Part 3: Clyde's idea?

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( A/N: Thanks for almost 100 views already! I know it's not much but every view means a lot to me! Now I have no idea what about about to write so let's do this o3o)

Freddy's Pov:(Oh yes)
Maybe I shouldn't have been so stubborn on him... He didn't mean any harm and he still is suffering from his past. I thought as I have gave the so called Fredrick Red,*like to be called Red* Molly Mangle & Tina Chíca, a tour. I then showed them what is now Bonnie's room."That used to be our Backstage where my brother Goldie spent his whole life in until Springtrap came and helped him." I said and Molly looked at me." W-what's in it n-now?" She said stuttering , Molly always stuttered and I didn't know why."Oh my pal Bonnie made his room in there!" I exclaimed but then my expression went solemn. Red looked at me with a straight and serious glare."Somethin trouble ya?" He asked and then he shooed away Molly and Tina. Molly scurried off and Tina just went where the old office was. Red went and sat at the edge of the stage and motioned me to come sit. I come and sat beside him until my whole body just felt solemn. Red put a paw on my shoulder."Is it when you bosses out on Bonnie??" He asked and I slowly nodded my head." I didn't mean too and I hate how my anger gets a hold of me.... I want to always be nice to him because now it feels like every one left me..." I said and a tear went up from my eye. Red looked at him,"Fred! Your missing the big picture! For what I know is that when the others found their soulmate, you had somebody right there the whole time!" He exclaimed and I just looked at him lost." Who?...."

Bonnie's Pov:
Clyde had gotten the worst idea that I've ever heard. I had to deal with Chica but this is worse!! He had a make up bag and everything and I was terrified."C'mon darling! Your all dirty! Let me fix you up.!" He then came closer with his hands as I sat on my bed."NO!!!! YOU PYSCHO, IM NOT WEARING MAKEUP!?!?!? DX<"  I said jumping back and hissing at him."Besides!! Your a boy, why do you wear make up?!?!?!?" I said with a cracked voice."When you live with a Faboulous Fox and a Sexy pretty Chicken. You don't know what might hit you! Now come here!" He tackled me with mascara in his hands and grabbed my face so it could be still. I screech the jumpscare I used a long time ago but it was a bit raspy. Then I heard my door open and Freddy and the chest but bear stormed in with shocked expression."What's going !!" Freddy said and the chest nut bear looked at Clyde."Clyde! Get off him now!" He ordered. Clyde looked up with puppy dog eyes with his hand still on my muzzle which I made muffled sounds."Aww! But Red , I was gonna be a little mascara on him!" He moved her hand and I gulped air,"HECK NO! I'm not looking like a girl!!!" I screeched again, pushing on Clyde's face for him to get off. Clyde gave a grunt,"Fine!" He then got off and I plopped on the edge of the bed and looked up to Freddy's hip area in my face. I blushed a bit on my cheeks and I could see Clyde saw. I looked up more to see Freddy looking down on me,"Uh Bonnie?" He asked looking confused at me. I jumped up and stuttered,"Uh sorry boss! I didn't mean to!" I moved my arm to cover my face. I got off my bed and accidentally hit Freddy in the shoulder with my shoulder but I didn't stop. I stormed pass Clyde and Red and out of my room. I went straight to the boy bathroom locked myself in a stale and buried my face in my knees. I let out a few tears til I heard something. It sounded like Endoskeleton against Endoskeleton or roof. I look up to see yellow eyes staring at me. I screamed and jumped out of my sitting position and against the wall. I saw that it was the white and pink lovely fox but she was hanging upside down."Wh-what are you doing in here?? In the men's room??" I asked feeling awkward she was in here. She blinked at me."I-I wanted to ex-explore everything, un-until I heard you s-storm in here s-so I came to ch-check it out..." She said with a sweet but static voice that sounded as if her voice box was broken. She then dropped on her feet up right and let her hand out shyly."H-hi my name I-is Molly M-mangle." She said and I took her hand and shook it," I'm Bonnie bunny! Nice to meet." I said with a smile. Ya I don't like the toys well the chicken looks like some popular know-it-all girl, Red tough and more leader like than Freddy, and Clyde is a boy but does girly girl stuff which scares me. But here this pretty fox didn't seem to bad. She looked as if she was blushing but I couldn't tell from her permeant red cheeks and her pink muzzle. She looked like a prettier and cuter version of Foxy."W-why are you c-crying?" She asked with that voice again and I cleared my throat."I-I don't wanna talk about it.." I said scratching behind my head and blushing with embarrassment. Molly blinked at me with her luminous eyes. "W-well if you e-ever need someone t-to talk to, c-come find me." She said then skillfully climbed over the stale door and landed on the other side and walked out of the bathroom. I stared amazed.That fox knows better skills than Foxy?!? I then shook my head. I walked out of the stale and went to the front door of the bathroom. I put my hand on the knob. Please don't let Freddy think I'm strange or perverted!

Even though he dreams of him and Freddy having sex XD!!! Anyways a few things I need to say, Mangle is not Mangled in this story but now y'all have gotten to know Molly Mangle, Clyde, and Red. Next chapter I might make Bonnie get introduced to Tina, who knows? But anyways thanks guys some much and don't forget to follow my back up account Pyscho_Cody_Decade7
Bye Homies! JD out!~

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