Genesis Arc - Ch. Eighteen: Aeon vs Shadow

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.


Y/N's voice echoed in the void, a solitary whisper in an expanse of endless black. "Where am I?" The question lingered unanswered, fading into the surrounding nothingness. He was adrift in a sea of shadows, a realm far removed from the world he knew.

Memories flashed before him – the raw surge of power, the overwhelming rage, and the haunting image of Jingliu in the clutches of monstrous beings. His heart clenched at the thought, a mix of despair and anger churning within him. "Jingliu..." he murmured, his voice tinged with a deep, aching sadness.

"No! I must go back. She needs me. SHE NEEDS ME. JINGLIU!" His voice grew more frantic, more desperate. The enormity of his situation dawned on him, a realization that he might be lost, perhaps forever, in this abyssal limbo.

He floated aimlessly, a lost soul in an endless night, the void around him a mirror to his inner turmoil. The darkness was oppressive, suffocating, yet oddly comforting in its familiarity.

As Y/N drifted, a wooden bridge materialized beneath him, seemingly conjured from the depths of his subconscious. It was old and rotting, reminiscent of a forgotten fisherman's pier, weathered by time and neglect. He kneeled at its edge, peering into the abyss below, as if expecting an answer from the depths.

But it was his own reflection that caught his attention. In the still, dark waters, he saw not himself, but a silhouette shrouded in shadows, its eyes a haunting black-purple. The reflection gazed back at him, a silent observer to his internal struggle.

"Who are you?"

Without warning, the reflection reached up, pulling Y/N into the water. There were no screams, no struggle – just a silent surrender to the unknown. Y/N found himself being drawn deeper into the abyss, the last remnants of light fading as he descended.

The bridge above him, and the world he knew, disappeared from view, leaving him enveloped in an all-consuming darkness. It was a place where time seemed irrelevant, where the echoes of his past deeds and the weight of his choices hung heavily in the air.

As he sank deeper, Y/N grappled with his thoughts, his mind a whirlwind of confusion, guilt, and unresolved emotions. The darkness around him felt alive, pulsating with an unseen energy, as if it were a living entity observing his fall.

In this void, Y/N confronted the darkest parts of himself – the anger, the power, and the fear that had led him to this point. It was a journey into the very depths of his soul, a trial that would test his resolve and his ability to find his way back to the light.

As the darkness enveloped him completely, Y/N realized that this was more than just a physical descent; it was a descent into the depths of his own psyche, a journey to confront and understand the shadows that had taken hold of him. The path ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear – he had to find his way back, for Jingliu, for his friends, and for himself.


The air was thick with tension as Lan faced Y/N, whose form was now a terrifying embodiment of shadow and power. The Aeon of Hunt, clad in his mighty armor, felt an unusual sense of foreboding. Before him stood Y/N, transformed and unrecognizable, his eyes like slits of condensed flame, burning with an unhinged fury.

Lan, despite the daunting sight, addressed the corrupted Y/N, his voice carrying a mix of sorrow and determination. "Now, I know where your power comes from. You do not know it, but I do. That power... it is reserved for beings who have ascended beyond the mortal realm," he stated, his words echoing in the tense air.

Grasping his bow firmly, Lan transformed it with a fluid motion into twin short swords – a testament to his adaptability and skill as a warrior. "Shooting you down with my arrows will remain futile," he acknowledged, recalling Y/N's prowess in both close and ranged combat. The corrupted Y/N, enveloped in shadows, stood silent, an ominous figure awaiting the inevitable confrontation.

Lan's gaze lingered on Y/N, memories of his past encounters flashing through his mind – moments unrecorded in the annals of history but etched deeply in the Aeon's memory. "My friend..." Lan whispered, his voice laced with a poignant mix of regret and resolve.

With a graceful readiness, Lan assumed his stance, the dual short-swords held expertly in his hands. His stance was a blend of elegance and power, the stance of a being who had faced countless battles across the eons.

"The battle will be mighty. It will be between you and me," Lan declared, his voice resonating with the weight of their impending duel.

Y/N, in his corrupted state, responded not with words but with a palpable aura of malevolence. The shadows around him seemed to pulsate, as if alive with his rage and turmoil. His greatsword, now a dark mirror of his inner chaos, radiated a sinister energy.

The two stood motionless for a moment, a silent acknowledgment of the battle to come – a duel that was more than a clash of weapons; it was a clash of wills, of destinies intertwined.

Lan, the Aeon of Hunt, represented the celestial order and balance, while Y/N, consumed by darkness, embodied the raw, unchecked power of shadow. It was a confrontation that transcended the physical realm, a battle for Y/N's very soul.


In the dense, charged atmosphere of the forest, the duel between Lan and Y/N escalated with ferocious intensity. Lan, embodying the swiftness and grace of an Aeon, initiated the attack, his speed transcending mortal bounds. He darted towards Y/N, his dual swords a blur as they sliced through the air, leaving multiple cuts on Y/N's corrupted form.

Y/N's response was a primal roar that reverberated through the earth, a sound of anger and defiance. Despite the onslaught, he stood his ground, the shadows around him pulsating with a sinister energy. Lan, agile and relentless, weaved around Y/N, striking with precision, his tactics a blend of hit-and-run maneuvers designed to keep the corrupted warrior off balance.

As Lan circled his adversary, delivering a relentless barrage of slashes, Y/N's body trembled with a profound rage. The dark aura surrounding him began to intensify, the shadows eagerly enveloping the surroundings in an ominous embrace.

Sensing the monstrous energy emanating from Y/N, Lan made a split-second decision. With a swift teleportation spell, he whisked Hua and Jingliu away to the safety of the Starskiff, where Jing Yuan and Baiheng had taken refuge. "This is bad!" Lan exclaimed, his voice laced with concern as he felt the surge of dark power from Y/N.

In an explosive display of raw power, Y/N condensed the black aura around him and unleashed a mini shockwave. The force of the blast was immense, but not enough to send Lan flying. However, Y/N's corrupted state was now unleashing even more energy, his strength seemingly doubling.

With a roar that shook the heavens, Y/N thrust his fist forward in a blur of motion, the impact catching Lan off-guard and sending him hurtling through the air. Lan crashed against a mountain rock, the force of the blow leaving him momentarily stunned. Wiping his helm visage, Lan muttered, "Not bad..."

As Lan recovered, he noticed the area darkening ominously. Looking up, he saw Y/N soaring high into the sky, his greatsword aimed downwards like a deadly spear. Lan quickly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the impact as Y/N's greatsword struck the ground, creating a crater filled with sludge of corrupted energy.

The air was thick with tension as Y/N glared at Lan, his anger escalating to new heights. It was clear that this battle was far from over.

Lan, with the grace of a seasoned warrior, twirled his swords, ready for the next phase of their duel. Y/N, his greatsword poised for attack, charged towards the Aeon with ferocious speed. Each of Y/N's swings was heavy yet swift, but Lan parried them all with incredible agility.

In Lan's mind, a sense of admiration and surprise emerged. "He... is already at our level. Well done!" he thought, a hint of pride in his voice for Y/N's formidable prowess.

The forest around them bore witness to their clash, deep gashes marking the earth as they traded blows. The very landscape seemed to adapt to their immense power, reshaping itself in response to their presence.

In a bold move, Lan hurled his blades towards Y/N, who countered with a swing so powerful it nearly shattered them. Lan closed the distance between them in a flash, unleashing a flurry of punches targeting Y/N's vital points. The blows landed with precision, sending Y/N flying deep into the woods.

Lan, pausing for a moment, heaved a slight breath, feeling the strain of the intense battle. "This... will be a long one," he muttered to himself, summoning his swords back to his hands, readying for the next round in their confrontation.

Into the deep, shadowed woods, Lan moved with a swiftness that defied the natural world, his centaur-like form, complete with chariot-like wheels, gliding through the forest. His true form, a blend of the mythical and the majestic, exuded a powerful presence.

The woods around Lan were shrouded in a black mist, a silent testament to Y/N's corrupted power. "Even in this state, you wield your power cleverly, Y/N," Lan acknowledged with a hint of admiration, despite the dire circumstances. The silent, deadly nature of the black energy was unsettling, reminiscent of an assassin lurking in the dark.

Lan's own aura contrasted sharply with the darkness. Bright purple and pink energies radiated from him, casting a glow that pierced the somber mist. Suddenly, slashes of black aura, sent by Y/N, cut through the air in all directions, a silent yet deadly attack.

Cursing under his breath, Lan leaped into the air, evading the converging black energies which canceled each other out in a silent implosion. Landing back on the ground, Lan realized his mistake too late.

Y/N, embodying his corrupted state, was already upon him, his greatsword descending in a powerful arc. Lan raised his twin swords in defense, their collision unleashing a wave of mixed energies that obliterated the surrounding woods, leaving a void where once there was life.

"Y/N! Focus! I am here to free you!" Lan called out, hoping to reach whatever was left of his friend's consciousness. But Y/N responded only with increased ferocity, his power seemingly unbound.

In a swift maneuver, Y/N's greatsword slid around Lan's twin swords, striking with precision and cutting off Lan's left leg. The Aeon cried out in pain, hopping backward as he quickly attempted to heal the wound. The recovery was slow, hindered by the corrupting influence of the black energy.

"Haaah! My friend! This is a spectacle! You managed to wound me!" Lan exclaimed, his voice a mix of pain and exhilaration. Despite the injury, there was a sense of pride in Lan's voice, acknowledging Y/N's formidable strength.

Lan looked skyward, addressing a presence unseen. "Do you see this, Yaoshi? You will never claim him. His willpower and strength far surpass your pathetic healing!" Lan roared defiantly, his declaration a challenge to the deity watching from above.

Refocusing on Y/N, Lan pointed his sword towards his corrupted friend, a gesture of readiness. "Round three?" he asked, the tilt of Y/N's helm suggesting a silent acknowledgment.


Jingliu's eyes snapped open, a sense of urgency propelling her awake. She bolted upright, only to be met with a sharp sting of pain that coursed through her battered body. She winced, cursing under her breath, her gaze sweeping across her surroundings.

She found herself near the Starskiff, the familiar sight bringing a fleeting sense of security. Hua lay beside her, covered in a white cloth, her breathing rapid and shallow. Jing Yuan was nearby, attentively tending to Baiheng, who was also seemingly in a state of recovery.

"Jin... Jing Yuan?" Jingliu's voice cracked, roughened from strain and dehydration.

Hearing her, Jing Yuan swiftly turned, his eyes red and weary. "Master Jingliu!" he exclaimed, relief evident in his voice as he rushed to her side with a gourd of water.

Gratefully, Jingliu seized the gourd and gulped down the water, the liquid soothing her parched throat. Wiping her mouth, she looked up at Jing Yuan with questions burning in her eyes. "How did we get here?"

Jing Yuan hesitated, his brows furrowing as he tried to piece together the events. "I saw a cut in... space? You and Hua were thrown out from it. It felt like Lord Lan's energy."

Nodding, Jingliu's gaze drifted to her battered armor, the sight triggering a shiver as she recalled the monstrous tentacles. She pushed the memory aside, focusing on Jing Yuan as he spoke again.

"I have something to tell you..."

"Go on," Jingliu urged, her hands absently picking at the remnants of her armor.

"Master Y/N was here earlier," Jing Yuan revealed with a solemn tone.

Hope sparked in Jingliu's eyes as she seized Jing Yuan's shoulders. "Where is he? Is he okay?" Her voice was laced with concern, the thought of Y/N out there alone and possibly in danger weighing heavily on her.

Wincing from the grip, Jing Yuan replied, "I don't know. After he instructed me to take care of Baiheng, he left to search for you."

Without hesitation, Jingliu attempted to stand, her expression determined despite the evident pain. "I must find him!"

"Please, master! You must rest!" Jing Yuan implored, his face etched with worry. "Look at your state!"

Jingliu's glare bore into him, her patience waning. "I know my limits. Do not test my patience, boy."

Jing Yuan, undeterred, responded with calm logic. "Master, you are exhausted and wounded. You don't even have a sword. Please, have hope in Master Y/N."

The reprimand seemed to resonate with Jingliu. She sighed, her tension easing slightly. "Perhaps... I have become rather impatient."

Jing Yuan exhaled in relief. "Yes, master. But it's clear you've always had a soft spot for Master Y/N."

A small smile graced Jingliu's lips, an acknowledgment of her student's observation. "I have always cared for him... always."


In the midst of the chaotic battlefield, Lan, transformed into his centaur-like form with chariot-like wheels, charged towards Y/N with a newfound ferocity. His lightswords moved with reckless precision, clashing against the darkened fury of Y/N's greatsword.

"I need to use my bow," Lan muttered to himself, ducking and weaving through the onslaught of Y/N's relentless strikes. The battle between them felt like an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, neither yielding nor faltering.

Determined to bring an end to the conflict, Lan devised a risky plan. He deliberately exposed himself to Y/N's attack, hoping to draw out a punch from the corrupted knight. Instead, a powerful kick from Y/N sent Lan hurtling through the air, landing heavily in the distance.

Pained but resolute, Lan pushed himself up. "Not what I expected, but it'll suffice," he gasped, wincing from his injuries. Transforming his dual swords back into the majestic, gleaming pink bow, Lan prepared for his decisive move.

Sensing Y/N rapidly approaching, Lan remained calm and aimed his bow towards the heavens. Drawing a deep breath, he nocked a long, thin arrow and released it skyward. The arrow pierced the clouds, creating a vibrant pink portal that momentarily bathed the battlefield in a blinding light.

Y/N, caught off guard by the sudden illumination, hesitated in his strike. Seizing the opportunity, Lan delivered a forceful kick, pushing Y/N back several meters.

Quickly, Lan formed a protective barrier around Jingliu's group and nearby residents, shielding them from the impending onslaught. He then initiated his grand strategy: millions of pink, ethereal arrows rained down from the sky, each one carrying a fraction of the power capable of destroying worlds, though Lan had carefully moderated their strength.

As the arrows struck Y/N, he roared in agony, the shadows enveloping him dissipating under the barrage of Lan's celestial arrows. "The shadow is currently weak... if he were at full potential..." Lan pondered, a chill running down his spine at the thought.

With Y/N pinned and writhing in pain, Lan prepared for his final, decisive blow. He leaped into the air, his bow now charged with a magnificent arrow, glowing with a mix of pink and green hues, reminiscent of the aurora borealis. "I'm sorry, Y/N. This will hurt," Lan whispered, a tinge of regret in his voice.

Releasing the arrow, it whistled through the air, its trajectory aimed straight at Y/N. Upon impact, it detonated with the force of a nuclear explosion, creating a colossal pink mushroom cloud. A wave of silent energy rippled through the forest, the shockwave utterly devastating, obliterating everything in its path, except for those protected by Lan's barrier.

Jingliu and her companions shielded their eyes from the overwhelming brightness of the explosion. The world around them fell silent, the aftermath of the explosion leaving a void where the forest once stood.

As the smoke cleared, the battlefield was unrecognizable, a barren wasteland in the wake of the celestial arrow's fury. Y/N lay amidst the devastation, his shadowy aura having acted as a shield against the worst of the blast. The bleak energy slowly receded, revealing Y/N's true form, battered and barely clinging to life.

Lan, reverting to his humanoid armored form, caught Y/N in his arms before he could hit the ground. Checking for a pulse, Lan let out a sigh of relief. "Weak, but alive," he murmured, a weight lifting from his shoulders.

"Thank goodness..." Lan whispered, gazing skyward with Y/N cradled in his arms. He had saved his friend from the brink, pulling him back from the abyss of darkness.


Y/N, his consciousness adrift, found himself being led through an ethereal landscape by a shadowy silhouette. The realm around him shimmered with fragments of memories and dreams, weaving a tapestry of his life's journey. It was as if the shadows themselves were guiding him, showing him the paths he had walked and the choices he had made.

Abruptly, the journey halted. The guiding silhouette vanished, leaving Y/N alone amidst the shards of his past. "What... just happened?" he asked aloud, his voice echoing in the vast emptiness. He looked around, finding himself once again enveloped in the familiar bleak blackness.

"Hmm..." he hummed, a sense of curiosity mingling with his confusion. With no clear direction, Y/N began to walk, each step taking him further into the unknown depths of this shadowy realm.

He walked tirelessly, losing track of time in this place where hours felt like days, and days stretched into months. The concept of time seemed irrelevant, yet Y/N felt a growing sense of urgency, a need to find his way out of this limbo.

Then, in the distance, he spotted a shard of white, floating ethereally against the monochrome backdrop. A glimmer of hope sparked within him, and he ran towards it, driven by the possibility of escape from this endless darkness.

As he neared the object, Y/N inspected it closely. It was an amalgamation of white and black, composed of what seemed like condensed aura. The object exuded a familiar sensation, stirring memories deep within him, yet he couldn't quite place it.

Hesitantly, Y/N reached out and touched the object. To his surprise, it felt like the hilt of a weapon, familiar yet enigmatic. As his fingers grazed it, the object began to transform, morphing into the shape of a sword. But just as the weapon began to take form, something pulled Y/N away, tearing him from the realm.

"No!" Y/N reached out, desperate to return to the forming weapon. But it was too late. His vision was engulfed in white, the realm of shadows and the incomplete sword fading away.

Y/N felt a sense of loss, as if he was leaving behind a crucial part of himself. The experience in the shadowy realm, the guiding silhouette, and the transforming weapon – all seemed to hold significant meaning, pieces of a puzzle he was yet to fully understand.

As the white light enveloped him, Y/N braced himself for what lay ahead, uncertain of where he would emerge but determined to find his way back to reality, back to Jingliu and his friends, back to the world he belonged to.

The realm of shadows, with its echoes of past and unfinished business, lingered in his mind, a reminder of the journey he had yet to complete and the challenges that still awaited him.

End of Subchapter

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