Chapter 26: Within a Cage

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A violent headache generated in Jay's mind. It sunk its sharpened claws into his brain and tore at his nerves, attempting to mince his tender organ. His brain pulsed in retaliation to shake off the perpetrator, but it did nothing but slam the beast against the walls of the teen's cranium and increase the agonizing pounding sensation.

He clutched his head in his hands and squeezed his eyes shut, gritting his teeth as flashbacks of the confrontation replayed in his mind. An individual spotted Jay groaning in pain and neared him, placing a water bottle and pill by his side.

"The pill will cure your air sickness," Casper stated.

Jay grumbled a 'thanks' and downed half the beverage, swallowing the medicine with it.

The half-brothers sat at a table ascended thousands of feet into the air aboard Cyrus', no, Team Ultragalactic's aircraft. It was atypical from the average flying transportation, resembling a spaceship rather than an airplane. They sat at the bottommost room of this carrier that jutted below the final level. It resembled a glass bowl; the transparent walls allowed them to see everything.

Jay cracked open an eye and scanned the passing land. Evergreen forests peeked out in between the gaps of muddled clouds. Snow fastened to the ground in solid sheets, and ice climbed up any object possessing water like a vine. No Pokémon nor person could be located.

Sinnoh's mountains are starting to creep me out, he thought.

Jay shifted his gaze to Casper who was scribbling down notes on a packet he extracted from a file.

"Did you bring me their stuff?" he asked.

Casper's pen stopped midair. His electric blue glare dug into the other. For a fleeting moment, Jay worried that he'd dismissed his wishes. Sweet relief (he wondered if it was the pill working its magic) flooded the spelunker as Casper handed him two sets of Poké Balls.

Jay tucked the dozen into his backpack and relaxed in his seat, letting his shoulders sag and fists unclench. "Thanks, Cas. I was half-expecting you not to pull through for me."

"You wound me," the elder replied, returning to his work.

Jay chewed on the inside of his cheek and adjusted the straps on his bag. "You know..." Casper spared him a glance. "Since I'm here and all, I think I deserve to know what's going on. Uncle Cyrus did K.O. my friends."

Silence ensued as Jay let Casper mull over his request. He knew he couldn't be accusatory — things would turn ugly if he grew aggressive. Ken proved just how quickly violence could be shut down. The last thing Jay wanted was to be cast out the aircraft for betrayal. If there was ever a time for treading carefully and staying defensive, it was now.

The pressure Casper forced onto the pen increased. He nearly stabbed the tip through the paper. "Ken is to summon Arceus to aid our family's cause during the ceremony tomorrow. The only reason he and Alice are restrained is because they attempted to injure us."

Jay's tongue twisted as he tried to figure out how to phrase his next sentences correctly. Thinking before speaking sucks ass. "Did Ken's parents seriously kill Pa—Gramps?"

There was no hesitation in his voice: "Yes."

Jay rested his chin on his bag, watching the world pass by through half-lidded eyes. Shit... That doesn't mean they have to take out their anger on Ken. Listener or whatever Uncle called him, he obviously doesn't want to do this. Man, bringing Ken and Shortcake with me was a mistake.


He looked up and saw an uncharacteristically sympathetic expression on Casper's face. His sibling set aside his paperwork and steepled his hands.

"I know this must be extremely baffling for you. You must understand that our family's business is a dangerous one, and it was your father who wanted to protect you from it. My own father hadn't cared enough to shield me from Mother's operations."

Jay's shields lowered without him realizing it. "At least you got a career out of it. I didn't get anything."

"I received more than what I bargained for." Casper's voice darkened. "Jay, you can't recall any memories of Team Galactic, correct?"

He shook his head. "I have no idea what you're talking about. What's the deal with Team Ultragalactic, too?"

* * *

When Ken awakened, he felt numb. Mentally, physically, emotionally numb. Had he not been able to view his own body, he would have presumed he'd transformed into an intangible ghost roaming the afterlife.

He lied on a stiff mattress atop a scratchy blanket, somewhat propped up by a limp pillow. His stare traced the metal ceiling, and his lips thinned. Nothing else decorated the narrow vacancy save for a door leading to freedom. This was no hospital.

Ken shifted then hissed in pain through clenched teeth. A single dot stood out from his fair skin; it was the source of the blazing heat exuding from his forearm. He furrowed his brows.

Lucario tackled Toxicroak across the office, toppling over the desk and smashing the two into the wall. Too distracted by the battle, Ken was ignorant to the grunt with a syringe. The needle struck him, and he shouted in surprise. His knees buckled underneath him as his head spun. A black haze swam before his vision, and Alice's terrified yell was the last thing he registered before falling into unconsciousness.

Memories rushed back to him all at once: Casper revealing Cyrus, Cyrus threatening him, him attacking Cyrus and being intercepted by Jay, Jay restraining him and calling for Alice, Alice speaking to him in a frantic voice, him yelling at Alice.

Moderate numbness transitioned into unbearable grief not even rage could ward off. The disciplined mask he'd donned since he attended his parents' funeral cracked, revealing a broken adolescent. His vision blurred before him, and his face scrunched as he fought back an anguished sob.

He wasn't prepared to face Cyrus and his malevolent intentions. He couldn't handle how the expressionless man stated that he remembered Ken's parents' passing. Ken had always known it was a terrible accident, but he'd never expected it to be due to the Amachi family lineage. No sane person would assume that.

Ken snatched the amulet by its chain and pelted it across the room. The talisman crashed into the wall and dropped with a metallic thud. He stood up, ignoring the sharp pain that shot up his arm, and glared daggers at the scarlet red jewel through glistening eyes.

It's your fault, Arceus. Why couldn't you have given this burden to another family?

He froze; the amulet was all he had left of his family. Ken clambered to the piece and picked it up with shaky hands. Pressing it to his forehead, he allotted his tears to fall, mourning his parents' death and imagining how his was soon to come.

* * *

Alice was all out of tears.

At first, she was a mess. She cried until she was sure all water had left her system then cried again. In her tiny room on her tiny bed, she curled into a ball and muffled her whimpers with her fist. Absolute terror for what was to happen—violence, enslavement, perhaps even death—caused her to quiver like a leaf shaking in the wind.

Hours passed as she threw herself a pity party and lamented over the tragic events. Ken's brutal declaration echoed in her ears. Casper advancing toward her with a syringe played behind her eyelids. She stared absently at the floor, not daring to sleep in fear of what her nightmares would bring.

Slowly, ever so slowly, her despair faded in place of mad fervor. She unfolded herself and sat up, violently rubbing her damp cheeks.

Okay, get your stuff together, she scolded herself. Ken's probably locked away somewhere and I'm stuck in a cell. If anyone's going to be the shining knight in armor, it looks like it has to be me.

She remembered how they first met; he saved her from being maimed by a rampaging Luxray. It was her turn to pay him back.

People escape prisons all the time. I've watched a hundred dramas about it. It can't be that hard. I just have to think.

The brunette ducked under the bed and cursed. Nothing. She patted her jeans and checked the insides of her shoes. The closest thing she had to tools were the hair-tie keeping her braid in place and her sneakers.

She sighed. What the heck can I do with a hair-tie and shoes?

Alice searched for an air vent, but nothing protruded from the walls. It was only her, a bed, and a locked door. She collapsed on the mattress and frowned.

What's Jay doing right now? Did they leave him? Arceus, he better be here. He's the one who got us kidnapped.

She furrowed her brow. Doubt weighed her down, dragging her thoughts into a deep, suspicious abyss.

He didn't do this on purpose, right? Jay's too nice to trick people. There's no way he'd get us in trouble on purpose. He's a good guy, right?

She spun the plastic band around her wrist and pursed her lips. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see how a man as twisted as Cyrus would be so inhumane that he'd sacrifice innocent people to reach his goals. A universe created by such a horrid man was a universe fated to perish.

* * *

Casper tucked a strand of his lengthy, blue locks behind his ear and cleared his throat. Jay leaned forward in anticipation. After seventeen years of being kept in the dark, he would finally have answers.

"24 years ago, our Grandmother Akagi was murdered by an intoxicated man driving a truck. Grandfather vowed to never let another travesty happen to our family ever again. He founded Team Galactic and with the help of Uncle Cyrus, our mother, and his admins, they formulated the brilliant idea to create a world in which justice and law trumps all."

Jay raised his brows and tilted his head. "That's crazy. Gramps should've gone to therapy instead of joining the loony bin. Creating a whole new world because of one person is insane."

Casper scowled at the younger man and crossed his arms. "Don't speak of our family that way."

"Sorry." Jay breathed out an airy laugh and scratched his cheek.

"What separates Team Galactic and Ultragalactic are their strategies on obtaining this utopia. Grandfather led Team Galactic with the intentions of harnessing Dialga's and Palkia's powers to—"

"Dialga and Palkia?" Jay repeated, jaw dropped.

Casper's lips twitched. "Yes, Dialga and Palkia. He crafted a Red Chain from the lake spirits to summon them, but his ceremony was intruded. Champion Cynthia and others stopped Grandfather and broke the Red Chain."

Jay imagined Xander standing atop Mt. Coronet facing Cynthia, his face steely and voice deadly. In his mind, Xander fought Cynthia's famous Garchomp with his powerful Bronzong. The sand shark and crystalline bell would clash in a ferocious battle teetering on the edge of a cliff as a blizzard rolled in.

"Grandfather escaped those adversaries and disbanded Team Galactic so he wouldn't be found out. However, our family never ceased our mission."

How long did he practice this story before telling me it? Jay wondered, listening closely nonetheless.

"Uncle Cyrus learned of the Amachi family when visiting Canalave Library. Because the agenda was altered, so was the organization's name. It was Uncle Cyrus' idea to contact Ken's parents to request their help. I trust that you can infer what happened afterward."

Jay nodded. "Yeah, Uncle Cyrus took control and made Team Ultragalactic and got rid of Ken's family."

He abhorred the words spilling from his mouth. It left a dry, bitter taste on his tongue. Saying what occurred aloud made his stomach curdle. Family or not, what his relatives strived for was corrupt and downright villainous.

He studied Casper as he resumed his task. Their six year age difference set them worlds apart thanks to their fathers. Perhaps if Jay had grown up the same as Casper where he'd been groomed to take part in Team Ultragalactic, then he would view the Akagi's wish in a different, more inspiring light.

Still, they were family. He shared blood with them. Guilt gnawed at his conscience as he debated whether or not to rebel against them to help his friends who treated him well, or assist his kin who'd always turned their backs on him.

"I kinda get why Gramps wanted a dictatorship world to be powerful, but Uncle wanting to destroy emotions is dumb. What's the point of having a new world if there's no emotion?" Jay asked hesitantly. "Everyone would be brainless robots. I read a book about a galaxy full of drones, and let me tell you that it's no fun at all."

A phone's buzzing paused their conversation. Casper checked the screen and 'tsk'ed. He rose to his feet and gathered his supplies.

"Later, Jay. We're landing momentarily."


Jay turned to the windows as Casper departed, curious to see the landing point. The clouds parted as the aircraft descended, and he caught a glimpse of a tall structure. To his surprise, it was a domed building with a great telescope fixated to the roof.

An observatory for a base, that's cool. I was expecting a fort with an army surrounding it, but this is mysterious, too. It fits Uncle's mad scientist vibe.

Jay exited the panoramic area and walked down the vacant, dimmed hallways. He spied into each room he passed in search for his friends, but he found grunts wielding folders instead. Eyes bore into his back, but every time he spun around he found nothing except odd pink fire extinguishers fixed to the walls.

It struck him that he should've asked Casper for directions earlier as he walked in yet another circle. "If I was a kidnapper, where would I hide my kids?" he mumbled under his breath.

Jay imagined a grimy brig obscured in darkness and proceeded to follow the shadowiest path. Minutes later, he found men stationed outside doorways and mustered his most amiable grin.

"Hey, guys," he greeted brightly in an attempt to swoon them. "What's up?"

"State your purpose," the man on the left demanded.

"Tough crowd," Jay joked, chuckling all the while. "I was hoping you'd let me pop in there and say hi to—"

"Do you have clearance?"


"Where's your identification card?"

Shit. Plan B. Jay clasped the man's shoulder and narrowed his eyes to emerald slits. Using his intimidating tall height and muscled frame to his advantage, he was able to see alarm flash in the keeper's face.

He chided, "Listen here, buddy. You probably haven't heard of me, but the name's Jay and I'm Cyrus' nephew. Me and him are like this." He crossed his fingers. "If you let me in right now, I won't tell him that you were questioning my authority. You know how much he hates little problems like these. You wouldn't want to piss him off right before the big ceremony, yeah?"

Jay dared not to move as the guard contemplated his words. The grunt's partner stayed quiet, refusing to take part in the affray.

What felt like hours later, the worker nodded. "Forgive me. You'll have approximately five minutes to speak with the girl. We begin unloading once the carrier lands."

"Thanks!" Jay chirped, all signs of aggression gone. I can't believe that worked!

The guard slid an ID card through a device placed by the doorway, and the door slid open. Jay hastily entered and listened to the port seal shut. He offered the occupant a grin and received none in return.

Alice watched at him with puffy, red eyes from her perch on her bed. Her sleeves were damp from drying her tears, and she couldn't conceal the deep pink hue darkening her cheeks. For a brief second, Jay swore he was staring into Ken's annoyed gaze because of her unfriendly and defensive stance.

"Hey, Shortcake," he said, creeping at a slow pace to her tense form, "are you doing alright back here?"

Her voice was hoarse as she replied, "No, I'm not alright." The brunette cleared her throat and pulled her knees to her chest. She clutched onto her legs, digging her nails into her jeans. "I... I want to go home."

Jay took his place beside her and mimicked her posture, absorbing her distress. "Trust me, Shortcake, if I had a say in anything then we would've never left Kalos."

She inhaled sharply. "Wait, what? We're not in Kalos?"

"We're at Spear Pillar. Mt. Coronet. Sinnoh."

"This is ridiculous." She gave a dry laugh. It was evident to him that her lack of sleep and nonstop strain was twisting her personality. "Arceus, have I really been unconscious for that long?"

"Nah, maybe a day passed. I've been busy healing Ken's Lucario." Jay rolled up his jacket's sleeve and revealed a bruise the size and color of a plum. "He gave me this when I released him. It sucks that Lucario's immune to my dazzling charm."

"Ouch." She surveyed his belt clip and asked, "Where's my Pokémon?"

"They're right here." He reached for his backpack, but found it absent. "Or not. I left my bag in another room. Whoops. Don't worry, Shortcake. I made sure to grab them before any of the weird blue guys touched 'em."

The tiniest bit of weight lifted off her shoulders. "Thank Arceus." The relief was shortlived as she frowned and tautly pressed, "What in the Distortion World is going on, Jay? This isn't, this isn't normal."

Jay gulped as she flared with uncharacteristic hostility. He'd seen her upset over a drama being canceled before, but it was nothing in comparison to the enmity darkening her otherwise kind face.

He subconsciously edged away from her and said, "My family's gone crazy. They're trying to summon Arceus and make a new world."

The strings tying her patience and rationality to her mind tightened. "Are you kidding me? What type of bad Michelle Bay movie is this? We're Pokémon trainers, not superheroes!"

"Cas says that Ken's supp—"

"When has Ken ever summoned Arceus?" Alice's volume raised, and so did she as she climbed off her cot. "Think about it, Jay! He's just a really depressed guy who had his family murdered. That's the closest to a hero you're going to get from him. We shouldn't be here! It doesn't make any sense at all!"

Jay stood up and towered over her, quelling her hysteric rant. "Alice, I didn't know this was going to happen! Do you think I woke up and thought, 'Hey, why don't I hand over my best friends to my batshit crazy uncle today'? They don't trust me—" his voice lowered to a sad rumble "—and it looks like you don't, either. I don't get to make any decisions anywhere."

She flinched and he exhaled deeply. Alice's lips parted to apologize, but the door opened. The guards and Casper waited in the threshold. Jay's arms fell limp at his side.

"We've landed," Casper stated. "Come along now. We're eating lunch then beginning the ceremony."


Author's Note

Wowowow writing about Kalice having mental breakdowns and Jay fumbling around trying to figure out what to do is bizarre. It only gets crazier from here~

Question of the Chapter: Who's your least favorite character in "Bonds"?

P.S. ImberLapis drew a picture of the main trio and I'll never get over her greatness

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