Chapter 27: Inevitable

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Lunch was a disturbing ordeal.

After Ken and Alice were unloaded from the aircraft, they were flanked by a dozen guards to enter the observatory lab donning the Team Ultragalactic logo on its doors. Their hands and ankles weren't shackled, but they might as well have been for the sluggish pace they walked. Shoulders sagging and gazes hollow, the only source revealing that they weren't reanimated corpses were their arms brushing against each other.

Alice didn't say outright that she forgave the Sinnohvian for his cruel eruption at the Poké Ball Factory, and he respected her decision. He would react the same way if he were in her shoes. All he needed was her gentle touch to reassure him that she didn't loathe his being.

They were ushered into a large, empty room with dirty white walls and concrete floors. A single, rectangular table sat in the center, carrying two trays holding sandwiches, sliced apples, and glasses of water. The guards left after Casper gave them a curt nod and gestured to the two seats in front of the food.

"The meal isn't luxurious, but it's wholesome," he said, observing them reluctantly sit side by side in the metal fold-up chairs.

Ken held an apple slice between his thumb and index finger and deadpanned, "Is this our last meal?"

"Of course not," Casper answered, the tips of his tightly smiling lips twitching. "As long as you comply with Cyrus' wishes, you'll face no harm whatsoever."

The blond clenched his teeth. Yielding to a madman wasn't on his agenda. He snapped the fruit in half. An elbow nudged him in his side, and he scowled at Alice whose mouth was full of the ham-and-cheese sandwich. She nodded at his plate and he begrudgingly obeyed her silent command and ate the food.

Ten minutes later, the trainers sat in deadly stillness after finishing their lunches. Anxiety wouldn't allow them the minute satisfaction of having full stomachs. Their nerves pricked at Casper's slightest movements. He feigned ignorance to their caution as he flipped through paperwork.

Alice released her sore bottom lip from her uneasy nibbling and broke the silence, inquiring, "Where's Jay?"

"I believe he's with Cyrus preparing the ceremony," Casper answered, pausing to reread a report. "The ceremony's outdoors, for your information. Minor adjustments are being made to the platform."

Ken set his jaw. "Jay should use his brain for once and steer clear of us. He's done more than enough to ruin our lives already."

Alice frowned. Casper clicked his tongue.

"Placing blame on somebody for an event that would have occurred inevitably is a poor, rash decision," he chided. "Here I presumed that you were the logical one out of your companions."

Inevitable. Ken persisted. "That doesn't change the fact that he pawned us over."

The blizzard and lightning storm faced off, unblinking and declining to back down. Intense pressure exerted on the air, drowning them in suffocating tension.

"The ceremony," Alice interjected, her skin crawling as they glowered at each other, "um, the one that you mentioned. What even is it?"

Casper breathed out a sigh and raked a hand through his hair. "I suppose you wouldn't have details on it. We've cleared the platform on Spear Pillar and furnished a stand for Ken to position himself at whilst he summons Arceus."

"That's ridiculous," Ken criticized, arms folding across his chest. "I have no knowledge on how to contact Arceus. Legend tells that my family listens to Him; we do not speak with Him, nonetheless summon Him."

The blue-haired man rose to his feet and gave him a fake, empty grin. "You'll have a short amount of time to resolve this problem before the ceremony begins." His voice dipped. "Cyrus won't take lightly to this excuse."

Guards re-entered as dread set upon the couple. Alice pressed to Ken's side as they were guided to their new cells, eying her surroundings. The plain corridors contained no closets nor shadowy crevices for her to hide in if she escaped somehow. Artificial lights blazed down and illuminated every square inch of the base, confirming that her fear that there'd be no secret exit.

A pointed glare dug into her back, and she furrowed her brows. She glanced behind her and saw nothing but the guards staring straight ahead. Alice checked the ceiling for security cameras and found them positioned in the top of the area's corners. One camera caught her attention in particular. Instead of possessing a glowing red light like the others, it owned a static, bubble gum pink bulb.

She squinted. Pink?

She gasped as she stumbled over her own feet and crashed into Ken. He steadied her easily by grabbing ahold of her shoulders so she didn't face-plant, familiar with her clumsy accidents.

"Be careful," he said, his tone considerate and firm. His hands stayed on her longer than usual, his gaze distant and cloudy.

"I'll do my best." She wrapped her arm around his and spoke quietly, muttering, "It's not the end of the world, Ken." It's not the last time you're going to see me. "Just try to keep your head up. It'll be okay."

The last sentence comforted herself more than Ken.

Casper halted, as did the guards. He turned to the duo and announced, "You'll have one minute to say your parting words in privacy. Afterwards, you'll wait in your rooms until Cyrus calls on us. I cannot promise what will transpire afterward. Understood?"

They nodded. Alice held her breath as the others emptied the hallway into a different section then threw her arms around Ken, squeezing him tighter than necessary. He placed his chin on the crown of her head and rubbed her back in a soothing motion. Her grip loosened the slightest.

"I apologize," he whispered. "You shouldn't be here."

"You shouldn't be here, too," Alice reminded him, pulling away to study his features. She froze in shock as she beheld his once indifferent, apathetic eyes glistening with tears. Panic jump-started her senses and she immediately cupped his cheek. "Ken, it's really not your fault. It's just, ah, I—please don't blame yourself. We'll be fine, really."

Ken's face blurred before her. She didn't realize she was crying until her voice wobbled and cracked.

"We won't, we won't, we won't..." Alice couldn't bring herself to end the sentence: we won't die.

Ken tilted her chin and kissed her, ceasing her frantic babbling. It was too short, too wet, and too sad. Misery lingered on their touches. His lips hovered above hers then he leaned down to her temple.

His hot breath fanned her ear, and he murmured, "Thank you, Alice."

She bit her tongue to withhold a sob. He pressed his lips to her forehead, and she fisted his shirt in her grasp.

One minute wasn't enough. The Team Ultragalactic members returned, and the pair separated into their own cells.

* * *

A crisp breeze ruffled Jay's hair as he stood on Mt. Coronet. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, watching the white vapor he puffed out drift into the air. Scanning the vicinity, he noted he was the only one standing idly. He shrugged off the observation and removed his backpack and leaned against a fragmented column.

Spear Pillar hadn't aged well. The mountain's harsh climate weathered away once tall and proud columns. The stone pillars that continued to stand tall grazed the sky and kissed the stars in the evening. Their caps were jagged and uneven, reminiscent of an unskilled man who'd attempted to fashion a hunting weapon. The formerly grand sight had crumbled into this heap of displeasing rubble.

Team Ultragalactic's alterations simply worsened the ancient site. A silver altar rested in the center of the platform, contradicting the aged stones and architecture. Azure shards were embedded into it in triangular patterns.

Jay pictured Ken standing in front of the altar and bit the inside of his cheek. His guilt draped atop him like a wet blanket, chilling his bones and making his head feel ill. Alice's accusations stung him worse than a raging Beedrill whose hive had been disrupted. He could only imagine what Ken would say to him.

Siding with either party came with unfavorable drawbacks. He'd be plagued by those he turned his back on for the rest of his life. Family versus friends, blood versus spirit, duty versus detachment, loyalty versus trust.

The headache medicine Casper had given him earlier was wearing off. Grunts filed onto the course, and he glimpsed an indistinct figure weaving between their legs. Jay blinked, and it was gone. He straightened up and rubbed his drooping eyes.

This sucks, he thought. Everything about this sucks.

Another freezing gust passed, and he shivered. Not because of the cold air, but because he made eye contact with Cyrus' deathly stare.

* * *

Inevitable. The word rung in Ken's ears. Inevitably, he was to be forced into this situation. Inevitably, he was to suffer the fate of his parents. Inevitably, he was to die.

The amulet was heavy around his neck as the grunts fetched him for the ceremony. He barely registered his whereabouts as he trekked forth. Utter despair crept into his heart and destroyed any hope he'd ever owned.

The brisk mountain air nipped his exposed skin, stinging his face and arms. Lilac gray encompassed the sky, and wispy clouds floated along with leisure. The frothy veils skimmed the ragged landscape, resembling fog as they curled around debris. It reached his waist as he waded through it, heading straight for an enormous table encircled by Team Ultragalactic.

The sea of silver, black, and turquoise parted as Ken stood before the altar. Alice was positioned by Jay to the left of the stand and Cyrus and Casper waited on the right.

"Ken Amachi," Cyrus said, nearing the blond, "it is time for you to accept your fate and summon Arceus."

"I was never taught how to do so," he replied coolly, managing to keep his impassive mask intact.

"That's no excuse." Cyrus' glower fixated on Alice, and she paled. "Admin, utilize our leverage."


The brunette's breathing hitched, as did the boys attached to her. A woman cocked her handgun and pressed its barrel to her head. The frigid metal settled on her scalp, and Alice forgot how to function. Her knees trembled and panicked tears welled in her eyes.

"Perhaps that will motivate you," Cyrus clipped. "Time is of the essence, Listener."

Ken tore his gaze from Alice's quivering form and clasped onto his amulet. He enveloped the ruby-like gem in his hands, praying for Arceus to hear his pleas and oblige.

* * *

Jay's clenched fists remained at his sides as he glared at the admin holding Alice at gunpoint. He instinctively sought for his Poké Balls then stopped.

Shit, I can't just whip out Aero, he thought, all too aware of the finger close to the trigger.

He caught Alice staring at the red-and-white spheres attached to his belt and pursed his lips. It was easy to figure out her plan: release a Pokémon to fight off the grunts, grab Ken, and fly away on a Flying-type. However, it wouldn't work. Fighting would only lead to their demise; they couldn't fight all of Team Ultragalactic themselves.

Jay glanced between Cyrus and Ken. I have to try to do something. Talking skills, don't fail me now. He took a deep breath and pushed down his wild nerves.

"Uncle Cyrus," he called out, breaking the silence.

All eyes turned on him except for Ken who was absorbed in contacting Arceus. Jay ignored their bothered reactions. He wasn't speaking to them.

"What is it?" Cyrus demanded.

Jay rolled his shoulders to get his blood flowing and simulated composure. "I was thinking about your philosophy, and I gotta say that it's something else."

Cyrus' features hardened. "This isn't the time nor place for jesting."

"I'm not screwing around!" He halted his swaying and set his hands on his hips. "I just wanted to let you know that I think you're awesome."

Alice bristled in the admin's grasp. His statement had sobered her overwhelming terror.

Jay beamed. "Not a lot of people have the dedication you do. The fact that you've picked up where Gramps left off and brought it to a whole other level is amazing."

A knife to the back would hurt less than watching the spelunker coo over the man attempting to kill both her and Ken. Why does he sound so sincere?

Casper cut in, saying, "Quit beating around the bush."

Jay sucked in air through his teeth. "Okay. Uncle Cyrus, I respect you, but I think that you need to, ah, reevaluate what you're doing here." He glanced quickly at Alice, hoping she understood what he was doing then continued before anyone could disrupt him. "Making a whole new world is cool and all, but it's a lot of work. I think it'd be better for you, nah, it'd be better for all of us, if we learned how to work together instead of ignoring these problems."

Alice's toes curled and her fingernails dug into her palms. That's too cheesy, Jay!

He rambled on, "Think about it. Instead of wasting millions and billions of dollars on building cities or whatever on Planet Solitude for people you don't even like, you can just build your own mansion in the middle of the country where nobody will bother you. It's easy to get by these days without talking to people you don't like. Look at Ken and Alice — they never got out and they're a-ok!"

Nervous beads of sweat trickled down the teen's face. He saw it in Casper's and Cyrus' unimpressed expressions: his speech was failing.

"Jay," Cyrus said, "it's no coincidence that you were never included in Team Ultragalactic. It's clear that you haven't developed your senses as you continue to retain the mindset of a five year-old. If you're intending on extending your senseless jabbering, then leave the site right now."

A humiliated blush dusted Jay's cheeks, and he backed away. Something jerked in his peripheral vision, and he paused his steps. Pink?

* * *

Arceus, I beg you to contact me; I'm in desperate need of your help. Arceus, I beg of you to contact me; I'm in desperate need of your help.

Ken chanted the phrase nonstop, focusing on every word enunciating each syllable. No electricity shot up his arms nor did tingles warm his chest. He felt nothing that could signal the legendary harking his cries. He proceeded to raise his inner monologue's pleading to a shout.

Arceus, I beg you to contact me; I'm in desperate need of your help!

The amulet pulsated in his grasp as if it were a beating, crystalline heart. Its sudden jolt ceased Ken's incantation, surprising him into stillness. All at once, blistering hot heat exploded from the thrumming jewel and sent searing pain throughout his clammy palms. He hissed in pain; it took all his willpower not to drop it.

Arceus, I need you. Please, please answer my call.

The blackness of his sealed eyelids swayed. White flecks wavered into his sight, leading violet and cerulean swirls to decorate the abyss. The shimmering starlight danced before him and collected at the center of his vision. It formed into a glowing mass shaped as an orb then expanded. The light flattened and widened its circumference, producing a great, flat, luminous disk.

"Child," a deep, profound voice rumbled in ire, "you disappoint me."

Ken gasped as he was forced out of the reverie and an unknown force propelled him backward. He crashed into the stone-embedded ground and skidded, earning dozens of scratches up and down his arms and legs. Pain shot through him as pointed rocks pierced his skin and drew forth blood. He groaned in pain and squinted in an attempt to make out what was happening around him.

The lucid circle hovered in the air above the altar, emitting a strange, powerful energy. An ivory figure prodded forward, and Ken's heart skipped a beat.

A snow white equine presented himself in front of the crowd, lifting his strong, plated neck and opening its silver maw to reveal a sickened frown. The emeralds adorning the golden wheel affixed to its body reflected the sunlight and blinded those watching too closely. Red-and-green eyes scrutinized the humans below it then trained on the blond lying near the convening table.

"Pray tell why a mere child would plead for me to appear before him," Arceus seethed. Its hooves met the terrain with a gentle thud and he stalked toward the Listener, glowering.

Ken's muscles refused to move, and he laid there dumbstruck.

Arceus' gems shone lavender as it used Psychic to raise the amulet resting on the earth beside Ken. "Have you forgotten how to speak, Child?"

"No," he finally answered, breathless. "I can speak quite well." He stood up on shaky legs and braced himself. Steady, now. Calm yourself. "Arceus, I beg you to save—" Ken swallowed "—Alice: the girl with the gun to her head."

Alice's eyes widened and her jaw dropped and she burst out, "What? No! Please save Ken, too!"

Mist spouted from the legendary's nostrils as it sighed. "How insignificant."

Still, the handgun flew from the admin's grasp and vanished midair. Grunts retreated a few meters away from the Pokémon with alarm evident in their taut appearances.

"Explain yourself, Listener," Arceus hissed.

Recognizing that Arceus was distracted, Cyrus beckoned a redheaded admin hidden behind a pillar. A magenta-and-violet sphere expanded in the ginger's hand, and he took a deep breath. Using all his might and practicing his deadly precision, he threw the Master Ball straight at Arceus.


Author's Note

Dun, dun, dun! Arceus appeared!

Question of the Chapter: What's your favorite Gen 4 Pokémon?

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