Chapter 14 - Memories

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = your Last Name

S/N = Sister's Name

B/F/N = Best Friend's Name (boy)

N/A = Name of your Army

N/F = Name of your Followers

S/A = Symbol of your Army

Y/B = Your Birthday

M/N = your Mother's Name

H/C = your Hair Color

E/C = your Eye Color

F/C = your Favorite Color (you can have multiple if you'd like, lol)

The list will be updated as need be throughout the series.


Sky's POV

I groaned.

Wh-Where the heck am I...?

I...was in the N/A base with Y/N...S/N was...passed out?  Or something worse?

Y/N was cradling S/N on the ground, looking immensely worried.

Something sparked in my mind, but it hurt.

However, I had wanted to know what that spark was.

I had knelt down next to them...and then passed out?

I opened my eyes, staring up at a color I knew all too well.

Maroon.  The color of nether bricks.

I jolted up into a sitting position, looking around frantically.  I felt the familiar heat of the Nether, as well.

This...This was my room in the fortress....

I looked down at myself and gave a small yelp.

I could see through myself!

I quickly got to my feet and turned around, looking about the room.

There was a small figure sitting on the bed, their head in their hands.

"H-Hello?"  I asked, getting closer to the figure.

I hesitantly reached out when they didn't respond, only being slightly surprised when my hand passed through them.

The figure suddenly looked up, looking towards the door out of the room.

It was me.

He stood and walked quickly out of the room and I followed.

I became aware of...crying in the distance.  Younger me picked up the pace and I did too.

We eventually arrived outside the medical room.

Or, well, as much of a medical room that you can have in the Nether.

Younger me slowly pushed the door open and went in.  The door clipped me as he closed it, but it didn't hit me since I technically wasn't there.

We both walked over to a bed that Fa---Herobrine was standing by.  He looked...severely distressed.

I looked into the bed and my heart skipped a beat.


She was holding a small bundle that moved slightly, but...Mother looked very pale.

I noticed a smaller girl by the bed with Mother's E/C eyes.

Was that...Y/N?

"S/N...that's a pretty name."  Y/N murmured.

Mother smiled.  "She's beautiful...."

She suddenly turned her head away from the baby and coughed harshly.  A bit of blood dribbled down from her mouth.

"M-Mommy!"  Y/N exclaimed.

Mother wiped her mouth on her shoulder and looked at Y/N.  "Y/N...I'm dying."

Woah.  Talk about blunt.

Y/N's eyes widened before they started watering.  "B-But...Mommy...please...don't die...."

Mother was smiling, though I could see tears starting to come out of her eyes.  "It's alright....  Maybe, when you're older, your uncle could let you visit me...."

Mother's eyes trailed over to younger me and she kept smiling.  "Sky...take care of your sisters for me along with your father, ok...?"

Younger me looked like he was trying not to cry but was failing miserably.  "M-Mother...."

"Isn't she...precious...?"  Mother whispered, staring down at the bundle in her arms.

S/N had stopped crying and was instead gurgling in that cute baby way.

She then looked up at Herobrine.  "I'll...miss you...both...."

Herobrine...gently took the bundle from Mother's arms.

"Hero...don't let her blood....  Let her...grow"

Mother's eyes fluttered and she looked past younger me, seeming to stare directly


Her last breath left her body and she fell silent.

Y/N trembled harshly in her spot as Herobrine held S/N, staring sadly upon Mother's body.

Younger me was crying, but he managed to shuffle over to Y/N and hug her.

Y/N's composure broke and she collapsed into younger Sky's embrace.  "MOMMY!!!!"

Y/N's grief must have transmitted over to S/N because S/N began whimpering.

As younger me held Y/N, he looked to Father---um, Herobrine.  "F-Father...can you do that?  Can you...let her grow outside the brine way?"

Herobrine started dishearteningly at S/N.  "I...No.  No, she will be like the rest of us."

Younger me grimaced and looked away before huffing and looking at Herobrine again.  "Father, I had asked of you to keep Y/N from the bloodshed of a brine life.  You denied, and I begrudgingly went along with it.  However, this is Mother's dying request.  PLEASE, keep S/N from the violent life of a brine!"

Herobrine scowled.  "Skybrine, do not talk to me like that----"

"NO!  Father, if you do not PROMISE to keep S/N from that life, then I am going to LEAVE!"

Y/N stiffened in younger Sky's hold.

" was Mother's final request...her final wish....  Why can you not let her have her dying wish...?"

"Because she asks for the impossible."  Herobrine deadpanned.  "Once you are born of the brine heritage, there's no going to any other path."

Younger me squeezed Y/N before letting her go.  "Then I'm going to prove you wrong."

Younger me glared at Herobrine before turning and leaving the room.

Herobrine growled lowly before gently handing S/N to Y/N.  "Sorry, Y/N.  I' right back."

Y/N grimaced slightly at the sudden weight of the baby, so she gently got to her knees to be able to hold S/N easier.

Then the scenario around me wavered and I fell to my knees, gripping my head.

The room pulsed like a heartbeat, making my head throb worse each time.

Then nothing.


Garrett rushed over and knelt down next to Sky.  He placed his hands on him and closed his eyes, muttering, "Expergiscere."

...Nothing happened.

"Dear Notch, he's under the same kind of power that S/N is....  I can't revive him!"

I bit my lip, thinking for a moment.  "What...kind of power?"

"Something extremely dark.  None of our elements, air, fire, earth, or water, can counteract it.  We would need a light mage, and there's only one of those in this Overworld...."

I grimaced.  "You...You mean Seto, don't you...?"

He nodded.  "We should go soon....  Who knows what this power is or where it came from or what more it can do...."

"Y/N...please...don't leave me again...."  S/N whimpered, trembling in my arms.

I hugged her tighter.  "Garrett, is my horse still around?"

"Flicka?  Yeah, but she's been very ornery, only letting B/F/N exercise her, though I doubt she wouldn't listen to you, though you look a bit different...."

I shook my head.  "I'm the only one who can speak to her, anyway.  No one else understands her."

Garrett nodded and helped me by levitating S/N out of my arms, as well as Sky.

"I'll carry them to the stables.  The command block should still work in there, so you can still get to the surface easier."

I nodded and turned to the 2 N/F who had continued to follow me.  Candid and Samuel.  "Samuel, can you grab B/F/N's horse to come with me?  I was hoping you could carry Sky whilst I carry S/N."

Samuel nodded.  "I can do that."

I nodded back.  "Great.  Let's get going.  Candid, you hang back and do whatever it is you usually do."

Candid smirked.  "Can do."

I turned to Garrett and nodded at him.  He nodded back and Samuel, Garrett, and I ran towards the stables.

Once we got there, I immediately called out, "Flicka?"

Y/N?!  I heard a neigh from across the stables.

I ran over to the area where the neigh cam from to see my precious black baby horse.

Only, well, she wasn't exactly a baby anymore.

She had definitely grown to full size, though her...well, I don't know if others would call it a birthmark, but I do, her birthmark on her right foreleg was still there.  She was an entirely black horse except for her right foreleg.  From hoof to knee-joint, she was completely white on that leg.

Y/N!!  Oh, it's really you, it's really you!!  Flicka neighed happily.

I laughed a bit.  "It's great to see you again, Flicka.  Notch, you've grown into such a beautiful horse!  However, as much as I'd like to catch up with you, we've got some seriously important issues that I need your help with."

Absolutely!  She whinnied.

I turned to see Garrett and Samuel standing there, watching with interest.  I grimaced slightly at the floating bodies of my...siblings.

"Alright, Flicka.  I'm going to be riding you to the Budder Kingdom with S/N, as well.  Samuel will follow behind with Sky on Genny."

Ooo, I'm going, too?!  Yay!!  A chestnut mare whinnied a few stalls down.

I giggled a bit.  "Yup, you too, Genny."

I opened the stall door so Flicka could come out.  She nuzzled me a bit.  I missed you so much....

"I missed you, too...."

I hopped up onto her and Garrett levitated S/N over to me, sitting her down in front of me.

She was trembling some more, and her face was a bit wet with tears....

"Please...she's hurt...don't keep doing it, Father...."  She whimpered.

I hugged her closely as Samuel gently fitted the bit into Flicka and handed me the rein.

He got Genny out of her stall and set her up, as well, before getting on her.

Garrett careful levitated Sky so that he was sitting behind Samuel.  Garrett got a rein line and gently tied it around Sky and Samuel.  "You should hold on to his arms since he can't do it himself."

Samuel did that and turned Genny so that he was looking at me.  "You ready?"

I nodded and looked down at Genny and Flicka.  "You two ready to go?"

Yup!  They both whinnied.

I smiled and turned Flicka towards the pressure plates.  I urged her forward and Genny followed close behind.

"Be careful...."  I heard Garrett call just before Flicka's hoof pressed the pressure plate.

I winced as a pressure filled my head before it went away again.

Flicka automatically went forward so that Genny didn't spawn inside her.

We were in the forest not too far away from the entrance to the N/A base.  I realized that the sun seemed to be setting.  Dusk?

Samuel, Genny, and Sky appeared a moment later.

"I think we should hurry."  Samuel commented, glancing back at Sky.  "I just heard him murmur, 'I'm sorry, Y/N, I'm sorry, Mother, I had forgotten....'"

I frowned sadly at Sky and sighed, rubbing Flicka's mane a bit.  "Alright, girl.  Let's get going."

Flicka neighed lightly and took off through the woods, keeping a close eye out for any traps. Genny followed closely behind.

S/N trembled in my arms a bit and I frowned.

Just hold on a little longer, S/N....  I'll get you out of this nightmare you're having....

We suddenly broke out of the treeline, landing on the path to the Budder Kingdom.

I pulled Flicka lightly to a stop as Samuel and Genny came up next to me.

I saw people up in front of the gate like last time, seeming to be startled by our appearance.

Except for one.  An iron-clad person with an iron sword.

I looked to Samuel and nodded before urging Flicka into a trot towards the gate.

Matt met us halfway.  "Y/N? that Sky?!"

I looked back to see Samuel and Genny trot up next to us.  I vaguely heard Sky mutter, "Help...."

I winced.  "I just realized how bad this looks....  Uh, I'm not sure what's wrong with him!  He's under some kind of...dark spell that only Seto could fix.  Same with my sister here....  She's under the same kind of spell...."

Matt narrowed his eyes at me.  "Seth, can you teleport Sky and Y/N's sister to the castle infirmary and get Seto in there?  I'll keep an eye on the other 2...."

Carefully, and cautiously (so as not to freak out anyone), I got off Flicka, making sure not to drop S/N, who was trembling quite a bit more.  Samuel also got off Genny, making sure not to let Sky topple off.

Someone with a tome on their cheek came forward and pulled Sky away from Samuel.  He stood next to me, watching me warily before grabbing S/N's wrist lightly and disappearing with both Sky and S/N.

I flinched as they disappeared.

I just hoped they weren't going to hurt her....

Matt unsheathed his sword, pointing it at me.  Samuel stepped forward, his hand on his sword.  I held my hand up to him.

"Please drop all your weapons."  Matt ordered.

I stood still as Samuel uttered an angered sigh before taking his sword out, as well as a dagger from his sleeve, and dropping them away from us.  Samuel then took a step in front of me so as to shield me.

The others who had been in front of the gate came forward to us, swords and magics out.

The female sorcerer cocked her head at me.  "I'm pretty sure Matt said all your weapons."

I looked at her confused.  "Huh?  I don't...."

The other male who had been there suddenly strode forward and reached behind me under my cloak before pulling diamond swordbow?

He glared at me before backing away.

Y/N, why are they angry at you?  Did you do something wrong?  Flicka asked quietly.

What I'm trying to figure out is how the heck my diamond swordbow got under my cloak in the first place....  I never even felt it there!

"Wrong is relative, Flicka...."  I muttered.  "It's just because they didn't really trust me in the first place.  Then, I took their leader to my base hidden away and then came back with him unconscious.  That's...not exactly helpful....  Also, apparently, I kept a weapon hidden when they asked for our weapons....  It wasn't even there before!  I would've noticed...!"

Genny lightly pawed at the ground, clearly nervous.  Are...Are they going to hurt us...?

"Honestly, I doubt it...."

"Ok, who the Nether are you talking to?!"  The male who took my swordbow exclaimed.

I then noticed that everyone, even Samuel, was giving me a weird look.

I couldn't help but chuckle slightly.  "Sorry, I was talking to the horses.  I can speak with mobs.  It's one of the perks of being the daughter of Herobrine...."

Samuel facepalmed.  "Y/N, seriously?!  That was a really stupid move...."

The female and male who took my weapon seemed shocked and seemed to be trying to figure out if I was being serious or not.  Matt just rolled his eyes.

The female suddenly stiffened before biting her lip.  "Seto's coming here...."

Just after she said that, someone appeared next to her.


He blinked for a moment when he saw me and Samuel.  "Guys, you can back down for now.  I'll be taking these two with me."

"Wait, what about our horses?"  I asked, glancing nervously at Flicka and Genny.

"We...can keep them in the Sky army stables."  said Matt suddenly.

I stared at him in shock for a moment before smiling.  "Thank you!"

I turned to the horses.  "We'll be back for you two...uh, at some point, ok?  Try not to get into trouble."

Flicka seemed to chuckle with her whinny.  I can most certainly try, but being your horse, Y/N, trouble seems to come anyway!

Genny shook her head around a bit, her mane swinging about.  I can keep an eye on Flicka!  Don't worry!

Flicka turned her head towards Genny and blew a bit, almost sounding like a raspberry.

I laughed a bit and turned to Seto.  "Ready when you are."

Samuel shrugged.  "I'm with her."

Seto nodded and placed a hand on our shoulders.

I felt that same pressure in my head for a moment before finding myself in a buddery-white room.

"We're in the infirmary."  Seto said, answering the unasked question.

"Are...Are Sky and S/N ok...?"  I asked quietly.

He beckoned me to follow and I did, Samuel trailing closely behind.

He paused and turned towards two beds that were relatively close to one another.

My eyes widened as I saw S/N and Sky lying there, both their eyes closed.

"They're resting."  Seto explained.  "I was able to break them from the...spell they were under."

I looked at him, his hesitance noticed.  "You seem unsure of that."

He gave a small smirk.  "Quite the observant one, huh?  I'm not unsure, but rather...bothered.  You know that, when it comes to all sorcerers, they're mainly one, rarely two or three, of the 4 main elements.  Fire, water, earth, air.  I'm the only light sorcerer known to date, and the only dark sorcerer, or, at least, wielder of dark magic, is Herobrine.  However...that knowledge is not completely true.  There is another dark sorcerer."

I looked at him and was about to ask who they were when S/N suddenly groaned.

I ran over to the side of the bed, suddenly extremely worried.  "S/N...?"

S/N took a deep breath before squinting her eyes open.  "Y-Y/N...?"

She slowly sat up and looked at me.  I gave her a semi-tight hug.

Sky also groaned, holding his head as he pushed himself up.  "Wha...What?  Where...isn't this the castle infirmary?"

Seto chuckled.  "With the amount of injuries you tend to accumulate from training, I'm not surprised you know where you are."

Sky grinned sheepishly then looked over, freezing when he saw S/N and me.  "O-Oh....  Did...Did you bring me here?"

I nodded.  "You and S/N.  Apparently, you both were under some...dark spell."

Seto sighed.  "Y/ also have this spell on you.  It is a dormant dark spell that is used to cover memories about certain things, from places to...well, people.  When the memory that has been covered gets sparked, the person feels pain in their head.  This tends to keep them from trying to remember.  However, the more...persistent ones will have some kind of flashback of importance that includes the thing trying to be covered in the first place.  After they re-live the memory, they fall into a coma filled with nightmares so that, if they were ever awoken, they would be too terrified or broken to recall the memory.  Thankfully, you got them here before it got too bad."

I sighed.  "Thank Notch...."

"Soon, my dear Y/N.  Soon, you will become the brine you were born to be.  Soon...."

I gasped as I saw Father standing in front of me, that haunting evil grin upon his face.  " will become the monster that all Minecraftians fear.  You will become like ME."

"NO!"  I cried, whipping out my diamond swordbow that for some reason already had the arrow nocked.  I pulled back the string, preparing to hit Father in the face with an arrow.

"Y/N!!!"  I heard S/N cry.

I blinked, and Father disappeared.  Standing just a little behind where Father had been...was Seto.

I had my weapon aimed at him.

His hands were lit up with magics and he looked startled.  "Y/N...."  He said calmly and slowly.  "You know who I am.  I am Seto.  I'm not anyone else."

I trembled, but I couldn't put my weapon down.

"Y/N...come on, now...."  Samuel muttered.  "Fight back any illusions you're having.  None of it is real."

"Sky...."  Seto began, not taking his eyes off me.  "Could you...carefully remove the arrow from the weapon?"

I didn't fight back when Sky pulled the arrow off.

Like a spell had been broken, I could move again.  I instantly destressed the bow part, dropping the weapon to the ground.

"How...How did I...I didn't have that....  That guy outside took it....  How...HOW?!  How the Nether do I have that with me?!"  I said with growing intensity.

Seto didn't unlight his magics, but he moved slowly towards me.  "Y/N, are you ok...?"

I gave a shaky nod.  "I'm s-so sorry....  I didn't...."

He finally unlit his magics with a sigh.  "This seems similar to what had happened outside...Notch, 7 or 8 hours ago?"

I shook my head.  "I...I think being in the Nether like that left some serious mental scars on me....  Before I go and forget, who is this other dark sorcerer that exists?"

Seto flinched.  "I was really hoping you wouldn't ask that, but...."

He sighed, looking down a bit.  "The other dark sorcerer is Entity 303.  He...He is also my father."

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