AU: Canter Part VI

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AU: Canter Part VI

~Cannon: Age 19~

       When Dad pulled up to the location where we were going to be filming my music video in, everything suddenly hit me. I didn't know if I could make it through the day with my feelings getting the best of me.

       I was normally a smart person but apparently, I wasn't smart enough to find someone else to play my love interest. Instead, I had to be a stupid idiot and ask my ex-boyfriend. It didn't help that I didn't have much time to find someone.

       "You know," Dad said as he pulled into a parking space before turning off the car. "You don't have to go through with it. We could always postpone it until we find someone else to be the love interest."

       "No, it's okay," I said. "We already postponed it once and we can't do it anymore if I want the music video to be edited on time for the planned released. Besides, Hunter and I can be professional." I hoped.

       Okay, so maybe part of me was using the music video as an excuse to get close to Hunter again. Ever since we broke up, we hadn't really seen much of each other, even though our parents were the best of friends. We avoided each other as much as we could.

       I was surprised when Hunter agreed to be my love interest in the video but I wasn't really complaining.

       Besides, I needed someone I had chemistry with for the video to be the best it could be. I wasn't able to find anyone I had chesmitry with so Hunter was my last resort. The chemistry was still there. It was fully there.

       Dad and I walked into the building where most of the crew, if not all, were. Hunter was there as well and I hesitated before walking over to him. "Hey..." I said slowly. "Thanks, by the way. For agreeing to do this. I was literally running out of options."

       "It's what friends are for," Hunter said and hearing that one word made my heart sting a bit. I still had feelings for him and I was probably going to continue having those feelings for a couple more years.

       Or for the rest of my life.

       Either way, I was not getting over him any time soon.

       I had to get my hair and makeup done, which didn't take too long because I was already flawless as it was. Afterwards, I had to go to wardrobe to get the outfit on for the video and once I was finished, I went back to the main area where we were going to be filming.

       It took some time for everything to be set up and once it was, the director, John, talked to me and Hunter about some of the scenes he had in mind. I trusted him fully with this so whatever he suggested, we were going to do. John had directed plenty of music videos and they were always so amazing and such a success.

       "Okay, we're first going to get through the scenes you two have together before moving onto the ones you have separately," John said. "If either of you feel uncomfortable with the ideas, just tell me and we'll adjust them."

       We didn't. Some of the scenes were going to be a bit intimate, but neither of us said anything about not wanting to them.

       I was now starting to feel thankful Hunter was the one being my love interest. I really missed our relationship but I doubt we were ever going to get back together.

       Being in the spotlight completely ruined it.

       I was worried when it came to filming, there would have been the slightest amount of awkwardness, but there was none. All the scenes flowed naturally, especially when we had to kiss.

       That was the scene I hated the most because the feelings came rushing back. I felt everything I still felt for him and it was hurting me a whole lot. When Hunter admitted he had feelings for me, I couldn't believe it. I always told myself nothing was going to ever happen between us.

       But we both fell in love anyway.

       And those were the best days ever.

       I really missed it.

       The scenes Hunter and I had to film together seemed to go by way too fast and before I knew it, John said he had everything he needed for those scenes and wanted to get some of just Hunter now.

       When I was standing off to the side, Dad walked over and stood beside me. "How was it?" he asked.

       "Pure torture," I said.

       "Really?" Dad asked. "It didn't seem that awkward. Like, at all."

       "No, it wasn't torture because it was awkward," I said. "It's because I'm still in love with him."

       "Why don't you tell him that?" Dad asked. "You two were such an amazing couple."

       "He was the one who called things off," I said. "It will be completely useless to tell him."

       "You never know if you don't try," Dad said and I didn't say anything else. I already knew it was going to be useless telling Hunter I still loved him.

       Once Hunter's scenes were filmed, it was my turn. I had a lot more since it was my song after all so it did take longer but once I finished the last one, John announced that it was a wrap. And I was a bit upset because it probably meant me and Hunter avoiding each other all over again.

       I went to the wardrobe area to get changed back into my clothes. Right as I finished and was about to walk out, Hunter came into the room. "I'm glad I caught you before you left," he said.

       "Why?" I asked.

       "Because I... wanted to tell you that I'm happy you asked me to be apart of the music video," Hunter said.

       "Even though you were playing my love interest?" I asked.

       "Especially because I was playing your love interest," Hunter said. "I'm going to be honest here. The past couple months have been the absolute worst part of my life. I don't think I've ever been fully happy for a while now. I still love you, Cannon. I really do."

       "Why do you always do this?" I asked. "Every time I tell myself nothing will happen between us, you have to mess things up."

       "I'm... sorry?"

       "Yeah, you better be. I've been trying ton convince myself that we're only going to be friends but you just had to tell me you still love me."

       "Because I do," Hunter said. "I don't know why since you're such a pain and all I want to do is throw a basketball at your face but... I'm never going to stop loving you, Cannon. And I want to give us another shot."

       I felt like saying no just to bug him because he was right; I was a pain. But I couldn't handle being apart from him any longer.

       "Well, I guess if you really want to, we can give it another shot," I said. "I mean, I couldn't care less but if it's what you really want."

       Hunter sighed, though there was a smile on his face. "Don't make me regret it already," he said before giving me a kiss.


i've been meaning to write this for a while now and i finally got to it ahahaha. i just imagined cannon releasing a music video with his ex aka hunter in it and everyone freaking out because canter.


and i like breaking up couples and getting them back together oops

omg i almost lost this chapter because the app froze when it was saving for me to publish but it still saved so here's a celebratory canter gif:

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