Chapter 13 - Return To The Base

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = your Last Name

S/N = Sister's Name

B/F/N = Best Friend's Name (boy)

N/A = Name of your Army

N/F = Name of your Followers

S/A = Symbol of your Army

Y/B = Your Birthday

M/N = your Mother's Name

H/C = your Hair Color

E/C = your Eye Color

F/C = your Favorite Color (you can have multiple if you'd like, lol)

The list will be updated as need be throughout the series.



We were a ways away from the kingdom on the road near the forest.

Sky was the only one with us, though it had taken a LOT of convincing to get him alone.  Any more than him and it would've been difficult to keep the secret.

I did have the cloak, gloves, and sunglasses back, so that was...comforting.    I still had the power-suppressing bracelet on, though.  While Sky went along with the plan, he still didn't want to take any risks.

Well, no skin off my back since I don't have powers anyway.  Well...dangerous ones, that is.  I didn't really know if this bracelet cut off my ability to speak to mobs or breathe underwater, but now was not the time to be investigating that stuff.

Bren, however, had it off.

Whilst we were preparing to leave back in the castle, I had asked him about how he'd come about with these bracelets.

"Well," he had said, "I would often spar on the training grounds with the members of the armies, and when I first started again after the incident, I had beaten even the absolute strongest fighters, which was strange, considering that I wasn't the absolute strongest before the...brine incident.  We found out that my powers gave me an edge in battle, making it extremely unfair for anyone else.  I didn't want to quit sparring, though, so Seto went searching through the library for any way to help.  He found out about these bracelets.  They can suppress power up to a god's power.  However, when it came to gods, they could get them off pretty fast.  Since I'm not a god, though, it suppressed my powers easily, making me...normal, I suppose.  We had a little talk of how to take them off, and he made this thing where only a brine, or Seto himself, could remove it, even the brine wearing it.  However, you have to know the incantation, and since you don't have it off yet, you most likely don't know it.  Since Herobrine is a god, it wouldn't particularly work for him for long.  On sorcerers of all kinds, though, it works pretty well.  It's actually allowed our sorcerers to pick up some melee training without the fear of accidentally activating their magics, though they have to find us afterwards to remove the bracelet.  Uh, anyway...let's finish up here and get going...."

I remember giggling silently while his back was turned.  He rambled just like I did!

And now we're here!

Sky watched us as we conversed a bit.

"Trent, Bren, can you two make sure we don't trip any traps?  I'd rather not get to the base with sprained ankles or wrists or something worse."

They nodded.  "I actually placed many of the traps."  Trent said.  "It shouldn't be too hard to keep them untripped."


I looked to Sky.  "Are you ready?"

He shrugged.  "Yeah."

I sighed.  "Alright...can you remove your sunglasses before we blindfold you?"

He winced.  "Uh...s-sure...."

He slowly reached up and pulled off his glasses, though his eyes were closed.  He hooked his sunglasses onto his shirt and opened his eyes.

My eyes widened.

His eyes were glowing like Father's and mine, but they weren't white.  They were budder-colored, like his magic.

"They changed colors once I was free from Herobrine's...evilness."  Sky said.

I blinked a bit.  "Huh....  Uh, ok...Samuel will blindfold you now.  I' you to our base.  Due to our time constraints, I can't, ah, make any confusing turns, so just...try not to map out how we're walking, ok?"

"Pretty sure I'm gonna be spending the entire time trying not to run into something and putting one foot in front of the other."  Sky laughed to break some tension.

I giggled as Samuel tied the blindfold on.  "True....  Here."

I gently grabbed Sky's hand.

"We'll go on up ahead to keep an eye out for traps...."  Trent said before beckoning to the others.

I think I know what he's doing....

I gently pulled Sky along, making sure he didn't run into any trees.

"Are you ok?  You're pretty quiet there...."  Sky asked after a bit of walking.

I moved to the right a bit to avoid having Sky hit a tree.  "How would you know if I talk much?"

Sky gave a small smirk.  "Well, seeing, or, uh, hearing, that I did ramble before, I figured that someone I'm most likely related to would have the same kind of thing...."

I was about to say something back when Trent yelled, "Y/N, STOP!"

I abruptly stopped, pulling Sky back a couple steps.

Trent muttered angrily to himself as he examined around the bases of some trees around us.

He quickly pulled out an iron axe and broke the bottom of a tree trunk, leaving it to float in the air.

He pulled out a string that had been attached to a tripwire hook, deactivating a trap.

"I'm so sorry.  I thought I had cleared out around here...."  Trent apologized.

"What happened?"  Sky asked.

"I think we almost ran into a trap."  I answered.


As we went past Trent, who started setting back up the trap again, I told him that it was fine.

"Anyways...what were we talking about...oh, yeah, the rambling!  Er, yeah, I tend to, but...I dunno, I'm just not feeling...normal right now.  Well, my kind of normal, anyway."

"We are kinda different, aren't we?"

"Very much so...."

We walked the rest of the way in silence, though I did see Gem jumping silently, or, to others who didn't have a higher hearing, anyways, through the trees above us.

Once we arrived at the hidden entrance, I stood back a bit as Candid did the sequence to unlock the door.  "Since our base is underground, there are obviously going to be stairs.  I'll walk you into the entrance, then you can see again."

Sky nodded as the door opened.

I waited for everyone but Trent to enter before going in.

"Ok, you can take it off now, just don't turn around."

Sky pulled off the blindfold and put his sunglasses back on as Trent closed the door behind us, cutting off the sunlight, leaving us only in torchlight.

Sky rubbed his eyes a bit.  "Nice to see again."

I grimaced.  "Sorry 'bout that.'s not the time to reveal ourselves."

He waved it off as we went down the stairs.  "It's fine, really."

I nodded in understanding as we continued down the stairs.

Once we reached the bottom, I gathered my N/F who came with me together.  "Alright, you all can go your separate ways now."

They nodded and Bren, Gem, Pit, Trent, and Ren went away.  Samuel and Candid stayed by my side.

I gave them a look but didn't do anything.  I noticed Sky staring around the base.

I giggled.  "Much bigger than you expected, huh?"

He nodded.  "Definitely.  Should we go see S/N?"

I nodded back.  "Yup."

I started walking through the base towards the throne room.  I didn't know where S/N would be exactly, but the throne room seemed like a plausible place.

As we entered the throne room, I saw Garrett pacing worriedly in front of the thrones.


He turned swiftly to me, going wide-eyed at the sight of Sky but then shaking his head.  "Y/N, I'm so glad you're back!  We've got a seriously bad problem."

I bit my lip.  "And B/F/N couldn't take care of it?"

"More like he didn't want to, but also that.  It's...a family problem."

I went wide-eyed.

Garrett closed his eyes for a moment before opening them.  "Give us a moment."

I looked at Sky, and he also seemed worried.

After a moment, a door off to the side of the room opened, and someone carried in S/N with...Rachel following close behind.  She seemed to be in extreme distress.

I quickly ran to the person and took S/N in my arms, kneeling on the ground.

Her eyes were closed, but she seemed to be breathing fine....

I shook her slightly, but she didn't budge.

I looked up to the male who had carried S/N.  "What's wrong with her?"

The male looked at Rachel, who looked like she was about to cry.  "I...I was playing with S/N.  Hide and seek around the base.  It was really fun, but...I was hiding somewhere, staying really quiet.  S/N found me, but she had snuck up behind me and scared me.  I had freaked out, and...all of a sudden, a pink shock wave shot out of my body and hit S/N.  She fell to the ground, unconscious.  At least, that's what I thought.  I quickly got her to the hospital, but...none of them could revive her.  They called upon Garrett, but...even his strongest awakening spell couldn't revive her.  She's been like this for a long time.  I think it was a few hours after you left...."

Her eyes began watering.  "I'm so sorry...."

I looked down at S/N's face.  She looked so peaceful.

Until a tear slid down from her closed eye.  She whimpered.

"S/N....  S/N!  Come on, wake up!  I'm back, I'm safe!"

Sky came over, standing near Rachel.

He looked down at us.  "That's...S/N?"

I nodded slightly, still rocking S/N a bit.  "S/N, come on, open your eyes!  Our brother is here!"

Sky knelt down next to us, his face scrunched up a bit.

He...seemed to be in pain.

"S-Sky, are you ok?"

He said nothing, just staring at us.

"I...."  He muttered.

Suddenly, he cried out, clutching his head tightly.

Another tear slid down S/N's face as I gasped.  "SKY!"

The male and Rachel knelt next to him, but he suddenly fell over, unconscious.

My eyes widened.

What happened?!

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