Chapter Fifteen: Bang Bang

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The sky was painted with sparkling stars and was starting to turn to a brighter blue. The small group of five marched down the field of the Meeting Place with confidence. Their facial expressions were serious; the only noise was the faint thump of their hooves in harmony. 

Shianne glanced over to her left where Milkweed was walking. He looked like he was hurting on the inside, and he probably was. Shianne felt tears start to form in her eyes. Was this the last time they would see each other? 

"We- we're going to be okay." She stuttered, a sickly feeling was storming around in her stomach. 

Milkweed's brown eyes looked at her but he said nothing. Please, StarHerd, tell me everything is going to turn out fine. Shianne prayed, her silver eyes echoing the stars. The large group continued in one vertical line until they reached the outside of StreamHerd's borders. 

"Well, we're here," Lark muttered, her amber eyes flickering with sadness. 

Vixen nodded, "Let's make the best of this. Milkweed, Shianne, you take the left, near the large grazing grounds and enter the camp there. Lark and Ivy, you'll go right while I'll go forward. Understood?" Vixen asked them seriously. All of them nodded, standing in silence. 

Shianne made sure her pack was tight around her hip and then couldn't help but mutter, "May StarHerd be with us." The rest nodded and started to walk forward. 

Milkweed led the way to the left and Shianne felt herself shaking with apprehension. Before the entered the tree-dense forest Shianne wrapped her neck around Milkweed, tears falling down her cheeks. 

"I'm scared, Milkweed." She whimpered, taking in his thick dusty scent. 

"Shianne, I am too, but I believe in the stars. We are not alone. Remember Rain; sometimes sacrifices have to be made." His words filled Shianne with bravery and she moved her neck off him. They both stared at each other deeply before moving into the forest. 

The two trotted past the trees and soon a large patrol of horses came into view. They were guarding StreamHerd camp. 

Shianne and Milkweed tried to stay near some thick bushes where they would be disguised. "Plan A, we bomb them and then we'll be able to slip into the camp. Plan B ...? Well, you'll have to trust me." Milkweed said very sternly and pulled out a small blueberry in his teeth. 

Shianne did the same and at the same time, the two of them tossed the berries towards the soldiers. A loud bang echoed out, dirt flew up, and the soldiers erupted from the ground. The explosion killed the soldiers and Shianne and Milkweed were able to canter into the camp. 

Shianne's heart was pounding hard in her chest, they did it! They were able to make it in. Shianne could hear the other explosions from her friends and energy flowed through her like water. 

They galloped into the camp almost bumping into a large group of soldiers at the ready. They bared their yellow teeth and Shianne heard a yowl, "Attack!" from above. Her eyes glanced around and saw the deadly chestnut stallion standing on Picasso's rock, ordering his stallions from below. 

The group of stallions galloped up to Shianne and Milkweed. "Plan B!" Milkweed hissed and galloped off to the side. Shianne followed, not knowing how fast the stallion could actually run. The group of stallions followed, their hooves coming closer and closer to Milkweed and Shianne. 

"Milkweed!" Shianne whinnied out of fear. The two galloped on until they came across the OutHerds. Milkweed had found a tunnel, so now they were at the bottom of the gorge. 

Milkweed and Shianne ran on, they lost the stallions in the tunnels but could still hear their harsh words a few meters away. Milkweed started to climb up the side of the gorge, and Shianne followed. She hated heights, but for survival, she would do anything. 

The two steeds were near the top and they had exchanged places, Shianne leading the way and Milkweed followed. "That was too close." Milkweed nickered, glancing down, he saw the soldiers climbing after them. He knew they were never going to get away. 

Once they were at the top, Shianne's sharp hooves dug into the soft ground and she heard a faint crack beneath her. She saw Milkweed start to climb up it when the piece of stone broke off. "Milkweed!" Shianne whinnied in warning but she was too late. Milkweed's back legs tumbled off the side of the gorge, and he was left hanging on by his front legs. His face scrunched up in pain, blood oozed from his back legs. 

"Oh my gosh, Milkweed." Shianne felt her heart start to speed up in her chest. She leaned down next to him but there was no way to pick him up. 

"E- Easy, Shianne." Milkweed stuttered, the pain in his hind legs causing him to wince. Shianne started to shake with fear. 

"Milkweed I'll help you, please." Shianne started to shake, tears falling down her face and onto the dusty ground. 

"N- N- No Shianne. We're never going to g- get rid of t- them." Milkweed glanced down and saw the soldiers were closer. "Run. Run as fast as you can." Milkweed said very sternly. He nuzzled Shianne one last time. 

Shianne was confused, "what- what are you doing?" She asked but no answer came. Milkweed swiveled his head around and nipped at the string holding in his pack. 

"Take care, Shianne." The bay stallion then pushed off the side of the gorge, his once strong body plummeting like a rock to the bottom. 

"Milkweed!" Shianne screamed, watching her mate fall to the bottom. She knew what was happening. The berries ignited in one large collision. Shianne took off at a fast gallop, listening to the explosion behind her. 

The huge blast sucked up the stallions in its fury. Shianne made herself go faster, she had to get a good distance away where she wouldn't get hurt. Shianne fled into the thick forest, where Merrick showed her the tree sap and stopped for a break. 

Her legs were shaking with terror and her stomach flipped with a sick feeling. Milkweed, he's gone. He's dead. Shianne panted harder. Suddenly, hopelessness waved over her. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't hear any more bombs go off, was she the last one left? 

And then she was struck by an idea, and the idea took over every other thought: I have to avenge Milkweed's death. Hopelessness was replaced by determination. She snorted to herself and started to stride confidently towards the base of StreamHerd. Time for war. She felt the fury run through her veins like fire spreading through a forest. 

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