Genesis Arc - Ch. Nineteen: Gratitude

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

Be sure to read Genesis Arc - Ch. Eighteen: Aeon vs Shadow, before reading this chapter. Thank you.


In the realm of shadowy nothingness, Y/N and Jingliu found themselves adrift, their senses enveloped by an eerie calm. A voice, or rather, voices – one masculine, one feminine, interwoven yet distinct – broke the silence.

"Memory? Check," the voices chimed in unison, their tone gentle yet authoritative. "The ever-present King and Queen, both of your memories are a mess. Here, we will reform them for you."

The voices, harmonious yet individual, created a sense of ambiguity. It was impossible to tell whether they were one entity or two separate beings speaking as one.

"It is a given, after all, you two are experiencing and sharing each other's memories. Watching both perspectives," the voices continued, their words echoing in the void.

Y/N and Jingliu, enveloped in darkness, felt an odd sense of companionship, yet they couldn't determine if the other was truly there beside them. Their minds grappled with the reality of shared memories, an experience both intimate and disorienting.

"Sigh... it's alright, the memory trip is almost over," the feminine voice reassured, now more prominent, a soothing presence in the engulfing darkness.

"Hey! Fuli said I can mess with them. Let me just add more memories!" The masculine voice interjected, its tone playful and snarky.

"Shut it! You will not insert your pranks into their journey of love!" The woman's voice countered, taking on a dramatic, almost theatrical tone.

"Love!? I ought to bring balance by bringing in tragedy, witch!" The man retorted, the sound of crossed arms audible in his tone.

The woman clicked her tongue but chose to ignore the man's protest. Y/N and Jingliu, though unable to see, felt the intensity of her gaze, a forceful presence even in the absence of physical form.

"O'Sun and Moon, do not hate yourselves. Accept the feelings within you. The both of you are meant to be together. Please... do not lose yourselves to sadness, do not lose yourselves to humiliation..." Her voice trailed off, laden with emotion.

"I fear that we will reveal too much if we continue this," the man's voice added pragmatically. "They'll be pulled out of the realm and continue on in the present."

"Present?" Y/N and Jingliu thought simultaneously, their confusion growing.

"You are right. Well... we shall bring them back to the past," the woman conceded.

"You should word that better. Bring them to their checkpoint, yes? From where the King fought Lan in his godly state," the man suggested, his tone light.

"Ah, yes. I apologize for that," the woman replied, her voice reflecting gratitude.

"Hmm! I feel that we're dragging this even further..." the man hummed, a hint of impatience creeping into his voice.

"Yes... well then. Y/N and Jingliu, continue on your trip to the past. Remember our words!" the woman's voice commanded, her tone imbued with a sense of finality.

As the scene shifted, Y/N and Jingliu felt a sudden pull, a sensation like being swept along a rapid current. The void around them began to dissolve, replaced by fragments of memories, scenes from their past blurring into one another. The voices faded, leaving them with a lingering sense of guidance.


Jingliu, still reeling from the intensity of the pink explosion, slowly wiped her eyes. The light from the detonation had been overwhelmingly bright, almost searing. She felt a brief sense of gratitude for her quick reflexes that had shielded her eyes just in time.

As her vision gradually adjusted, Jingliu's gaze swept over the transformed landscape. Where once stood a lush forest, now lay an expanse of devastation – a barren wasteland devoid of trees, rocks, and the familiar silhouette of the mountains. The completeness of the destruction was chilling, a stark reminder of the immense power that had been unleashed.

With a gulp, Jingliu felt a mix of awe and a burgeoning resolve stirring within her. The scale of such destruction, the capability to reshape the land so drastically, ignited a flame of motivation in her to grow stronger. For a fleeting moment, she entertained the thought of harnessing such power, but she quickly brushed it aside. There were more pressing concerns – the safety of her friends.

Turning to Jing Yuan, Jingliu called out, concern lacing her voice, "Jing Yuan? Are you okay?" Her student, still disoriented from the blinding light, groaned in response, his eyes likely temporarily impaired by the intense brightness.

Scanning the area, Jingliu noted with relief that the pink barrier had shielded them from the destruction. They were unscathed amidst the chaos, a small miracle in the face of such overwhelming force.

As the barrier dissipated, a rush of air swept towards them, carrying the residual energy of the explosion. It was a palpable reminder of the extraordinary events they had just witnessed.

Jing Yuan, rubbing his eyes, regained his vision and reassured his master, "I am okay now." His voice held a note of steadiness, despite the ordeal.

Jingliu, satisfied with his recovery, stood up, her mind shifting to their next course of action. It was then that a gadget from the Starskiff sprang to life, its voice crackling through the static yet clear enough to understand.

"J-Jingliu! Do you hear me?" Jinhua's voice came through, laced with worry and urgency.

Jing Yuan, quick to react, retrieved the gadget from the Starskiff and handed it to Jingliu. Taking the device with a gentle grip, Jingliu activated the holographic display, revealing Jinhua's image.

"I am present and safe. All of us are injured, including your sister," Jingliu reported, her voice steady despite the fatigue that was beginning to set in.

Jinhua, her expression neutral yet attentive, nodded in acknowledgment. "Noted, we are on the way to your location. Ten minutes top."

Jingliu nodded, confirming the message, before Jinhua ended the communication. The swordswoman let the gadget drop to her side, a wave of exhaustion washing over her. She walked over to Hua, who was now breathing more evenly, though her leg remained broken.

With a heavy sigh, Jingliu knelt beside Hua, doing her best to tend to the martial artist's injuries. The urgency of the situation, the need to care for her injured companions, pushed her own weariness to the back of her mind.

The desolation around them was a stark reminder of the power that had been unleashed, a power that Jingliu knew they were fortunate to have survived. As she waited for Jinhua's arrival, her thoughts drifted to Y/N, hoping that he too had emerged safely from the maelstrom of Lan's celestial wrath.


Lan, in his full Aeon glory, cradled Y/N protectively in his arms. His armored appearance, usually a symbol of strength and honor, now bore traces of frustration and anger. The source of his ire was the unexpected arrival of another Aeon - Yaoshi, the embodiment of abundance and healing.

Yaoshi, with her pale yellow skin and flowing white robes, exuded a gentle radiance. Her presence was usually one of harmonious beauty, but to Lan, she represented a potential threat. Her serene, ever-present smile did little to ease his growing unease.

"Why have you descended, Yaoshi?" Lan's voice was edged with suspicion, his posture defensive as he confronted the Aeon.

Yaoshi, undisturbed by Lan's hostility, gazed past him to Y/N, her smile widening. Lan, catching her gaze, instinctively tightened his hold on Y/N, reinforcing his protective stance. "You will not touch him, Yaoshi. He is under my protection," he declared, his tone laced with a mix of anger and defiance.

Unfazed, Yaoshi stepped forward, her presence causing nature to blossom around her - grass sprouted, and trees grew seedlings with each step she took. Lan observed her with caution, aware of her usually destructive yet harmonic aura, now seemingly transformed into something calm and soothing.

"Calm yourself, Lan. I have only come to heal him," Yaoshi's voice was a melodious whisper, pulling Lan from his wary thoughts.

"And at what cost? Steal him away? Surely you'd know better than that!" Lan countered, his distrust evident as he held Y/N closer.

Yaoshi's influence on the environment intensified, the barren land rejuvenating rapidly into a lush landscape. "My only intention is to heal him," she assured, her voice tranquil. "Besides... he will not be corrupted with Mara. Such is the willpower of this man."

Lan, though still apprehensive, relented silently, allowing Yaoshi to approach. He watched cautiously as the Aeon of Abundance reached out to Y/N, her hands radiating a gentle, healing energy. A soft glow of green and yellow enveloped them both, the aura devoid of any malevolence, filled with the purest intent to heal.

Gradually, Y/N's injuries mended, his skin knitting seamlessly, and the dirt washing away. Lan himself felt the regenerative power of Yaoshi's healing, his leg reforming and his armor returning to its pristine state.

With the healing complete, Yaoshi stepped back, humming a tune that seemed to echo from a long-forgotten past. The melody was hauntingly beautiful, a testament to the depths of her power and mystery.

Lan, now fully healed, stood in silent contemplation, his gaze shifting between Yaoshi and Y/N. "Why..." he began, his voice barely above a whisper.

Yaoshi tilted her head, her expression curious.

"If you were capable of this form of healing, why didn't you do so in the beginning?" Lan questioned, his query reaching back to the dawn of Xianzhou and even the genesis of life on other planets.

Yaoshi merely smiled, her gaze turning skyward as she extended her hand, palm open, to the heavens. "I don't know..." she replied, her answer enigmatic as ever.

With a final glance at Lan and Y/N, Yaoshi's form dissipated into a cascade of harmonious light, her departure as gentle as her arrival.

Lan stood amidst the revitalized nature, a landscape reborn from desolation thanks to Yaoshi's intervention. He looked down at Y/N, now peacefully healed in his arms, and pondered the mysteries of the Aeons – beings of immense power, yet bound by enigmatic constraints and unfathomable motives.

The encounter with Yaoshi left Lan with more questions than answers, a reminder of the complexities and intricacies of the divine beings that shaped their world. For now, he focused on the task at hand - ensuring Y/N's safe return to his friends and unraveling the tangled web of their shared destiny.


In the wake of the miraculous healing and Lan's departure, the area near Jingliu and her team became a hive of activity. The arrival of several Starskiffs signaled the presence of reinforcements. Cloud Knights, known for their strength and teamwork, quickly disembarked, assessing the situation with efficiency and urgency.

A team from the Alchemy Commission, skilled in the art of healing, hastened towards Jingliu. Without a word, they began their meticulous work, applying bandages and administering potions. Jingliu exhaled a sigh of relief, allowing the healers to tend to her injuries.

The team paid particular attention to Hua, whose condition demanded immediate care due to her connection with Jinhua, the Marshal of the Cloud Knights. Jinhua, with a grim expression, approached Jingliu, her usual playfulness absent. "What happened here?" she inquired, her voice carrying a tone of seriousness and concern.

Jingliu, sensing the urgency in Jinhua's query, recounted the events succinctly. She described the encounter with the unknown creatures, her anger resurfacing at the memory of the attack. "Abominations of some kind, creatures of unknown origin. We don't know if they're connected to Shuhu or another entity," Jingliu reported.

Jinhua's expression grew more focused as she listened. "Were these creatures already here upon your arrival?" she asked, seeking clarity.

Jingliu confirmed, glancing at the injured Hua and Baiheng. "Yes, they swarmed us shortly after we landed. The damage they've inflicted is evident," she said, her gaze then shifting to Jing Yuan, who was providing his account to another group of Cloud Knights.

"And the barren wasteland?" Jinhua pressed on, seeking information about the transformed landscape.

Jingliu continued, "The explosion that caused this destruction came from two powerful entities, far surpassing anything we've faced before."

As Jinhua processed this information, the land around them began to undergo a sudden and miraculous transformation. Flowers bloomed, trees sprouted, and grass covered the once-barren land at an incredible speed.

Startled by the phenomenon, Jinhua issued a command, and the Cloud Knights readied their weapons. But what emerged from the rejuvenated woods was not a threat but an awe-inspiring sight.

Lan appeared, carrying the unconscious Y/N in his arms. His majestic presence commanded respect, and the Cloud Knights, along with everyone else, bowed in reverence, except for Jingliu. Her eyes widened in relief and concern at the sight of Y/N.

Jingliu rushed towards Lan, who reassured her, "He will be alright. The enemies have been defeated by his effort, with a little assistance from me." Lan chose his words carefully, concealing the truth about Y/N's hidden powers to protect him from political entanglements.

Overwhelmed with relief, Jingliu tenderly cradled Y/N's face, whispering, "Thank goodness... he's fine." She then expressed her gratitude and apologies to Lan for her earlier outburst.

Lan, acknowledging her thanks, turned to address Jinhua and the Cloud Knights. "Now, I entrust Y/N to your care. Ensure his safety is your priority," he stated, leaving no room for argument.

Jinhua and the knights responded with a ceremonial gesture, their swords and glaives raised in a sign of respect. Lan, satisfied with their response, handed Y/N over to Jingliu, who immediately embraced him, holding him close.

With his task completed, Lan readied his bow and shot an arrow skyward, creating a portal. He leaped into the sky, disappearing through the portal, which closed behind him.

In the aftermath of Lan's departure, Jinhua swiftly issued orders for the wounded to be transported to the Starskiffs. Jingliu, holding Y/N in her arms, gazed at his peaceful face, her thumb gently caressing his cheek, a silent vow of protection and care evident in her eyes.


A month had passed since the extraordinary events in the woods, leaving the council in a state of restless inquiry. The demand for answers hung heavily in the air, a cloud of uncertainty that Jing Yuan and Jinhua stepped forward to address.

Jing Yuan, determined to serve as a voice for his masters, took the lead in the council discussions. With a measured tone, he detailed the mission, carefully omitting specific details to avoid exacerbating the already tense atmosphere among the Elders. He explained that the mission was a directive from Lan to Y/N, a crucial piece of information that framed the narrative of their encounter.

Despite Jing Yuan's careful explanation, dissatisfaction simmered among some council members, who found the lack of comprehensive information unsettling. However, others were more accepting, swayed by the testimony of Jinhua and the Cloud Knights, who corroborated Jing Yuan's account and confirmed the sighting of Lord Lan with Y/N in the woods.

Amidst the varied reactions, one council member raised a significant proposition. "Perhaps it's time we officially recognize him as the Emanator of Hunt," he suggested, sparking a murmur of interest among the council. "Lord Lan's frequent interactions with Commander Y/N and the bestowed power he demonstrated signify a unique bond between them," he continued, advocating for Y/N's formal recognition.

The council chamber buzzed with animated discussion, the proposal gaining traction as members debated its implications. Eventually, a consensus emerged, leading to the official declaration of Y/N as "Lan's Blade," a title symbolizing the special connection between Y/N and the Aeon of Hunt.

The news, once disseminated to the public, was met with widespread cheer and pride. The citizens of Xianzhou reveled in the knowledge that such a formidable warrior, now recognized as an Emanator, stood as their protector and representative.

However, amidst the celebrations and accolades, a lingering question persisted in the minds of many – what truly transpired in the woods? The mystery of the events, shrouded in secrecy and veiled in the extraordinary, became a topic of intrigue and speculation. Rumors and theories circulated, each trying to piece together the puzzle of that fateful encounter.

The title "Lan's Blade" resonated throughout Xianzhou, a symbol of strength and unity, but also a reminder of the unknown dangers that lurked beyond their realm. For Jing Yuan, Jinhua, and the rest of the council, the declaration was more than a mere title; it was a commitment to safeguarding their world and unraveling the mysteries that threatened their peace.

As the days progressed, the incident in the woods remained a subject of hushed conversations and whispered tales, a chapter in the annals of Xianzhou that continued to evoke wonder and curiosity among its people.


In the quiet serenity of the medical suite, Y/N awoke with a soft groan, his senses gradually returning. The fatigue that enveloped his body was a clear testament to the ordeal he had endured, even after a month-long slumber. "Wooh... what happened?" he murmured to himself, struggling to piece together the fragments of his memory since the blackout.

Sitting up on the luxurious bed, which seemed more akin to a suite than a hospital room, he surveyed his surroundings. The blend of medical equipment and opulent décor struck him as oddly lavish for a medical bay. "Looks more like a hotel room," he commented, a hint of wonder in his voice.

Inspecting his body, Y/N found no visible wounds, a testament to the effectiveness of Xianzhou's healing, although unbeknownst to him, the truth was far more extraordinary. "Looks like Xianzhou's healing is more effective than I remembered," he whispered, unaware of the divine intervention that had truly healed him.

On a nearby couch, Jingliu lay asleep, her usually neat pale hair now tousled. Y/N's expression softened at the sight of his friend, her presence bringing a sense of calm. "Oh, Jingliu..." he uttered softly, his voice laced with affection and relief.

Stirred by his voice, Jingliu's eyes fluttered open. Spotting Y/N awake and sitting up, her initial disbelief quickly turned into overwhelming joy. She rushed to his side, embracing him tightly as if fearing he might vanish. Her tears, muffled against his clothes, spoke volumes of the worry and relief that had accumulated in her heart.

Y/N, usually the one in need of comfort, found himself soothing Jingliu, his arms enveloping her in a gentle hug. "Shhhh... it's okay, I won't go away," he reassured her, his own tears silently joining hers. In this moment, their roles were reversed, yet the bond they shared only deepened.

After composing herself, Jingliu looked up at him with concern. "Are you still hurt?" she asked softly.

Shaking his head, Y/N replied, "No, but I feel tired." He demonstrated the stiffness in his arms, a lingering effect of his prolonged rest.

Jingliu immediately attended to his needs, offering him a glass of water which he gratefully accepted. As he drank, Y/N's curiosity about the events he had missed surfaced. "So... what did I miss?" he inquired, his voice tinged with genuine interest.

Holding his hand, Jingliu contemplated how to summarize the recent developments. "Well, we both received a promotion," she began, pausing to feed Y/N some sliced fruits.

"A promotion?" Y/N asked, a hint of surprise in his voice as he balanced eating and talking.

Jingliu nodded affirmatively. "Yes, our positions are now akin to Jinhua's, but with more freedom," she explained, continuing to care for him.

"Ah, so we have our own titles?" Y/N sought confirmation, his voice indicating he was still processing the news.

"Mmhm," Jingliu hummed in agreement.

"That's nice to know," Y/N responded, his tone lacking the excitement one might expect. The fatigue still evident in his voice.

Jingliu raised an eyebrow at his subdued reaction. "You don't sound excited," she observed.

"I'm still too tired to react to that information," Y/N admitted, his energy levels clearly not yet fully replenished.

Jingliu gave a soft whisper of understanding.

Changing the subject, Y/N inquired about their friends. "So, what happened to the rest?" he asked, concern for Baiheng, Jing Yuan, and Hua evident in his voice.

"They are being treated well. They woke up long before you did," Jingliu informed him, her tone light and reassuring.

"Long before I did? How long was I asleep?" Y/N's curiosity deepened, sensing there was more to the story.

"A month," Jingliu revealed gently, her grasp on his hand conveying both support and empathy.

"Wot?" Y/N's surprise was palpable, and he paused, the revelation sinking in.

Jingliu closed her eyes briefly, affirming the truth of her words.

Y/N's gaze lingered in the shadows of concern as the weight of his prolonged slumber settled upon him. Jingliu, ever perceptive to the shifts in his aura, reached out with a gentleness that belied her warrior's strength. Her fingertips lightly guided his chin, tilting his face to meet hers.

As their eyes locked, a cascade of silent understandings passed between them, a language of the heart spoken without words. Y/N's voice broke the silence, a whisper laden with the fragility of his recent awakening. "Seeing you in their grasp, I was struck by an unfamiliar helplessness," he confessed, the memory igniting a tremor in his resolve.

Jingliu leaned in, her proximity a bastion against the tide of his insecurities. "Those moments, battling against darkness, it was the thought of you that wove itself into my strength," she revealed, her voice a soft but firm affirmation of their intertwined spirits.

A smile, small but sincere, dawned upon Y/N's features, softening the tension that had creased his brow. He enveloped Jingliu in an embrace, a silent pledge of their mutual reliance. "It seems our paths are bound tighter than fate itself. We are each other's anchor in the tempest," he murmured, his breath warm against her ear.

"And in that anchorage, we find strength," Jingliu responded, her arms tightening around him. "For it is in our unity that we discover the might to overcome the impossible."

Y/N pulled back slightly, his hands resting on her shoulders, a somber yet determined glint in his eyes. "In your courage, I find my own. It's as if your spirit ignites the fire in mine, battling back the cold shadows of fear."

Jingliu, moved by his words, placed her hand over his heart, feeling the steady beat that spoke of life and resilience. "And in your heart, I sense a kindred flame. It calls to mine, a beacon in the night, guiding me back to you, time and again."

Y/N smiled at her admission and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "Looks like we just can't stray from each other, huh? We really do need each other," he stated, a profound understanding of their bond evident in his voice.

Jingliu hummed in agreement, accepting the truth of their intertwined destinies. They sat together in silence, Jingliu's head resting on his shoulder, his head leaning on hers. The night sky outside the window offered a peaceful backdrop to their quiet solidarity, a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos of their lives.

End of Chapter

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