Chapter Nine; Sigils

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Sigils found himself pacing outside of Henwy's house again. The bridge over the river was directly in front of him and he couldn't bring himself to cross it.

It had been a few hours since Biffle and Nico had suggested the idea of them working together and run for mayor. Sigils didn't completely love or hate the idea so he was thinking about talking to Henwy about it, but for some dumb reason it took way to much courage to have a nice lighthearted conversation with him and not punch him straight in the jaw.

"Are you going to come in or stare at my bridge all day? I mean it is a very nice bridge," Henwy suddenly materialized beside his doorway. Sigils jumped.

"Uh, sure," Sigils sputtered. He stared across the bridge.

"You are so awkward," Henwy observed.

Sigils scoffed and entered. There was a small meow once he stepped in. Sigils turned and saw a small golden tabby cat laying on Henwy's sofa. The cat lazily stood and sauntered over to Sigils and rubbed its head against his leg.

Sigils physically brightened up and bent down to pet the cat.

"Oh my god, where did you get a cat?" Sigils asked, scratching a spot on the cat's jaw.

"I found her at a village. She sorta just followed me home. I haven't really given her a name though," Henwy shrugged, "She does respond very well to 'Kitty'."

As soon as Henwy said 'Kitty', the cat scurried over to Henwy and meowed. Henwy scooped her up and placed her down on his couch.

"Feel free to take a seat," Henwy motioned to the couch before turning towards his kitchen and removing a few baked potatoes and steak while Sigils played with the cat. Soon enough, they both had food and were ready to discuss the problem at hand.

"So, I'm assuming you came here to talk about working together and run for mayors," Henwy questioned as soon as he sat down, "Because I really doubt that you came here to steal more of my food."

"They have a point though," Sigils responded.

Henwy stared at his food for a moment.

"It's alright if you don't want to, I'm not going to force you into it," Sigils clarified.

"This is my 'thinking of how to respond' face," Henwy said, gesturing to his face, "And I would say it is a great idea, now shake my hand before my brain starts to come up with all of the ways this can go terribly wrong."

Sigils smiled and firmly shook Henwy's outstretched hand.

"That went way better than planned," Sigils said a little smugly.

Henwy scrunched up his face to diminish a small grin that managed to slip through. He proceeded to stuff his face with food.

Sigils stayed with Henwy longer than he had intended, but he would later admit that it was a lot of fun.

The cat ended up following him home, so he totally spoiled her and fed her a bunch of salmon he had caught on a small fishing trip recently. He never really liked the taste of salmon anyway.

Just before the sun had set, Biffle decided to stop by Sigils' house to talk.

Biffle was observing the cat that was curled up besides Sigils, her head resting on his leg.

"Where did you find a cat?" Biffle asked out of the blue after a few minutes of them rambling to each other.

"Oh, her? She sorta just followed me home when I went to visit Henwy," Sigils shrugged. Biffle raised an eyebrow with a grin.

"Yes, I know. I've told Kate and Zud that we are running together. Stop it, don't give me that face. You have not won this battle," Sigils snapped as Biffle's grin grew.

"I have totally won this battle and I'm going to go tell Nico because he would also be so extremely happy and thrilled," Biffle said, standing.

Sigils sighed and let out a small smile, "Fine, just wait until morning. I'm planning on actually getting sleep tonight."

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