Genesis Arc - Ch. Twelve: The forging of a Swordsman

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.


Eighty years had seamlessly woven into the fabric of Xianzhou Luofu, yet Y/N and Jingliu, as guardians, remained untouched by time's passage. Their stories and triumphs were not just history but living legends, inspiring those who walked the city's ancient yet ever-evolving streets.

Standing on a balcony, gazing over the city bathed in the golden hues of dawn, Y/N's posture held a new gravity, a reflection of battles won and burdens borne.

"Sometimes, I can hardly believe this is the same city we started protecting all those years ago," Y/N mused, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and an underlying somberness.

Jingliu, standing beside him, her gaze taking in the sprawling city below, nodded. "It's grown, just like our roles in it," she replied. "From guardians to symbols... do you ever feel it's too much?"

A junior guard approached, his movements respectful yet hesitant. "Commanders, the council is ready for you."

As they walked to the council chamber, the weight of their titles seemed to hang visibly between them. Inside, the chamber was abuzz, but the room quieted as they entered. Here, they were more than warriors; they were strategic minds shaping the city's future.

Y/N spoke with a thoughtful seriousness, his focus always a step ahead, a general and a protector considering every angle for the safety of Xianzhou Luofu. Jingliu, her keen eyes observing Y/N, noticed the creases of concern on his brow deepening.

After the meeting, in the quieter halls of the council building, away from prying eyes and ears, Jingliu halted, her gaze locking onto Y/N with an intensity born of decades of camaraderie and battles shared.

"Y/N, talk to me," she urged softly, her concern palpable. "I've seen you shoulder the weight of the world before, but this... this seems different. It's like you're fighting shadows only you can see."

Y/N paused, the stoic mask he wore as a commander momentarily slipping. He looked at Jingliu, seeing not just a fellow warrior but a confidante who had been his steadfast anchor through countless storms.

"It's these dreams, Jingliu," he admitted, his voice a quiet rumble. "Visions of battles, whispers of prophecies, and the Flint Emperor... It's like pieces of a puzzle that I can't quite fit together."

Jingliu's expression softened, her usual fiery demeanor giving way to empathy. "Dreams can be a heavy burden, especially for those who've seen as much as we have. But you're not alone in this, Y/N. You never have been."

Y/N leaned back against the cool stone wall, the weight of years momentarily bowing his shoulders. "I know," he sighed. "It's just... these dreams, they feel like warnings, or maybe even a calling. And then there's the Emanator of Nous and his cryptic messages. I can't help but feel there's a bigger game at play, and we're in the center of it."

Jingliu moved closer, her presence a silent show of solidarity. "We've faced down armies, Y/N, outsmarted strategists, and walked through fire. Whatever this game is, we'll face it as we always do — together."

Y/N's eyes met hers, a storm of thoughts and emotions swirling within. "Jingliu, I..." He hesitated, struggling to articulate the turmoil within. "I just don't want my battles to become yours."

Jingliu reached out, placing a hand on his arm. "Your battles are my battles, Y/N. We've been in this together since day one. Whatever comes, we'll face it side by side. You don't have to carry this alone."

For a moment, the walls Y/N had built around himself seemed to crumble, revealing the man behind the legend. "Thank you, Jingliu," he said, his voice thick with unspoken gratitude. "For always being there, even when I try to push you away."

Jingliu offered a wry smile, the bond they shared transcending words. "Pushing me away? You should know better by now."

Y/N let out a chuckle, a rare sound that seemed to echo softly in the grand hallway. It was a sound that spoke of relief, a brief respite from the burdens he carried.

Jingliu's smile broadened at the sound, her eyes lighting up with a mix of affection and mischief. "There he is," she said warmly, reaching up to cup his cheeks with her hands. "The man I've always known, beneath all those layers of commander and protector."

Y/N's eyes crinkled at the corners, a genuine smile breaking through. "You always had a way of seeing through me, Jingliu," he said, the tension in his shoulders easing under her touch.

Jingliu's thumbs gently caressed his cheeks, her expression softening. "And you always had a way of carrying the world on your shoulders. But remember, Y/N, this world, our world of Xianzhou Luofu, it's not just your burden to bear."

He nodded, closing his eyes for a moment, savoring the rare comfort of vulnerability in her presence. "I'll try to remember that. It's just hard sometimes, you know? To let others in, to share the weight."

Jingliu lowered her hands, stepping back but maintaining her warm gaze. "I know," she replied. "But that's why we have each other. To share the weight, to fight the battles, to walk this path together."

Y/N's gaze still held a depth of fatigue that Jingliu had come to recognize over the years. It was the weariness of a man who had seen too much, who had shouldered too many burdens. He sighed, a sound that seemed to carry the weight of decades.

Jingliu stepped closer, her voice soft but firm. "You know, Y/N, it's okay to feel tired. You've been the shield and sword for Xianzhou for so long. But even shields need to rest, and swords need to be sheathed."

Y/N smiled wryly, the lines of his face softening. "A sword that stays sheathed eventually rusts, Jingliu."

She shook her head, her hand finding his. "But a sword that's always drawn eventually breaks. You've been strong for too long. It's okay to let down your guard, at least with me."

He looked down at their intertwined hands, a symbol of their enduring bond. "I just don't want to show weakness. Not to you, not to anyone."

Jingliu's grip tightened gently. "Showing your true feelings isn't weakness, Y/N. It's strength. The strength to be human, to acknowledge that you're not invincible. And it's my strength, too, to be here for you."

There was a moment's pause, a silent understanding passing between them. Y/N's voice was softer when he spoke again. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Jingliu."

"And you'll never have to," she replied, her voice laced with a mix of humor and sincerity. "Besides, who else would put up with your stubbornness?"

A genuine laugh escaped him, the sound mingling with the quiet ambiance of the hall. "Probably no one," he admitted, his eyes crinkling with mirth.

Jingliu's expression softened into a tender smile. "Exactly. So, let's not think about burdens and battles for a moment. Let's just be Y/N and Jingliu, two people, not just commanders and warriors."

Y/N nodded, a sense of peace settling over him. "Just Y/N and Jingliu," he repeated, as if tasting the simplicity of the idea. "That sounds... nice."

They stood there, commander and warrior, friends and confidants, finding solace in each other's presence.

However, the calm of the early morning was abruptly shattered by the arrival of a young knight, his armor clinking with the urgency of his movements. His helm obscured his face, but the heavy breaths and panicked tone were clear indicators of distress. He halted before Y/N and Jingliu, the gravity of his message evident even before he spoke.

"Commanders!" he gasped, struggling to catch his breath. "You're needed immediately. It's urgent."

Without a word, Y/N and Jingliu followed the knight to the briefing room, their steps quick and purposeful. The air was thick with tension, a stark contrast to the tranquility of moments before. As they entered, a council member, representing a village under their protection, stood to greet them, his demeanor solemn.

"Commanders, thank you for coming so swiftly," the council member began, offering a respectful bow. "We've received dire news. A nearby village is under attack by the Denizens of Abundance."

At the mention of the Denizens, a notorious group known for their ruthless raids, Y/N's expression hardened, his eyes turning into a storm of wrath. The room seemed to grow colder with his silent fury, an unspoken promise of retribution hanging in the air.

Without uttering a word, Y/N turned on his heel and strode out, his every step radiating a lordly aura, a testament to the teachings of the Flint Emperor. The dragon's presence in his dreams, while exhausting, had imparted lessons of etiquette, leadership, and strategy, shaping Y/N into a formidable figure.

Jingliu lingered for a moment, her gaze lingering on the council members with a mix of sadness and resolve. "Tell me everything," she said, her voice firm.

The council member quickly relayed the details – the village's location, the estimated number of raiders, and the critical nature of the situation. With a nod, Jingliu rushed out to follow Y/N, her mind already formulating a plan.

Catching up to Y/N, she fell into step beside him, her voice low as she shared the briefing summary. Y/N hummed in response, his focus unwavering as they approached the port of Starskiffs.

The pilots, upon seeing the duo, immediately bowed, their voices laced with respect. "Commanders, are you ready to depart?" asked one, his voice rough yet deferential.

Y/N and Jingliu exchanged a brief glance, an unspoken understanding passing between them. They nodded in unison, their shared resolve palpable.

The pilots led the way into the starskiff, preparing for immediate takeoff. Y/N and Jingliu settled into their seats, their minds already on the village and the people in need of their protection.

As the starskiff lifted off, soaring towards the troubled village, Y/N and Jingliu braced themselves for what lay ahead. The journey was silent, but the air was charged with determination and a shared commitment to safeguard the innocent, a duty they had upheld for decades.

The landscape below shifted rapidly, the serene beauty of Xianzhou Luofu giving way to the scarred terrain of the outskirts, where danger lurked and the shadows of the Denizens of Abundance threatened peace. Y/N's gaze remained fixed on the horizon, the weight of leadership and the Flint Emperor's teachings evident in his posture.

Jingliu, ever vigilant, remained attuned to Y/N's mood, her own resolve mirrored in her steady gaze.


Minutes later, the Starskiff descended rapidly, coming to a halt on the outskirts of the village. The scene that greeted Y/N and Jingliu was one of devastation. The once tranquil forest lay in ruins, the ground littered with the bodies of Cloud Knights, a grim reminder of the conflict's brutality.

Silently, the pilots bowed their heads in a moment of respect for the fallen, their prayers a soft murmur amidst the chaos. Y/N and Jingliu, though hardened by years of battle, felt a familiar pang of sorrow. Their expressions, however, remained stoic, seasoned by the many similar sights they had encountered over their long years of service.

"Send a signal to the nearby Cloud Knights," Y/N ordered the pilots, his voice firm despite the grim backdrop. "Let them know we've arrived."

As the pilots busied themselves with the communication device, Y/N turned to Jingliu, his blue eyes meeting hers. "Ready?" he asked, the question more a formality than a query.

"Always," Jingliu replied, her voice steady and resolute.

With that, the two dashed off, their movements swift and purposeful, closing the distance to the village in mere minutes. As they approached, they encountered Mara-struck soldiers, their grotesque armor bulky and imposing, their weapons disproportionately large.

The Cloud Knights, scattered and beleaguered, were struggling to defend the remaining villagers from the onslaught. Y/N's gaze hardened at the sight, and he turned to Jingliu. "Help them with the villagers. I'll handle these."

Jingliu opened her mouth to protest but stopped, witnessing the blue aura emanating from Y/N, forming a spectral cape that fluttered behind him. She knew that look in his eyes – the unwavering resolve of a warrior ready to face death itself. With a heavy sigh, she nodded and turned towards the Cloud Knights, leaving Y/N to confront the elite Mara soldiers.

Y/N stood alone, the greatsword in his hand a symbol of his legendary status in Xianzhou Luofu. The weapon, nearly as tall as he was, gleamed ominously under the sun, its dark steel blade etched with the wisdom of ancient times. The artistry of the sword was a testament to the balance of power and beauty, its presence alone inspiring awe and fear.

The Mara soldiers hesitated, visibly shaken by the aura of death that Y/N exuded. Yet, driven by their corrupted nature, they charged, axes raised in a futile attempt to strike him down.

With a swift, powerful swing of his greatsword, Y/N cleaved the soldiers in two, their axes shattering like brittle wood. The remaining soldiers recoiled, but their fear was soon replaced by offense at Y/N's slow, deliberate advance.

Y/N smirked, the battle a familiar dance to him. He swung his greatsword with lethal precision, cutting through the soldiers' ranks. Each strike was a deadly ballet of steel and strength, his movements fluid like a lightsword wielder, despite the greatsword's size.

The air itself seemed to ripple with the force of his swings, yet Y/N controlled his strength, mindful not to harm the innocent villagers caught in the fray.

Meanwhile, Jingliu commanded the Cloud Knights with a tactical acumen honed by years of warfare. Spotting a family cornered by Mara soldiers, she leaped into action, her lightsword cutting a swift, lethal path through the enemies.

After securing their safety, she turned to the white-haired boy and his family. "Follow the Cloud Knights to safety," she ordered, her tone strict yet protective. The boy's eyes, filled with awe and fear, lingered on her for a moment before he nodded, ushering his family to safety.

Back at the battlefield, sensing the dwindling life signatures of the Mara soldiers, Y/N enveloped his greatsword in his blue aura. With a final, earth-shattering swing, he brought the weapon down like a titanic hammer, obliterating the remaining Mara soldiers in an explosion of force and light.

The ground trembled under the impact, and a cloud of dust rose around him. As the dust settled, Y/N stood amidst the ruins, his greatsword now silent, a grim reminder of the battle's cost.

He turned towards Jingliu, their eyes meeting across the battlefield, the dust settling over the ravaged village, Y/N stood silently, his eyes surveying the scene. The remnants of destruction, the cries of the wounded, and the mourning of loss painted a picture all too familiar to him. Jingliu, her demeanor equally somber, approached him, her keen eyes noting the tension in his stance.

"How are the villagers?" Y/N's voice was a low murmur, his gaze still fixed on the horizon.

"We've saved most of them," Jingliu replied, her voice carrying a mix of relief and sorrow. "But there are casualties... among both the villagers and the Cloud Knights."

Y/N's hand tightened around the hilt of his greatsword, the metal creaking under his grip. His eyes closed momentarily, a silent tribute to the fallen. Jingliu watched him, the sight of his distress stirring a deep sense of empathy within her. She stepped closer, placing her hand gently over his.

"Let's go home, Y/N," she said, her voice laced with gratitude and a touch of happiness at seeing his tension ease, even if only slightly.

Hours later, back in Xianzhou Luofu, the help bay was a flurry of activity. Doctors and healers moved swiftly among the beds, tending to the wounded villagers and knights. The familiar sight brought back a flood of memories for Y/N and Jingliu, reminders of countless battles and lives saved and lost.

A Cloud Knight, evidently a messenger, approached them with a respectful nod. "Commanders, the Council has decreed your mission complete. You are granted a rest period of three months."

Y/N raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Did something happen?" he asked, a question that had become increasingly frequent on his lips.

The messenger shrugged slightly. "I'm not privy to the Council's reasoning, Commanders."

Jingliu, seizing the opportunity, expressed their gratitude. "Please convey our thanks to the Council. We'll take the rest."

As the messenger bowed and departed, Y/N folded his arms, a thoughtful frown creasing his brow. He seemed to be contemplating his next move, the restlessness of a warrior ingrained in his very being.

Jingliu, perceptive as ever, caught the familiar expression on his face. "No, Y/N," she said firmly.

"I didn't even say anything yet," he replied, a hint of protest in his voice.

"I know that look," she retorted, her grip tightening on his hand. "We're going home. No arguments."

"But I—" Y/N started to object, only to be cut off by Jingliu's intense gaze, her eyes flaring with an authority that brooked no dispute.

"No," she stated emphatically.

Y/N let out a defeated whimper, an unusual sound from the usually stoic warrior. The nearby Cloud Knights, overhearing the exchange, couldn't help but stifle their laughter at the rare sight of their formidable commander being so decisively overruled.

Jingliu led Y/N away, her hand firmly clasped in his. Despite his initial reluctance, there was a subtle shift in his demeanor, a gradual unburdening that only Jingliu's presence could bring.

As they walked, the gentle laughter of the knights faded behind them, replaced by the serene quiet of their shared journey home.


The journey back had been a silent one, with Y/N and Jingliu each lost in their own thoughts. Now, back within the sanctuary of their home, the weight of the greatsword seemed heavier than ever as Y/N let it fall to the ground with a resonant clank. Jingliu, with a grace that belied her fatigue, placed her lightsword upon the table with care.

The descent of evening brought a stillness to the house, a contrast to the chaos they had left behind. Jingliu ascended the stairs, her movements reflecting a mix of determination and exhaustion. "I'll get dinner started," she called over her shoulder, her voice steady despite the day's trials.

Y/N, seated on the plush couch, allowed himself a moment of reprieve. The cushions enveloped him, the familiar scent of home seeping into his senses. He closed his eyes, and within moments, slipped into the realm of dreams, a place he no longer welcomed but could not escape.

In his dream, the presence of the Flint Emperor loomed, a figure both awe-inspiring and increasingly irksome. The being's voice rumbled like the awakening of a volcano, greeting Y/N with a resonance that seemed to shake the very ground of his subconscious.

Y/N exhaled deeply, a mix of resignation and relief in his voice. "Why have you come?" he asked, his tone weary yet edged with the respect such a being commanded.

"I bring tidings of respite," the Emperor's voice crackled. "For three months, I shall leave you be. No dreams, no teachings, no disturbances."

Disbelief flashed through Y/N's mind, his inner turmoil pausing at the promise of uninterrupted rest. "Truly?" he inquired, his voice tinged with hope.

"It is so. Even I recognize the need for rest, especially after witnessing the day's endeavors," the Emperor replied, a strange warmth in its fiery timbre. "Huaiyan has been... vocal in his concern for you."

A mental note to thank Huaiyan later formed in Y/N's mind, but before he could dwell on it, the Flint Emperor's tone shifted, darker, more serious. "But be wary, Y/N. There is a presence, one I cannot see clearly, but it watches you with intent unknown. It is beyond even my considerable reach."

The warning hung in the air, a chill that contrasted with the Emperor's usual heat. Then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the presence receded, leaving Y/N alone in the silent expanse of his own mind.

Awakening with a start, Y/N blinked into the dim light of the living room. Jingliu's voice reached him from the kitchen, a lighthouse calling him back to reality. He stood, stretching the stiffness from his limbs, and made his way toward her call.

In the kitchen, the warmth of the oven fought back the evening chill, and the aroma of spices filled the air. Jingliu stood at the stove, her back to him, but he could picture the focused expression she wore, one that mirrored the precision of her combat skills.

"How can I help?" Y/N asked, his voice more relaxed than it had been in days.

"Just set the table," Jingliu replied without turning, her attention on the sizzling pan before her. "And maybe pour us something strong. I think we've earned it."

Y/N smiled, a genuine uplift of his spirits in her company. "Strong it is," he agreed, moving to gather the glasses.

They moved in a comfortable rhythm, the ease of their long partnership evident in every shared glance and unspoken understanding. As Y/N laid the cutlery on the table, he caught Jingliu's eye, and in that brief exchange, they found solace. Here, in the quiet of their home, they could set aside the mantle of guardianship, if only for a night, and simply be.

Dinner was a simple affair, but every bite was savored, every sip of the potent liquid a toast to survival, to resilience, and to the unwavering bond between them. They spoke little, but the silence was a comfortable one, filled with the contentment of presence and the unspoken promise of support.

As the night drew on, Y/N and Jingliu lingered at the table, the candles burning low. "Thank you, Jingliu," Y/N said quietly, his voice carrying the weight of his gratitude. "For... everything."

Jingliu reached across the table, her hand covering his. "Always, Y/N. For everything, always."


The reprieve granted by the Flint Emperor had worked a subtle alchemy on Y/N's spirit. In the following days, his demeanor softened, the lines of strain around his eyes smoothing into a tranquil gaze. Even the rigid set of his shoulders relaxed, allowing him a more carefree posture that hadn't been seen in seasons.

During one of their leisurely strolls through the vibrant streets of Xianzhou Luofu, Jingliu nudged Y/N with a playful elbow. "You seem lighter," she remarked, a smile playing on her lips. "Like a storm has passed and left clear skies."

Y/N matched her smile with one of his own, his eyes reflecting an inner peace. "The Flint Emperor has given me a break from his nightly visits," he confessed, a note of relief threading his voice. "We have three months without interruptions."

"Three months?" Jingliu's smile broadened, her eyes gleaming with delight. "That's wonderful! We can finally enjoy some well-deserved peace together."

Their conversation was cut short by a sudden exclamation. "Train me!"

The voice was young but laden with determination. They turned to see a white-haired boy stepping forward, his golden eyes shining with ambition and his stance bold despite his obvious youth.

Y/N regarded the boy with a calm curiosity, while Jingliu's gaze was a bit sharper, her internal irritation at the interruption kept in check by her composure. However, her twitching eye betrayed her annoyance.

"And who might you be, young man?" Y/N inquired, his voice measured.

The boy repeated his request with vigor, then poured out his tale of admiration for the duo, recounting their heroism that had saved him and his village. His words were earnest, filled with the unguarded veneration of youth.

The heartfelt narrative softened Jingliu's resolve, the raw sincerity of the boy's plea resonating with her own once-fiery aspirations. Y/N exchanged a glance with her, an unspoken agreement forming between them.

"Return to the shelter bay," Y/N instructed the boy. "We'll speak with you there later."

The boy's face lit up, and he dashed away, leaving Y/N and Jingliu alone once more.

"Do you really think he has the makings of a trainee?" Jingliu asked, her voice a mix of skepticism and curiosity.

"We'll see if his determination holds true," Y/N replied. "Actions will prove more than words."

As dusk settled over Xianzhou Luofu, the shelter bay was a haven of warm lights and soft murmurs. Families reunited, sharing meals and stories of the day. Among them, the white-haired boy waited, his anticipation palpable even from a distance.

When Y/N and Jingliu arrived, the boy approached with a respectful haste, his family's eyes watching the exchange with a mixture of hope and gratitude.

"We will take you as our trainee," Y/N began, his voice firm, "but only if your resolve is as strong as your words suggest. Show us through deeds, not speech."

The boy's vigorous nod was all the answer they needed.

"Meet us at the training field of the Cloud Knights in three days," Jingliu added, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Your journey begins there."

With the promise of a new path unfolding before him, the boy watched as Y/N and Jingliu departed, their silhouettes merging with the night. He turned back to his family, a sense of purpose burning within him. The next three days would be the longest of his life.

Y/N and Jingliu walked away, the night air carrying the faint sounds of Xianzhou Luofu settling into slumber. They walked in comfortable silence, side by side, as they always had.


In the three days since they had agreed to take on the white-haired boy as their pupil, Y/N and Jingliu had fallen into a familiar rhythm. They trained with the relentless discipline that had become their way of life, punctuated by brief periods of rest. Yet even their sleep was not free from the touch of duty that defined them; it was a warrior's rest, always alert, always ready.

Their nights, however, had held a different kind of vigilance. Jingliu, ever the unyielding flame, found moments to seek Y/N's warmth, her presence a silent assertion of their bond. Whether it was the shared silence on the couch or the soft whisper of breaths in the hush of night, they remained close, two souls in quiet communion amid the chaos of their lives.

The sun had barely crested the horizon when Y/N and Jingliu arrived at the training field of the Cloud Knights. The air was crisp, carrying the promise of the day ahead. Clad in their armor, they stood with an air of expectancy, their eyes on the path that wound its way to the field.

Y/N's gaze swept across the empty expanse of the training ground. "He's late," he remarked, the edge of impatience in his tone softened by the hint of a smile.

Jingliu, leaning casually against a training dummy, raised an eyebrow. "You never did tell him what time to be here, did you?"

Caught off guard, Y/N's demeanor faltered momentarily before he cleared his throat, looking away to hide his momentary lapse. Jingliu's laughter, light and unrestrained, filled the space between them.

Their banter was interrupted by the sound of hurried footsteps. Turning, they saw the white-haired boy approaching, his pace quick and his breath short.

"Well done," Y/N said as the boy came to a halt before them, panting. "You've passed the first test."

The boy straightened up, confusion apparent on his features. "First test?"

"To come here as you have, shows determination," Y/N explained, his voice carrying the timbre of a teacher now. "That's the first mark of a warrior."

The boy nodded, eager to learn what came next. "What is the second test?"

Y/N didn't answer with words. Instead, he launched forward with a speed that belied his size and landed a solid punch on the boy's makeshift guard. The impact sent the boy tumbling backward, airborne for a moment before gravity claimed him, and he hit the ground with a dull thud.

Jingliu watched the scene unfold with a sense of déjà vu. It was reminiscent of their own early days under the tutelage of the Wanderer, their master who had believed in tough love and harder lessons. She couldn't suppress a smirk. "This will be interesting," she murmured.

The boy lay on the ground, the wind knocked out of him, his world spinning. Y/N approached and looked down at the sprawled figure, a mix of concern and sternness on his face. "This will indeed be a long day," he said, extending a hand to help the boy up.

Slowly, with Y/N's assistance, the boy rose to his feet, his expression one of mixed pain and determination. "I... I didn't expect that," he gasped out, still trying to catch his breath.

"Expect the unexpected," Y/N replied, his voice firm. "That is the essence of combat."

Jingliu stepped forward, her red eyes assessing the boy's resolve. "If you wish to continue, stand up straight and prepare yourself. Training is not meant to be easy."

The boy nodded, setting his jaw as he reassumed a defensive stance, this time more wary, his body tensed for the next lesson. Y/N and Jingliu exchanged a glance, a silent agreement passing between them.

"Before we continue, state your name." Y/N asked, having forgotten the proper etiquette earlier.

The boy smiled, "My name is Jing Yuan."


The clangor of steel rang through the morning air, a symphony that spoke of the dedication and discipline that Jing Yuan was beginning to embody. Under the watchful eyes of Y/N and Jingliu, the training field had become his crucible, the place where he would either be forged into strength or melted down by the intensity of their expectations.

Y/N watched Jing Yuan move through the forms with a critical yet understanding eye. "Remember, Jing Yuan, the sword is a continuation of your arm. Flow with it, don't fight it," he instructed, his tone patient.

Jing Yuan nodded, adjusting his stance. He was drenched in sweat, muscles aching, but there was a fire in his eyes that burned brighter with each passing moment. He repeated the movement, and this time there was a grace to it, a fluidity that had been absent before.

Jingliu, however, was less forgiving. "Your footwork is sloppy," she pointed out sharply as Jing Yuan completed a sequence. "If you were facing an enemy, you'd be dead ten times over by now."

Y/N stepped in before the boy could be overwhelmed by the criticism. "He's learning, Jingliu. Improvement takes time."

The tension between Y/N's encouragement and Jingliu's high standards was palpable. Jingliu considered Y/N's words, her gaze softening ever so slightly. "Very well," she conceded. "But I will not coddle him."

"No one's asking you to," Y/N replied with a smile, giving Jingliu's head a gentle pat. Jing Yuan, for his part, could hardly believe the sight. The stern Jingliu, who seemed as unyielding as steel, was acquiescing to Y/N's gentle approach. He couldn't help but voice his thoughts aloud, "Like an ice queen thawing in the sun..."

Jingliu's glare snapped to Jing Yuan, her eyes narrow slits. Y/N quickly intervened, placing himself between his apprentice and his fellow warrior. "Now, now, he's just tired. Aren't you, Jing Yuan?" He gave the boy a look that clearly said, 'Apologize, or you're on your own.'

Jing Yuan swallowed hard, sensing the danger. "I mean no disrespect, Commander Jingliu. You are... formidable."

As the days progressed, there were moments when Jing Yuan's natural aptitude shone through. During a sparring session, he anticipated Y/N's strike and parried with a counter that was so unexpected, it drew a rare nod of approval from Jingliu.

"Good," she said, a hint of pride in her voice. "You're learning."

It was during these moments that Y/N and Jingliu realized that Jing Yuan's true talent lay not in the sword itself, but in his ability to read the situation, to adapt and anticipate. It was a quality that would serve him well, not just on the training field, but on the battlefields that surely awaited him.

Their evenings were often filled with stories. As they sat under the canopy of stars, Y/N and Jingliu would recount tales of their youth, of Xianzhou Cangcheng and the trials they had faced. Jing Yuan listened, rapt, the name of their home city rolling off his tongue with reverence.

"Yes, Xianzhou Cangcheng," Y/N confirmed, his voice tinged with a melancholy that time had not completely erased. "It was our beginning, and it shaped us into who we are."

Jingliu nodded, her hand finding Y/N's and squeezing it gently. "But we have new beginnings now, with you, Jing Yuan. You are part of our journey, just as we are part of yours."

Jing Yuan felt a warmth spread through him, a sense of belonging that he hadn't known he'd been seeking. With Y/N and Jingliu as his mentors, he felt as though he could face anything. His skills grew, not just in swordsmanship, but in strategy and leadership, molded by the combined efforts of his two teachers.

And as the moon rose high, casting its silver glow over the trio, it was clear that the bonds between them were strengthening, forged in the fires of training and tempered by the stories they shared.


The training field of the Cloud Knights was alive with the sounds of exertion and the sharp ring of metal on metal. A circle had formed around two figures in its center: Jing Yuan, and a trainee who seemed both honored and terrified to spar with the protégé of the legendary duo.

Jing Yuan faced his opponent, another trainee, whose eyes darted nervously towards Y/N and Jingliu for any sign of approval. Jingliu gave a curt nod, and Y/N offered a reassuring smile. "Remember, boy, this is a chance to grow, not just for Jing Yuan, but for you as well," Y/N encouraged.

The match began, and Jing Yuan advanced with a confidence that was new to him. The trainee, bolstered by Y/N's words, met him strike for strike, his shyness giving way to focus. The duel was a dance of blades, each parry and thrust a question and answer in the conversation of combat.

After several intense minutes, Jing Yuan found an opening and disarmed the trainee with a swift maneuver that earned a scattered applause from the watching trainees. Y/N stepped forward, his clap distinct among them. "Well done to both of you," he said. "Boy, you held your own against a formidable opponent. Jing Yuan, your control has improved."

Jingliu's critique was more measured. "Your footwork has gotten better, Jing Yuan, but don't get complacent. And Lian, don't let nerves dictate your movements."

As the crowd dispersed, Y/N and Jingliu shared stories of their past with Jing Yuan, each tale a lesson in disguise. They spoke of victories hard-won and losses that had taught them more than any triumph. Jing Yuan listened, his admiration for his mentors deepening into something akin to reverence.

"I can't believe I'm walking the same path as you," Jing Yuan mused aloud, his eyes wide with the weight of his own words.

"It's a path you've earned," Jingliu said, her stern demeanor softening. "Your dedication is evident."

Y/N's expression grew solemn as he added, "There will be challenges ahead that will test you in ways our training can't prepare you for. But remember, the strength you need is already within you."

Jing Yuan nodded, his resolve hardening. "I won't let you down. I'll face whatever comes, just like you have."

The three stood together as dusk began to settle over the field, their silhouettes cast long by the setting sun. It was a moment of quiet solidarity, a promise of the trials and adventures that lay ahead.

"Are you ready for what's next, Jing Yuan?" Y/N asked, his voice carrying the weight of experience.

Jing Yuan lifted his chin, meeting the gaze of his mentors with unwavering determination. "I am," he affirmed. "I'm ready."

And as they left the field together, there was a sense of completion and a beginning, a chapter closing and another just waiting to be written.


In the quietude that followed their day's labor, Y/N found himself once again in the grip of a dream, or perhaps something more—a space where reality seemed to bend to the will of the extraordinary beings that inhabited it. The familiar presence of the Flint Emperor emerged from the shadows, its flames casting a warm, unsettling light in the dim space of Y/N's subconscious.



"What is it this time?" Y/N's voice was firm, his demand for peace a strong undercurrent in the words he directed at the fiery Heliobi.

"This... is a matter of importance," the dragon's voice rumbled, reverberating like the echo of a distant storm.

"Speak then," Y/N said, the weariness of interrupted rest evident in his posture.

The Flint Emperor shifted, its massive form coiling as if preparing to reveal a long-held secret. "You carry within you a potential yet untapped. A strength not of this world, nor of the worlds you know."

Y/N's expression tightened, the memory of the Emanator's cryptic messages finding resonance in the dragon's words. "The Emanator spoke of destiny and paths unseen. Are you another harbinger of riddles?"

"No riddle, but a truth," the Flint Emperor intoned. "You are more than a guardian of Xianzhou, more than a commander of legions. There is a power within you that even I cannot fully grasp."

Y/N's gaze was steely, his mind racing with the implications of the dragon's admission. "And you come to me with this revelation now, after all this time?"

The dragon's eyes gleamed with a heat that spoke of ancient fires and knowledge as old as the stars themselves. "Because the time approaches when you will need to wield this power. And when it comes, know that my fealty lies with you, Y/N of Xianzhou."

With a motion that belied the enormity of its being, the Flint Emperor bowed its head, the very air around them seeming to shudder with the weight of its pledge.

Y/N was left speechless, a torrent of questions raging in his mind. "Why would you serve me?" he finally managed to ask, the sense of destiny never feeling so heavy upon his shoulders.

"Because you are the one who will unlock the chains that bind us all," the dragon replied, its voice a whisper of flame. "You are the key, Y/N, and when the time comes, you will lead us into a new era."

As the dragon faded from his dream, Y/N was left with the echo of its words, a sense of foreboding settling in his chest. He awoke with a start, the embers of the dream still burning in his mind.

Jingliu's voice called him from the kitchen, her tone a soothing anchor to the tumultuous sea of his thoughts. Y/N pushed himself up, his resolve hardening with each step he took towards her voice.

Tonight, they would eat, laugh, and for a moment, forget the omens and the prophecies. Tonight, they were just Y/N and Jingliu, and that was enough. For now.


Eight years had cascaded like a gentle stream through the heart of Xianzhou Luofu, bringing with them change and growth. At the center of this evolution stood Jing Yuan, once a boy with wide golden eyes full of admiration, now a respected member of the Cloud Knights, his white hair tied back with a red ribbon, a symbol of his maturity and dedication.

Jing Yuan's presence in the training yard was formidable as he practiced with his devastator glaive, a weapon that extended and curved like the crescent moon. It was an extension of his will, each movement a demonstration of the precision and strategic thinking instilled in him by Y/N and Jingliu.

Y/N watched from the sidelines, a hint of pride warming his usually stoic features. Jingliu, arms crossed, couldn't help but let a small smile grace her lips, even as she murmured about Jing Yuan's tendency to doze off at inopportune moments. "He's like a cat in the sun," she commented, shaking her head.

On the field, Jing Yuan's commands were clear, his understanding of logistics carving paths of victory for his team. His fellow knights, a mixture of seasoned veterans and eager recruits, followed his lead without question, their respect for him evident in their unwavering cooperation.

After the exercise, Y/N and Jingliu approached Jing Yuan, who stood straighter under their gaze. Y/N's voice was encouraging as he offered guidance, "Your instincts are sharp, but remember to keep an eye on the flanks. The enemy is not always in front of you."

Jingliu's feedback was more direct, her tone firm yet not unkind. "And try not to yawn in the middle of a formation. It's not exactly inspiring," she teased, though the pride in her eyes was unmistakable.

That night, as the stars began their silent vigil, the trio found themselves atop one of the city's ancient walls, sharing stories of past and present. Jing Yuan listened, rapt, as Y/N recounted the tales of the battles against the generals of the Abundance.

In these shared moments, their bond deepened. Jing Yuan, the boy who once asked for training, now stood with them as an equal, his admiration turning to respect, his aspirations to accomplishments.

As they parted ways, Y/N and Jingliu shared a look that spoke volumes. "He's going to be alright," Y/N said, more to himself than to Jingliu.

"He always was going to be," Jingliu replied. "He's our student, after all."

Their laughter mingled with the night breeze, carrying their legacy and their hopes for Jing Yuan's future—a future that seemed as bright as the stars above Xianzhou Luofu.


End of Chapter

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