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The sky was painted darkly with only the stars casting down light. The air was cool with some gusts of wind making the horses manes fly and the grass ripple. Rogue stood out on the grazing fields between StreamHerd and ShadowHerd. 

She often looked up at the stars and talked to herself at night. She still felt guilty of all the horses she had killed even if she didn't touch them. It was her fault all the horses charged into battle. Taka, Prince, Raja, Dove, and many more. 

She then felt a sudden kick in her stomach and glanced behind her. The movement was her new foal moving around. Apollo and Rogue had agreed to have a new foal that they would raise to become a fine soldier and member of StreamHerd. 

Rogue's gaze then lifted up at the stars above her again. "I'm so sorry." She muttered. Tears started to swell in her eyes. She remembered the day when Dove leaped in front of Raja to block him from killing Rogue. The poor yearling had died painfully with a slice through the neck. Rogue wasn't expecting what happened next, her son jumped off of the gorge and plummeted down to the bottom to join his love. 

Rogue quickly shook the thoughts from her head and slowly started to walk back to camp. When she entered the camp, Jaguar was standing guard. After Rogue had gotten back with Apollo, things had been awkward between her Jag. 

She shot him a small smile and trotted past him. "How are you doing, Rogue?" He asked, stopping her. His fierce but gentle brown eyes made her gut twist. 

"I'm doing wonderful." She replied, unsure whether to mention her foal. 

Jaguar's gaze quickly flew down to her stomach then back up. "Someone's eating a lot of grass these days." He teased, nipping her ear. 

Rogue let out a fake chuckle and playfully nipped his shoulder. "Well, I'm going to sleep." She turned around and trekked towards the mare's den. She was stopped again. 

"I was just wondering, but have you seen anything in your dreams?" Jaguar questioned. Rogue turned her head to look at him, what a weird question. She thought. "I mean, Prince or Taka." Jaguar corrected himself quickly. 

"No, why?" 

"I got a prophecy and I don't understand." He nickered quietly and stepped closer to Rogue. The palomino mare flinched at the word prophecy. The forest had been so peaceful and prophecy could only destroy the peace. 

"Don't tell me, talk to Bramble or Picasso." Rogue's ears backed against her neck, telling Jaguar not to come any closer. 

The chestnut stallion then whispered horrifying words into Rogue's ear. "I know you're pregnant with Apollo's foal, you can't lie to me." Rogue lashed out at the stallion and her powerful hind hooves hit him in the chest. 

"What was that for?" Jaguar squealed, waking up Apollo. The dark bay stallion nuzzled Rogue and faced Jaguar. 

"You were too close." Rogue whickered and tracked off into the mare's den were stallions could not go. 

Apollo watched his mate leave with fear sparkle in her brown eyes. "What happened?" He questioned, turning his head back to the chestnut stallion. 

"She didn't tell me about the foal and told her I knew she was lying to me," Jaguar explained, envy coursing through his veins. He wanted to smother the bay stallion right now but he would definitely get exiled and break the peace that the forest had for moons. 

"I'll talk to her in the morning." And with that Apollo turned around and walked into the stallions den. 

Jaguar faced the camp entrance, hatred for Apollo feeding his muscles strength. He didn't want to live with StreamHerd anymore if he was going to be judged for his actions while Rogue was cared for and loved upon. 

I wish I was still loved. He looked up at the stars and prayed for Nuka, his son who was killed by Picasso. I should've taken your place. His eyes became warmer and a tear trickled down the side of his face. I will get my revenge and it will be painful. 

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