Chapter Sixteen: Survivor

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Shianne strode toward the StreamHerd camp, fury fueling her all the way. She took a few berries in her mouth and tossed them near the large army of soldiers. The berries ignited right in the center of the soldiers. 

Soldiers' bodies flew around, landing on their backs or necks, breaking them. 

Jaguar's sharp brown eyes met Shianne's and his mouth hung open. Yes, he'd better be afraid. Shianne thought, but then she heard faint hoof-steps becoming louder and louder. She turned around, a large group of horses was blocked by the wall of dust Shianne created, all she could see were the horses' shadows. 

The wall of dust faded away and Shianne recognized a bright bay pinto pelt leading the soldiers. Picasso! She thought and cantered up to them. Behind Picasso stood a large number of soldiers; they all looked ready to fight. 

Shianne's heart started to race again, "you're here." She could only mutter because her stomach still had the sick feeling. 

"Of course we are." Picasso nickered, nudging Shianne out the way. Shianne looked around for Rogue, but she couldn't spot her anywhere. Then she spied her father and trotted up to him. "Shianne, I'm glad you're alright." Her father nuzzled Shianne's shoulder, his dark gaze filled with anxiety. 

"Where's Rogue?" Shianne questioned. 

"She left." Was all Apollo could answer. Picasso let out a battle cry and the two large armies collided together. Shianne was pushed and shoved around in the struggle. 

A familiar chestnut coat appeared in the crowd, followed by a golden coat. When Shianne moved closer, something hard shoved her in the side. She crashed down to the ground, forgetting about the berries. 

She quickly detached the pouch and got to her hooves like lightning. She sped forward, the explosion going off. Blood swelled inside her mouth from being slammed on the ground so hard. She wondered who did that to her, then saw Crown kneeling over a colt. 

Shianne froze, she had killed Venus, her former bully. Crown's harsh eyes lifted up and glared down at Shianne. She ignored it and dodged the soldiers battling. She ran forward, trying to get to Picasso's rock. 

Shianne got closer and closer, and saw the devil himself watching the war from above. She whinnied at Jaguar, causing his attention to be dragged down. I believe in the stars. Milkweed's voice echoed in her head. I believe in the stars. She repeated his words and stepped up onto the rock. 

"Ah, it seems I've met my match." Jaguar chuckled, jumping down on the flat ground beneath him. Shianne followed and the two started to circle each other. 

Shianne snorted, rage pulsing in her blood fiercely. "How dare you! You monster!" She whinnied loudly, so all the steeds could hear. 

"Shianne," Jaguar sighed, his gaze going down to his hooves. "If you had never existed, this never would have happened." 

Shianne was taken aback and froze in horror. Was she the reason StreamHerd was kicked out? Was she the reason for her departure? And, most sickening of all, was she the reason for Milkweed's death? The world felt like it was coming to pieces and she couldn't move. The big chestnut stallion charged up to her, his ears pinned down to his neck, he knocked Shianne to the ground. 

Shianne collapsed to the ground, her legs shaking with dread. She couldn't move. Her mate was dead because of her. Jaguar stood over her, a smirk painted right across his face. 

"Goodbye, ghost filly," he jeered and his sharp hoof towered over Shianne. She closed her eyes awaiting her death. Suddenly, she heard a grunt and some muffled voices. The crowd that gathered around her to watch, gasped. Shianne opened her eyes and saw in front of her, a tall buckskin stallion, his hooves dripping with sticky blood. 

His fierce gaze met hers, sending shivers through Shianne. "All empires fall; all ages die; all strife shall be in vain and," the stallion paused, trying to search for what to say next, "and all kings die." He suddenly vanished. 

Shianne stood up, observing all the horses around her. Their eyes shimmered with uneasiness and they all were sheltering each other. Shianne then looked over to where she had seen the buckskin, but could only see Jaguar laying dead on the side. His chestnut fur was covered in a large gash; the blood bathed the grass below him. 

Shianne glanced around, the silence killing her. She saw Picasso limping towards her, his fur covered in blood. "He just saved your life," he nickered. His eyes flashed in amazement. 

"Who was he?" Shianne asked, the silence was still driving her insane. 

"That was Prince, Shianne." 

Shianne stopped in horror. The biggest villain of all time saved her life. Why? 

As though reading Shianne's thoughts, Picasso explained, "maybe he had a good heart after all." 

Life was so unexpected: her mate had died, a villain had saved her life and the forest was free. When she looked back, Shianne found it hard to believe everything that had happened that day.

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