Part 2: Daydream

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(A/N: XD I'm sorry I can't stop laughing at the picture! I was going to name this part, Teenage dream XD but I burst out laughing saying,"No they aren't Teens?" XD I'm sorry I'm sorry.
On to da story)

??? Pov:
It's been over 30 years since Freddy and Them were withered. Chica & Foxy are happy with their kid and Goldie and Springtrap moved out to start their family. Now it was just Bonnie and Freddy left...

Bonnie's Pov:(Derp)
It feels lonely now since Goldie and Springtrap left a few days ago, Foxy and Chica didn't have their kid not to long ago.(I ain't giving any hints Ha!) Now it was justs me and Freddy left and Freddy still doesn't like me the way I like him. Freddy brought out a box. I got interest,"Owwwwww! What's that!" I jumped up and looked over his head, cause he's shorter than me X3."I found a box of old stuff, maybe we can both look through them." He said planting the box on the party table that said 'Memories' on the side. "Ohhhhh I want to, I want too!!" I said excitingly as my tail wagged in interest. Freddy looked at me with a joking look." Bonnie stop acting foolish, you silly bunny." He chuckled as he opened the box( no he doesn't know that Bonnie loves him, so don't fangirl) Bonnie looked in amazed. The first thing he saw was a picture of the whole crew. Freddy, Me, Chica, Foxy, then Goldie in the corner. You could only see his eyes but I knew it was Goldie." I remember this! Aw those were the days." Bonnie grabbed the photo an ran his fingers down it looked at it with memory's flooding back to him. Freddy looked solemnly at him and put his hand behind is shoulder." Things change, I know. I miss the old times but we gotta keep going." Freddy said and grabbed the photo looking at it. He put it back in the box and put the box in the back stage, which was now Bonnie's room and the wallpaper was changed to a dark purple."I'll leave this in your room in case of you want to look through it." He said placing it on my velvet colored bed. I walked in, there was a navy shelf in the corner with some selfies with Chica, Freddy, the whole gang basically but he doesn't have a picture of everyone together in one picture. There was a pink circle rug in the middle of the room and my bed was put on the left wall instead of on the right wall like Goldie's bed used to be. "Hey Freddy what does your new room look like??" Freddy looked up at me and smiled and motioned me to follow him as he passed me out of my door way.
We walked behind the left red current where Freddy's room was built in right next to the stage. The door said 'Freddy's room' just like mine except it has my name, obviously. Freddy opened the door and it was a pale brown wallpaper room with darker stars on the wall. The bed looked fuzzy and was brown as Freddy's under paws. There was a square stripped rug on the floor at the foot of his bed that was a navy color. I then ran and jumped on his bed laughing. Freddy looked at me with his hand on his sides ."Hey! Watch out!" He dusted his shoulders as if he was wearing a suit."Oh your so stuck up Freddy." I said putting my hands behind my head."Your bed is Sooooo fuzzy!!" I then moved around on the bed feeling it brush against my fur which felt good. Freddy crossed his arms and chuckled at me."Well it's not your bed so." Bonnie looked up at him and did a pouty face. Freddy rolled his eyes," I need my space Bonnie, I need some privacy rig-." Then there was a knock at the front door of the building. Bonnie shot up," I'll get it!!" I jumped off the bed and ran past him, almost knocking him off balance."Hey!" Freddy said as I jumped off the stage and ran to the door. I opened it and I regret it. I saw the old Toy bullies. The blue rabbit with emerald eyes and bright red cheeks was in front of me and he looked at me thoughtfully."Hey! We need help." He said sounding awkward. I saw the Chestnut bear with red cheeks and the somehow sexy Chica with pink shorts and red cheeks and better hair than Chica, which I hate. I looked behind and saw a white and pink fox hiding behind The chestnut toy bear. I was kinda surprise because when I first saw her she was mangled up. But I focused my gaze on the bunny in front of me."Why should we help, you Toy bullies!" I spat at his face and I felt a paw on my shoulder. Freddy looked at me with a stern look. I knew that looked and it always made my ears droop and my gaze looked down." Sorry, Freddy.." I walked away from the door feeling the Toys gaze on me and I hated it. Why won't Freddy let me handle it! They bullied us! Why should we help them! I grunted and stomped to my room and closed the door. I curled myself on the bed feeling tears starting to rol down my face and off my nose."Why does he always have to hate me?" I asked myself sniffling. " I-I can help you." A voice came from the door and I looked up to see the blue bunny peeking form behind the door."Go away!" I said as I layed back down looking at the wall, I heard him walk in and close the door."Look, I'm sorry for how we treated you back then but maybe  I can make it up to you." He said offering a hand. I looked at it and took it and he pulled me up and he sat at the foot of my bed."We haven't official met. Hi, I'm Clyde Bon! You can call me Clyde or Bon, it doesn't matter." He said shaking my hand."Well I'm Bonnie Bunny, I'm guessing you already know my name." I said and he nodded." How would I not know my old version of my self's name?" He said jokingly but I still felt awful  and put my elbows on my knees and my hands on my cheeks. Clyde stopped and looked sorrowful at me." So why are you so worked up if Freddy hates you??" He asked and then it made me blush since I knew and Clyde started giggling. Shoot he saw. He started doing a silent fangirl scream, which freaked me out."You have a crush on him, don't you??" He said tapping my shoulder while grinning."Fine I admit it! But what's the point..." I said and He seemed to gasped." What the point!? The point is that Freddy isn't taking you seriously and he doesn't know how you feel about this!!" Clyde of his hands on his hips and looked mad a bit. I looked at him," But how can I get him to like me better??" I asked and Clyde seemed to smirk at me and did a little eyebrow dance. Oh boy, here we go...

Yay!!! The second chapter of this book!!! Okay I have a goal! If I can get to 100 views by the next chapter then I'll do another Fronnie drawing for the the next or fourth chapter.
Thanks Homies! JD out!~

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