Part 40

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Note – After 'Backspacing' whatever I typed for so many times I wrote this long part. It didn't come out like I planned. There will be some factual/logical errors in this part. I sincerely apologize to those who have sound knowledge in medicines and drugs! (I did my research before writing this part but still some parts could be incorrect) Sorry!

I couldn't complete the story in this part like I said before. (Sorry if you guys feel I am unnecessarily dragging this story and boring you all) I will take one more part to end the story. Oh and I will write one bonus part and epilogue. (I will post the remaining story after 13th May)

(Long update! Read at your own risk! No time to proofread! So ignore the mistakes)


"Where the fuck you guys are taking me? I am tired. I can't walk anymore." Madhu said tiredly leaning her back on the trunk of a huge tree.

"Hey! Stop! You guys are walking ahead leaving me behind in this God damn place. Aren't you supposed to take me along with you?" she shouted when they kept walking without even turning back to check whether she was trailing behind them or not.

"Stupid you, Madhu! Instead of calling them you could have skedaddled from here" but she didn't do that because she knew they will easily catch her and her escaping attempt will go futile.

"Just go with their plan till you get your chance, Madhu" her husband's words kept ringing in her ears.

"Ugh! My feet are killing me" she just wished to kick her shoes off and get a hot water foot massage.

"Why I am stuck with these morons?" she groaned in frustration. "Wish I had my gun then I would have shot them all dead." Her cribbing fell on six pairs of deaf ears and that infuriated her more.

She would have felt little better or even forgotten the fact that she was abducted if they, six men had talked with her instead of keeping that rock hard serious face and walking super fast as if there was some marathon being conducted.

Madhu slowly dragged her feet to some 100 meters before slumping down to the ground as her legs gave away.

She rubbed her belly with one hand to ease her mild stomach cramp and pressed her forehead with the other tightly to stop the throbbing headache. She was hungry. She was tired. She was feeling sick. And above all she was hell scared.

"God, Rishab where the hell are you?" she cursed.

"Hey, walk" a guy pulled her left hand harshly.

"Ouch!" Madhu yelped in pain.

"Leave my hand, you bastard!" Madhu growled when the guy continued dragging her.

"I am getting hurt. Leave my hand" she shouted as she yanked her hand off his death grip and somehow her watch bracelet clasp got opened and slipped off her hand which she didn't notice as she was busy cursing the arrogant guys.


Finally they brought her to a wooden house amidst the clump island.

"Get in" a guy ordered as he shoved Madhu in. She stumbled on the threshold but thankfully she didn't fall head long on the wooden floor and get hurt. She turned and glared at the guy who shoved her but he shut the door right on her face.

"Hey! Open the door!" she banged.

"Boss, we are here... yes... she is locked inside the house. Yeah, we will make sure she doesn't escape... Alright! We will be waiting for you." Madhu heard someone among the six men talk over the phone from the other side of the door.  

Suddenly the single bulb glowing in the house went off and she was left in complete darkness.

"Hey! Switch on the lights. Its dark in here" Madhu shouted as she banged on the door again. She heard taunting laughs. "They did it on purpose! To scare me! The bastards!"

She slowly blindly walked in to the house and her legs hit on something. She felt the thing by running her hands over it. It was a cane sofa. She sighed in relief to find something to sit and relax.

She sat on the cane sofa and tucked her legs beneath her and closed her eyes.
"Rishab" she softly muttered his name as if it was a prayer.

"Will you remember my touch? And my kiss?"
"Darkness reminds you of what?"
"You! This night. This feel of having you inside me"
"Are you scared of darkness anymore?"
"I don't know"

She said "I don't know" that night when they made love in the dark but now she will confidently say "No, Rishab! I am not scared of dark. I have overcome that fear and thanks to you."


After what felt like eternity the lights were back on and the door creaked open. Madhu snapped her head up and her eyes met straight with the monster she dreaded to meet ever in her life. He looked at her with eyes full of lust. She could feel him stripping her naked with his eyes. She braced herself with her hands and stood up from the sofa. She inclined her head to see another man behind him. Well, it wasn't hard to guess who the two men were. Of course they were Bujang, the lecherous monster at the front and behind him was Balraj or now Bhatia, the great businessman, who was actually a criminal in disguise.

Balraj placed his hand over Bujang's shoulder and pushed him aside when he took a step forward to attack Madhu like a predator.

"Not now." he shook his head at Bujang and they silently communicated through their eyes. "I have business to deal with my lover Padmini's sweet little daughter."

"She is not your lover! She never was! She made a mistake by falling for a criminal and she paid big price for that!" She roared. Balraj ignored her anger dripping comment and walked closer to her.

"Delighted to see you after these many years dear" Balraj said with a huge devilish grin as he caressed Madhu's cheek making her flinch in disgust.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hand" she swatted his hand.

"Don't take that tone on me, you bitch" Balraj said menacingly and gave her a ferocious slap making her fall hard on the wooden floor.

"I should have killed you when you were in your mother's womb like I killed the other two... If I had done that then you wouldn't be here now messing with my life." Balraj furiously said pulling her hair harshly and making her look up at him.

"It's you who messed with my life!" she spat on him. He slapped her again.

"You will pay for this. My husband won't spare you"

"Ah! Your smart police husband! The man who killed my father and my son... for you! His fucking wife" he said venomously looking with pure hatred for Madhu. Madhu wondered how he knew that it was her husband who killed Sultan? She thought it was a secret mission. May be he had his sources after all. She thought. "But this time he won't come to save you... That sniffing dog won't come behind you wagging his tail!" he growled nastily. They brought her this far only to finish her off without her husband's knowledge or at least they thought so.

"Dare you call my husband a 'dog' ever again" Madhu roared as a powerful thunderous slap reverberated through him. Her palm stung as it turned red. Shit!

"You bloody bitch!" Balraj got so mad at her for slapping him so he pinned her to the wall by constricting her neck with his hand.

He squeezed her neck painfully as her vision went blurry. She struggled to release the tight grip from around her neck.

"Boss! Stop it. You will kill her" Bujang rushed to his side and tried to relieve her.

"We are here to kill this piece of shit so let me do the job with my own hands"

"I know and you can kill her but just give me an hour time. I want to bed her first" Bujang said lustfully eying at Madhu. She shrunk away from him in disgust.

"You can fuck her dead body for all I care!"

"Boss! I want to enjoy her."

"Alright! Fuck her hard till you feel contented." Balraj dismissed them as he walked to the mini bar to pour himself a drink while Bujang dragged Madhu mercilessly to the room upstairs.

"Hmm... you smell so sweet." Bujang ran his nose over her neck. Madhu felt like puking on his face. She placed her hands in between their bodies and tried to push him away from her but he over powered her and pushed her to the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"I wanna use the washroom." Madhu said as she stood up from the bed.

"What?" he eyed her suspiciously.

"You heard me. My bladder will burst if I didn't use the toilet now." she said irately.

"You are not scared of what I am going to do to you?"

"Struggling will only hurt me so I'm ready to face the inevitable." she said boldly tipping her chin up and squaring her shoulders.

"Smart girl but don't try to be over smart." He pulled out his pistol threateningly. "Go use the washroom. I will be waiting for you." he ordered.

Madhu hastily made her way to the washroom and sat on the toilet bowl after pulling down her jeans.

She sighed in relief after pissing.

She pulled her jeans up and zipped it. Then she took out the thing in her hand from her waist-belt loop. 


"Ugh! I am getting fat" she struggled to pull on her skinny jeans as she learned to the wall for support.

"Sit on the bed and try" her husband suggested.

She nodded and hopped on one leg to the bed holding the jeans in her hands.

"Lean back on the bed and stretch your legs out" Rishab said and she did. In one swift move he pulled up her jeans for her.

"Now lift your butt" he ordered. She placed her legs on the edge of the bed and lifted her butt in the air and he pulled the jeans further up to her waist. He dipped his fingers in to find the zip and slowly dragged it up brushing the back of his fingers over her private region.

"Hmm" she moaned. "Stop teasing me, Rishab"

"Hey, I am just helping you" he said with a sheepish grin.

"Yeah, I can see that" she snarled at him.

"You look hot and hell sexy. Sprawled on the bed only wearing your bra and jeans" he wolf-whistled and stretched beside her as he buried his face into the crook of her neck.

"Rishab, we are getting late for work" she stopped him when he started kissing her soft spot behind her ear.

"Alright!" he sat up abruptly leaving her wanting for more of his kiss. Now she wished she kept her damn mouth shut and just let him kiss her thoroughly.

She stood up reluctantly and slipped on her pale blue shirt and then grabbed her waist belt from the chair to put it on.

"No, not that one, Madhu, you are going to wear this belt."
Rishab said as he brought a special belt from the cupboard.

"Why?" she asked eying the dark brown belt he was holding in his hand.

"It's a handgun cartridge loop belt"

"Why do I need that?"She frowned. "Look Rishab I am not going to carry ammunition and land in any serious trouble." She said firmly.

"No! No ammunition. Just these..." he showed her some syringes though they looked like small pen.

"What injections are these?" she asked curiously.

"Well, these injections are filled with SUX drug"


"S.U.X" he spelled out. "Succinylcholine, SUX for short"

"Oh" she nodded but she didn't get what 'succinylcholine' meant though she found the term vaguely familiar.

"SUX is a neuromuscular paralytic drug." He clarified.

"Oh" she said again. "I guess I have read an article about it where a wife used this drug to kill her husband..."

"So you are aware of its deadliness?" he asked shooting his brow up.

"I suppose!" she nodded

"Well, you are going to use this drug..."

"Use it on whom?" she had made it a habit of interrupting him.

"Definitely not on me, sweetheart. I may be a lousy despicable husband to you but we can always talk and sort out things but never take any extreme step of killing me in my sleep by injecting this SUX drug or any other drug lethal than this one!" he said teasingly though with a hint of seriousness in his tone.

"Thanks for the idea ACP Sir" she grinned wickedly and pecked on his lips. He couldn't resist catching hold of her to kiss her thoroughly. "You are irresistible. I always crave to kiss you" Rishab muttered against their lips and took her lips in his again for a soul scorching kiss.

"Well, back to the topic, you are going to use this drug on whoever tries to hurt you" he said once they pulled away from the lingering kiss.

"But Rishab... you have given me your gun then why..."

"I don't think that will save you. What if they seize your gun?"

"Point!" she agreed.

"Now, come here." he sat on the bed and she stood in between his legs as inserted the belt on her pants loopholes. Then he tucked the small syringe pens on each loop of the belt.

"You will insert your little finger at the bottom of the loop to push the syringe up to take it out and toss the cap and jab the needle... in your enemy's body, okay?"

"How long it will take to show its effect?"

"It's really high dosed drug. Within seconds to a minute after injecting this drug the person will go numb. You see SUX works at the junction of the nerves and muscles and causes muscular paralysis."

"I see"

"It paralyzes all the muscles of the body, including those used for breathing. Without ventilator support anyone who receives this drug will die from asphyxia (Asphyxia - a condition arising when the body is deprived of oxygen, causing unconsciousness or death; suffocation.)"

She gasped audibly in fear and placed her palm across her mouth.

"Oh one more important thing, the person will be wide awake while this occurs because SUX causes muscular paralysis but has no sedative effects so don't think this drug didn't work. Just stab the injection, push the person to the floor and you escape. Easy?" he asked after briefing how it works.

"Am I going to commit a cold blooded murder?" she asked in panic.

"Madhu, it's not like how you least it's not how I see. I don't know how to explain this to you..."

"Rishab... I am really getting scared of with what all you are expecting me to do... It's so easy for you to say or to do... you are a police but I am not. I'm just an ordinary woman. Oh God! To think of killing a person..." she felt dizzy already.

"You are not going to kill a saint. They are culprits. They surely will harm you. Are you ready to get killed by them?" he asked brutally. She shivered and shook her head in no. 

"But still... I am terribly worried that my nightmare scenario will come true."

"Oh please! Don't be ridiculous!" he barked at her. She whimpered. "Sorry" he whispered. She nodded her head and sat beside him on the bed putting her head in her hand.

"Don't take stress. It all could be nothing." he said though his gut instinct said something big was going to happen. "I am just being extra cautious." he added. He can't lose his beloved wife. She meant everything to him

"Is this your way of saying me to protect myself?"

"I'm telling you over and over again, Madhu, it's not a movie for the hero to jump from nowhere and save the heroine. It's reality. I may or may not be there for you to save you but you should know to fight for your survival." he willed to be by her side all the time but it was next to impossible. If he was around her he won't hesitate to jump in front of her to take the bullet or stab of the knife or blow of a punch for her but what if he wasn't there for her in the hour of need? What if he wasn't there to protect her? He can't let her stand unguarded and vulnerable in front of dangerous devils right?


"But one thing Madhu... "


"This should be your last resort. You will use these injections only when you find no way to help yourself in helpless situation"

"Alright! I get it!" she snapped. "I am not dying to kill!"

"And Madhu..."

"What now?" she asked in an irate tone

"I love you" he whispered.

She tilted her head to her side and looked straight into his eyes in surprise. He held her mesmerizing gaze with his. His overpowering overwhelming all consuming love for her was making him to protect her in any way possibly he can but he feared of time. If he was late for even a second he could lose her so he trying his level best to train her to guard herself.

"Madhu you really get why I am doing all this right?" he asked caressing her cheek.

"Yes" she melted in his touch.

"Good. It would be foolhardy of me to let you go into a scheme without support... so I'm providing you with this lethal drug!" he sighed. For the first time he wasn't sure of what he was doing. "This shit is way too dangerous! It can help you kill someone or get you killed if you inject it in your body accidentally... so you should be careful. One wrong move will kill three lives."


"You, me and this little one." He placed his hand on her belly. "Don't do anything reckless that will either harm you or the baby. Don't fight them hard. Fight them smart! Stay calm. Just go with their plan till you get your chance, okay?"

"O...kay" her voice croaked.

"Are you scared?"

"Can't you say?"

"Don't be! You know you are brave and you can face it, don't you?"

"I don't know"

"Take this one last risk for me?"

"I will try. I will try anything for you" she promised.

"And you will succeed." he kissed her lips.

(Flashback ends)

Madhu stealthily walked out of the bathroom. Bujang's back was facing her. He was rolling his neck and stretching his arms, guess preparing himself for some good time. how wrong was he? 

Before he could turn around and look at her she quickly jabbed the injection in his neck. Then another one in his arm. He shrieked in pain and she shrieked louder muffling his voice so that Balraj won't get suspicious.

"Please leave me... Please don't do this to me... Please... let me go...Ahhhh!" she faked a cry to make Balraj believe that Bujang was having fun restraining her. She pushed Bujang to the floor with all her might. She stabbed one more needle in his chest. She smirked when he went still and lifeless.

"Die for abusing a child. Die for daring to even think of fucking me. Die for your sinful deed." she said in angry whisper.

She took his fully loaded gun from the bed. "I am going to end this game now" she smirked.

... To be continued!





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