AU: Canter Part V

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This was the only version of the song I could find, BUT EITHER WAY IT'S SO GOOD. And it definitely sounds like something Cannon would sing because of the chapter.

AU: Canter Part V

~Hunter: Age 17~

       I was really starting to worry about Cannon. For the past couple weeks, he had been the complete opposite of himself; very quiet, rarely irritating me, not wanting to come over. He wasn't even telling me what was wrong and when I asked him, he would say nothing is.

       After going out for a trail ride on my horse, I let him roam around in the fields before I went into my house. Maybe my parents would know if anything is going on.

       I found Dad in the kitchen, feeding Ivy some baby food as she was sitting in her high chair. "Dad," I said and he looked over at me. "Have Cameron and Jess ever said anything to you about Cannon?"

       "No, why?" Dad asked. "Is everything okay with you two?"

       "Yeah, we're fine," I said. "It's just... He isn't. He hasn't been himself lately, but he won't tell me what's going on and he acts like nothing is wrong. And every time I ask if he wants to come over, he just says he's not in the mood or he's busy."

       "Then I think you have to head over to his house and talk to him that way," Dad said. "You and I both know Cannon very well and if he's shutting himself off from everyone, then something really is wrong."

       "Yeah, I'll go do that," I said before heading out of my house and to me car. I really hoped Cannon was home because I didn't know how long I could go without seeing him anymore. And believe it or not, I really missed him bugging the living crap out of me.

       I was very thankful that Cameron gave me a spare key to the house because right now, he and Jess were out of the house since their cars weren't in the driveway. Even though Cannon's car was here, he could have gone out with his parents so I didn't know if he was home for sure.

       And if he was, he probably wouldn't answer the door for me.

       So I unlocked the front door myself and walking into the house. "Cannon?!" I called as I closed and locked the door behind me. "Are you home?!"

       There was no reply but I could have sworn I heard the piano playing from the music room so I headed there. As I got closer, I heard him singing along to the piano. I didn't bother him once I got to the room. I just stood in there doorway, listening to him sing.

       Cannon was always such a passionate singer. Like me, he preferred singing something with meaning rather than singing something materialistic. Every time he sang, the emotion was evident in his voice.

       And once I started listening to the lyrics, I knew exactly what was bothering him.

       When he finished singing and playing the piano, I said his name and he quickly wiped his tears away before looking at me, but I could still tell her was crying. "Hey," he said. "What are you doing here?"

       "I wanted to make sure you were okay," I said as I walked over, sitting down beside him on the bench. "You could have told me why you were acting different. It's your parents, isn't it?"

       Cannon nodded and the tears starting forming around his eyes again. "I am so sick of going through this every few years. They argue, they think they can't be married anymore, they get a divorce, then they hook up and get married again. This will be the third time they get a divorce and I can't handle it. I always feel so alone when it happens because they're too involved in their own problems."

       "Hey," I said, pulling him into a hug. "I know it's not the same of having your parents there for you, but I'll always be here for you. If you're ever feeling alone because of them, you know you're more than welcome to spend time at my house."

       "I know," Cannon said. "I just wish they would stop acting so childish."

       "Trust me, I do too," I said. "Why don't you come over? We can watch a movie and pig out on food. And you can also tell my dad that your parents are getting a divorce again because I know he'll be more than happy to give them a stern talking to."

       "Okay, yeah, I'll come over," Cannon said. "But I'm not getting my hopes up with your dad talking my parents out of it. Even if he does, give it a few months and they'll be telling me they're getting another divorce."

       As soon as we got to my house, Dad looked over and said, "Hey, Cannon. Is everything okay? You look a bit upset."

       "I've been better," Cannon said. "But in other news, guess who's getting a divorce? Again?"

       "Are you serious?" Dad asked. "When are they ever going to grow up? Are they busy right now?"

       Cannon shrugged. "I don't know. I stopped paying attention to what they've been doing since they stopped paying attention to me."

       "Well, I'm going to call Cameron even if he isn't busy and I'm going to get Maybelle to call Jess," Dad said. "I'm sorry they're being idiots again. You really don't deserve to go through this again and again. Nobody does."

       "Yeah, which is why I'm not getting my hopes up about it not happening again," Cannon said before he started heading to the home theatre.

       I sighed. "I hate seeing him like this. Do you really think you can talk them out of it?"

       "Oh, trust me, I can," Dad said. "Cameron and Jess love each other. They're just both too stubborn to admit when they're wrong, and they rather take the easy way out of an argument than to just sort things out. I know exactly what to say to get them to get over it. And if doesn't work, I'll be more than happy to blackmail them."

       "You'll actually be willing to blackmail your best friend?" I asked.

       "Of course I will," Dad said. "He's being an idiot so if it comes down to it, which probably won't happen because I know what to say, then I'll blackmail him."

       "Well, I hope you talking to him works," I said.

       I then heading to the home theatre where Cannon was now looking at what movie we should watch. "It's hard choosing," Cannon said. "I wanted to watch one but then I remembered my dad was in it, and I would rather not see his face. And then most of my other choices had romance and I'm not in the mood for that crap. So there are no choices and my life is even more ruined."

       "How about a horror movie?" I asked.

       "I guess, since there's nothing better to watch," Cannon said.

       "Cannon, I know it's hard for you right now," I said. "But I was serious. If you ever feel alone, please just come over. I never want you to feel that way."

       "I know," Cannon said. "I'll be fine. I just have a lot of anger and sadness inside of my right now, but it will pass. I promise. I bet by the time the movie is over, I'll be back to being myself."

       "Why? Because you love horror movies?"

       "Uh, no. Because we're obviously going to be kissing a lot while we watch the movie. Nobody watches movies just to watch movies these days."

       "Uh, I'm pretty sure everyone watches a movie to watch a movie."

       "Well, not me because I'm sad and need a lot of kisses."

       I rolled my eyes and I couldn't help but smile. He was already sounding like himself again.


lol cameron and jess need to stooooop.

AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUNTER AND IVY. Ivy has never been a major character which is why I gave her a tiny little scene. BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANYWAY WOO.

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