Genesis Arc - Ch. Ten: Hearts Unfolding

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In the hush of early morning, Jingliu sat in the tranquility of her room, a sanctuary of memories and quiet contemplation. Fourteen years had passed since she and Y/N first set foot in Xianzhou Luofu. At 24 years old, both had reached the peak of their physical age, a unique trait of their Xianzhou heritage. Their bodies had ceased aging, frozen in time like eternal sculptures of youth, yet their spirits had matured, seasoned by battles and the passage of time.

Jingliu's reflection in the mirror revealed the unchanged, ethereal beauty characteristic of the Xianzhou natives. Her pale hair cascaded over well-defined shoulders, framing a face that was the epitome of elegance. Despite the lack of physical aging, her eyes told stories of experiences far beyond her years.

Her figure was a blend of strength and grace, embodying the prowess of a seasoned warrior. She possessed a well-endowed form that could turn heads, yet it was her aura of confidence and resilience that truly defined her. The way she carried herself spoke of a woman who had faced the world's harshness and emerged stronger, a guardian in her own right.

As she gazed at the portrait of herself and Y/N, she pondered the paradox of their existence – ageless in body yet ever-evolving in spirit. It was a duality that defined their race, blessed with longevity but cursed with the inevitable shadow of Mara.

The quiet of the morning was a stark contrast to the usual lively atmosphere when Y/N was around. Jingliu made her way to the kitchen, each step echoing in the empty house. The absence of Y/N's laughter, his easy-going presence, left a palpable void. She missed the simple moments they shared – his playful teasing, their shared meals, the comfort of his presence.

While preparing her morning tea, Jingliu's mind wandered through the years. From their first challenging days in Xianzhou Luofu, through countless trials and moments of shared triumph, to the present day. Their journey together had been a tapestry of shared battles, laughter, and unspoken understandings.

She leaned against the counter, her eyes unfocused, lost in thought. "It's strange," she murmured to herself, "how his absence makes the house feel so... empty." Her voice, usually monotone when addressing others, carried a hint of vulnerability, a rare crack in her composed façade.

Embracing the solitude, Jingliu sipped her tea, its warmth offering little solace. She reminded herself of her duty, of her role as a guardian. She was more than just one half of a pair; she was Jingliu, a protector in her own right.

Stepping out into the morning light, Jingliu embodied the strength and determination that had always defined her. Her heart might have longed for Y/N's return, but she knew their paths would cross again soon. For now, she had a duty to fulfill, a city to protect, and a legacy to uphold.

As she walked through the streets of Luofu, her presence was a reassuring sight to the people. Jingliu, the guardian, the unchanging yet ever-evolving warrior, continued her vigil, a testament to the enduring spirit of the Xianzhou natives.

Yet, today, she found herself alone, patrolling the city without her constant companion. It was an unusual sight for the people of Luofu, who had grown accustomed to seeing the formidable duo always side by side. Jingliu's solitary figure, while still commanding respect, seemed to lack the balance that Y/N's presence brought.


Jingliu walked the streets of Xianzhou Luofu with measured steps, her presence a familiar sight to its inhabitants. The sun cast long shadows on the ground, mirroring the long trail of memories that played in her mind. She reflected on the days gone by, the journey she had shared with Y/N, from their adventurous beginnings to the formidable warriors they had become.

Their first meeting in the forest, a clash of wills and skills, surfaced in her mind. She remembered how Y/N's straightforward nature had both irked and intrigued her. The memory of their training under the Wanderer brought a rare, faint smile to her lips. Those were the days of relentless practice, of learning and growing together.

Her thoughts darkened as she recalled the loss of their home, the devastation that had shaped their destiny. It was then that they had truly become warriors, their resolve forged in the fires of adversity. Jingliu's hand unconsciously went to her lightsword, a symbol of that transformation.

Lost in her reverie, she was brought back to the present by a group of children who approached her with wide-eyed admiration. "Miss Jingliu!" one of them called out, her voice laced with excitement. "You're so cool! Where's Mr. Y/N? We miss his funny jokes!"

Jingliu's flat smile did little to hide the pang of loneliness at the mention of Y/N. "He's on a mission," she replied, maintaining her composed demeanor. "But don't worry, I'm here."

The children's faces lit up with delight. "You're amazing too, Miss Jingliu!" another child exclaimed. "You're our hero!"

One of the younger ones, a boy with curious eyes, tilted his head. "Why can't you join Mr. Y/N on his mission?"

Her heart skipped a beat. 'I wished,' she thought fleetingly. To the children, she said, "He is strong. He can handle any opponent. He'll be fine."

The children cheered, reassured by her words. As they ran off, they looked back, waving enthusiastically. "Bye, Miss Jingliu! Stay safe!" their voices echoed in the air.

Jingliu waved back, a sense of bittersweet pride filling her. Y/N's absence was a void, but the children's admiration reminded her of the impact they had made together.

She continued her patrol, the children's laughter fading into the distance. Each step was a reminder of her path, a path she had walked with Y/N. Their shared history was a tapestry of triumphs, challenges, and unspoken bonds.

As she moved through the city, Jingliu's thoughts lingered on Y/N. His honesty, his directness, and the way he always seemed to understand her without words. She missed his presence, his playful teasing, and the effortless way he lightened the burden of their duties.

She looked up at the sky, its vast expanse a mirror of her thoughts. 'Soon,' she thought, 'we'll walk these streets together again.' The thought brought a sense of comfort, a reminder that their paths, though momentarily diverged, were forever intertwined.

Jingliu's solitary figure continued its vigil, a guardian not just of Xianzhou Luofu, but of the memories and dreams that she and Y/N had woven together. In the quiet of her patrol, she found strength in the reflection of their shared eternity.


The sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink as Jingliu concluded her day's patrol. The quiet streets of Xianzhou Luofu whispered stories of peace, a testament to the guardians who kept watch over them. As she walked, her thoughts were a silent companion, echoing with the memories and absent laughter of Y/N.

Her solitary journey was interrupted by the approach of the Cloud Knights, a group of young warriors whose respect for her was evident in their admiring gazes. "Commander Jingliu," one of them, a young man with an earnest expression, stepped forward. "We'll take over the patrol from here. You should rest."

Jingliu nodded, acknowledging their duty with a simple gesture. "Stay safe," she said, her voice steady yet soft. The Knights' chests swelled with pride at her words, their admiration for her unwavering as she turned to leave.

The walk home was a quiet one, the city's sounds fading into the background. As she entered the house she shared with Y/N, the absence of his vibrant energy was palpable. The walls, once echoing with their shared laughter and conversations, now stood silent, a stark reminder of his absence.

In the solitude of their home, Jingliu changed into her training attire, a functional ensemble that mirrored her disciplined nature. She moved to the kitchen, her movements automatic as she prepared dumplings. The familiar process was a small comfort, the dumplings' warmth a brief respite from the cold void left by Y/N's departure.

With dinner finished, a sense of restlessness took hold of Jingliu. The house, too quiet and too empty, pushed her to seek solace in the familiar routine of training. She stepped into the field behind their home, the grass cool under her feet, the moon casting a gentle glow over her solitary figure.

Her sword, an extension of her will, moved with precision in her hands. She executed swing after swing, each stroke a testament to her skill and discipline. Yet, despite the physical exertion, her heart felt hollow, the usual satisfaction from training eluding her.

"Ten thousand swings," she whispered to herself, a ritualistic warm-up that had always grounded her. But tonight, each swing felt like a reminder of Y/N's absence, a void that not even the most rigorous training could fill.

With a sigh, Jingliu reset her stance, determined to push through the emptiness. The night air was cool against her skin, the only witness to her solitary struggle. She swung her sword with renewed intensity, each movement an attempt to silence the loneliness that gnawed at her.

The field, usually a place of strength and focus, felt different without Y/N's presence. It was here they had trained together, pushed each other to greater heights, and shared silent moments of understanding.

As she continued her routine, the moon climbed higher in the sky, its light a silent companion in the darkness. Jingliu's movements became a dance of shadows and light, her dedication unwavering despite the ache in her heart.

She finished her training with a final, forceful swing, her breathing heavy, her spirit unyielding. "For now, this will have to do," she said to the night, her voice carrying a resolve that defied her inner turmoil.

Turning back to the house, Jingliu's silhouette blended with the darkness, a lone guardian finding strength in the echoes of the past and the promise of a reunion on the horizon.


The following day dawned much like the last, with Jingliu awakening to the stillness of a home missing its other half. Her routine was unaltered: preparing for the day, donning her guardian attire, and setting out for her patrol across Xianzhou Luofu. The city, bathed in the soft morning light, began to stir with life as she walked its streets, a solitary figure of strength and resolve.

Her path intersected with a group of Cloud Knights, young warriors who regarded her with a mix of respect and concern. "Commander Jingliu," one of them addressed her, "are you sure you're okay to handle more patrols?"

Jingliu's reply was as calm and unemotional as ever, her voice betraying none of the inner turmoil from the previous night. "I am fine," she stated matter-of-factly. "Such responsibilities are only temporary, until Y/N returns."

The knights exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them. Finally, one spoke up, his tone earnest, "Then allow us to take over some of your duties when he's back. Consider it our way of showing gratitude."

A brief flicker of amusement crossed Jingliu's features. 'Me time with Y/N,' she mused silently. Aloud, she simply nodded, accepting their offer. "Very well. That would be appreciated."

As the group departed, their voices fading into the distance, Jingliu couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the thought of having more time alone with Y/N upon his return.

Her patrol led her through the city's market district, a bustling hub of activity and gossip. It was here, amidst the throng of people, that Jingliu's keen ears picked up a conversation that made her stop in her tracks.

A group of noble ladies, adorned in their finery, were animatedly discussing the city's heroes. "That Y/N is quite the hero, isn't he? So brave and strong," one lady gushed.

Jingliu felt a surge of pride at the mention of Y/N, agreeing silently with their assessment. But her mood quickly soured as the conversation took an unexpected turn.

"Indeed," another lady chimed in, "I've been considering sending a marriage proposal his way. Imagine being wed to such a man."

The words struck Jingliu like a physical blow. A wave of intense jealousy, sharp and unexpected, washed over her. Her fists clenched involuntarily, and she felt a heat rising within her, a mix of anger and something else she couldn't quite place.

'Why am I reacting like this?' she wondered, taken aback by the ferocity of her emotions. She had never considered her feelings for Y/N in a romantic light, but the very idea of someone else vying for his attention ignited a fire within her that she couldn't ignore.

Shaking her head to dispel the unwelcome thoughts, Jingliu quickened her pace, leaving the chattering ladies and their matrimonial schemes behind. The rest of her patrol passed in a blur, her mind a tumult of confusion and unexplored emotions.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the city, Jingliu found herself at a training field. The rhythm of her sword swings, usually a source of clarity and focus, did little to ease the turmoil in her heart.

'What does this mean?' she pondered, each swing punctuated by the growing realization of her deep, possessive feelings for Y/N. 'And what am I to do with these emotions?'

The field, her sanctuary of discipline and order, now echoed with the chaotic beat of her heart, a heart that longed for the return of the one who had unknowingly claimed it.


The evening had settled over Xianzhou Luofu, draping the city in a blanket of tranquil darkness. Jingliu, having completed her report to the commission with her usual efficiency, found herself back in the solitude of her home. The quiet was more pronounced at night, each tick of the clock a reminder of Y/N's absence.

Restlessly, she lay in her bed, adorned in a simple gown that contrasted with her day's armor. Sleep, usually a swift visitor, evaded her grasp tonight. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, all orbiting around Y/N – his laugh, his strength, his unwavering presence. 'Why does his absence affect me so?' she pondered, a frown creasing her otherwise calm features.

Unable to find peace in the soft embrace of her bed, Jingliu rose, her movements fluid yet tinged with an unfamiliar restlessness. She paced her room, each step an echo of her internal struggle.

Her gaze landed on the portrait of her and Y/N, a captured moment of triumph and shared joy. Without a word, she approached it, lifting it gently as if it were the most precious treasure. Her fingers traced the edges of the frame, her eyes lingering on Y/N's face. It was a face she knew as well as her own, yet now it seemed to hold secrets she had never noticed before.

Jingliu carried the portrait back to her bed, sitting on the edge as she continued to study it. The image of them, side by side, commanders and comrades, sparked a warmth in her heart – a warmth that now felt like a burning flame.

The realization of her deepening feelings for Y/N dawned on her slowly, like the sun creeping over the horizon. These feelings had evolved, grown from the seeds of camaraderie and mutual respect into something more complex, more profound. 'Is this what jealousy feels like?' she questioned silently, a mix of frustration and confusion swirling within her.

Her mind replayed the conversations she had overheard, the noble ladies' words stinging like thorns. The thought of Y/N with someone else ignited a fierce protectiveness, an emotion she had never associated with their partnership.

'Our bond... has it always been more than just comrades-in-arms?' Jingliu pondered, her heart a tumultuous sea of uncharted emotions. The portrait in her hands seemed to hold answers she was only now beginning to seek.

She set the portrait down gently, as if afraid to disturb the peace it depicted. Leaning back, Jingliu closed her eyes, allowing the silence of the night to envelop her. The realization that her feelings for Y/N had transcended the boundaries of friendship was both exhilarating and terrifying.

In the quiet of her room, Jingliu faced her own heart – a heart that had silently given itself to the one person who had been her constant through every trial and triumph. As the night deepened, so did her understanding of the profound connection she shared with Y/N, a connection that was now taking a new, unexplored path.

Yet, amidst the turmoil of her emotions, a sense of clarity began to emerge. Her feelings, though complex, were genuine. They were a reflection of the years spent by Y/N's side, of the challenges faced and the victories celebrated together. Jingliu knew that whatever the future held, her bond with Y/N was an integral part of who she was – and who she was meant to be.


The morning greeted Jingliu with the same silence that had become her unwelcome companion since Y/N's departure. On this break day, her routine was her own to command, and she seized it with the vigor of one seeking to fill the void left by an absent partner. Her training was a tempest of motion and determination, each swing and thrust of her blade slicing through the air with renewed purpose.

As sweat beaded on her brow, a testament to her efforts, Jingliu allowed herself the release of a well-earned shower, washing away not just the physical exertions but the lingering shadows of solitude. Dressed in a casual outfit, with her lightsword a silent sentinel at her side, she stepped out into the day, her destination clear in her mind.

Arriving at the Exalting Sanctum, the eternal twilight sky cast an otherworldly glow over the scene. The area, a tapestry of tradition and tranquility, buzzed with the gentle murmur of awe-struck passersby. Their respect was palpable, offering her space as if to honor the introspective journey she embarked upon.

The Sanctum, with its serene water features and architecture that whispered of ancient legacies, evoked a cascade of memories. Each corner, each stone, held echoes of laughter and shared secrets with Y/N. Jingliu's heart ached with a bitter-sweetness, her strides a dance between the present and the past.

Finding solace at the Pavilion, the world seemed to pause, the staff recognizing her presence with a mixture of reverence and delight. The owner, a figure of deceptive youth, approached with the familiarity of old friends.

"The usual, Miss Jingliu?" the child-like owner inquired, their voice tinged with the wisdom of the ages.

"Yes, thank you," Jingliu replied, her voice softening. As the owner departed with a respectful nod, Jingliu's gaze drifted across the Sanctum. It was here, in this bastion of peace, that she allowed herself to truly ponder Y/N's return, her heart entwined with the hope of his near presence.

Each sip of her preferred beverage brought a clarity of thought. The ache of missing Y/N was a constant hum, but it was in these moments of solitude that Jingliu discovered the depths of her feelings. It was not just companionship she longed for, but the profound connection that had grown from years of shared trials and triumphs.

The Pavilion, with its intimate setting and whispering breezes, held the whispers of past conversations, of dreams shared under the guise of night made eternal by the Sanctum's sky. Jingliu closed her eyes, letting the symphony of the place wash over her, each note a memory, each silence a space waiting to be filled upon Y/N's return.

And as she sat, the embodiment of stillness amidst the flow of life around her, Jingliu found a quiet strength. She was the unyielding guardian, the silent protector, and the woman whose heart had been claimed by the very partner she now awaited. This was her vigil, her nostalgic journey, a path she walked with patience until the moment their stories would intertwine once more.


The Pavilion's ambiance, a gentle caress to the senses, embraced Jingliu as she sat in quiet contemplation. The once-rushed whispers of her mind slowed to a steady stream of thoughts, each one a petal floating down the river of her consciousness. It was here, amidst the tranquility of her surroundings, that her defenses began to crumble, revealing the core of her emotions laid bare by solitude.

A soft breeze played with strands of her pale hair, and with it came an unspoken permission to feel, to acknowledge the tumult within her heart. It was more than respect, more than friendship, and certainly more than duty that tethered her to Y/N. It was love, a deep and abiding love that had taken root in the fertile soil of their shared experiences and had grown, unnoticed, into a tree whose branches reached into every crevice of her being.

Jingliu's fingers traced the rim of her cup, the warmth of the drink long faded, much like the warmth of Y/N's presence. A sigh, a silent witness to her inner turmoil, escaped her lips. Her heart was a battlefield where joy and jealousy clashed, each vying for dominance. And it was in this quiet skirmish that realization dawned upon her like the first light of day—she was irrevocably, undeniably in love with Y/N.

The weight of this truth settled upon her shoulders, not as a burden, but as a mantle she was now ready to wear. Jingliu straightened, her posture a testament to her newfound resolve. Her relationship with Y/N, once a steadfast partnership, now beckoned her towards a precipice of change, one that promised the exhilaration of free fall.

"Fear of the unknown has never been our way," Jingliu whispered to herself, her voice steady. "And it will not start now." The admission felt like a vow, one that she would honor in time.

Yet, within her heart, a shadow loomed, a foreshadowing of regret. The bottled emotions, if left unspoken, could become a poison, siphoning the joy from their bond. The thought was a cold splash of water on her spirit, urging her towards action, towards a future where honesty reigned and her feelings saw the light of day.

The decision was quiet but firm. When Y/N returned, she would lay bare her heart. She would speak of her love, her jealousy, the depth of her longing, and the fear that their unchanging state could lead to a change she was not prepared for. It was a risk, a dive into the depths of vulnerability, but one that Jingliu was now ready to take.

For the first time since Y/N's departure, Jingliu felt a sense of peace. Her heart, a vessel of many emotions, now had a course charted, a direction towards which she could steer with confidence. She rose from her seat, her movements infused with a new purpose.

As she stepped out of the Pavilion, the familiar sights and sounds of the Sanctum wrapped around her, a comforting embrace. The people, once mere witnesses to her solitude, now looked upon her with new eyes. In Jingliu's stride, they saw a commander, a guardian, and perhaps, a woman on the cusp of life-altering revelation.

The path ahead was uncertain, the outcome of her forthcoming confession to Y/N unknown. But in the tapestry of their lives, woven with threads of fate and choice, Jingliu had found a new color to add. It was the hue of love, bold and unyielding, and it promised to paint their future with strokes of passion, honesty, and, hopefully, mutual affection.

With her gaze fixed on the horizon, Jingliu walked on, each step a dance with destiny, each breath a call to the future that awaited her and Y/N. This was her realization, her acceptance, and the prelude to a chapter yet unwritten in the story of their eternity.

The digital chime of her holographic communicator punctured the quiet of the area, stirring Jingliu from her reverie. Expecting the routine summons for a mission, she was unprepared for the flood of warmth that surged through her as Y/N's message materialized before her eyes: "Returning home in a few hours."

Her heart, a silent drum in the solitude, now beat with the rhythm of exhilarating anticipation. She swiftly finished her meal and set out towards their shared home, each step quickening with the promise of his return.

As the hours waned, the sun dipping below the horizon in a blaze of glory, Jingliu found herself perched on the edge of the couch, her fingers entwined in a dance of nervous excitement. And then, the moment arrived — the door creaked open to reveal Y/N, his figure silhouetted against the waning light, the wear of battle upon his armor.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jingliu sprang up and closed the distance between them. Her arms wrapped around his broad frame in an embrace that spoke volumes of the storm of feelings within her.

Y/N's body stiffened in surprise before he returned the embrace, his arms encircling her with familiar strength. "Did something happen while I was gone?" he asked, his voice a deep timbre that resonated with concern.

Jingliu's mind raced, her earlier resolve to confess her love now clashing with the fear of disrupting the equilibrium of their bond. The words she had rehearsed dissolved into the ether, replaced by a simpler truth. "I missed you," she murmured, her voice muffled against the cool metal of his armor, a half-truth to mask the full depth of her emotions.

She felt Y/N relax as he chuckled, the sound a comforting balm to her frayed nerves. "I missed you too," he admitted, his hand rising to stroke her hair in a gesture of affection that sent a shiver down her spine.

As they parted from the embrace, Jingliu's gaze met Y/N's. There was a new intensity in her eyes, a fervor that had not been there before, hinting at the journey her heart had taken in his absence.

Y/N, ever perceptive, tilted his head in silent inquiry, sensing the subtle shift in her. "You're different," he observed, a curious lightness to his words.

Jingliu's cheeks flushed with a color that rarely visited them. She was different, indeed, transformed by the realization of her love for him. Yet, she was not ready to bare her soul just yet. "Just glad to have you back," she said, deflecting with a half-smile that did not quite reach her eyes.

The evening unfolded with a new dynamic threading through their interactions. Jingliu was more attentive, her touches lingering, her laughter more genuine. Y/N noticed these nuances, each one an enigmatic piece to the puzzle she presented.

Dinner was a symphony of shared glances and unspoken words. As they sat across from each other, the flicker of candlelight cast dancing shadows that mirrored the dance of emotions within Jingliu.

The stillness of the night wrapped around the house, a cloak of serenity pierced only by the soft sounds of Y/N and Jingliu preparing for bed. Lingering at the threshold of her own room, Jingliu watched Y/N's retreating back, the steady rhythm of her heart faltering with a longing that whispered unspoken truths.

As Y/N paused at his door, he caught the silhouette of Jingliu in his periphery, her posture hesitant, a stark contrast to her usual decisiveness. Turning to face her, his eyes softened, "Is everything alright?"

Jingliu's resolve wavered, her internal struggle casting shadows upon her features. In a moment of vulnerability, she closed the distance between them, her gesture timid yet telling. "Can I... stay with you tonight?" Her voice was a mere breath, an echo of childhood innocence when the night seemed too vast and frightening to face alone.

Y/N's brows furrowed with concern, the worry in his tone unmistakable, "Did something truly happen while I was away?"

She shook her head, her next words carried by a yearning that reached beyond the fear of untangling the knots of her heart. "No, nothing like that. I just... I missed this, us."

Understanding flickered in Y/N's gaze as he exhaled a gentle sigh, the lines of worry smoothing away. "Alright," he conceded, his hand extending towards her, an anchor in the sea of her tumultuous thoughts.

Guided by his touch, Jingliu found herself enveloped in the familiar sanctuary of Y/N's room. The bed, usually untouched on her side, now welcomed her weary spirit. As she settled beside him, the warmth of his presence enveloped her, a balm to the chill of solitude that had gripped her in his absence.

The confession that perched on the tip of her tongue lay dormant, its weight a silent companion as she nestled close to him. Tonight, she decided, she would not let her fears dictate the ebb and flow of their bond. Tonight, she simply sought solace in the closeness they shared, the unspoken understanding that had always been their foundation.

With the moon casting a gentle glow through the window, Jingliu allowed the rhythm of Y/N's breathing to lull her into a semblance of peace. Her bottled feelings, her whispered confessions, would have to wait. For in this quiet moment, she found a semblance of contentment, a reassurance that no matter what the morrow brought, the warmth between them was a constant she could cling to.

And so, under the watchful gaze of the stars, Jingliu surrendered to sleep, her heart cradled by the steady beat of Y/N's, her thoughts adrift on the tides of a love yet to be declared.


End of Chapter

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