Part 12

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Rk's eyes sprung open hearing a loud scream. He turned to his side to see his wife withering and screaming in her sleep.

"Madhu wake up!" Rk shook her uninjured shoulder.

"Madhu..." he stroked her cheek gently wiping her tears and brought her out of her bad dream.

Madhu looked disoriented. Her eyes were wide and scared. She kept staring at him with her tear brimming eyes. She looked so confused.

"It's okay. It's just a dream." Rk reassured her and kissed her forehead. "I am here with you. I have got you." Rk whispered softly and hugged her not too tightly but tight enough to give her the much needed comfort. He could feel her slowly relaxing & her breathing and heart beat turning to normal. Then he pulled himself away from her & sat up on the bed. He then helped her up too. Switching on the bed side lamp, he poured her glass of water and helped her to drink it.

"You alright?" Rk asked gently, worry edging on his eyes. She nodded and clung to him. He can say she had it bad.

"This is not the first time you getting nightmare." it wasn't a question. He stated the fact softly. For the fourth time he was waking up to the loud scream of his wife. Every time when some frightening incident happens she get night terrors. He witnessed that on the very first night they spend together, on their wedding night or to be exact next day early morning, when he returned home after investigating the fake bomb explosion threat in the five star hotel. Then the night she got kidnapped by Sultan and his men and then in hospital, the day she got shot... Oh that time she really went out of control and the doctors had to sedate her. And now again she was screaming and crying. What's wrong with her? What could be the reason for her night terrors? I should try and ask her. I can't see her like this. So frightened! Rk thoughts.

"Madhu, baby, what's wrong?" Rk held her closer to his chest and combed her hair with his fingers soothing her.

"Baby, talk to me, please." His voice was so soft fearing he would scare her if he raised his voice a little high.

"Rishab, I... I have..." she breathed nervously. He took the corner of the satin sheet which was draped over them and wiped off the sweat beats from her forehead and kissed her cheek.

"It's okay. Tell me. I can help you." he encouraged her.

"Rishab, I have Parasomnia." She said in a meek tone after a huge pause.

"Parasomnia? You mean to say you frequently get nightmares and night terrors?" Rk asked.


"Oh!" he said rubbing her back. "Do you have Somnambulism, Bruxism, Sexsomnia?" Rk asked. She lifted her head off his chest and looked at him confused.

"Whoa! Whoa! What are all they? How do you know all these medical terms? You surely aren't a doctor right?"

"No, I am not but I have done researches in various disorders."


"Just to gain knowledge and also few of my researched were useful for my cases."

"Oh. Well, so what do they mean?"

"Somnambulism means sleepwalking" He hadn't noticed her walking around in the night in her sleep but still he wanted to check with her because sleep walking is also symptom of parasomnia.

"No, I don't do sleep walking."

"Bruxism means teeth grinding during sleep." Rk explained.

"Um... I guess I don't. Was I grinding my teeth when you woke me up?" She asked him.

"No, you were just screaming and crying." Rk said caressing her tear stained cheeks. Madhu closed her eyes in contentment feeling his soft touch.

"What does Sexsomnia means?" she asked curiously.

"I can assure that you don't have Sexsomnia" Rk said in a teasing tone.

"What is it?"

"Sexsomnia means sleep sex. People will have sex while still on sleep. You are even not ready to have sex when you are wide awake then how come you will have sex while you are fast asleep?" Rk asked with a chuckle. Madhu blushed and hide her face in his chest and mutter something which stunned him. She said "Who said I am not ready to have sex with you?"

"What do you mean?" Rk asked with a frown, titling her head up by holding her chin so that he could meet her eyes.

"You are so dumb, Rishab!" she chided him.

"What? Me? Dumb? Silly!" he shook his in disagreement.

"Then what? I have been giving you hints but you didn't catch them so I openly asked you to make love to me but then too..."

"When you asked me to make love to you?"

"You have a very poor memory. On the day all this drama happened... you know that morning when you woke me up for my work...Um...we kissed and I shamelessly asked you love me pleas' but you forced me to go for work..."

"But you wanted to be at work early morning that day right? Besides I thought you got turned on when I kissed you and in the moment of passion you asked me to make love but you really didn't mean it!" he reasoned her.

"No! I really meant what I said. I wanted you, so badly. If you had just taken my offer then I would have got late to work and the job to interview Dutta would have been assigned to some other staff and I wouldn't have been shot by my own husband." She said with a dramatic sigh.

"I'm sorry." He said and looked so guilty and upset.

"Oh God! I'm sorry to bring that topic and sour your mood. Let's forget it..." she said in a hurried tone and kissed his cheek to bring him back to her but he didn't respond, he just kept massaging her right hand.

"Rishab, look at me?" She made him forcefully look at her eyes.

"I'm grateful to you for saving my life, my virtue." She whispered and kissed his head. "Thank you." she smiled and he returned her a small smile.

"I'm yours to claim, Rishab!" Madhu said caressing his cheek with her left hand. "Claim me, please."

"No, Madhu..."

"Why?" Madhu asked him in a hurtful tone.

"You don't like me?" she asked him, her eyes started to well up.

"I do." He kissed her eyes to stop her tears in bay.

"You don't desire me?"

"Oh f**k! Yeah I do. I am having wet dreams ever since we got married... no correction, ever since we met in the train." Rk said shaking his head to clear that image of making love to her which suddenly popped in his head. Madhu smiled and blushed in a pretty shade of pink.

"Then why don't you do it with me? Do you want me to beg you? Tell me whether you were serious when you said you will touch me only if I beg you to do so? I am ready to beg"

"No, need though I was serious with what I said I don't want my wife to beg to anyone for anything, not even with her husband. You will lose your power when you bow down to someone for something. Always fight for what you want!"

"Okay! Got it! Then I am going to fight with you in bed." She said with a sly grin.

"You going to rape me?" Rk asked teasingly.

"Any doubt?" She asked pushing him back on the bed and straddling on top of his torso but Rk tackled her down on the bed and pressed beneath him and kissed her lips soundly. Once he tore his lips apart from her they both we left breathless.

"Sleep!" He ordered her.

"What? No! You can't start and stop abruptly." She protested. "I will die if you deny me to give my first orgasm"

"Madhu, you are still recovering from the wound... I don't want to hurt you, please try to understand." He cupped her face and said in a kitten soft tone and kissed her lips so tenderly as if she was made of glass.

"Rishab, I am perfectly alright! And I know you won't hurt me. I trust you."

"Silly, I will never hurt you intentionally but certain things happen without my control."

"I didn't get you."

"You are so naive, Madhu. First time sex will be hell lot of painful."

"But Trishna told me sex is so pleasurable."

"Yes, it is but definitely not the first time. When I broke your virgin wall it will hurt you so much. You have had enough, baby so I am not ready to see you in pain again."

"But how long we can go like this? One day we should consummate our marriage right?"

"Of course!" he gave her shocked expression. He didn't mean that he will never make love to her. Just not now. Not tonight! She had just woken up crying in her sleep and he still had to probe her to know the reason behind her night terrors. He was sure something horrible had happened in life which was now giving her nightmares.

"Once you get perfectly alright I will make long hot passionate sex." He said to her in a promising tone.

"Don't call it as sex." She chided him.

"Okay, love making!" He said rolling his eyes.

"Rishab, just five more days for your suspension to get over... so I guess we should put use this time."

"First you get well."

"Just ignore my right hand and make love to me, please." She sounded so desperate. He sighed. He was torn between his feeling of not wanting to hurt her and her feeling of desperate need for him. He dropped his head on her shoulder to think what to do, whether to give in or convince her to go back to sleep? Unknowingly his hand skated up her body to her breast as he started squeezing it gently making her moan in please.

"Yeah yeah... keep doing it..." she encouraged him. He lifted her head off her shoulder and crashed his mouth on her kissing her thoroughly, his tongue slid in her mouth and started caressing her silky sides and she fought for dominance but he won.

He really got turned on just by kissing her soft sweet lips. He wanted more of her and he will get her as he had her consent now. He ripped open her night shirt and buried his face in between her cleavage as he started nuzzling her creamy skin. "Oh f**k! Your scent is so intoxication. It's driving me insane. I can't believe I have controlled myself this long without ravishing you." Rk growled and covered her beast with his mouth and he started sucking her. She clutched his hair with her left hand fingers and pushed him deep as she arched her body back pushing her head onto the pillow.

"Oh this is pure bliss." She moaned when his other hand massage her breast and moaned loudly when he pinched her nipple which sent a wave of current to her groin. He moved down to her belly and started giving wet kisses.

"Rishab, take my clothes off." She suggested so that he can kiss every inch of her body. "And your too." She ordered. Rk knelt up on the bed in a passionate daze and pulled her shirt off her shoulders and his shoulders slumped down seeing the huge plaster on her right shoulder. I can't do this. I don't want to hurt her. I'm not a brute! I am her husband!

He kept staring her injured shoulder holding her shirt.

"Rishab..." She softly called him bringing out of his trance. She could see the pain and love for her in his eyes. Oh God! I love this man so much.

"I can understand. You can't do this now, I guess. Its okay, we will do tomorrow morning, may be in the shower." She couldn't hide the hope in her voice. Rk just rolled his eyes. "Now let's sleep." She said with a smile.

"Okay!" He kissed her forehead before lying beside her and he draped his arm gently around her waist.

"Madhu... what was your dream and why you get night terrors and for how long you are having this problem?" he asked. She reminded silent holding his hand over her stomach tightly.

"It was just the replay of the incident... you know the sound of the gun firing made me scream in fear... I thought I was dead but now... you saved me... then you woke me up"

"Oh!" he shivered inwardly. God! She was reliving that horrid moment through her dream.

"I'm having night terrors since I was 7 years old." She said almost in a whisper.

"What?" Rk sat up on the bed and looked down at her in shock.

"I was kidnapped when I was 7 years old and was locked in a dark room for 3 days and they didn't give me any food and let me starve. They... They... tortured me..." she felt hard to revisit those horrible 3 days. "From that incident I started having night terrors and I wake up crying. My parents took me to a psychiatrist and he helped by giving counseling and I even used to take sleeping pills in the initial days to get undisturbed sleep..." she stopped

"Madhu..." he can tell that wasn't the end of the story and she was holding back something important.  

"Well, it happened a long time ago... I am okay now." she said with a reassuring smile. She wasn't okay yet. She was still having disturbed sleep. He should do something to keep her safe and happy and want to see her sleep peacefully in his arms.

"You have been through this much and you didn't bother to tell me anything? Don't I mean anything to you?" he asked his face impassive but his tone was pained.

"I'm sorry, Rishab, but trust me I am okay. I rarely get nightmares and night terrors..."

"But still..."

"I was scared that you will hate me if you come to know about this."

"Bullshit! Why would I hate you? I would only help you... in fact I would have been even more careful with you and kept you safer." He pulled her up from the bed and placed her on his lap and hugged her securely in his arms.

"Why the f**k everyone is kidnapping you?" Rk seethed in rage.

"May be I am pretty." She said batting her eyes to lighten the atmosphere.

"Who actually kidnapped you when you were a child?"

"I don't know." she said to her husband not wanting to bother him but she knew them, the kidnappers. "I was kidnapped for ransom. You know my dad is a wealthy man." Yeah, Madhu's dad was good in steel business. She was from a rich and affluent family but she lived a simple life. She preferred everything simple and lively. She preferred to work in a small news channel instead of handling her father's business. She preferred her Scooty over her dad's expensive cars. She preferred street foods than expensive restaurant foods. She liked her husband more because he was so like her. Even his family was wealthy but he didn't bother much about the wealth. He worked hard for every penny he earned. He was a normal person and he never misused his wealth and power.

"Your dad paid to the kidnappers?" Rk asked curiously.

"Nope! Not even a penny. He sought police help. They found the place where I was held hostage."

"Oh... I don't know whether to salute your dad or get mad at him?" he said honestly.

"Why you say so?"

"If I was in his place and my daughter was kidnapped and they were a threat to her life then I would have paid the ransom amount and brought back her home safe to her mother and then handle things with those bas***ds. I pity your mother for spending those 3 nights without." He said and kissed her temple. That moment Madhu realized he will be one great father.

"You are right. My mom still hadn't forgiven my father for being stubborn..." she paused. "...but he believed in police and they didn't let down my father... my respect for policemen went high and I decided to get me married to a police officer when I grew up so that my police husband will keep me safe and I was so right with my decision..." she beamed at him.

"Oh! If I wasn't a police officer then I wouldn't have got this beauty hun?" Rk asked with a smirk and kissed her cheeks.

"Aye! Aye! Romantic line from my husband" she bounced on his lap in joy.

"You wanna consult with a specialist?" Rk asked.

"I don't think I would need one. I am alright, Rishab." She smiled a reassuring smile.

"Hmm... If you say so" he reluctantly agreed with her.

"Just hug me tight. I will sleep well." She said with a smile. Rk nodded and put her back on the bed and settled himself beside her.

"Good night, Rishab"

"Good night, love" he said and she placed her head on his chest, he kissed her head and wrapped his arms tightly and they both went to a deep slumber.

... to be continued!!!

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