias had ties to Order, a subject she needed to investigate, made her life simultaneously easier and more stressful.

Curiously, she probed further, "How are you affiliated with Order? It seems contradictory to your nature."

Artorias understood her confusion. He had completely transformed his identity, creating something entirely new, which seemingly contravened the principles of Order and Equilibrium.

"Not everything within that Path must be strictly adhered to; I've stitched together just a few selected elements," he explained.

He had erased his past as one might erase pencil marks from paper, replacing it with a new identity pieced together from remnants of his former self and his future prospects.

Vahn wanted to delve deeper, but Artorias' expression suggested urgency.

With another sigh, Vahn reluctantly gave her consent for them to leave. "Alright, you two can go now, but please keep me informed about anything significant."

Artorias nodded and activated his Abyssal Gate, which now shimmered more vividly, its choir-like hums resonating softly.

"I'll see you next time, Vahn and... Ms.," he bid farewell.

Vahn nodded in response, and Alsanna waved, the former grinning on her face.

Jingliu felt an unfamiliar energy, a sensation so new it seemed to rearrange the very fabric of her reality, hinting at impending complexities.

As they approached the portal, Artorias reassured her, "It'll be fine. Ena will have our answers."

Jingliu gripped his hand tightly. "I know, but it feels like I'm heading into trouble... I can't quite explain it."

He smiled reassuringly at her concern and led her through the portal, which closed behind them.



Artorias grinned, captivated by Jingliu's awestruck reaction to the world of Ena.

Around them, the environment remained unchanged, with buildings composed of alloy-like blocks in a spectrum of colors, and choirs of hues and hymns playing out their intricate patterns before them.

The populace had diversified, still appearing as humanoid figures of light, yet now donned in various contemporary fashions.

The sky was eternally nocturnal but tinged with a twist of blue reminiscent of an aurora, while stars traced comet paths, sketching constellations above them.

The entire realm pulsed with the grandeur of Order.

Jingliu turned to Artorias, her voice soft with wonder, "This world... it feels unreal. Is this what the Planet of Festivities would look like? We should visit there once things settle here."

Artorias entertained the thought, "Perhaps... but let's focus on the present, shall we? Penacony is under the Family's jurisdiction, but here? It is directly governed by Ena herself."

Despite her warrior's heart, Jingliu couldn't suppress her excitement about meeting an Aeon who might actually be benevolent, as per Artorias's intimations.

Yet, beneath her excitement, a nagging doubt lingered, suggesting the potential for unexpected challenges.

Artorias observed her contemplative expression, "You've been holding back your emotions, haven't you?"

Jingliu averted her gaze, "I don't know what you're talking about. This only happens when I'm around you."

Artorias's smile broadened, "Sure..."

She pouted at his teasing but allowed him to concentrate as he had in previous times.

The Monarch's Hand orchestrated the cosmos, and soon they found themselves amidst space, with rainbow rays serving as their platform and stars swirling around them.

Like a conductor, Artorias manipulated the celestial bodies, creating a symphony of stars.

Musical notes materialized in the air, forming a choir. Jingliu was captivated by his performance, drawing parallels to the ancient stories she knew—not mere tales, but fragments of lost history concerning the extinct faction of Order.

This spectacle was grander, and she watched without interruption.

When Artorias concluded, the children of light gathered around him, their surprise evident.

"It's Mister! Mister is back!"

"I thought he would be gone forever!"

"Welcome back, Mister!"

They clustered around him, and Artorias affectionately patted a child, the soft particles of light bursting like dust with each touch.

"Children, I am back... Will you guide me to mother?"

Jingliu reeled at his reference to 'mother,' pondering his deep connection to Order, which he personified so familiarly.

Her unease deepened.

The children of light conferred briefly, then darted towards a new cosmos, their movements beckoning them to follow.

Artorias took Jingliu's hand, and they walked after the children.

The journey was far from silent, as hymns echoed through the space, yet this did little to ease Jingliu's growing apprehension.

"Oh, we're here."

Before Jingliu could fully absorb their surroundings, a grand gate loomed before them, adorned with depictions of gears and lines, symbolizing the Path of Order.

The children frolicked about, announcing, "We're here, Mister! It's time for us to leave, mother is waiting for you both."

Artorias waved them off, "I will see you all soon."

As the children dispersed, Artorias turned to Jingliu, noting her discomfort, "Are you sure you're alright? You look... pale."

Jingliu nodded hastily, "I- I am. Let's just... go in."

He hummed and led her through the gate, the light enveloping them.

Inside, the cosmos seemed to orbit around a central figure, akin to a sun, with a giant eye overseeing a puppet veiled in tattered cloth and crowned with a golden halo. The puppet, white with golden accents, peered into an orb containing the universe.

Jingliu felt the intense scrutiny of this being, its gaze draining her spirit as her apprehension morphed into dread.

The presence of this Aeon dwarfed that of the Great One she had encountered with Yara.

A melodious voice greeted them, "Welcome, Fated One. It seems we have much to discuss, and..."

The tone softened, "My son, you have returned. Have you achieved your goals? You have, after all, absorbed it, my present to you."

Artorias nodded, relieved, "Yes, and I thank you for that."

The cosmic entity expressed pleasure, "It is wonderful to hear such good news, but now... We must discuss your 'partner.'"

Artorias, momentarily puzzled, clarified, "Partner? Oh! This is Jingliu, my love. Say hello to Ena, my mother."

Ena's choral voice adopted a slightly aggressive melody, "Yes, let us talk, Jingliu. I am eager to learn what makes you special to my son."

Jingliu swallowed hard. Ena's presence was as overwhelming as a mother's rage fused with warmth.

This was going to be an interrogation she would never forget.

End of Chapter

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