Chapter Eight; Henwy

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After Henwy had talked to Alex, he had gone to see Nico and Biffle. The two had told him about a small plan they had come up with together but did not tell Henwy any details about it and told him to see them again tomorrow morning.

And so Henwy was walking through the forest trail, straight to the time machine crash where he was told to meet them.

He was taking the longest trail there because he was very hesitant to see them for more reasons than one.

Reason Number One: Why would it be at the crash site? It was far away from the town so if they had any plans, such as murder, then Henwy was screwed. He had to remind himself that death wasn't permanent, but imprisonment was.

Reason Number Two: It was Biffle and Nico. Both of them had been through both seasons and knew exactly what Henwy has done, and Henwy wasn't sure if they forgave him yet. Sigils had been pretty forgiving, and maybe Alex too, but he knew that most of them were still bitter.

And Reason Three: Sigils was coming. He knew this because he had run into Sigils after talking to Nico and Biffle. They shared a bit of small talk and Henwy learned that Sigils had also meet with the two. Sigils might have been nicer to Henwy lately, but he would quickly side with Biffle and Nico over him.

He saw the crash just beyond the trees. Three figures were standing at the edge of the crater. Henwy could easily tell who was who from the height differences. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair and exhaled a shaky breath before carefully picking his way down the slope.

He had his hand carefully resting on his sword and he had his armor in his inventory, just incase.

The three saw him and turned. Sigils gave a friendly wave as Henwy approached. He spotted no weapons on any of them, but he still stopped a few feet away from them.

"Hey, Henwy!" Nico smiled, "Thanks for coming."

Henwy responded with a small nod.

"I don't mean to sound hostile but why exactly have you brought us here?" Henwy asked, accidentally letting a hint of aggression slip into his voice.

Nico nudged Biffle with his elbow. Biffle addressed Henwy and Sigils, "We were think that the two of you could run together."

Sigils and Henwy looked at them dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry, what?" Sigils finally questioned.

"I know it sounds a little wild," Nico spoke firmly.

"Because it is," Henwy interrupted.

"-But we think it would be good for you two and the camp," Biffle finished.

"Ok, first of all, both of us have already been mayors so it would probably be best if someone else took a turn," Sigils pointed out.

"And we are huge enemies," Henwy muttered.

"But you haven't tried to kill each other yet," Nico pointed out.

"Yeah we have," Henwy and Sigils replied in sync.

"That was cute what we did there," Sigils said jokingly.

"Right after the crash when we were all healed the two of us got into a fight and you had to pull us away from each other," Henwy said ignoring Sigils's comment.

"Besides that," Biffle interjected.

"No, that still counts," Sigils said.

"Our point is," Nico said quickly, "you two would work great together. You have before. You helped Biffle into the time machine when the dragon almost killed us and started the time machine, you both were willing to attack Zud and the others to protect us, and you both did great when we were in the end killing the dragon."

Henwy stared at Nico and Biffle, their faces hopeful.

"I'll think about it," And with that, Henwy sauntered back into the woods.

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