Part 36

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Hi guys! After a long time I am back with an update. A short update (just 2600 words) as didn't have the time or mood to write a long one. Lol!

This part might be little boring. Will make the next part better.

Happy reading!

(No time to proofread so excuse the errors)

Part - 36

"Madhu, you weren't busy at office right? As soon as I called you and asked to go shopping with me you readily agreed and now you are here with me. I hope I didn't you disturb you" Radha said to her daughter-in-law suddenly feeling guilty of inviting Madhu to shop with her. 

"No, mom. I was actually twiddling my thumb in office without any job so I was just too happy to accompany you. By the way, what you wanna purchase?" Madhu inquired. 

"I want you to help me in purchasing a saree."

"Oh. Okay. Anything special?" Madhu asked wiggling her brows.
"Mohan and I are going on a dinner date."

"Ohh... Valentine's Day special dinner huh?"

"Yes. Where you both have planned?" Radha asked like a friend rather than her mother-in-law. 

"Rishab is busy today... " well everyday!

"Oh! For him duty comes first. I was wondering why he didn't come to meet me and give his gift." seeing Madhu's frown she elaborated. "Every year at sharp twelve he will be at our doorstep knocking at the door to give me some memorable gift and wish me happy Valentine's Day. My poor boy must be really busy and he forgot I guess."

"Mom, last night Rishab and I went out for dinner and he took me to beach for a walk and there... At sharp twelve he gave me this watch" Madhu said everything in one go as if a small kid telling nursery rhymes to her teacher.

She showed her wrist so that Radha can see the watch. "Mom... I am sorry. I didn't know every year he celebrates Valentine's Day with you... I... I... I am sure he would have got some special gift for you too... Surely he will meet you this evening and give it to you... Please don't mistake him mom" 

"Madhu... Relax. I didn't ask you for any explanation. I can understand. My son got his wife now and its right to celebrate special days likes this with her than with his parents."

"Mom... I didn't know... If I had any idea about this... we would have come and met you"

"Madhu, you don't have to feel guilty. My husband did the same when we were newly married and now my son is doing it. It just shows how much he loves you and how important you are to him now." Radha said with a genuine smile. 

"So you are not upset?"

"No, not at all, besides I have a romantic husband unlike yours so I am sure we will have a better dinner date than yours. And my husband has better taste when it comes to selecting gifts. Even this morning I saw him browsing for some necklace on Amazon and I bet it is to present me" Radha grinned. 

"My Rishab is not that bad mom. Even he selected gift for my liking. And I love it" she defended her husband. Though she can't argue much about her husband being unromantic she surely wanted to tell her that his choice of gift was so perfect just like him. 

"Classy watch" Radha agreed. 
Then the ladies continued with their shopping. They bought few shirts for their husbands. 

"Mom, I am hungry" she said slightly feeling embarrassed because they just had their lunch half an hour back. "I don't know why I always feel like munching something. Rishab will surely be put off seeing me gross."

"It's normal to feel like this at this time, Madhu. Come. I will take you to the food court again." Radha smiled understanding her. 

"No. You keep checking the sarees. I will go grab something quickly and come."


"Don't worry, Mom. I will be back soon" Madhu assured her and made her way to the food court which was in the same floor but just at the other side. 

Madhu ordered a veg burger cum pizza and waited for her ordered to be served. Once it was served she ate it with gusto. 

She was walking back to the saree shop where she had left her mom-in-law when her eyes caught the name "Just born" baby show room. 

"I have purchased so many things for Rishab and myself but nothing for the baby. Not at all fair." she talked to herself and entered into the showroom to get something for the baby too which she can use it for the baby when he was born. 

"What to get? What to get?" she wondered walking around the aisles. "Everything here looks so cute... Why? Oh God! I wish I could buy the entire shop." 

Wow! Nice crib. Should I buy it now? She eyed a beautiful white wooden crib.

"Madhu, there is lot more time for baby shopping. One day you come with Rishab and buy whatever necessary for the baby. Now, you just get him something simple and get back to your mom. She will be worried sick if you go missing for long" she reminded herself. 

"Aww... Cute baby booties." she took a "Nemo" fish like booties in her hand. "I will get this" she decided and turned around only to be bumped into someone dropping the booties on the floor. 

"Oh I am sorry" Madhu said realizing she had bumped into a kid. She took a step back to look at the person who was carrying the kid. 

"Oh my goodness! Mukkund bhaiya!" Madhu shrieked. 

"Madhu" he grinned and gave her a brotherly hug with one hand as he was holding his son in the other. 

"Your son?" Madhu asked pointing to the cute chubby boy. 

"Yep! No.2 and that brat is No.1 and No. 3 is at home with his mother." he said pointing his finger to someone standing behind Madhu. 

"What's this bhaiya? No. 1? No. 2? Tell me their names and introduce Madhu aunty to them" Madhu admonished him.

"Well, he is my first born Roshan and he is 4 years old." Mukkund introduced the bigger boy to Madhu who gave her a curious look and Madhu ruffled his head lovingly. "He is the middle one Rohan, he is just 3 years old."

"Let me guess your third son's name"

"Okay, c'mon guess"

"Sure a name with R as starting letter right?"


"Hmm... Rohit?"

"Bang on!" Mukkund laughed.

"Dadda, I want this" Mukkund's second son Rohan asked for the booties Madhu selected for her unborn baby.

"That's not your size, my boy." Mukkund said and then looked at Madhu with a frown.

"You dropped that shoe right?"

"Hmm... yeah" Madhu quickly leaned down and picked up the "Nemo" Fish booties and placed it back on the rack along with other baby booties.

"What are you doing in 'Just born' shop?" he asked raising his eye brow up and with a secret knowing smile.

"I just... am..."


"Thought to get a Valentine day special gift..."

"Don't tell me you got this for your husband" he lifted up one booty and showed to her.

"No..." she laughed. "Not for him."

"Then? C'mon you can tell me you know."

"You have guessed already right? Then why are you probing me, bhaiya?"

"Because I want to hear it from my little sis"

"Okay. Rishab and I are going to have a baby"

"That's lovely. I am so happy for you both." Mukkund gave her a side hug.

"You came alone here or with Rishab?"

"No. I came with my mom-in-law"

"Oh! Radha aunty is here? Where is she? It's been a while since I lastly met her."

"She is in "Elle's boutique" ... next to next shop in the right"

"Oh. Okay. I will meet her and come." He said and was about to turn when his first son shrieked "Dadda!! You promised us to get toys."

"Oh right. I forgot. Come here, my boy" he called his son. "Here, this is Madhu aunty. Say 'hello' to her"
"Hello aunty" Roshan said with a shy smile.

"Hello baby" Madhu cupped his chin and kissed his forehead.

"She is so sweet and she will get whatever you want." Mukkund said looking at Madhu with a goofy grin. Madhu laughed and said "Sure"

"Can you hold him for a while? I will go meet Radha aunty and come?" he asked but before she could accept he thrust his second son in Madhu's hands and rushed out of the baby shop.

Madhu stood rooted to her place for a minute not knowing what to do with two little kids. She had never been close with kids.

"You can walk?" Madhu asked Rohan finding him heavy to carry in her arms. He shook his head in no and tightly wrapped his arms around Madhu's neck.

Suddenly she felt something poking on the side of her hip. She looked down to see Roshan holding a toy gun in his hand and poking her with it. "I want this gun, aunty."

"Why do you like to play with gun?"

"I wanna become a big police officer. I will shoot bad boys with this gun" he said cutely pouting his lips.

"Okay, I will get you that gun so that you can protect all good people" she said. He nodded in yes. "Just like Rishi uncle" he said proudly.

This boy must be a fan of my husband. Not bad! Madhu grinned happily.

"Okay, I will go see what else I want from this toy shop" Roshan said and ran away.

Get whatever you want, buddy. I am going to swipe my husband's credit card only so no issue for me. Madhu grinned devilishly. She fucking loved to empty her husband's pocket.

"What you want, young man?" she asked the boy sitting quietly on her hip.

"I want this fish shoes"

"You love fishes?" Madhu asked, her eyes widening with a gleam of delight.

"Yes. I love fishes, aunty" he said showing his toothy smile.

"I love you." her obsession for fishes made her to love the little boy more.

Then she felt something poking her back again.

"What? You want another gun?" Madhu asked as she turned around. She frowned looking at the strange guy giving her a devilish grin. Madhu dragged her eyes from that guy's eyes to down to find a gun pointed to her belly.

"Dare you scream" he said in a gruff tone pressing the muzzle of the gun to her belly. She took a step back and stoppped when he shook his head in no indicating that it was a wrong move.

"Who are you? What do you want?" she asked gulping the lump formed in the pit of her throat.

"I just want you to get out of this mall like real quick and get into the bright yellow car waiting for you in the parking lot."

"Why should I do that?"

"Cute boy" the guy pinched Rohan's cheek not affectionately but painfully making him cry in pain.

"Hey... You just can't enter into this mall carrying a guy. There is a weapom detector. You can't fool me." Madhu snapped while she bounced Rohan on her hip to calm him down from crying.

"Smart bitch hun! You are right. It's a fake gun. Just snatched it from the other boy."

"Roshan..." Madhu frantically searched for Roshan but couldn't find him anywhere.

"Calm down, bitch. We are being watched in the CC TV... So dont give away this game.... Or else... "

"What you will do?" Madhu asked putting a brave front.

"Turn around" he whispered "and walk" Madhu did as she was told.

She walked to the front of the shop near the billing counter with the guy tagging behind her as if they were going to pay for the gun toy. The billing counter was little crowded so Madhu and the guy stood behind few other customers. Madhu anxiously scanned the place to find Roshan. "Look out side" the guy said softly from behind leaning closer to her. Madhu shot him a glare for breathing onto her.

Then Madhu averted her gaze to where he was pointing and gasped seeing Roshan in another strange guy's arms. Both the guys were wearing black hoody jacket. 
"Just one nod. He will drop the kid down from this floor."

"You can't do that. Um.. You better not do that." she amended. "His father is here only. If he finds this he won't spare you. He will bloody murder you both" Madhu threatened back slowly setting Rohan down on his feet and the guy gave the toy gun to Rohan when he started to cry asking Madhu to pick him up again in her arms.

"Oh dear. You don't know how many of us are here spying you guys in this mall. You guys won't stand a chance if you dare fighting us. If we attack our first target will be the kids and that old lady with whom you came and then we will take you forcefully. Do you want all that drama to happen?"

Madhu blinked her eyes twice processing his words.

"Oh and the kids' father won't know what's happening till you get into the fucking car. We have blocked him effectively with our men in the saree shop along with the old lady you came in with. Well, neither the old lady nor the kids' father will be leaving the saree shop in another five minutes or so." He said shoving his hands in his pocket acting cool and casual with her so that they wont be suspected. "So you be quick and do as I say or else... "

"Okay. I will come with you guys.. ."

"Cool... Never thought our work will be this easy. And I must appreciate you are acting pretty good. You are not even showing a bit of fear or panic in your pretty face"

"That's because you guys dont scare me." she smirked.

"Now, move"

"Wait! First, leave that little boy."

"You first get inside the car. Then my man will release him"

"No! I am not coming with you at your demand. Bring the boy back to this shop. Let him be with his brother. Then I will walk with you. I promise. I just want the kids to get back to their father safely." Madhu said glaring at the guy murderously.

"Fiery much" he laughed a little and gestured his man to come in. He walked into the shop with Roshan and sets him down on the floor.

"Roshan, Rohan... Be here till you dad comes. Dont go anywhere. Aunty has some important work. I gotta go now. Bye." Madhu said to the little boys.

"Bye, aunty" they both said in unison waving their little hands at Madhu.

"Shall we?" the other guy who had Roshan a while ago asked.

"Hey, wait... What's your plan?"

"You expect us to tell our plan to you?"

"Do you guys know who am I? Who my husband is?" she asked for confirmation

"ACP Rishan Kundra's sweet little wife right?"

"Even after knowing who am I you are gonna abduct me?" strangely she felt too calm. May be being kidnapped / abducted wasn't new for her now.

"Yes. Order received and we are executing it. Come" he tried to touch her hand but Madhu moved away. "Don't touch me" with your filthy hand. She wanted to add but she didn't. Not wanting to make the bad guys mad. The guy nodded. They were only ordered to bring her to the place and not to use force on her unless needed. When she was easy to go with them without creating a scene there wasn't any need to do something against her will and make the situation a mess. So both the guys walked a step back letting Madhu walk in front. They followed her like her bodyguards.

"So you guys must have received one more order from your boss or whoever you are working for that as soon as I get into the car you should throw my mobile phone right? So that my husband wont track down your place?" Madhu asked. Both the guys looked at her  stunned amd shocked. They actually forgot that order. Thanks to Madhu for reminding them.

"How do you know that?" one of the guys asked stopping in track.

"Experience" Madhu smirked. "Okay, don't dare to throw my phone away. I have important contacts stored and I need it back. Oh and it worths Rupees 60000/-, my husband's one month salary. So I won't let you guys destroy it or throw it somewhere I can never find it."

"Oh! But you wont be back to get your precious phone."

"Oh really? We will see that." Madhu casually walked back into the shop pushing the guys aside where she left the kids. The guys followed her at a distance.

"Roshan, can you keep my phone with you safely?" she asked

"Can I play games in your phone then?" Roshan bargained to hold her phone safely.

"Sure sweetie. If Rishab uncle calls to my number then attend the call and say to him Madhu aunty loves him so much"

"Okay aunty."

"Bye." Madhu quickly turned and walked out of the mall with the two guys following her at two feet distance.

... To be continued!

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