Part 13

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Next day, Madhu woke up to find her husband missing. She didn't bother much on where he would have gone. It was his usual routine to wake up at the crack of dawn, work out in his gym, take a shower, and make breakfast for them.

She jumped out of the bed energetically and walked out of the room and found her husband sitting on the chair in the dining hall, sipping his coffee while reading newspaper.

"Good morning." She greeted him with a smile. He looked up at her with a small smile and wished her back.

"How you feeling now?" he asked.

"Better. Thank you." she said and sat next to him on the chair.

"Did you brush your teeth?" he questioned her.

"I will eat and then brush. I am really hungry." She said grinning.

"I guess you can manage eating bread toast on your own or you want me to feed that too?" he asked.

"Well, I can manage eating on my own but I won't mind you feeding you." she said with a sly grin. He just shook his head with a smile and continued reading the paper.

"So what plan for today?" she asked taking a bite from her toast.

He shrugged. "Do you have any plans?" he asked

"Um... Well, actually... can we go out for a couple of days?"


"Somewhere... a short trip may be?" she asked him hesitantly.

"Okay. I will make arrangements for that."

"Cool... I will go take a bath by then you decide where we can go."

"Finish your breakfast first." he ordered her. With a smile she proceeded to eat her toast.


(Two hours later)

"Madhu, ready?" Rk asked as he walks back to their bedroom.

"Almost! Just help me zip up this dress." Madhu said as she turned her back to him so that he can zip up her knee length dress. Rk kept staring at her.

"What?" she asked losing her patience

"This won't do. Change your dress."

"Why? What's wrong? Do I look bad in this dress?" she asked checking herself in the mirror.

"You look stunning in black but this dress won't suit for the place where we are going. This is gonna be something exciting and different experience for you. You ready for that?" he asked.

"Ready as ever I will be!" she said in seductive tone winking at him. Rk hissed through his teeth. He was trying his best to keep his hands off her considering her health condition but guess he can't hold to the restrain for long.

"Will you help me change the dress?" she asked coyly.

"Okay! I will choose the perfect outfit for you for the trip." he said and rummaged for her clothes in the closet. Then he picked out a tight black jeans and a crop top.

"Boots and jacket? Will I need them?" she asked seeing him take out her knee high brown leather boots and brown jacket.

"Yep! You will. Even I will be wearing boots and jacket."

"Where are we going? Any secret mission?" she asked when she notices him shrug on his jacket and tuck his gun in the gun holster.

"Nope! Just holiday trip"

"Then why you are carrying a gun?" she asked still eying the shot gun now hidden behind the jacket.

"Safety purpose, now, come. I will dress up you." he said and too quickly and mechanically he striped her off her dress and helped her get into her jeans and tops. He knew if he was slow in his action and paid more attention to her silky skin then they would land in the bed making hot passionate love.

"Loose hair won't do. Turn!" he ordered. Her perfect plan to seduce him was chopped by him! Damn! She reluctantly turned and he scooped up her hair and put a high pony.

Mommy, I took so much effort to straight my hair and brush it soft but its all gone! I almost looked like a seductress in that beautiful off shoulder black dress and loose hair... I was just about to put red lipstick on my lips to tempt him more but now? I look so simple but I should agree I look so beautiful in this natural makeup-free look. Guess, my husband prefers this way. She thoughts and turns to face him.

"How do I look?" she asked him shyly. Rk brushed the loose strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek tenderly.

"Beautiful, Biwi" he whispered and kissed her once again, this time on her lips, a brief chaste kiss.

"Madhu, I just wanna make sure you are fit and fine enough to take this trip, you can do this right?" he asked her showing his concern clearly in his eyes and voice.

"I'm perfectly fine, Rishab. I just wanna go out somewhere with you... and spend some quality time. It's been over two months since our marriage and lots have happened... but nothing pleasant and romantic so... I think... we should... um... I mean... make a move... um... I... God! I don't know how to tell..."

"Okay, I get it so you don't have to struggle! I just hope I won't disappoint you." he said. To say even he was excited will be an understatement. He was dying to take his wife to that place.

"You won't. I will be happy anywhere you take me. I just want you by my side, always" she said with an earnest smile. He smiles back.

"Is it going to be an overnight stay?" she asked to know so that she can pack her necessary things.

"Yep! Two nights we will be spending out in that place and third day we will return home."

"Okay, then let me pack our bags."

"No, need. I have already packed our stuffs when you were in the shower and now the bags are sitting in our car. It's just us two to go and start the trip."

"I'm excited! Thank you so much for taking me out." Madhu jumped a little and kissed her husband's cheek.

"Well, I have actually planned a while back to take you to this place... my favorite place but we both were busy with our job and other things which weren't going smooth between us... Well, now is the perfect time I guess to show you that place."

"Oh! How long will it take from here?" she asked him.

"Three hours drive on the highway and some forty minutes to get deep to the exact spot."

"Okay, come lets go." she hooked her hand in his arm and dragged him out.

"Hey, one sec, I forgot to take your medicines." Rk stopped her and rushed back to the bedroom and took her medicine cover from the bedside table.

"We should get some crunches, munches, chocolates and drinks on our way."

"Oh why? There won't be any shops nearby in the place where we are going?"

"Hmm... nope!" he said and opened the passenger side door for her to hop in. he walked around and got into his side and started the car.

After buying the necessary eatables from the nearby supermarket and also having an early lunch, they again started the drive to their destination. Both Rk and Madhu were silent for a while before Rk breaking it by asking "Madhu... I wanna ask you something."

"Yeah, ask me?" Madhu turned her face to his side to look at him and talk.

"Please don't get me wrong but I just wanna know why you chose this field? What made you to join Press? Don't you think your job is highly risky?"

"Do you think I am not fit for this job?" she asked angrily suddenly her temper rose.

"Whoa! Chill... I didn't say anything like that. I am just curious to know... after last night..." he trailed off. He wanted to kick himself for asking this question.

"What last night? I just had a nightmare... and I got carried away telling you about my night terror issue. If you think I am weak because I cry and scream in my sleep and won't fit to do risky jobs then you are wrong."

Rolling his eyes, he turned on the music set in the car so that she will shut her mouth.

"I like this song." She said to him with a smile calming instantly hearing the song "Ishq bulava aave jab aave..."

Rk gave her a look wondering whether she has bipolar disorder too.

"You like this song, Rishab?" she asked him sweetly. He just shrugged & looked the road ahead.

"Rishab... I... I am sorry I overreacted and spoiled your mood."

"No, it's nothing. I am good."

"So tell me about this place where we are going."

"You will see shortly." He said and then his phone buzzed in his jacket pocket.

"Yeah, Mukkund. Is everything ready? Okay! Thanks dude. We will be there in about an hour or two. You will be there? Okay, we will see then, Bye!" he talked over the phone to his friend before hanging up.

"Your friend?" Madhu asked.

"Yeah, we studied together."

"Oh nice. What he is doing now?"

"He is an IFS officer"

"Indian foreign service?"

"Nope! Indian forest service"

"Oh... are we going trekking?" she asked. Since, he asked is everything ready?" to his forest officer friend she guessed they might be heading to some forest. What a strange honeymoon destination? Mingle in Jungle! Wow!

"Not exactly... but kind of..."

"Um... I don't think I can go for a long walk on the rough terrain." She said worriedly. She was hoping he will take her to some beach resort definitely not to forest.

"Well, you don't have to."

"Why don't you tell me exactly where we are going?"

"Madhu, hold some patience. It's a surprise." He said in a pissed off tone. She huffed and crossed her arms as she turned her gaze out the window.

"I like my job... It's somewhat thrilling and exciting... it gives me satisfaction." she started. She felt bad for mistaking his concern and shouting at him when she knew he only cares for her goodness so she decided to rationally think and answer his question. Rk glanced at her before setting his eyes back on the road. "Guess I have told you before that I wanted to join army but my Papa forbids me fearing of losing me in the border..." she let out a soft chuckle and turned to her husband's side to check whether he was listening or not. She smiled at him when he gave her his undivided attention. "... He asked me to take over his company which I denied. I can't sit idle in an office going through God damn files... We had a disagreement. Papa and I ended up in a fight... Eventually I won. Now with the job I do I could bring out lots of illegal activities happening in the society to the limelight or at least that's what I think I do."

"Yes, you are doing some good deeds to the society. You have helped me encounter Dutta..."

"But you got suspended..." she reminded him.

"A very notorious criminal is dead and the city is peaceful... so I don't regret anything except for shooting you." he said softly and squeezed her right palm. "Madhu... I... I care for you. Last night's revelation made me wonder why you chose this risky job when you are mentally traumatized with that kidnapping incident... More such scary events will only affect your health right?"

"I don't think so, Rishab" she said. "I can't leave this job. I love this job."

"I'm not telling you to leave your job... I just want to make sure that you are not forced to do something which you don't want to do..."

"No, I am not, Rishab."

"Well, then I am glad you are doing something which gives you full satisfaction... but make sure you take care of yourself. Don't act recklessly or impulsively. Think twice before you make your move. Last time you weren't listening to me if you were then the story would have been different... we could have avoided the mess."

"Okay, I will be careful."

"And Madhu..." he called her and she glance at him.

"If you need me I will there for you..."

"I know, husband" she smiled.

"I mean it. If you need me I will there for you, always, as your friend, as your husband."

"Thank you." she leaned forward and kissed his cheek lovingly before turning to view the scenery.

After talking randomly for an hour, Rk halted the car in front of a house.

"Whose house is this?"

"My friend Mukkund's house. We will just go say a quick hi to him and then we can start our journey again."

"Sure." Madhu smiled and stepped out of the car.

"Hey, Mukkund" Rk said as he drew his wife closer to his side.

"Hey, Rk" Mukkund gave Rk a fist pump. "Long time no see. How are you doing?"

"Great!" Rk smirked. "Madhu meet my friend Mukkund Dixit and Mukkund, my wife Madhubala." Rk introduced them to each other.

"Hello, Sis. Its a pleasure meeting you." He warmly smiled at Madhu and she smiled back politely and said "likewise"

"Come in, please." Mukkund welcomed them to his house.

"Your wife is not home?" Rk asked as they walked into his house.

"Yes, Yaar! Shreya has gone to her parents place. You know her delivery date is nearing and I can't keep her here far away from the city."

"Yeah, right, she will probably deliver the baby in this jungle before you could take her to the hospital. Its better she is with her parents."

"Congrats, Bhaiya" Madhu said with a smile and Mukkund thanked her by giving her a brotherly hug surprising both Madhu and Rk.

"Finally, my friend made a wise choice." Mukkund gave a friendly punch to Rk.

"I never liked any of your girlfriends and I was so worried that you would end up marrying one of those bitches but gladly they ditched you before you make any foolish decision... and now you are a lucky man!" Mukkund teased. Rk rolled his eyes. "You are so beautiful, Madhu." Mukkund said taking both of Madhu's hands in his. Madhu blushed profusely.

"Madhu, he is a father of 2 kids already and 3rd one is on the way." Rk piped in making Madhu laugh seeing her husband's possessive side.

"3 kids?" Madhu asked in surprise. "But you look so young to be father of three kids." Madhu said seemingly innocent but she said it deliberately to make her husband jealous. Rk smirked at Madhu and shook his head asking her not to play with him. Madhu looked down at her feet, embarrassed that her husband caught her innocent act.

"Thank you." Mukkund grinned. "You both sit; I will go and make tea for us."

Few minutes later, Mukkund walked out of his kitchen with a tray. He placed it on the glass table before the couch and offered the first cup of tea to Madhu and then to Rk and finally took one cup of himself.

"Hmm... hot tea in this cold weather, it's just perfect." Madhu said.

"I know right" Mukkund winked at Madhu making her blush.

"I guess it's getting late. We should keep moving, Madhu." Rk said dryly.

"You have two boys?" Madhu asked looking at the photo hung on the wall ignoring her husband.

"Yeah, the big guy is 4 yrs old and the little guy is 3 yrs old." Mukkund said with a smile.

"They are so cute."

"Nah! Boys are troublemakers. Girl babies are cute. I hope this time my dream of having a girl baby will come true." Mukkund prayer joining his hands.

"You are so funny." Madhu giggled seeing Mukkund's funny gestures.

"Aww... That's such a lovely sound." Mukkud flirted irking Rk. Madhu blushed. She liked this Mukkund guy. She felt he was so funny and sweet so unlike her husband. Her husband never knew to please a woman but she loved him like crazy. He looked so tough to the outter world but only she was aware of his tender side. Madhu snuggled closer to her husband.

"This guy used to charm all the girls in our college showing his sexy dimpled smile... oh and that smirk he has on his arrogant face... girls used to swoon under his feet for that killer smirk." Mukkund said dramatically relishing their college days. "No girls spare a glance at me or my other friends..." he pitied himself. "One day we all boys got so mad and together cursed him that he gets a wife with prettier dimples so that his dimples will go insignificant in front of hers and now I realize our curses had got its effect! You have the prettiest dimple smile in the whole wide world..."

"Mukkund, shut your f**king mouth!" Rk growled at him.

"C'mon man, no need to go all crusty and cross."

"Mukkund bhaiya? May I ask you something?" Madhu asked moving forward on the couch as if she was going to tell some secret to Mukkund.

"Ask me, Sis?" Mukkund encouraged her with a smile.

That was the only consolation for Rk that they were calling each other bhaiya and sis otherwise Rk would have lost it by now and punched Mukkund's face hard and dragged his wife back home!

"Did you guys ever curse him that his Suhaag Raat should never happen?" Madhu asked worriedly.

"What?" Mukkund asked and laughed. "I cant believe, man!" He laughed his ass off. "I swear..." He tried to compose himself but again he burst out laughing. "I swear we didnt curse him that cruelly after all he is our friend you know..."

"Mukkund, cut the crap!" Rk said gritting his teeth as he glared at his wife.

"What?" She asked.

"You are so senseless to ask something like that to my friend." Rk hissed. He wasn't embarrassed but hurt that his wife didnt trust him for so long to give herself to him and when she was ready the circumstance was not in their favor.

That's when she realized what she just asked. She looked mortified. She really didn't think before asking such stupid question letting his best friend know that nothing happened between them till date.

"I am sorry... Well, dont mind me asking this... But I wanna know you guys are okay?"

"We are okay, Mukkund. We are just taking things slow. So you dont have to worry." Rk reassured him but he wasn't convinced. "Ours weren't a love marriage like yours. I guess its obvious in arranged marriage couples prefer to know each other well before going all intimate." Rk said which wasnt a lie. They gave space to themselves to know and understand each other better.

"Oh that's good. Btw I forgot to ask, what happened to your right hand?" Mukkund asked.

"Um... That... Um... an accident..." Madhu stammered.

"Long story short... She is a press reporter. She went to interview underworld don Dutta. He actually trapped her. I shot her to rescue her and then I finished him off." Rk ended with a sigh.

"Whoa! So much drama hun! I m just glad she is fine."

"Even I am" Rk said and kissed her temple, holding her right hand.

"We haven't gone on a holiday trip since we got married as we both were busy with our jobs... today she openly asked me to take her out... so I..."

"Of all the place in this world you chose this forest? You are crazy!" Mukkund laughed.

"I am sure she will like this experience." Rk looked at Madhu and she smiled a little.

"Madhu, I guess your husband has some diabolic plan. You better watch out." Mukkund warned her jokingly.

"I pray to God my husband is not some serial killer." Madhu said giggling.

"Not funny!" Rk said in disinterested tone. "Mukkund, I guess Madhu and I should start heading to the place before it gets dark outside!"

"Yeah right. It will take another 45 minutes to reach the place. You better take my jeep. Your car won't do good in that bumpy rocky road." Mukkund went into his room and came back with two torch lights. "You guys will need these torch lights."

"Very thoughtful. Thanks."

"Rk, remember no lights at night time."

"Okay! I know yaar. This is not the first time I am going there."

"Take care of my little sis" Mukkund said and gave Rk a manly hug.

"I'll" Rk promised as he took hold of Madhu's hand.

"And sis, I will let you know when my blockbuster movie releases..." Madhu frowns hearing him. "I mean my baby, my new release as you husband puts." both Mukkund and Madhu laughed. Rishab rolled his eyes not getting what was so funny about that. "Won't you come to see my babygirl?" Mukkund asked.

"Of course, Bhaiya."

"Now, I am cursing you this one will also be a baby boy!" Rk said with a smirk.

"Aww... please no! Take back your curse!" Mukkund begged. Rk smirked and shook his head.

"Come, biwi. Lets go." Rk took her hand and helped her climb up in Mukkund's jeep to start their bumby road ride in deep forest.

... To be continued!

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