Part 35

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(Rain forest Restaurant)

"You and your love for forests" Madhu snorted teasingly. Rishab had taken her to jungle themed restaurant.

"Have you been here, Madhu?" he asked. He didn't deny she was right.

"No and please don't tell me this is the place where you used to bring your Ex-Sweethearts." she said aleeady fuming in anger remembering how he took her last time to the restaurant he used to take all the bitches.

Rishab gave her a look which clearly said he was annoyed.

"Give me the car keys?" she asked.

"Why?" he asked puzzled.

"In case any of your girlfriends jump in from nowhere like last time how that girl Ria spoiled our dinner date then I can easily ditch you here and go home taking the car as I can't walk home, can I?" she asked.

"You wanna put a fight or have a pleasant dinner?" he asked in a clipped tone.

"Dinner. I am hungry."

"Good choice. Come." he took her hand and lead her to the corner booth.

"Nice place." Madhu said looking around. "It's fascinating right? All the trees, waterfalls, model piece of wild animals and the mild animal sound effects?"

"Yeah. I like this wildlife ambience." Rishab agreed.

"But the lightings are too dim and dingy." she criticized. It wasn't an easy task to please women! Poor Men!

Thankfully, the waitress interrupted them before they could start arguing over yet another petty issue.

"Ready to order Sir, Ma'am?" the waitress asked in a polite tone.

"Madhu?" he turned to his side subtly asking Madhu whether she had decided what she wanted to eat.

"French fries and falooda" Madhu ordered.

"That's all?" Rishab asked. She nodded her head.

"You have ordered for starter and dessert. What about the main course?"

"I want to eat only those two."

"Madhu..." he signed. He can't believe his wife made him take her to a dinner date after creating such a melodrama at home only to eat fucking french fries & falooda? Like seriously?

"Rishab, I am craving to eat them."

"Okay. Get her whatever she wants." Rishab confirmed the order to the waitress and was about to place his order when Madhu interrupted "Make the order two." she said showing her index and middle finger.

"I can order for myself and I definitely don't want to have falooda." he growled. He hated to eat fruits and jelly mixed with ice cream. Why he never liked to take ice cream for dessert.

"I am not ordering for you. I want two plates of French fries and two bowls of falooda." Madhu clarified.

"Order some proper food, Madhu instead of having just potatoes and ice cream at this time." he wanted her to eat something healthy and filling.


"Okay. Fine. I will have a set of Tandoori naan and lamb chops. Oh and lime soda."

"Will be back with your orders, Sir." the waitress said and briskly walked away.

"What?" Rishab asked Madhu seeing her smiling at him.

"You look good in this wine red shirt and black pants. You should wear different color shirts more often instead of just wearing black or white shirts with different shades of blue denim jeans."

"Oh that reminds me... Thanks for gifting me this shirt for no reason." Rishab remembered to thank his wife. Every time she goes to shopping she gets him something. On the other hand he rarely gets time to go shopping and buy things for his wife or for himself.

"You need a reason? Can't a wife get a shirt for her husband out of love?"

"I don't know one would gift a shirt to express ones love." he teased her.

"Next time I go shopping I will get things only for me... Oh and for the baby. I won't buy you anything because you don't know to appreciate it. You haven't said whether you like this shirt or not? You are so rude as always!"

"Of course I love this shirt after all my beautiful wife has chosen this beautiful shirt for me." he grinned. He was proud of himself for changing a bit romantic. Thanks to his ever complaining wife.

"Why no chicken today?" she asked slightly blushing.

"I thought I will ask my wife to make butter chicken for me... for tomorrow's dinner."

"You like my butter chicken? I specially learned to cook that for you." she said feeling so happy. He nodded in yes. "Oh and you will have dinner with me tomorrow too? Which means you will come home soon?" he never realized it was so easy to make his wife happy. All she wanted was to have him around her and spend some quality time with him. So he made one more consideration. "Shall I take you to the beach for a walk after dinner?" he offered. She spat out the water she just sipped.

"I beg your pardon"

"Walk in beach? Wanna go with me?"

"Tell me I am not dreaming Rishab" she whispered staring into her husband's eyes.

"Ahh" he yelled feeling her sharp pinch.

"No. I am not dreaming. It's real. Oh God! Someone has kept black magic to my husband... Or some soft soul of a ghost has entered in him..." she blabbered stupidly.

"Shut up, Madhu" he snapped at her.

"Okay. You are still the same, Mr. Arrogant" she signed in relief.

"You still haven't answered me?"

"Of course I would love to... You know that." if he could give his precious time to her then she will only grab it with both her hands.

Soon their order arrived. Rishab silently ate his meal listening to his wife talk nonstop as ever and frowned at her weird way of eating. She dipped her French fries in her falooda and ate it every now and then moaning in pleasure. She had never moaned this much even when they make love. But dare he comment on her weird eating ways. He was a fucking quick learner of how to deal with a pregnant woman.


Madhu held her black leather slippers in her left hand and entwined her right hand with her husband's as she walked barefoot on the beach sand.

"It feels good right?" Madhu asked.

"Hmm... "

"Shall we sit?" she asked

"Sure" they both sat on the sand and gazed at the horizon. The chill breeze sends a wave of shiver to Madhu's body. Her saree was of thin material and it wasn't giving her the much needed comfort.

She hugged herself and rubbed her arms to provide some warmth.

"Are you cold?" Rishab asked seeing her shiver slightly. She nodded in affirmation.

"Come closer then" he gestured her to get into his arms and once she did he enveloped her securely. Madhu rested her head on his chest and looked at the beautiful moon floating on the silver lining of the sea.

"Hey? Who are you? What are you both doing here at this time of the night? Don't you have a home?" the perfect silence between Rishab and Madhu was broken by a patrol police. He didn't see clearly who they were from behind. "Hey girl, won't your parents' search you at your home? Who is he? Your boyfriend?" Rishab stood up and helped Madhu to up as she found it difficult to stand up on the sand wearing saree.

"What bothers you if we stay here? Beach is a public place not your damned dungeon. And what do you care who is he to me? Boyfriend or husband? its none of your concern. Oh and I actually eloped from my home with this man... Is that a problem to you? No right? Then mind you own business." Madhu shouted at the patrol police. She got so pissed at that man for spoiling their moment so she went ballistic.

"Madhu... I will talk. You calm down." Rishab pulled her back. "I am ACP Rishab. Here, see My I-card" he produced his I-card to the patrol police. "And this is my wife" he said placing his hand on the small of her back.

"Sir... sorry, Sir. I didn't recognize you. Ma'am, my sincere apologies"

Madhu just gave him a sulky look and turned away from him.

After having a brief talk with the patrol police Rishab let him go to do his duty and he walked back to his wife. He back hugged her and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"You have a temper." he whispered

"Late realization for a man who is supposed to be so smart"

"He was just doing his duty... Night time is the right time for most of the crimes to take place... So he just wanted to make sure you were not in any trouble but you overreacted like always"

"You think I overreact? In what way I overreact? Tell me, Rishab?" she asked him shrugging him of her shoulder and turned around to face him. "I shouldn't have shared my tiniest of tiny problems with you because you just think I am overreacting when there is actually nothing to worry right? Okay, I am an emotional fool to worry over every damn thing... And I'm sorry I have made you hear my stupid nothings..."

"This is what I am talking about. Your overreaction! You are just blowing a simple comment of mine. You need some excuse to put a fight with me, don't you?"

"So you think I am a bitchy wife now who always finds a chance to fight with you?"

He sighed and pressed his eyes brows together. Then he took a step closer to her and cupped her cheeks. "Why are you so difficult?" Gah! Did he really cup her face to ask this? When she thought he was going to kiss her?

"Now, I am difficult?" She asked with her hands on her hips

"You are seriously irritating me!" he shook his head.

She crossed her arms and looked away.

"I want to go home" she said after a minute of thinking.

"Hey, let's stay for a while. We just came here right?" he said taking hold of her hand but she snatched it. "Look, we don't get time to spend like this often." he said and looked at the time in his wrist watch. 15 more minutes! He sighed.

She didn't reply but just turned back and walked towards the water. The soothing caress of the waves calmed her nerves. She relaxed a bit. She looked over her shoulder to find her husband standing at the same spot where she had left him. He wasn't looking at her but tapping on his phone.

"Why the hell I came out with this man?" she chided herself. "Madhu, next time if your husband asks you out for dinner then smack his head hard with a pan" she talked out loud.

"Why you wanna hit me with a pan?" Rishab asked with a chuckle standing beside her. He had rolled his pants up to his calves so that the leg of his pants won't get wet.

Barefoot! Hmm... Sexy! Madhu scrapped her teeth on her lower lip. Seemingly innocent she moved closer to him and placed her left foot on his right foot. He glanced at her through the corner of his eyes and smirked. She draped her hand around his waist and slowly slipped her fingers in his back pocket. He tied his arms over his chest and looked at the moon, unaffected.

"Is that moon so interesting than me? Am I not alluring to him?" she wondered

"Why can't he kiss me? Bloody Moron!" she scolded not realizing she said this part loudly.

"No respect for your husband?" he asked teasingly.

"Did I say it out loud?" she asked, her eyes bulged out and her cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

He nodded his head.

"So?" she hoped he will make the next move as he very clearly heard that she wanted to be kissed by him.

"What?" he asked. Now, it was his turn to feign innocence.

"You know what I want, don't you" she said in a husky voice, blushing.

"I don't kiss in public" he said solemnly. Though they were in the deserted beach he decided to stick to his principle. He will take her home and do lot more than just a kiss.

"Go to hell" she pushed him on his chest but it only made her to lose her balance. Before she could fall he held her hand.

"Don't leave my hand. Pull me up" she ordered.

"Ordering are you?" he asked mockingly holding her hand firmly.

"Yes." She said with attitude. He smirked and slowly dipped his hand making her lean back. She quickly swept her loose hair from the back to her front so that it won't get wet. If a high wave hits then surely she will get wet fully. She was that close to touch the water bed.

"Husband, Please" she knew her husband will drop her hand if she didn't ask nicely.

"That's better" he said but still he didn't pull her up but kept looking at the time in watch. Midnight!

He dug in his pants pocket and took out something. It was a watch. He strapped up the watch around her left hand wrist and then gave it a tug and she landed straight into his arms.

He hugged her and whispered "Happy Valentine's day, love"

When he pulled himself away from her she locked him by wrapping her arms around his neck. "You don't kiss in public. But I do" she said entwining her fingers in his hair and pulling him down she slammed her lips on his and gave him a passionate kiss with strange desperation. Rishab couldn't stick to his principle of "No kissing in public" after feeling her luscious lips playing in his mouth so he broke his rule and kissed her back fervently.

"Happy Valentine's day, husband" she breathed. "I forgot. I'm sorry." She said cheekily.

"Ow! I got such an unromantic wife who forgot this special day of love. My poor fate!" he was dying for a chance to throw the "Unromantic" word at her and he got it now.

She punched on his gut for teasing her. Then she looked at the watch he presented her.

"Wow. Longines Elegance watch" Madhu said in awe. That was her favorite watch brand. He knew it! "Are diamonds studded in place of numbers?" she asked seeing the small crystals. He nodded.

"OMG! Then it must have cost you a fortune."

He casually shrugged. "I have a pretty good bank balance, Mrs. Kundra, so no worries."

"I know that Mr. Kundra. And I am definitely not complaining or scolding you for buying such expensive gift. If you don't spend your hard earned money for me then for whom you will spend hun?" she asked batting her eyelashes.

"That's right" he smiled his famous dimpled smile making her go crazy for him.

"It's really so beautiful, Rishab. I love it. Thank you." she kissed his cheek.

"Don't you think you missed something in your sentence?" he asked. She frowned wondering what she had missed. "Oh okay. I got it." She laughed and shouted "Husband, I love you!!!"




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