Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty: Inner Struggles

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.


"Wake up..."

The words barely penetrated the thick veil of sleep, but Y/N groaned, the sound muffled by his pillow as he turned his body to his side, seeking refuge in the comfort of his dreams.

"You dunce... WAKE. UP." The male voice was sharper this time, impatient.

The annoyance was enough to pry Y/N's eyes open, his morning haze quickly giving way to a simmering anger. He rose reluctantly, a scowl creasing his forehead as he glanced at the window—the sun had barely announced the day with its shy rays.

Swiveling his head to the figure beside his bed, he was met with the familiar sight of arrogance personified. The Elder stood there, his tall, slender frame looming over Y/N. The man's black hair was a stark contrast to his fair skin, and those piercing green eyes, accentuated by red eyeliner, were as unsettling as they were captivating. His sharp Vidyadhara ears twitched slightly, and atop his head, two green horns curled like those of a Chinese dragon.

Y/N raised an eyebrow in mock surprise. "Here to check up on me? You?"

"Indeed, only I can take care of you," said the man, his voice carrying the weight of self-importance. The dark green robes he wore swished as he brandished a paper pamphlet with an air of solemnity.

"No... this cannot be," Y/N murmured, disbelief narrowing his voice to a whisper.

The doctor, if one could call the haughty Vidyadhara such, looked visibly annoyed at the dramatics. "Will you stop?"

"The great esteemed Elder, Dan Feng himself! YOU!?" Y/N's tone was stern as he pointed an accusing finger at Dan Feng.

"Do you want to die?" The threat was uttered with an icy calmness that was almost more frightening than the words themselves.

Y/N crossed his arms, choosing silence as his response.

Dan Feng slapped his forehead in exasperation. "Hah... your mood swings are as terrible as usual."

"Mood swings? No, I only act like this towards those who I see as friends," Y/N reassured him, his arms now resting on his lap.

A smile broke across Dan Feng's face, transforming it. "It is good to have you back, Y/N."

Y/N returned the smile, warmth flooding his chest. "I, too."

The smile on Dan Feng's face vanished as swiftly as it had appeared. "You still haven't answered my question."

"Oh right. Well, after being rudely awakened by a pompous dragon, my head feels like it's splitting," Y/N admitted, rubbing his temples.

"It's the only way to wake you up," Dan Feng said, deftly sidestepping the blame.

"Uh-huh. Can't you have Jingliu to wake me up, instead?" Y/N queried, a hint of plea in his voice.

"Jingliu? She's currently with Ying Xing and Baiheng. She is... monitoring them," Dan Feng said, his choice of words careful, deliberate.

"Hmm? Why does it sound like a surprise about to happen?" Y/N's brow furrowed in confusion.

Dan Feng pressed his lips together, sealing them on the subject. "Anyway, are you still feeling fatigued?"

Y/N's gaze drifted back to the window, to the golden disk climbing the sky. "Surprisingly not..."

Dan Feng's eyebrow arched, skepticism written on his face. "Strange... Jingliu told me that you were feeling very sore and tired yesterday. Did she perhaps give you any medicine?"

Pondering, Y/N searched his memory. They had shared heartfelt conversations, trivial chatter, but no, no medicines. "No, she didn't. All she did was take care of me," Y/N said, his tone softening at the memory.

Dan Feng scribbled in his pamphlet, jotting down notes on his patient's status. After a few seconds, he closed the pamphlet with a snap and packed away his things.

"Well, I will keep you here for one more day, then you can go. For now, just report anything if you feel... funny," Dan Feng instructed, his tone suggesting this was more than a mere formality.

"Don't worry about me, just leave me to peace. I want to continue my sleep," Y/N said, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

With a chuckle, Dan Feng walked towards the door, his hand resting on the knob. Before opening it, he threw over his shoulder, "Good night then."

"Heh. Good night to you too," Y/N replied, the warmth in his voice belying the sarcasm of the words.

As Y/N turned in his bed, the room's shadows began to writhe and dance, as if alive, stalking the edges of his consciousness as he drifted back towards sleep.


A few hours into Y/N's slumber, a violent noise shattered the tranquility of the room—the doors were flung open with such force that they seemed to quake on their hinges.

Y/N's body jolted upright, though his eyes remained determinedly shut against the intrusion of reality. A moment passed before he let the light filter through his eyelids, revealing a world suddenly too sharp, too real.

"Y/N!" The voice cut through his grogginess, undeniably cheerful. It was Baiheng, his foxian friend, calling his name like a song.

"Hello, Baiheng," he greeted back, his voice gravelly with sleep.

"Hehe~ It's nice to see you in top condition," Baiheng replied. Her silver-purple hair shimmered as it cascaded down her back in gentle waves, the ends tickling the air with an almost musical whisper. Her azure eyes, deep and fathomless, sparkled with a lively energy, a stark contrast to her porcelain-like skin.

Y/N couldn't help but smile at her lighthearted compliment. His gaze then drifted to the duo standing behind her.

"Hello to you too, Jing Yuan and Ying Xing."

"Good morning, Master Y/N," Jing Yuan bowed slightly, the respect woven into his voice as much as his posture.

Ying Xing stood a little apart, his matured presence marked by fair skin, long blue hair with red tips, and eyes like smoldering embers. "A humble morning to you, Sir Y/N," the Artisan greeted with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

Y/N waved an arm in a casual salute. "What's the occasion?"

Baiheng plopped down beside his bed, an apple in hand. "What else? To visit you!" She took a bite, speaking around it. "When I heard Jingliu say you've awakened, I had to drag these boys along with me." Her gesture towards Jing Yuan and Ying Xing was playful, one chuckling, the other averting his gaze.

"Mmm," was all Y/N hummed in response.

A calm settled over the group, each lost in their own thoughts. Y/N remained seated on his bed, Baiheng munched on her fruit, Jing Yuan found a stool and settled nearby, while Ying Xing stood in contemplation, eyes closed, undoubtedly crafting his next masterpiece in his mind.

Finishing her fruit, Baiheng broke the silence. "Oh, Y/N. Have you heard about your promotion?"

His gaze snapped to her, intense and searching, causing Baiheng to shift uncomfortably.

Shaking his head as if to clear it, Y/N replied, "I did hear that from Jingliu. It's surprising to hear such a thing being decided by the Council."

"Master," Jing Yuan took over the conversation, "your strength has been recognized publicly, extending to our outside alliances and distant planets. And with your connection to Lord Lan, the promotion was inevitable."

Y/N's hum was an encouragement for him to continue.

"Also, Master Jingliu is acknowledged for her capabilities. She stands next to you in strength and leadership, meriting her promotion as well," Jing Yuan finished, his voice tinged with pride.

"So that's how it is," Y/N muttered, his understanding dawning.

"It is surprising, though," Baiheng interjected. "I was sure that you both would be promoted sooner, given that you two are, well, powerhouses."

Her words held weight, acknowledging the gravity of their tasks—eliminations, near-apocalyptic crises, always shouldered by him and Jingliu.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Ying Xing, you said that you were busy trying to forge a weapo—" Baiheng's words were cut short as Jing Yuan's hand slapped over her mouth.

"Eeek!" Her muffled protest vibrated through the room.

Curiosity piqued, Y/N's eyes flicked between them.

"N-nothing! Nothing to worry about!" Jing Yuan's voice held an edge of panic.

"Am I supposed to know?" Y/N inquired, his tone laced with suspicion.

Ying Xing stepped forward. "I prefer to keep it a secret for now. Sister Baiheng, Jing Yuan, and Master Huaiyan are the only ones aware," he explained, his voice even.

"Alright..." Y/N conceded, albeit with hesitation.

Ying Xing's gaze met Y/N's squarely. "May I inquire what truly transpired in the forest?"

"Why do you ask?" Y/N's voice was a low rumble of seriousness.

"Your greatsword, it's been tainted with something... alien. I seek understanding," Ying Xing stated calmly, unswayed by Y/N's intensity.

A softness crept into Y/N's eyes. "Still the inquisitive one, I see. Very well, I will share, but you must vow secrecy," he said, his gaze sweeping over Baiheng and Jing Yuan, who nodded earnestly.

As Ying Xing listened with rapt attention, Y/N recounted his mission to maim Shuhu, armed with Lan's blessing. He spoke of the power that nearly overwhelmed him, the destruction of Shuhu's magical core, and the summoned monstrosities by the leader of Abundance.

Jing Yuan and Baiheng shivered at the recollection, and Y/N halted, his narrative hanging unfinished in the air.

"Y/N?" Baiheng prodded gently.

A shadow of anger flickered across Y/N's face, his body tensing as the room began to tremble, the windows cracking under an invisible pressure.

"Wh-What's happening?" Jing Yuan's voice was a thread of fear.

Ying Xing stood, paralyzed by the vision of impending doom mirrored in Y/N's eyes.

The room's shadows twisted and surged towards Y/N, a dark tide seeking its master.

"Y/N! Snap out of it!" Baiheng's shout was a beacon in the chaos.

Y/N's hand flew to his face as the room's tremors intensified. Then, a sharp slap on the face by Baiheng echoed, and normalcy wrenched back into place, leaving behind the tangible signs of the outburst.

Y/N gasped, his gaze sweeping over his friends' fear-stricken faces.

"I... I wish to be alone, for now," he said, his voice laden with apology.

Jing Yuan, his legs barely holding him, took charge. "Understood... let's go, everyone."

Baiheng, pausing at the doorway, cast a lingering look back. "Rest well, Y/N."

Jing Yuan echoed her sentiment, but Ying Xing remained, a silent sentinel.

"Do you have more for me?" Y/N asked the Artisan.

"No... I shall depart." With that, Ying Xing turned and left, his shock ebbing away.

Y/N lay back, a silent plea to the fates that the day would bring no further turmoil.


Y/N surrendered once more to slumber, his consciousness drifting into the realm of dreams. There, the world transformed into an ethereal landscape where he was greeted by the Flint Emperor. The eastern dragon, an embodiment of ancient strength, appeared mellow against the backdrop of the dreamworld. Its majestic form, gargantuan and awe-inspiring, was a contrast to the serene expression it wore.

"Greetings, Y/N," the Heliobi spoke, its voice resonating like a melody of flames. With each word, sparks and embers danced from its nostrils, igniting the air around the morsels of meat skewered upon its colossal talons.

"Hello," Y/N responded, his voice flat, devoid of the usual resonance it carried in the waking world.

The black dragon regarded its human friend with eyes that held the wisdom of eons. "I sensed a great disturbance within you. Your emotions are scattered, tumultuous. You are not well, correct?" The dragon's inquiry was gentle, a stark contrast to the fierce fire it controlled.

Y/N nodded, the motion heavy with weariness, and settled into an imaginary chair that seemed to manifest from his need for comfort.

A profound silence enveloped them, punctuated only by the Flint Emperor's contented munching, the sound echoing in the hollow expanse of the dreamscape.

"I need to ask something," Y/N broke the stillness, his voice firmer now.

The Heliobi ceased its feasting, turning its vast head toward him. "Perhaps, your question is one connected to the recent events with Lan?" it surmised, its tone conveying an understanding that went beyond the words spoken.

Y/N offered only a nod in affirmation.

With a graceful undulation, the Flint Emperor rose, its smoky black form unfurling against the sky, scales glinting like obsidian. "Remember our discussion about the power hidden within you?" it prompted, its presence as imposing as the night sky.

The memory was clear in Y/N's mind—the revelation of something intrinsic and mysterious, shared between the Heliobi and Lan, shrouded in secrecy from him.

"I do remember," Y/N admitted. "Though you still have not told me what it is." His attempt at uncovering the truth was laced with a restrained urgency.

"And we intend to keep it so," the dragon's voice boomed, its timbre echoing as if they stood within a great furnace. "For your safety and ours, the secret must remain."

"Then... about that God?" Y/N shifted the topic, seeking another path to the answers he sought.

"Also interconnected," the Heliobi closed the avenue with a finality that allowed no argument.

The realm itself seemed to respond to Y/N's growing annoyance, shadows creeping in at the edges, a visual manifestation of his inner turmoil.

Sensing the shift, the Flint Emperor unleashed its aura, a spectacular display of fire that enveloped the space like a protective net. The creeping darkness dissolved under the onslaught of light and warmth.

"Calm yourself, Y/N," the dragon commanded, its authority indisputable. Y/N fell silent, his rebellion quenched by the dragon's display.

"Fine," he conceded, the fight draining from his voice. "I guess... I just have too much on my mind lately."

"Indeed..." The Flint Emperor's tone softened. "Why not divert ourselves with other topics?" it suggested, offering a reprieve from the weight of unanswered questions.

Gratefully, Y/N nodded, welcoming the change in conversation. Together, they traversed lighter subjects—lessons that shaped them, clarities that defined their paths, and stories that connected their worlds. In the company of the Flint Emperor, Y/N found a momentary peace, a respite from the burdens that lay in wakefulness.


Y/N's eyes fluttered open to the dim light of the evening, his mind weary yet content from the profound conversations with his celestial confidant. As the veil of sleep receded, he felt the familiar pang of hunger, his body reminding him of mortal needs.

In sync with his return to wakefulness, the door creaked open, and Jingliu stepped inside. Her silhouette was framed by the doorway, a basket in her hands, from which Y/N could discern the outlines of scrolls—a suggestion of work brought to his bedside. She was clad in a light blue dress that seemed to tread the line between functional and elegant, a testament to her readiness for both repose and battle.

As Jingliu shut the door, her gaze met Y/N's, her red eyes glinting with a joy that only intimacy could kindle, her lips curving into a subdued yet sincere smile.

"It is nice to see you awake, Y/N," she spoke, her voice a soft melody that eased the residual tension in his muscles.

"It is also nice to see you well, Jingliu," he replied, his smile a mirror to her own. She nodded in acknowledgment and glided toward the table, an heirloom piece adorned with the wisdom of the ages, before returning to his bedside with the basket.

The lid came off, releasing the tantalizing aroma of dumplings into the room. Y/N's stomach growled appreciatively, his eyes lighting up with a childlike glee. "For me?" he inquired with a playful tone.

With a nod, Jingliu wielded her chopsticks with the grace of a seasoned artisan, offering a plump dumpling to his lips. He accepted the morsel with an eager bite, the flavors bursting forth in a symphony that only Jingliu's culinary skills could orchestrate.

"Delicious as always," he praised, the taste lingering as a reminder of many shared meals past.

Flattered, Jingliu's cheeks took on a rosy hue, her joy bubbling to the surface. "I aim to please you," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You've already done so. Why not we share?" Y/N gestured to the basket, now revealed to hold enough to satisfy a small gathering.

Jingliu's expression faltered, her chopsticks hesitating mid-air. "But I want to feed you..." she murmured, a shade of melancholy in her voice.

"It's not like you'll stay here any longer, so why not we have a chatter while eating?" Y/N proposed, his suggestion hanging between them like an invitation to normalcy.

Shaking her head, Jingliu laid bare her intentions. "Why do you think I brought my work here? I intend to stay until you're discharged tomorrow."

"Oh," he uttered, taken aback by her dedication.

"Yes, 'oh'. Now, let me feed you in peace," she insisted, her determination gently overruling his protests.

Silence reclaimed the space as they finished their meal, a recurring motif that Y/N couldn't help but notice had defined the day. Needing to pierce the quietude, he initiated a conversation.

"Hey, Jingliu."

"Mm?" she responded, her focus on the last of her dumplings.

"I am scared. Scared of... what's happening to me," he confided, his voice a raw edge of vulnerability.

Her eating ceased, her gaze locking onto his with a depth of emotion that mirrored his own fear. She moved closer to him, her presence a silent vow of solidarity.

Jingliu's hand found his hand, their fingers intertwining, each drawing strength from the other's touch.

"I don't know what I'm feeling lately. Anger stirs within me at the thought of the Council's decisions, the past... even the words of friends. I'm growing sensitive..."

Outside, the shadows of the night seemed to writhe with life, a silent audience to their private moment. Inside, Jingliu's sadness and care for Y/N called forth a chill, ice creeping along the walls, a manifestation of her own latent powers responding to his turmoil.

The room became a nexus of conflicting energies, warmth battling cold, light against dark. Yet, as their auras mingled, the elemental chaos subsided, their complementing forces neutralizing the disturbance.

A troubling thought flickered through Jingliu's mind—the Mara, the curse—could it be reaching for Y/N with such swiftness? She cast the fear aside, unwilling to surrender to despair.

In the quiet of the room, as the conflicting energies of warmth and cold, light and dark, found equilibrium, Jingliu's gaze remained locked with Y/N's. Her expression, usually so composed, now carried a vulnerability that mirrored his own.

"I'm scared too," she whispered, her voice trembling like a leaf in a gentle breeze. "Scared for you, and for myself. This... what's happening to us, it's uncharted territory."

Y/N's response was not in words, but in action. He reached out, his arms encircling her in a gentle embrace, a silent acknowledgment of their shared fears and uncertainties. The connection between them, always strong, now felt like the only sure thing in a sea of tumult.

Jingliu, usually so self-reliant and poised, allowed herself to be held. The scrolls and work she had brought, once symbols of her duty and focus, lay forgotten as Y/N's voice, soft yet firm, cut through the stillness.

"Come, sit with me," he urged. "Let's just be together."

Reluctantly at first, but then with growing ease, Jingliu climbed onto the bed, her movements cautious yet fluid. As she settled beside him, the room seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. The shadows that had lurked with intent now receded, their ominous presence dissipating. Similarly, the creeping ice on the walls withdrew, its cold tendrils retreating as if soothed by their newfound harmony.

There, in the dim light of the room, they sat in silence, not needing words to communicate the depth of their bond. Y/N and Jingliu, two souls adrift in a world of chaos and power, found solace in the simple warmth of each other's presence.

End of Chapter

A/N: Genesis Arc is almost over, we have about 5-6 chapters left then we will go back to the present. That is all, thank you.

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