Genesis Arc - Ch. Nine: The Guardians' Vigil

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.


The morning sun cast a golden glow over the city of Xianzhou Luofu, illuminating its futuristic skyline and the two figures standing atop the Cloud Knights' citadel. Y/N, his hair catching the light, sheathed his greatsword, a weapon that had become a symbol of hope in these troubled times. Jingliu, with her pale hair and red eyes, surveyed the horizon — her elegant, poised demeanor belied the strategic genius within.

"Another day, another mission," Y/N said, his voice carrying a lightness that contradicted the tension they both felt.

Jingliu nodded, her gaze still fixed on the city they were sworn to protect. "Yes, but this one feels different. The Mara-struck are growing bolder, and the Council is worried."

Their reputation as the city's protectors was well-earned; their previous encounters with the Mara-struck soldiers had showcased their valor and combat prowess. The people of Xianzhou Luofu looked up to them, and with that admiration came a weight of expectation.

Inside the briefing room, the air was thick with urgency. A senior councilor, his face etched with concern, outlined the disturbing increase in Mara incidents. The room's holographic display flickered with images of chaos and destruction — the hallmark of the Mara-struck.

Y/N leaned forward, his brows furrowed. "Do we have any leads on what's causing the escalation?" he asked, his directness cutting to the heart of the matter.

The councilor shook his head. "That's what we need you to find out. This mission is reconnaissance but be prepared for engagement. We cannot allow the Mara to spread unchecked."

Jingliu interjected, her voice calm and controlled. "We'll need full access to the sector's records and any intelligence on the Mara's movements. If there's a pattern, we'll find it."

With the mission details laid out before them, Y/N and Jingliu retreated to the armory to prepare. Y/N ran his hands over the greatsword, its dark steel surface whispering of battles past and those to come.

Jingliu watched him, a flicker of something soft crossing her features. "You always seem so calm before a mission," she said. "I wish I could feel that way."

Y/N looked up, a smile playing on his lips. "Who says I'm calm? I just trust in my sword and in you. We've faced worse, and we're still here."

Jingliu's lips curved into a smile, her eyes reflecting a trust that was forged in countless battles. "Then let's ensure it stays that way. I'll go over the star charts and plot our course."

As they boarded their ship, the gravity of their task was palpable. The sector in question was a fringe area, known for its silence and desolation. But as the ship's engines hummed to life, Y/N and Jingliu settled into their roles with the ease of seasoned veterans, ready to confront whatever lay in the shadows of the unknown.

The ship cut through the cosmos, its destination a small speck in the vastness of space. Inside, Y/N sharpened his greatsword, the blade's reflection in his eyes. Jingliu poured over the data, her red eyes scanning for any clue that might give them an edge.

"Remember," Jingliu said, her voice steady, "we stick to the plan. In and out, no unnecessary risks."

Y/N nodded, his grip on the greatsword firm and reassuring. "Agreed. Let's solve this mystery and get back home."

The ship approached the sector, the silence of space a stark reminder of the isolation that awaited them. As they prepared to disembark, Y/N and Jingliu shared a look of unspoken understanding — they were the guardians of Xianzhou Luofu, and they would do whatever it took to keep the shadows at bay.


As the Starskiff glided through the skies of Xianzhou Luofu, Y/N and Jingliu prepared for their descent to the Alchemy Commission. The city below was a mosaic of past and future; ancient structures stood side by side with modern marvels, all harmonized under the watchful gaze of Luofu's guardians.

The Alchemy Commission revealed itself like a tranquil kingdom amidst the clouds, its elegant bridges and tranquil waterways a stark contrast to the bustling city. The Commission's spires, crowned with the fiery foliage of autumn, pierced the misty sky, beckoning the Starskiff to its destination.

Jingliu leaned slightly against Y/N, her head resting comfortably against his sturdy shoulder. "I always feel a sense of peace when we come here," she said, her voice imbued with a rare softness.

Y/N looked down at her with a warm smile, his arm instinctively curling around her shoulders. "It's a good change of pace from the chaos we usually find ourselves in," he replied, his gaze lingering on the orange leaves that mirrored the color of her eyes.

The Starskiff's pilots, a pair whose skill was only outmatched by their discretion, expertly navigated the air currents, their silent efficiency allowing the duo a moment of respite. "Brace for landing," one of the pilots called out, his voice a gentle reminder of the task at hand.

Jingliu lifted her head, her pale hair cascading back as she stood up straight, readying herself. "Thank you, Y/N," she said, her eyes locking with his, "for the quiet moments as much as the chaos."

Y/N chuckled, his hand briefly squeezing hers before letting go. "I'll take the quiet moments with you over chaos with anyone else, any day."

Their shared laughter was a soft note that filled the Starskiff, a moment of lightness before the gravity of their mission reclaimed its hold on them. The Starskiff touched down on the Alchemy Commission's landing platform with the grace of a falling leaf, signaling the end of their brief respite.

As they disembarked, the duo's demeanor shifted, the familiarity of their bond giving way to the focus required for the task ahead. They moved with practiced ease, their presence a blend of youthful vigor and hardened resolve.

Stepping onto the platform, they surveyed their surroundings, the Commission's beauty doing little to mask the peril of their mission. Yet, in the face of uncertainty, Y/N and Jingliu found strength in their unspoken promises and the shared glances that said more than words ever could.

"Together, as always," Y/N affirmed, his hand resting on the pommel of his greatsword.

Jingliu nodded, drawing her lightsword with an elegance that belied its deadly purpose. "Together," she echoed.

With the quiet confidence born of countless battles fought side by side, they advanced into the Alchemy Commission, ready to unearth the secrets it held and face whatever unknown dangers awaited them.


Y/N and Jingliu approached the Alchemy Commission with a blend of caution and awe. The structure before them was a marvel of Xianzhou Luofu's advanced design, where ancient aesthetics met futuristic technology. Bridges spanned between floating platforms, gardens in mid-air burst with fall's vibrant hues, and waterways glistened beneath, reflecting the complex like a mirror world.

As they navigated the intricate walkways, the scars of battle marred the Commission's beauty. Jingliu's gaze fell upon the bodies strewn across the ground, some pinned brutally against walls. "What could cause such violence?" she whispered, a grimace crossing her features.

Y/N crouched by one of the fallen, examining the grotesque mutations that twisted their form. "Mara," he said, his voice low and steady. "It's claimed more of our own." The soldiers were unrecognizable, their limbs elongated, skin marred with growths, and eyes empty of sanity.

A rustling alerted them to danger. With swift, coordinated precision, Y/N and Jingliu drew their weapons, facing the approaching threat. The Mara-struck creatures lumbered toward them, their movements erratic, a grotesque mimicry of their former humanity.

Y/N stepped forward, his greatsword sheathed. With each punch he threw, a shockwave followed, sending the Mara-struck flying like ragdolls. Jingliu watched with a mix of admiration and concern. "Be careful, Y/N," she called out, her lightsword at the ready.

The battle was fierce but brief. Y/N's raw strength was unmatched, and soon the corridor lay silent, save for the distant hum of the Commission's core.

In the aftermath of the skirmish, Jingliu knelt beside a curious object amidst the debris. It was a small, spent pellet, its surface charred, yet still faintly exuding a wisp of smoky residue tinged with the essence of Mara. Her fingers, encased in tactical gloves, gingerly picked it up, examining it with a mix of intrigue and caution.

"This could be a part of what caused the transformation," Jingliu posited, her voice carrying an analytical edge as she scrutinized the pellet. "Some kind of catalyst or... a trigger."

Y/N leaned in, his eyes narrowing. "It's spent, but it still holds the taint of Mara," he observed. "We need to safeguard it for analysis."

Without a word, Jingliu reached into her utility belt, retrieving a small, sturdy case designed for the containment of hazardous materials. She carefully placed the pellet inside, sealing it with a hiss as the case locked shut, ensuring the malignant smoke was securely contained within.

"There," she said, a faint sense of accomplishment in her tone despite the grim setting. "We'll bring this back to the scholars. It might just be the lead we need."

Y/N gave a firm nod, impressed by her forethought. "Good thinking. Let's keep moving. The answers we're looking for are here somewhere, and this," he gestured to the case in Jingliu's hand, "might just help us find them."

With the pellet safely stowed away, the pair continued their investigation, the weight of the small case in Jingliu's possession a physical reminder of the mission's importance and the urgency that drove them forward.

Together, they decided to delve deeper into the Commission, seeking answers that would shed light on the darkness of the Mara curse. Their determination was a beacon, guiding them through the shadows of uncertainty and danger.

Y/N surveyed the eerie quiet of the Alchemy Commission, his grip on his greatsword unyielding. "Whatever secrets this place is hiding," he said with a steely gaze, "we're going to drag them into the light."

Jingliu, securing the protective case at her side, gave a wry smile. "Just another day's work for us," she quipped, though her posture was battle-ready. "Let's just hope the scholars can make sense of this mess."

Y/N glanced at her, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "You trust the scholars to get it right this time?"

With a snort, Jingliu started forward, her lightsword in hand. "More than I trust your cooking skills, that's for certain."

Y/N chuckled, following her lead. "Ouch, you wound me, Jingliu."


The stillness of the Alchemy Commission's ornate outdoor corridors was shattered when Y/N's communicator erupted with the sharp chirp of an incoming distress signal. The holographic emblem of the Cloud Knights flashed urgently, bathing Y/N and Jingliu's faces in a flickering blue light. Jingliu leaned in, her eyes narrowing as she pinpointed the signal's origin. "A distress call, and it's close. We have to move—now."

Y/N's jaw clenched with determination as he nodded, his voice firm. "Let's go, Jingliu."

Jingliu sprang into action, her lightsword igniting with a hum that sliced through the silence. She raced down the corridor, her stride swift and purposeful, with Y/N's heavy footsteps close behind. As they turned a corner, the emblem on Y/N's communicator projected a directional arrow onto the floor, guiding them through the labyrinthine Commission with unerring accuracy.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jingliu surged ahead, her lightsword a streak of vibrant energy that cut through the darkness. The Mara-struck, drawn by the commotion, emerged from the shadows, their twisted forms a grotesque barrier between the duo and the imperiled research team.

Y/N followed suit, unleashing the raw power at his command. He chose to forgo the greatsword, relying instead on the sheer might of his fists. Each punch he delivered resonated with the force of a miniaturized tempest, generating shockwaves that sent the Mara-struck flying back, disintegrating upon impact.

The Mara-struck fell in droves before Jingliu's relentless advance and Y/N's thunderous blows, their rescue mission cutting a clear path through the chaos. The signal from the communicator grew stronger with each step, guiding them through the Commission's intricate network of corridors and chambers toward the source of the distress call.

As they approached the lab where the signal originated, the corridor widened into a grand chamber. The door at the end was sealed, the sounds of distress echoing from within. Jingliu reached the door first, slicing through the lock with a swift motion of her lightsword. The door slid open, revealing a group of researchers huddled together, terror written across their faces.

"We're here to get you out!" Jingliu announced, her presence commanding their attention amidst the fear and confusion.

Y/N took position by the door, his eyes sweeping over the researchers. "Stay close," he instructed, his voice leaving no room for doubt. "We'll cover you."

With the researchers in tow, the pair retraced their steps, Y/N and Jingliu weaving a protective net of steel and light around the vulnerable group. Each step back through the Commission was a step toward safety, their combined might an unbreakable shield against the terrors of the Mara.

They navigated back through the corridors they had cleared, the researchers following closely, their trust in the guardians complete. As they emerged from the Commission into the safety of the daylight, Y/N and Jingliu allowed themselves a moment of respite, the successful rescue bolstering their resolve.

The research team was now safe, thanks to the swift and decisive actions of the duo.

A researcher stepped forward, his hand outstretched in gratitude. "You saved our lives. We are in your debt, guardians."

Y/N clasped the man's hand firmly. "No worries, just doing our job," he said.


In the aftermath of the rescue, the researcher group led them to the Alchemy Commission's main lab, which was a flurry of activity. Amidst the chaos, Jingliu's hand hovered over the protective case as she unveiled the mysterious pellet to the gathered researchers of the Alchemy Commission. A pall of silence draped the room, shattered only when a researcher, his eyes reflecting a maelstrom of memory and fear, presented a dossier that spoke of the pellet's malevolent origins.

"This... this was meant to remain under the shroud of the highest clearance," another researcher accused, his voice a cocktail of fear and anger.

Y/N and Jingliu absorbed the unfolding drama, their silence a canvas for the tempest of information that soon broke free. The research leader, a woman whose age was masked by the vibrancy of her intellect, stepped forward, her gaze apologetic yet piercing as she addressed the duo.

"Forgive the disorder," she began, her voice firm. "The pellet you've brought was part of an initiative—twisted in intent—to fashion a biological armament from Mara. Our goal was to dismantle its secrets for a cure, but treachery seems to have turned our tool into terror."

Y/N cut through the tension with a decisive edge. "Information on this—every scrap of it—is what we need," he said, his usual warmth replaced by the cold steel of necessity.

The leader's eyes met his, a silent acknowledgment passing between them before she divulged the bitter truth. "It was to be our shield against Mara, twisted now into a sword by hands unseen. A biological machination gone awry."

With the gravity of the situation bearing down upon them, Y/N gestured discreetly to Jingliu. "Stay here, gather what information you can. I'll keep watch outside," he murmured.

Jingliu's protest died in her throat at Y/N's unyielding expression. She nodded tersely, turning back to the leader as Y/N stepped into the corridor, the sentinel of their purpose.

Time crept by a silent sentinel itself, until the peace was rent asunder by a sudden, violent force that sent Y/N hurtling through the Commission's walls. Amidst the rubble, he rose, a figure of defiance, to confront the attacker—a colossal gorilla, its presence an affront to nature.

The creature was an amalgam of fury and majesty, clad in armor that married beauty with the promise of destruction. Its golden armor plates were etched with symbols of a forgotten time, and its azure fur danced with the potential of unharnessed power.

"Alright, big guy. Show me what you got!" Y/N announced with blazing intent.

With a roar that shook the remnants of the Commission, the gorilla charged, fists like boulders aimed with deadly intent. Y/N met the assault with his bare hands, his own power resonating through the air, a testament to his mastery over the brute force that he wielded as expertly as his greatsword.

Jingliu emerged from the wreckage, her eyes taking in the scene—a testament to Y/N's indomitable spirit. Her focus sharpened as the Mara-struck closed in, a tide of corrupted flesh and twisted metal.

Her challenge was clear, her red eyes ablaze with the promise of battle. The Mara-struck faltered, their advance stymied by the aura of imminent demise that clung to her.

And then she was upon them, her lightsword a conductor's baton orchestrating a symphony of destruction. Each movement was a note in a lethal melody, each fallen foe a testament to her deadly grace.

Y/N grappled with the gorilla, their battle a clash of titans, each blow from the creature parried with a counterstrike that turned momentum into weapon. The soldiers, drawn by the commotion, formed a perimeter, their awe palpable as they bore witness to the relentless battle waged by their champions.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the skirmish ended. The gorilla lay defeated, Y/N's fists and Jingliu's blade the heralds of silence once more. The soldiers rushed to aid, their reverence for the duo a tangible force, while the civilians who had gathered spoke in hushed tones of the valor they had witnessed.

Y/N, still catching his breath from the skirmish, turned his attention back to the Commission. The reinforcements had swiftly formed a protective cordon around the research team, their professionalism a comforting presence in the chaos. The researchers themselves, though shaken, were accounted for and safe, thanks to Jingliu's decisive action.

"Looks like the team is secure," Jingliu noted, her relief evident as she watched the soldiers escort the researchers to safety.

"Yes, they're in good hands now," Y/N replied, finally sheathing his greatsword. The weapon, though not drawn in the battle against the gorilla, remained a steadfast symbol of his readiness to defend.

Y/N and Jingliu, their clothes marred by battle, their breaths ragged from exertion, shared a look of camaraderie. In the aftermath, as cheers rose around them, their bond remained unshaken, their resolve unbroken.

Jingliu managed a smile, her eyes softening. "Seems we can't go one day without the world needing saving," she quipped, her voice betraying the fatigue that nipped at her edges.

Y/N's laughter was a balm to the day's injuries. "Well, if the world insists," he replied, his eyes glinting with humor, "who are we to deny it the pleasure of our company?"

Few minutes later, they were at the edge of the Alchemy Commission's landing zone, Y/N approached the leader of the reinforcements, his expression serious and commander-like. "We need a full sweep of the labs and the research team's activities. Anything out of the ordinary, I want it documented and reported to the Council," he instructed, his voice leaving no room for argument.

The leader, a seasoned knight with the insignia of Xianzhou Luofu on his armor, nodded in understanding. "You can count on us, Sir. We'll comb through every detail."

Jingliu, overhearing the exchange, raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Delegating your paperwork now, are we?" she teased, a slight smirk playing on her lips.

Y/N turned to her, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and reached out to rub the top of her head in a playful, affectionate gesture. "Efficiency is key, Jingliu. Besides, I have the best partner to keep me in line, don't I?"

Her face flushed with a blush that matched the red of her eyes, Jingliu swatted his hand away, a stammer betraying her usual composure. "Stop that... I'm not a child," she protested, her voice faltering slightly.

His laughter was light and genuine. "You're not denying it, though, right?" he asked, his tone gentle despite the jest.

Jingliu responded with a defiant "Hmph," though the corners of her mouth twitched upward, failing to hide her amusement.

With a final chuckle, Y/N turned back to the horizon, the setting sun casting long shadows behind them. "Let's go home, Jingliu. Mission accomplished—for now."


Inside the grand chamber of the Xianzhou Luofu Council, Y/N and Jingliu stood before the gathered councilors, their recent return from the Alchemy Commission still fresh. The chamber, with its high vaulted ceilings and holographic displays of Xianzhou's skyline, was a testament to the city's power and progress.

Y/N, his greatsword now a silent observer by his side, began the debriefing. "The mission has given us valuable insights into the Mara's behavior and a possible lead on its source," he stated confidently, the data from the Alchemy Commission's findings displayed behind him in intricate 3D models.

One of the councilors, a woman with sharp eyes and a knowing smile, leaned forward. "And the full report? Will you be compiling the information personally?" she inquired, a playful edge to her voice.

With a casual shrug, Y/N replied, "The team at the Commission is handling the details. They're more... acquainted with the paperwork."

Laughter and light-hearted sighs filled the chamber. "Always finding ways to make your job easier, huh?" another councilor joked, shaking his head.

"The efficiency of delegation," Y/N quipped with a half-smile, earning a few more chuckles before the councilors excused themselves, leaving Y/N and Jingliu alone in the vast chamber.

Once the councilors had dispersed, Y/N turned to Jingliu, his expression softening. "Seems like we're heroes once more," he said, his eyes reflecting the weight of their responsibility.

Jingliu, her usual composure adorned with a touch of pride, nodded. "It's a title we carry well," she replied, her eyes meeting his. "But it's the quiet moments afterward, like this, that I cherish the most."

Y/N reached out, his hand finding hers, their fingers intertwining naturally. "Your strength has been my anchor," he admitted, "and I'm grateful for every battle, every moment, every victory we share."

Jingliu's possessiveness, often hidden beneath layers of diplomacy and elegance, surfaced in the gentle squeeze of her hand. "Just remember, those victories... they're ours. No one else's," she said, a hint of territoriality in her voice.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Y/N affirmed, his thumb gently caressing her hand.

The chamber's ambient light played across their faces, casting a serene glow as they stood together in silent reflection. The battles they had faced, the lives they had saved, and the bond they had forged were their legacy, a legacy that would continue to grow with each rising sun.

"Let's go home, Jingliu," Y/N said after a moment, his voice filled with a quiet strength. "Together, as we always do."

With a final glance at the chamber, a monument to their city's resilience, Y/N and Jingliu stepped out, their silhouettes merging with the light as they walked side by side, ready for whatever the future held.


End of Chapter


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