Part 34

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She curled up on the bed like a small ball hugging her knees and she cried softly.

Not even a minute would have elapsed before she felt the other side of the bed dipping. She knew her husband was climbing up on the bed and just laid down beside her.

Rishab scooted closer and placed his stubble cheek on her soft cheek as he wrapped his arm over her arm gently. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you. I am really sorry, Madhu." he whispered near her ear. He combed her hair off her face and kissed her temple. "I am sorry, please talk to me. You can even throw things at me and I won't say anything. I swear."

She still didn't say anything but just turned around and hugged him tightly burying her face in his chest.

"Why you make me say 'Please don't cry' in every episode?" he asked and that brought a small smile on her face. She wiped her face and running nose with his shirt. He didn't feel disgusted of her doing that. He just kissed her forehead in love.

"Rishab... "


"I love our baby." she wanted to make it clear to him.

"I know, love" he kissed her head again.

"I don't like what people do or say to me. I am so frustrated. I don't know why I am taking my frustration on you. I'm really sorry" she said meekly

"Who said what? Be particular" he asked straight to point.

"My parents, your parents & my friends"

"Tell me one by one what they told you that bothered you?"

"Nothing.. forget it. They all said and did things for my goodness or for the love they have on me and this baby." she tried to brush off the topic.

"Look at me and tell what they said and did? I won't repeat myself again, Madhu"

There was a pregnant pause before she opened up. "This afternoon my mom called me and talked to me. She is doing that daily since she came to know about the baby. She told a lot of stuffs like what to eat? What not to eat? Don't wear this fabric or that fabric as it will cause some disease to the baby. And then... What else? Haan, she told me not to run fast as if I am an athlete. Not to stretch back and exercise as if I am fitness freak like you. I am sick of her advices." she sighed tiredly.

"Hey, it's normal yaar. I am sure every mother does that. She wants you to be aware of all the pros and cons you face now as this is your first time. She cares for you, Madhu, so please don't think her repetitive advices irritating or stress yourself over that but just try to understand her concerns"

"Hmm... but I don't want anyone's care and concern. If I ever expect something then it will be only from you. I expect love, care and affection only from you and you are giving me them in abundance. So I don't want anyone else to care for me. Especially not my dad's fake affection" she said like an adamant child with full of anger.

"Don't be like that, Madhu. Anger is not a healthy emotion." he said unashamedly though he had anger issues. She didn't reply.

"You spoke to your dad as well?" he asked after a minute of silence.

"Yeah. Once. He called me."

"Oh" he waited for her to tell what he said to her.

"He has the nerve to say I should better consider about joining his company at least now where he can provide a safe surrounding to me and my baby. What an irony? He will protect my child?" she seethed in anger. Sensing her distress Rishab gently rubbed her back, drawing slow circles. "Hey, calm down. I know your father is a sour topic so let's not discuss about him or what he said. Just forget it, okay?" even he will lose his calmness if they continue talking about Malik, Madhu's father so he decided to skip the topic.

"And what about my parents?" he probed.

"Your dad and I met yesterday, accidentally"


"Um... I kinda dashed his car with mine. Nothing happened to both of us." she rushed before he could worry or scold her.

"You didn't tell me you have been in an accident? Let's go see the Doctor first. Come" he said and tried to scramble out of the bed but she stopped him.

"Nothing happened to me or the baby, Rishab, so don't panic. Just few slight scratches to both the cars happened. Oh and your dad wasn't at fault. It was me who took the wrong turn. I was slightly distracted and lost control on the wheels."

"Distracted?" he frowned.

"I will come to that later."

"Hmm... Did my dad scold you?"

"Not really. He just told me to take care of the family heir and not to put his life in risk. Guess he is secretly wishing to pass over his construction company to his grandchild." she chuckled. Rishab rolled his eyes.

"I was so embarrassed of mindlessly dashing his car and damaging it. Poor daddy he loves his Audi Q3 but I messed his white beauty." She said and stuck her tongue out. A habit of her which she always did when she was guilty or embarrassed!

"It can be fixed. I will send him a cheque for the damages."

"He is your dad, Rishab, for God's sake. Don't insult him by paying for the damage"

"Why? What's wrong in that? We should be held responsible for the damage we created right?"

"Not we... I... I created the damage."

"Makes no difference to me" he shrugged.

She shook her head and continued "Then your mom... Please, don't think I am being ungrateful here and complaining about her to you when she is treating me amazingly. I really appreciate whatever she did so far to me. I am just sharing how I feel... " she waited for him to say something. She didn't want to make him even madder than he already was at her by talking about his own mother. Mommy's boy!

Being a rational and practical man he decided to listen to his wife's side story first before deciding to defend his mom or not.

"Go ahead." that's all he said. He wanted to give his wife an opportunity to explain things before coming to any judgment.

"She is sweet and very helpful... especially when you weren't there for me in the past ten, twelve days. She did all the household chores despite of my protest. I didn't like that. Someone doing things for me... I am not used to that... It's not like I am incapable of taking care of myself right? Oh and her outrageous enthusiasm of me being pregnant... Sometimes it warms me but most of the time it scares me. I get so conscious to even take a step faster and walk." she said playing with his shirt button. He can understand why Madhu felt like that. She was never attached to her parents or to anyone of that matter before finding him. She was a loner always and suddenly when she got so much attention, love and care from every side just freaked her out.

"Oh shit!" she hit her head with her hand.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Your shirt button. It came off. I am sor... "

"Throw it"

"But you don't like me throwing things... "

"I said not to throw things at me" he took the button from her and tossed it away.

"Look, I only asked my mom to pay you a visit... but not daily, just occasionally. But you know my mom..." He sighed. "She won't listen to me. She keeps doing what she feels right. I told her not to pamper you a lot and spoil you." Madhu scowled at him. Now, when she thought back she realized she loved her mom-in-law's pampering. "I know she was daily coming here and helping you when I was busy lately... I know you will find that odd so I asked her to limit her visiting but she had her own reasons. She doesn't want you to overdo works or feel lonely at home... Hmm, I will talk to her again... you don't worry."

"No. No. Please don't. I like her coming here and having breakfast with me. Just tell her to let me do some work. I would love to cook for her something and enjoy it with her." she didn't want to sit and eat when her mom-in-law works. She felt bad.

"I will" he smiled.

"Anything else?" he asked gently rubbing her belly over her red dress.

"And this..." she placed her hand over his hand which was resting on her stomach. "It irritates me highly."

"What?" he questioned in confusion.

"This belly rubs I get from Trishna... i don't like it." She said. He blinked at her. "Ugh! Trishna. She is so indiscreet." she remembered what hungama she created in the office. "She announced my pregnancy news to all my work colleagues as if they are getting a hike in their salary." She said in an irritated tone.

"Who asked you to tell Trishna? You know it's too soon?"

"I didn't tell. She found out. She saw my medical reports the other day when I went straight to work after taking my scan. The day I shouted at you from the cafe"


"You know I am the first pregnant lady in my friends group so all my friends are so fascinated about the baby and they keep rubbing my belly asking 'do I feel any moment?' or 'did I feed the baby?' or 'Is he sleeping or playing?' or 'is the baby a he or a she?'... Stupid girls! How the hell I know all that at this early stage? They just don't let me work in peace." she said. Rishab quickly took his hand off her from caressing her belly.

"Sorry, I didn't know you feel uncomfortable with me doing this... belly rubs!"

"No, Rishab. I like it when you do. Only when you do." she took his hand and placed it back on her belly. "I don't know why but I feel so possessive for the baby. I feel it's only our right to feel the baby but no one else. Whenever someone bring their hands closer to my tummy I flinch and jerk a step back fearing they would harm the baby."

Rishab took her in his arms and hugged her tightly. "You are just being over protective for the baby. Nothing wrong in feeling that way but you should try to ease up a bit." She nodded in yes.

"That's all?" he asked hoping that was the end of her complaint list.

"No. there is still more."

"I'm hearing. Tell me?"

"Yesterday Trishna, my other colleagues and I had lunch out... "

"Yeah, you told me" He said wondering why she was bringing that topic now?"

"We all ladies chatted for a while... at that time we discussed a certain topic which got me worried so much..." she moved closed and hugged him tightly as if her life depends on him.

"And what was that?" Rishab asked not missing her clinging to him. She hesitated for a minute.

"They all warned me that it's the time usually husbands go out of track so I should really keep an eagle eye on you."

"Not all the husbands are like how you ladies have tagged!" he said sternly. Now, he understood from where the doubtful question "Do you have an affair with Dipali?" came to Madhu's mind. It was all the work of the gossiping witches! He grimace his face.

"Yeah... I know... They just made me feel insecure. They confused me. Oh and this was the distraction I had while driving the car when I was returning to office after the lunch out with girls and that accident happened."

"You better not drive when you are not in your right mind" he warned her. He was really mad thankfully not at Madhu but at her so called friends. Because of them and their idiotic "Keep your husband swathed in your veil or else he will break free and go behind another woman" acidic idea, she met with an accident thought it wasn't fatal.

"I know you are dedicated to me and I trust you but the worry they instilled in me... I just can't help but think negative. I worry if my beauty fades you won't be interested in me. That thought was constantly nagging in my head all day and that made me behave the way I behaved when you said I looked "Okay" in this red dress." She said smoothing her dress.

"You say you trust me but still you feel insecure? Now, you are confusing me, Madhu" he said to her softly.

"Rishab, please don't get mad on me. Please." She said worriedly seeing him getting upset.

"I am not mad at you, Madhu." he reassured her. "I am just thinking what to say or what to do that will make you believe me? I really am not interested in any women other than you." he swore. "See, I can't even spend as much as time with the only woman I have and I love then why do I go behind another woman?" he asked. A small smile crossed on her face hearing him. "My parents have raised me teaching moral values and I know how to respect a woman. I will never disgrace you." he vowed.

"Sorry" she looked down in shame.

"I know this will never happen in this birth but still saying you, if you ever come to know that I am cheating on you then don't bother to go to the court for justice just go tell my mother. She will murder me in a wink" he said the end line with a chuckle. "She is a bloody feminist"

"So you just gave me the secret key which I can use when I catch you deceiving me?" she asked jokingly to set a lighter mood.

"Yeah... But you will never get the need to use that key" he said confidently.

"I don't know why you complicate things when everything is fine between us. We love each other and soon we will have someone else to share our love..." he stroked her tummy.

"You will love me always" she whispered more like a statement than a question.

"Yes. Even if you look like a zombie whale" he said without thinking, playing with her hair.

"What? A zombie whale? How could you Rishab? I didn't even start showing up yet but already you are saying this?" she shouted and started sniffing

"Damn! Your hormones are playing with your emotions and that makes you mess with me..." he growled. He closed his eyes and pinched both his eye brows together.

"Are you chanting something, Rishab?" Madhu asked seeing him murmur something softly to himself.


"What's it?"

"I am just repeating to myself that everything would be worth it in the end when the baby comes out so till then I should suck up your tantrums and mood swings."

"Oh. Good. Suck it up." She grinned cutely showing her dimples. He couldn't resist her dimpled smile something they had in common. He leaned down and kissed her lips tenderly.

"I don't want to get fat!" she moaned breaking their kiss.

"Maybe, it's not the fat you hate, Madhu" he said thoughtfully after analyzing what all she had laid down on the platter. "But the sudden notion that your body is a public property, subject to the constant discussion and judgment that you will lose your husband if you lose your beauty and those irritating belly rubs by any passing stranger. Oh and the constant fear of protecting the baby... is what making you freak out."

"I guess that's a fair and accurate summary of my state of mind." She agreed.

"I feel like crying..." she said with tears. Rishab looked down at her tear brimming eyes wondering why.

"And I feel like killing... you." she added.

"Seriously?" he asked suppressing his laugh. She nodded. "May I know what, pray, have I done?"

"Because you are so smart" she pouted.

"Well, that's indeed a crime. Go ahead with your killing mission" he winked at her. He leaned over her and from under her pillow he took the pistol he gave for her safety and handed it over to her.

"Shoot and kill me"

She looked down at the pistol and cried louder.

"Now, what the f**k is your problem?"

"This" she showed her pistol. "I have to carry this damn thing everywhere I go." She threw the pistol at him and he caught it effortlessly and spun it with his fingers like a pro. Of course, he loves to play with pistols! He glared at her for throwing yet again a thing on him. "Sorry" she fearfully extricated the pistol from his hold and threw it on the quilt neatly folded and placed at the foot of the bed. "I can't even walk ten steps freely without looking over my shoulder to check no one was watching me or coming behind to attack me."

"Madhu, I promise I will sort out things really soon. You try not to stress yourself , please. It's not good for the baby. Oh and don't keep things within you. Always share with me so that we can avoid unnecessary misunderstand and fight." He knew she was paranoid. She will sigh in relief only when the psychos out there were caught and killed.

"I know. I will." She kissed his lips.

"As a pregnant woman what I want more than anything is to feel myself. I don't want over the top attention, care or whatever"

"Good. Now, go cook dinner." He gently shoved her shoulder letting her be herself.

"You promised me a dinner date" she said shooting her brow up.

"You still want to go out and have dinner? Are you not hungry already?"

"Yes, I am. You make me some orange juice and I will change to saree by the time you make it. Then we can keep moving."

"What the pregnant lady wants is what the pregnant lady gets." He mock saluted. From now on he had decided not to argue with a pregnant lady.

"Aww... That's so romantic." She said dreamily. He shook his head and jumped out of the bed and then helped her out too. "Wear my favorite black saree" he whispered huskily in her ear sending shivers down her body. She nodded her head as her cheeks burned red. He walked out of the room to make her fresh juice letting her to get ready.

... To be continued!!!



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