Genesis Arc - Ch. Eleven: Tides of the Unwritten

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

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The first light of dawn filtered through the curtains of Y/N's room, casting a warm glow over the entwined figures on the bed. Y/N's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the peaceful sight of Jingliu's sleeping form, her pale hair a silken cascade across the pillows and over his chest. He shifted slightly, feeling the comfortable weight of her arm draped over him. A smile tugged at his lips, but he resisted the urge to disentangle himself, not wanting to disturb her tranquil slumber.

As he lay there, his mind wandered back to the mission he had recently completed. It was the usual fare — confronting the Mara-struck, averting crisis — but something felt different this time. His thoughts were interrupted as Jingliu began to stir, her movements gentle as she gradually awoke.

Her eyes opened slowly, revealing the familiar, serene gaze that had always brought him a sense of calm. She stretched languidly, a soft yawn escaping her lips, before her eyes focused on Y/N. "Good morning," she said, her voice still heavy with sleep.

"Morning," Y/N replied, his tone light. "Sleep well?"

Jingliu nodded, a content smile playing on her lips. "Yes, very well, thanks to you."

Y/N sat up, the absence of his warmth causing Jingliu's smile to falter slightly. He noticed the subtle change in her expression. "We should get ready for the day," he suggested, standing up. "Another round of patrols, I guess."

To his surprise, Jingliu shook her head, sitting up and clutching the sheets to her chest. "Actually, the Cloud Knights offered to take over our patrols today. They said we deserved a break."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, a hint of surprise in his voice. "Oh, is that so? Well, then... looks like we have the whole day to ourselves."

Jingliu's face brightened instantly. "Yes, just the two of us," she agreed, her enthusiasm unmistakable.

As they prepared breakfast together, the ease of their routine was palpable, yet Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted. Jingliu seemed more... attached, her usual independence tinged with a new layer of warmth towards him.

Y/N decided to broach the subject casually while they ate. "Jingliu, have you been feeling any different lately?" he asked, his tone deliberately nonchalant.

Jingliu paused, her spoon halfway to her mouth, and looked at him curiously. "Different? In what way?"

"Just... I don't know," Y/N continued, trying to sound as casual as possible. "You seem... closer, somehow. Not that it's a bad thing."

She pondered his question for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "I guess I've been thinking a lot about us, about our time together. We've been through so much, Y/N. It's made me realize how important you are to me," she said, her voice carrying a sincerity that was rare for her.

Y/N nodded, absorbing her words. It wasn't like Jingliu to express her feelings so openly. He couldn't help but wonder what had prompted this change. Was it simply the result of their shared experiences, or was there something more?

He decided to leave the question unasked for now, opting instead to enjoy the unexpected day off with Jingliu. But the curiosity lingered in his mind, a puzzle yet to be solved.

As they finished their breakfast and planned their day, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that he was on the cusp of understanding something crucial about Jingliu. Something that might redefine the nature of their relationship forever.


The cobblestone streets of Xianzhou Luofu came alive with the soft chatter of the early risers as Y/N and Jingliu stepped out into the cool embrace of the morning air. The city, with its blend of ancient architecture and glowing runes, was a sight to behold as the first rays of sunlight kissed the ornate rooftops.

Residents of the city, ranging from vendors setting up their stalls to scholars poring over their scrolls, paused to offer cheerful salutations to the pair. Some watched with a sense of familiarity, while others, particularly the newcomers, beheld them with wide-eyed admiration. The duo, known as much for their valor as for their inseparability, returned the greetings with the ease of those well-accustomed to their celebrity.

As they walked, the Cloud Knights who had taken up the mantle of the day's patrol approached with an exuberance that seemed to radiate from their polished armor. Their leader, a young man with a bright smile, called out, "Commanders! A splendid morning, isn't it?"

Y/N matched their enthusiasm with a hearty laugh. "Indeed it is! I trust you're all finding the patrol to your liking?"

The knights beamed, standing a little taller under Y/N's gaze. "Absolutely, Commander! Your presence inspires us to do our very best," the leader replied with a salute.

Y/N chuckled, bidding them to stay safe, his laughter lingering in the air as the knights marched off, their spirits visibly lifted.

Turning to Jingliu, Y/N quipped, "They're quite chipper today. Have you been giving them pep talks in my absence?"

Jingliu, her features arranged into a thoughtful expression, shook her head. "I merely reminded them of their duties, nothing more."

Their morning unfolded leisurely, the city's beauty unfolding with each step they took. However, a sudden recollection furrowed Y/N's brow. "I need to send my greatsword for maintenance at the Artisanship Commission," he remarked, a hint of annoyance at the errand disrupting their calm day.

Jingliu's response was laced with mild rebuke. "That's the price of swinging it without care."

Y/N's playful indignation was palpable. "And what of your lightsword? Is it in pristine condition?" he challenged, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

With an air of grace, Jingliu drew her lightsword, revealing a blade that shimmered with an ethereal light, though its edges bore the telltale signs of battle. She regarded the minor chips with a frown before meeting Y/N's triumphant gaze.

"I suppose we both could use a visit to the Commission," she admitted, sheathing the lightsword with a soft click. "But not today. Today, nothing will disturb our peace."

Y/N raised his hands in mock surrender. "As you command," he said, his voice tinged with laughter.

Together, they continued their stroll through Xianzhou Luofu, the cityscape a backdrop to their shared moments. The day was theirs entirely, free from the weight of duty and the shadow of Mara. It was a day of simple pleasures, of laughter and companionship, a day that Y/N realized he had been unconsciously longing for.

With Jingliu by his side, the hours passed like minutes, each moment a thread in the fabric of a day marked by a sense of freedom and contentment that was rare in their lives of service. It was a reminder of the joy found in the ordinary, a treasure that Y/N vowed to seek out more often, with Jingliu at his side.


The transition from day to night in Xianzhou Luofu was seamless, with the stars and the ethereal glow of the city blending into a tapestry of twilight splendor. Within the walls of their cozy residence, Y/N and Jingliu found solace in the quiet evening, the hustle of the day's events ebbing away like a receding tide.

In the comforting confines of their living room, Jingliu leaned into Y/N, her head resting gently against his shoulder. His fingers danced across the surface of his holographic device, scrolling through the endless stream of reports and missives that came with the mantle of command.

Amidst the soft hum of technology, Jingliu's voice cut through the silence, laced with a hint of concern. "Were you alright on the mission, while you left me here?"

Y/N ceased his scrolling, turning to meet her gaze. There was a seriousness in his eyes, a reflection of the weight he felt each time he stepped out into the fray. "It went smoothly," he assured her, his voice steady. "And Jingliu, it was the council's decision to send only me. It's not like I'm abandoning you."

Her response came quickly, tinged with a subtle defiance. "But we could have completed it in a day if I were with you."

Before Y/N could craft a reply, the rhythm of their conversation was interrupted by a firm knock at the door. Jingliu, her movements fluid and quick, rose to answer it, leaving Y/N with the unspoken words hanging between them.

She opened the door to find a messenger from the Council, his attire speaking of duty and the seriousness of his task. "Commanders," he intoned with respect, "this missive is for you both. Your presence is requested in two days' time."

With a practiced grace, Jingliu took the offered scroll, her eyes locking with the messenger's for a moment before he departed as swiftly as he had arrived. Y/N, curious and slightly impatient, queried, "What do they want now?"

Jingliu unfurled the scroll with a sense of ceremony, her eyes scanning the elegantly penned words. The initial read left her visibly taken aback, prompting her to peruse the text once more, ensuring no detail had escaped her notice.

Y/N peered over her shoulder, his height giving him a clear view of the scroll's content. The words 'Genius Society' leaped out at him, and he let out a low "oh."

The scroll detailed a formal invitation, a request for their esteemed presence to welcome the Genius Society to Xianzhou Luofu. It was an event of significant importance, the kind that brought together minds and warriors alike, a convergence of intellect and strength.

The gravity of the occasion was not lost on them. The Genius Society, a collective of some of the cosmos' most brilliant thinkers, was a force to be reckoned with, their knowledge and inventions the stuff of legend.

As Y/N and Jingliu stood side by side, the scroll in hand, a silent understanding passed between them. This meeting would be more than a mere formality; it was a doorway to new possibilities, to alliances that could shift the very fabric of their struggle against the Mara.

The night pressed on, the city's heartbeat a distant echo as they contemplated the future. With the Genius Society's arrival, the winds of change were stirring, and Y/N and Jingliu, steadfast guardians of Xianzhou Luofu, would meet them head-on.


Dawn broke over Xianzhou Luofu, casting a serene light that danced across the intricate metalwork and jade of the Artisanship Commission. Y/N and Jingliu made their way through the grand arches of the Flamedisk Forge Palace, the heart of creation and innovation within the Flagship. The air was thick with the scent of molten metal and the resonant clang of hammers shaping destiny.

The Flamedisk Forge Palace was a marvel of engineering and artistry, a testament to Xianzhou's dedication to craft. Towering forges belched golden flames skyward, while artisans moved with a balletic grace, their hands guiding the raw elements into forms of deadly beauty and function. The verses of the "Great Smelting Furnace" ritual adorned the walls, a poetic homage to the legacy and ambition of the Furnace Masters.

Huaiyan, the Master Forger, his presence as commanding as the legendary weapons he shaped. His eyes, sharp as the blades he forged, examined their weapons with a critical gaze that had seen countless cycles of creation and destruction, greeted them with a robust laugh that resonated above the din.

"Commanders! What adventures have you brought me today?" His gaze fell upon their weapons, and his joviality wavered. "By the ancients, Y/N, what have you done to this sword?"

Y/N scratched his head, his sheepish grin at odds with the formidable weapon at his side. "Well, you know how it is. The Mara don't go down without a fight."

Jingliu rolled her eyes, her lightsword flickering with an ethereal light. "If only you'd learn precision over brute strength," she chided, drawing a chuckle from the master forger.

Huaiyan's eyes narrowed, his tone taking on an edge as sharp as the weapons he crafted. "Strength isn't just for destruction, Y/N. Your skills are meant for more than just brute force."

"So... Can you fix them by tonight?"

He eyed the damaged weapons, his pride as a craftsman flaring. "Of course. But you owe me a story of your exploits, deal?"

"Deal," Y/N agreed, but Jingliu cut in.

"And mine by morning, Master Huaiyan?"

The forger nodded, "As the stars rise, your blades will be ready."

As the words were said, the warmth from the forges battling the sudden chill of the conversation.

"The Flint Emperor requests your audience, Y/N," Huaiyan said, his usual warmth replaced by a formal coolness. "He's been... insistent."

Jingliu stepped closer to Y/N, her voice sharp as a blade. "We have no time for his games," she declared. "Our duties lie with Xianzhou Luofu, not with him."

Y/N's eyes met Huaiyan's, a silent strength in his gaze. "Tell the Emperor that my answer is no. Today, tomorrow, or two years from now—it remains the same."

Huaiyan sighed, his eyes betraying a hint of worry. "I will relay your message, but be warned," he cautioned, "The Emperor is not known for his patience. The dragon's fury may not be held at bay much longer."

Y/N's stance was as firm as the anvils that surrounded them. "Then let him be," he said with a steely edge. "I've faced worse than his tantrums."

The silence that followed was thick, the air charged with unspoken threats and the weight of decisions yet to unfold. Huaiyan nodded, his expression grave. "Very well. I'll tend to your blades. Perhaps they'll be needed sooner than we hope."

As Y/N and Jingliu left the echoing halls of the forge, the hammering of metal rang out once more, a defiant anthem against the quiet dread that had settled in the room.


Morning light cast a radiant glow on the resplendent figures of Y/N and Jingliu as they stood side by side, their armor gleaming under the nascent sun. Jingliu, clad in her regalia, was a vision of both beauty and battle-readiness. Her armor, a sleek composite of traditional design and modern functionality, adorned her form. It was both a statement of her status and a testament to her prowess. The dark cape that fell from her shoulders was edged with a trim that caught the light, symbolizing her elite status.

Y/N adjusted his own armor, a smirk playing on his lips as he caught Huaiyan's mock-angry glare. "Don't worry, I'll try to keep it in one piece this time," he joked.

Huaiyan only grunted, his hands already busy with another project. "Twenty years, Y/N. I want at least that long before you bring me back another monstrosity," he replied with feigned irritation.

With their newly restored weapons at their sides, Y/N and Jingliu made their way toward the heart of Xianzhou Luofu, where the Genius Society was set to arrive. The anticipation in the air was palpable, the city abuzz with the promise of new knowledge and the potential for groundbreaking alliances.

As the members of the Genius Society disembarked from their sky-faring vessels, a hush fell over the gathered crowd. The delegates were an eclectic mix of species and cultures, each displaying their own unique brand of genius. Their clothing ranged from the practical to the extravagantly scientific, adorned with gadgets and gizmos that blinked with a life of their own.

Jingliu's eyes roamed over the delegation, her analytical mind taking in every detail. She could sense Y/N's gaze on her, watching for her reaction as much as the newcomers. A small, knowing smile crept onto her lips; she found his concern endearing, though she would never voice it aloud.

The Genius Society's leader stepped forward, a being of impressive intellect whose reputation preceded them. They extended a hand in greeting, their voice resonant and welcoming. "Commanders of Xianzhou Luofu, your reputations as protectors and scholars have reached even the furthest stars. We are honored to stand on the same ground as you."

Y/N clasped their hand firmly, his usual directness softened by the significance of the meeting. "The honor is ours. Your Society's advancements are the sparks of progress in the cosmos."

As the formalities continued, Jingliu kept a watchful eye on the proceedings, her posture relaxed yet commanding. The Genius Society was renowned for their contributions to peace and progress, but every new alliance came with its own set of challenges and changes.

The day promised to be one of strategic discussions and cultural exchanges, a day that could very well shape the future of their city and the ongoing struggle against the Mara. Y/N and Jingliu stood ready, as they always had, to meet the moment with courage and resolve.

Together, they stepped forward to greet each delegate personally, representing the strength and unity of Xianzhou Luofu. As the sun climbed higher, casting its light upon the gathering, the day unfolded with the promise of new horizons and the unwavering dedication of its guardians.


The Xianzhou Council chamber, typically a haven of unity and purpose, was now awash with the vibrant tension of debate. Delegates from the Genius Society sat on one side of the grand hall, their expressions a blend of curiosity and resolve, while the leaders of Xianzhou's various commissions filled the opposing seats, their brows furrowed in concern and pride.

At the heart of the discussion was a proposal that had seemed simple on paper but had ignited a complex debate about tradition versus progress. The Genius Society, with their vast knowledge and cutting-edge technology, offered to integrate some of their members within Xianzhou's esteemed commissions – a move that promised advancement but threatened the proud heritage of Xianzhou Luofu.

Y/N, sitting alongside Jingliu at the central table, struggled to stifle a yawn. Diplomacy had never been his preferred battlefield, yet he understood its necessity. His eyes, however, couldn't help but drift towards Jingliu, who was the very picture of focus and poise.

"The integration could propel our commissions centuries ahead in technology and understanding," argued a Genius Society delegate, their voice rich with conviction. "The benefits are undeniable."

A chorus of murmurs rippled through the room as the leaders of the Alchemy and Divination commissions exchanged guarded looks. "Our methods have been honed over generations," countered the head of the Alchemy commission, his hands clenched. "We cannot simply cast aside our ways for unproven technologies, no matter how advanced they may seem."

Jingliu leaned forward, her voice cutting through the rising tide of voices with serene authority. "Change is the lifeblood of progress," she began, her gaze sweeping the room. "We honor our past not by clinging to it, but by allowing it to inform our future. The Genius Society's knowledge can be a tool, one we wield with wisdom and care."

Y/N watched her speak, admiration mingling with a newfound depth of feeling he was still coming to terms with. Her words, he realized, echoed the journey of their own relationship – from comrades in arms to something richer, something still taking shape.

The debate continued, but the tenor had shifted. Jingliu's intervention had reminded them all of the balance that had always defined Xianzhou Luofu – a harmony between the old and the new, the known and the unknown.

As the meeting adjourned, Y/N couldn't resist leaning in to whisper to Jingliu, "Since when did you become the voice of reason?"

Jingliu's lips quirked in a rare smile. "Someone has to be," she quipped, standing to join the departing delegates. Y/N rose with her, his mind now fully engaged, not just with the issues at hand, but with the woman who continued to surprise him.


The hush of departure settled over the council chamber as the Genius Society and Xianzhou delegates dispersed, the lingering air of debate giving way to an evening calm. In the midst of this transition, Y/N's attention was captivated by an extraordinary presence amongst the departing figures.

A woman, distinguished not just by her intellect and beauty but by the ethereal quality of her very being, moved gracefully through the space. Her hair, an ever-shifting spectrum that defied the natural order, flowed behind her, a living canvas that reflected her mood and thoughts. In her hands, she carried a painting kit, its worn edges and splashes of color speaking of worlds captured on canvas, of moments immortalized through her keen eye and deft touch.

She stood out not merely for her shifting hair or the painter's kit cradled in her arm, but for the almost ethereal aura that seemed to envelop her. To Y/N, she appeared to be more than human, an entity whose presence commanded attention and curiosity.

"Commander Y/N, I've longed for this encounter," she said, her voice a meld of curiosity and warmth. "Your battles against Mara are the stuff of legend, a vibrant palette of courage I wish to immortalize."

Y/N, typically unfazed, found himself momentarily lost in the kaleidoscope of her hair, a phenomenon as intriguing as the mysteries she represented. "You honor me," he managed, his words steady despite the undercurrent of wonder. "The Genius Society's acclaim is well known to us all."

Jingliu, ever watchful, felt a twinge of something primal stir within her as she observed the woman's gaze linger on Y/N. Her voice, when she spoke, carried a hint of challenge. "Commander Y/N does not face the darkness alone. It is our unity that forges strength against the Mara."

The woman's attention shifted to Jingliu, a knowing smile gracing her lips as if privy to a secret shared with the universe itself. "Indeed, the synergy between warriors is a beauty in its own right," she acknowledged, her gaze returning to Y/N. "Would you grace my canvas with your tale? Your essence would inspire a masterpiece."

Y/N felt the weight of Jingliu's hand on his arm, grounding him. "We are but a part of a greater whole," he responded, his loyalty to Jingliu as clear as the steady gaze he offered the woman.

Her interest extended beyond the scope of their heroics, as she casually mentioned a desire to engage with something they were familiar with. "The Flint Emperor, an audience with him would complete the picture... It's been centuries since our paths last crossed, I believe," she mused, her tone light as if discussing an old acquaintance.

The duo exchanged a glance, shock evident on their faces. Jingliu, her composure briefly shaken, could not help but inquire, "Centuries? Who... or what are you?"

The painter's smile held a timeless knowledge, her eyes twinkling with unspoken secrets. "We shall all meet again in the tapestry of time," she replied cryptically. "And when we do, the tales I'll paint shall immortalize you both as the memories of this world deserve to be preserved."

Y/N, intrigued by her claim, posed a challenge. "Could you give us a demonstration of this envisioned art?" he asked, his usual calm demeanor tinged with a hint of skepticism.

The painter's gaze drifted to Jingliu, who felt a sudden, inexplicable sensation, as if the artist could see through her, into her very soul. "Would you permit me to depict you and Y/N together? The interplay of your bond would make for a compelling piece," she offered with a knowing smirk.

Jingliu's patience frayed, and with a swiftness that matched her skill in combat, she stepped between Y/N and the painter. "That will be enough," she declared firmly. "Y/N and I have other obligations that require our attention."

The painter's laughter echoed softly in the chamber, a sound both melodic and haunting. "Very well, Commanders. The canvas of fate awaits your brushstrokes," she said, her figure receding into the throng, leaving a lingering sense of mystery and an unspoken promise of a future encounter.

Y/N looked down at Jingliu, her posture tense yet protective. "Let's go," she said, her voice softer now, a contrast to the steel in her eyes. They exited the chamber, the image of the painter's haunting smile imprinted in their minds, a reminder that their story was far from over and that others were watching, waiting to capture it in hues yet unknown.


The council chamber of Xianzhou Luofu was aglow with the late afternoon sun, casting elongated shadows across the grand hall. Y/N and Jingliu had returned, now accompanied by the enigmatic woman from the Genius Society whose presence seemed to linger in the air like a whispered promise.

The chamber buzzed with the anticipation of the strategic meeting on Mara. At the center of the room stood a holographic display, shimmering with the light of the Genius Society's advanced technology, ready to unveil data that could potentially turn the tide in the battle against Mara.

Y/N watched as the Genius Society delegates, with a flourish of technical wizardry, presented a stream of information that painted a dire picture yet hinted at a sliver of hope for a cure. Jingliu stood beside him, her expression one of intense focus, absorbing every word, every statistic, every possible implication.

"The Genius Society has made significant strides," a delegate announced, his voice resonating throughout the chamber. "But a cure for Mara remains elusive. What we bring today are not solutions, but possibilities, paths that we must explore together."

The Xianzhou Alliance members, a collective of Xianzhou's finest minds and warriors, leaned in, their interest evident. The potential of such an alliance with the Genius Society sparked a silent, collective yearning for a breakthrough.

Y/N, his mind a nexus of strategy and foresight, raised a point that cut to the heart of the matter. "Data and possibilities are a starting point," he began, his voice steady. "But we need actionable plans, ways to implement this knowledge on the battlefield."

Jingliu nodded in agreement, her voice adding a nuanced layer to the discussion. "Collaboration is key. We need to integrate this information with our own tactics and experiences. Theoretical knowledge must meet practical application."

The chamber echoed with murmurs of assent, and even the Genius Society delegates seemed impressed by the depth of Y/N and Jingliu's insights.

It was then that Y/N noticed the presence of another – the Emanator of Nous. The figure, draped in regality, observed the proceedings with a keen eye, their attention flitting between the discussions and Y/N himself.

As the meeting drew to a close, the Emanator approached Y/N, their demeanor a blend of respect and curiosity. "Commander Y/N, your reputation precedes you," they said with a slight bow. "Your valor is well-known, and it is an honor to finally meet you."

Y/N, taken aback by the reverence in the Emanator's tone, felt a strange role reversal. "The honor is mine," he replied, his usual confidence tinged with a hint of bewilderment. "Your insights today have been... enlightening."

The Emanator's gaze lingered on Y/N, a silent acknowledgment of a connection yet to be fully understood.

As the delegates began to filter out of the chamber, Y/N and Jingliu found a quiet corner to reflect on the day's events.

"That was unexpected," Y/N mused, leaning against the cool stone wall. "The Genius Society's technology is impressive, but I can't shake the feeling that there's more at play here."

Jingliu nodded, her eyes reflecting the chamber's fading light. "Their knowledge could change everything. But did you notice how the Emanator watched you? It's as if they knew you already."

Y/N's gaze met hers, a silent storm of thoughts brewing behind his eyes. "I did. And it's not just the Emanator. That woman from earlier, there's something about her that doesn't sit right with me."

Jingliu reached out, her hand finding his. "We'll face whatever comes together," she said, her voice a soft but firm declaration.

They stood in silence, the weight of the day's revelations wrapping around them like the coming night. The meeting had been a confluence of minds, of technology and tradition, of known allies and mysterious new players.

Y/N and Jingliu stepped out into the evening air, their minds abuzz with the day's discussions and the enigmatic figures that had entered their orbit.


In the months that followed the Genius Society's departure, life in Xianzhou Luofu resumed its rhythm. Yet, Y/N couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in Jingliu's behavior. Her presence, once a comforting constant, had become a clinging shadow. She was there when he trained, when he strategized, even in the quiet moments meant for solitude.

One evening, as Y/N returned to his quarters after a solitary walk, he found Jingliu sitting on the edge of his bed. Her eyes lifted to meet his, a silent question in their depths. It was a scene that had become strangely common, and Y/N felt a mix of affection and bewilderment.

"Jingliu, what brings you here?" Y/N asked, his voice a blend of warmth and confusion.

"I... I thought you might need company," she replied, her voice lower than usual, betraying an undercurrent of something Y/N couldn't quite decipher.

He chuckled softly, shaking his head as he sat beside her. "I appreciate it, but you know I'm quite capable of handling a bit of solitude."

Jingliu's gaze lingered on him, her proximity a tangible thing. "I know," she said, "but it seems I've grown accustomed to your company."

Y/N studied her, the hints of vulnerability in her posture and expression. "Jingliu, if there's something on your mind, you can tell me."

She hesitated, then her shoulders slumped slightly. "I just... When you're not around, it feels like something's missing."

Y/N wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. "We've been through a lot together. It's natural to feel that way."

But as the days turned into weeks, Jingliu's clinginess only intensified. During a mission to aid a Cloud Knight encampment, Y/N's concern deepened. When a young female knight was wounded in a skirmish, Y/N's instincts kicked in; he rushed to provide aid. Before he could reach the fallen knight, Jingliu appeared with a burst of protective ferocity, pushing past him to tend to the knight herself.

Y/N stood back, his heart racing not from the battle but from the intensity in Jingliu's eyes. "Jingliu!" he called out, "Let me help."

"There's no need, Y/N," Jingliu snapped back, her voice sharp, "I've got this."

The wounded knight, caught off guard by Jingliu's sudden appearance, winced as Jingliu applied a healing salve with more force than necessary.

Y/N's confusion was mirrored in the faces of the surrounding Cloud Knights, who exchanged uneasy glances. Once the immediate danger had passed, Y/N pulled Jingliu aside, his concern for her eclipsing the mission at hand.

"Jingliu, talk to me," Y/N urged, his hands resting on her shoulders. "This isn't like you. You've always been the calm one, the steady blade. What's going on?"

Jingliu avoided his gaze, her fingers fidgeting with the hilt of her lightsword. "I don't know what you're talking about, Y/N," she said, her voice a mere whisper.

Y/N sighed, his gaze softening. "You've been... different since the Genius Society left. You're always by my side, even when I don't expect you to be."

She finally met his eyes, her own reflecting a storm of emotions. "Isn't that what partners do? We have each other's backs."

"Yes, but not to the point of suffocation," Y/N replied gently. "We're a team, but we're also individuals. We need to trust that we can handle things on our own too."

Jingliu took a deep breath, the rise and fall of her chest the only movement in the stillness. "I trust you, Y/N. It's just that... I can't shake this feeling of unease when you're out of sight. Like something bad will happen if I'm not there."

Y/N pulled her into a hug, her head resting against his chest. "Nothing bad will happen," he promised. "I'll always come back to you. We'll face whatever comes, together.".

The evening stars twinkled above as Y/N and Jingliu stood in silent solidarity. Their path was one of warriors, but also of friends, and maybe, just maybe, something more.


Days drifted by, and the tension that had once coiled tightly around Y/N began to ease as Jingliu found a balance between her protective instincts and respecting his need for space. Y/N could see it wasn't easy for her; her hands would tremble, her gaze filled with a silent plea for understanding. He gave her a reassuring nod each time, a silent promise that all was well.

But as one challenge receded, another took its place. The Emanator of Nous, a figure cloaked in mystery and endowed with the Genius Society's advanced knowledge, had taken a keen interest in Y/N. It was an attention that felt both invasive and unsettling.

Each day, Y/N could sense the Emanator's eyes upon him, a vigilant gaze that seemed to penetrate through walls and distance. The use of what he presumed to be the Path of Erudition's profound technology only deepened his discomfort.

The time had come for answers.

Y/N informed Jingliu of his intentions, her nod and tight-lipped smile betraying her concern. "Be careful," she whispered, the words heavy with unvoiced fear.

With determination in his stride, Y/N approached the Emanator's lounge, a place of opulence that stood in stark contrast to the simplicity of his own life. The guards, recognizing his stature, stepped aside, allowing him entry.

He found the Emanator waiting, as if anticipating this very confrontation. The room was filled with relics and artifacts, each one humming with hidden power.

"Why do you watch me?" Y/N demanded, his voice echoing off the ornate walls.

The Emanator, unflustered, regarded Y/N with a piercing gaze. "It is not you who is being watched, but the path you walk."

Y/N's brow furrowed. "Speak plainly. What do you want from me?"

"You stand at a crossroads, Y/N," the Emanator said, his voice like the chime of ancient bells. "One that may lead you to a throne."

"A throne?" Y/N scoffed. "I am no king."

The Emanator's lips curled into a cryptic smile. "Not yet. But Nous, the great Aeon, has seen the threads of your destiny."

Y/N stood still, the weight of the Emanator's words settling upon him like a mantle. "What does an Aeon care for my destiny?"

"The Aeons see what we cannot," the Emanator replied. "And they have seen you, Y/N. You will shape this world, not with your sword, but with your heart and mind."

The room seemed to close in around him, the air thick with prophecies and possibilities. Y/N took a deep breath, steadying himself against the tide of destiny that threatened to sweep him away.

"I did not ask for this," he said, his voice steady despite the storm within.

"One rarely does," the Emanator conceded. "But it is not about what we ask for. It is about what we are called to do."

Y/N nodded, his thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and clarity. "I will consider your words," he said, turning to leave.

The Emanator watched him go, the shadows of the room whispering of the turning of an age. Y/N walked back into the light of Xianzhou Luofu, the city he had sworn to protect, now carrying the burden of a future he had yet to understand.


Time flowed like a gentle river through Xianzhou Luofu, and eighty years had sculpted the city into a harmonious blend of ancient traditions and innovative marvels. Despite the changes, Y/N and Jingliu remained as constants, their appearance unaltered by time's passage, a testament to their Xianzhou heritage.

The city had evolved under their vigilant eyes, embracing the advancements brought forth by the Genius Society while retaining its revered customs. Y/N and Jingliu had adapted alongside it, evolving from warriors to mentors, guiding new generations while upholding their eternal duty as the city's protectors.

Their enduring bond had deepened over the decades, a silent understanding that had grown into an unspoken language of glances and gestures. They were more than guardians now; they were the living legends of Xianzhou Luofu.

One day, under the vast azure sky, the winds of change brought a new beginning. A young boy, no older than ten, with striking white hair approached them with unwavering determination in his eyes.

"Train me!"


End of Chapter

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