Couple Chapters V: Jake and Taylor

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Couple Chatpers V: Jake and Taylor

~timeline: during Being True~

~Jake: age 18~

       I was so not ready for dinner. I hadn't been looking forward to this for a long time and now that it was here, I had no idea what to do.

       It was time for my family to finally meet my boyfriend.

       Logan already met him and he assured me that my family would love Taylor. I sure hoped they would, but it wasn't my whole family I was worried about.

       It was my dad.

       Dad had always been so strict when it came to any of his kids dating, no matter who it was. He lectured Rebecca when she got her first boyfriend. He lectured Logan when he finally started dating the girl he had been in love with his whole life. The girl that our family had known ever since Logan was five years old.

       Twelve years. My dad had known Logan's girlfriend for twelve years and he still got the lecture.

       And if I thought Dad was tought on Logan and Infinity, I knew it was going to be ten times worse because of who I was dating.

       Dad wasn't homophobic or anything. Or at least he tried not to. He just never had any real life experiences with a homosexual couple so he didn't know how to act. He might say something inconsiderate but I knew he wouldn't say it just to be homophobic.

       But to be honest, I didn't think he was so againt me and Taylor dating because we were two guys. I think it was more about the fact that Taylor was five years older than me and was a dad. At least Newt was coming too so Dad could see how much I really liked Taylor's son.

       Dinner was almost ready and Taylor wasn't here yet. The longer he took, the more nervous I was feeling. It definitely didn't help when Dad said, "If he doesn't show up, which he probably won't, I say it's a sign you should break up with him."

       I sighed. "Really, Dad? He's probably just running a bit late or got lost. He'll be here soon."

       As if it was right on cue, someone rang the doorbell. Dad was about to answer it, saying, "It will intimidate him more if I answer it."

       Mom, thankfully, stopped him. "No, let Jake answer it. And please, try not to go too tough on Taylor. I'm sure he's a sweet kid."

       "Kid?" Dad asked. "He's twenty-three. Twenty-three. That's..."

       "Five years older than Jake?" Logan asked. "Wow, really? None of us could have ever guessed."

       "You better watch that tone of yours," Dad said.

       At times, it was really fun giving Dad sass because of his ridiculous rules.

       I left the kitchen and headed to the front door. Not even two seconds after I opened the door, Newt happily said, "Jakey!" before rushing over to me and wrapping his tiny arms tightly around me legs.

       I smiled and picked him up. "It is so good to see you again," I said. "I missed you."

       "I missed you too!"

       "I'm not late, am I?" Taylor asked in a worried tone as he stepped inside the house. "I mean, I tried getting her sooner but this drama king was being a complete pain."

       "No, you're not late," I said, closing the door behind Taylor. "Dinner is almost ready anyway so I say you're just on time. And I know I said this before, but just be warned about my dad. He'll probably be judging you a whole lot tonight."

       "Hey, I can handle the judging," Taylor said. "I hope..."

       I hoped so too...

       I led to Taylor and carried Newt to the dining room where my family now was setting the table. "Everyone, this is Taylor," I said. "Taylor, these are my siblings Mike and Rebecca. You've already met Logan. And these are my parents."

       "And I Newt!" Newt said.

       "Right, and this is Taylor's son, Newt," I said.

       "It's very nice to meet you, Taylor," Mom said as she walked over. "And sorry to do this from our first time meeting, but I'm a hugger." She pulled Taylor into a hug. "And thank you for treating my son well and making him really happy."

       "It's nice to meet you too," Taylor said as he hugged her back.

       "I hug too!" Newt said, so Mom had to give him a hug too.

       "Oh, you are just the cutest thing ever," Mom said as she hugged Newt.

       "I know!"

       Such an arrogant toddler.

       We all sat down at the table now that dinner was ready. Newt insisted on sitting beside both me and Taylor, so I unfortunately couldn't sit beside Taylor. Which might be a good thing because if we were too close, Dad would probably glare at us.

       "So, Taylor," Rebecca said. "If that is your real name. What do you do for a living?"

       "I'm a cashier at a grocery store," Taylor said.

       "Wow, such a simple job," Rebecca said. "You could do better."

       "Rebecca," Mom said in a warning tone. "Don't ever shame someone's job. All that matters is he's making money and providing for his son."

       "And I am going to school, so it's kind of hard to get a 'better' job when I didn't get my degree yet," Taylor pointed out.

       "And what exactly are you majoring in?" Rebecca asked.

       "Computer science," Taylor said.

       "And how are you paying for school with such a simple job?" Rebecca asked. I was ready to throw something at her. I wouldn't doubt it if Dad actually put her up to this so Mom wouldn't get mad at him for all the questioning.

       The questions didn't even stop there. She kept asking question after question.

       I was ready to throw a plate at her.

       "Alright, Rebecca, are you just going to be grilling him the whole time?" Logan asked. "I already met Taylor. He's nice. He treats Flynn well."

       "I'll be the judge of that," Rebecca said.

       "You'll be the judge?" I repeated. "Your first boyfriend punched my best friend in the face. You're in no place to judge."

       "He got you there," Mike said before looking at Taylor. "I just have one question for you. Do you have a car?"

       "Uh, yes?" Taylor said.

       "Okay, good, you passed my test," Mike said. "So, Dad, what do you think of Taylor? You've been quiet this whole time."

       Why? Why did Mike have to ask Dad? He could have just left it well alone.

       Dad cleared his throat. "Well, I still don't know how I feel about Jake dating someone five years older who has a son," he said. "But I think he is a... decent fellow."

       "Uh, thank you?" Taylor said, sounding awfully confused.

       "Don't worry, that's a good thing in my dad's book," I said, feeling very relieved Dad was okay with Taylor and I now.

       Rebecca wasn't but she was just jealous that I had a boyfriend and she didn't.

       And my boyfriend was better than any one she would get.


woo jake's dad is okay with taylor woo

i'm tired woo but since i napped all day, im behind on the couple chapters oops. i thought i would have gotten at least four chapters up but i guess not.

Up next: Levi and Uriah

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