Part 41

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(Note – Hi all! I'm not at all satisfied with this update! I'm really feeling bad that I couldn't write better. Sorry guys! Please do tell me, if you didn't like this part then I will delete it and re-write.)


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Madhu took Bujang's fully loaded gun from the bed. "I am going to end this game now" she smirked.

"But wait!" she stopped herself from stepping out of the room and going downstairs to face the devil Balraj and finish him off.

"How will I escape from here after shooting him? His watch dogs are halted outside, around the house right?" she wondered biting her lower lip as she rubbed her belly to ease the nagging ache.

"If they hear the gun firing sound they will step into the house and target me. I better wait in this room till Rishab comes here? No! I can't do that... What if Balraj comes up here? I better escape through the balcony. They can't find me at this time of the night in this dense Island" she decided and quickly ran to the balcony.

Without thinking she threw one of her legs to the other side of the wooden railing and looked down.

"Oh no!" she momentarily panicked looking down. "Ugh!" she groaned breathing heavily as she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen.

Though it wasn't too high from the ground level she knew she can't simply jump down. One her phobia of heights. Two her baby. "My baby... I will hurt my baby." she withdrew her leg back and crouched down on the wooden floor resting her head on the wooden railing.

"I'm sorry baby for forgetting you and thinking of jumping down... now please stop aching my belly" she felt like someone was twisting her belly painfully. She wanted to cry in pain but she restrained herself by grinding her teeth tightly as silent tears streamed down her cheeks. She blinked her teary eyes when she found some movement behind the trees. May be Balraj's men! She thought

She went back to the room to find Bujang still lying life-less on the same spot where she pushed him down. She can tell he was still breathing with the faint rise and fall of his chest and then she walked straight into the bathroom.

She sighed in relief when she didn't find any external bleeding on her panties. She thought she was going to have a miscarriage giving into the severity of her abdomen ache. "May be it's just normal stomach pain or... haven't I started bleeding out yet?" she worried biting her nails. It would kill her if she lost her baby in this bloody mess. "You better stay safe in me, please, baby. Mommy loves you." she hugged her tummy protectively with her hands and cried with her head held down.

"Enough, Madhu, it's not time to cry. Bear with the pain and go end things. Its time." she pep talked to herself and taking few deep breathes she slowly dragged her feet down the stairs.

"Balraj!" Madhu whispered. Balraj set down his whiskey glass down on the bar counter and turned around to face her.

Madhu didn't give him a chance to react but shot him on his knee. Balraj yelled in a pain as he slumped to the floor. He retrieved his gun from his coat pocket and shakily aimed at Madhu.

She was too quick to shoot him again on the hand he was holding his gun.

"Ahhh" Balraj grunted and dropped the gun.

Madhu held her gun with both her hands and aimed to his chest.

"No! No! Don't shoot me..." Balraj pleaded as he looked at the door for his men to barge in for his help.

"I will let you go... but please don't shoot me..." he pleaded.

"You? The wounded pig will show pity on me and let me go?" Madhu laughed mockingly. "Take this one bastard!" she shot his right side shoulder.

"Argh!!" he fell back on the ground screaming. "Please don't shoot me" he pleaded. Madhu shook her head in negation.

"Alright then shoot me here..." Balraj meekly said hitting his fist hand on his chest "... and kill me once and for all... I can't bare this slow torture"

"Didn't you torture me in that dark room for 3 days when I was a kid? Didn't you torture my mother by snatching her babies from her? Now what torture you are talking about?" she asked and right then the front door burst open.

Madhu swiftly turned and pointed the gun at the man who barged in wearing a black scarf around his face.

"I'm ordering you... shoot her" Balraj ordered to his man.

Madhu slowly walked closer to the man still pointing the gun at him.

"You are late" she whispered in an accusing tone as she pulled down the man's scarf. Balraj gasped in horror realizing it was not his men but Madhu's husband, ACP Rishab Kundra.

Rishab quickly scanned Madhu's body from head to toe to find any sign of injury. Though he couldn't find any visible injury he can tell from her facial expression and discomfort that she was having some internal pain.

He took his hand and caressed her cheek where she got a ferocious slap and then he gently wiped the tinge of blood from the corner of her mouth making her wince and pull her face away from him.

"You said it's not a movie but real life?"

Rk frowned not getting what nonsense she was talking now and also wondered how she found out it was him in spite of his face being covered with a scarf. "May be she recognized my eyes" he reasoned for his own doubt.

"... then why the hell like typical Indian movies you 'Police' arrived so late when everything is almost over?" she asked angrily.

He gaped at his wife for few good moments not believing his own ears that she just insulted him? Insulted a dedicated policeman? Ouch! That wounded his ego.

He wanted to be mad at her at the same time he wanted to laugh at her? Why? Because what she said was fucking hilarious. If they were at their home then he would have given her a punishing kiss for her pissing question and then a soft make up kiss.

"You dropped this" he said holding the strap of her 'tracking' watch. Yeah he had picked the watch from where she dropped it and from there he searched her on his own following his instinct.

"Oh shit" she hit her palm over her head. He quickly took her hand and strapped her watch back in place.

"Never miss it again if you do then don't blame me for being late" he growled at her.

"I'm sorry" she hugged him tightly finally feeling safe, feeling at home. He hugged her and looked over her shoulder to see what damage his wife had created to Balraj. He smirked satisfied with his wife's art work. "Interesting choice of places to shoot" he thought.

Balraj stared at them with fear stricken face waiting to meet his maker there and then.

"ACP Sir, I didn't kill Balraj, I just shot him thrice. I didn't kill his right hand man Bujang too. I just stabbed 3 injections in him but he is still alive, upstairs. You can go see for yourself. I did all these to protect myself. An act of self defense and there was no intention to commit a crime..." she handed over the gun to him as if surrendering.

She fucking didn't get over with her nightmare I guess. Thinking I will arrest her for her offense. How stupid? Rk thought shaking his head.

Balraj hoped Rishab will arrest him and produce him to the court.

"You don't have to give any explanation to me Mrs. Kundra. I can see for myself. It's a clear case of abduction and attempt to murder. That's why they brought you to this God-damn Island but that's where they went wrong. You don't worry at all. I will take care of this mess" he was casually talking with her for one moment and next moment he shot Balraj straight at his heart region.

"Ahhh" Madhu screamed and jumped on him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. She didn't expect this coming. She was shocked with the sudden firing.

"Over" he whispered near her ear as he held her closer to him. She started crying hysterically realizing it was all over now. There were no more nightmares. No more threats for her life or her husband's life or their baby's life. They were safe and they can live happy and peaceful.

"Sorry" she said once she regained her composure. She felt so embarrassed of crying. Well crying wasn't something she had done for the first time but still she wanted to put her brave facade in front of her husband too.

"It's okay. You have been brave when it mattered so now I don't mind you crying and getting emotional" he said and wiped off her tears.

He leaned down to kiss her but she stopped him by placing her hand on his mouth and shook her head. "No, please. I have been throwing up all the way and I am sweaty. I won't smell good to you now so please..." he respected her words and he didn't kiss her on her lips but couldn't help himself from planting a kiss on her forehead. She smiled and then turned to look at the dead devil.

"I thought you will do your favorite head shot operation" Madhu said to her husband.

"I deliberately didn't shoot him in his head. It's a very professional move. Only trained shooters can do head shot operation. I didn't want to give room for any suspicion." He just didn't want his name or Madhu's name get involved in this affair.

"You think this issue is up for further investigation? This is not going to end here between us two?" Madhu asked worriedly. Rishab shrugged. He wasn't sure.

"Rishab, please tell me... Oh God! I have injected him... if they do Bujang's postmortem they will find out..." she panicked.

"The drug will run out shortly from his system. Besides no one will know you stabbed him so chill"

"I can't help but worry..."

"Stop worrying and go sit there." he pointed to the cane sofa. "I have to set up few things." he ordered. She frowned but reluctantly went and sat on the sofa. Her legs were bitching. Her stomach was killing.

She curled on the sofa like a small ball and watched her husband disappearing into the room, upstairs.

"What you are gonna do with him? Is he still alive?" Madhu asked Rishab when he came down dragging Bujang along with him.

"Yes, he is. Where were you standing exactly when you shot Balraj?" Rishab asked


"I am going to frame the murder scene."

"Oh. Well I shot him from where you are standing now but it was you who killed Balraj standing near the door." Madhu reminded him.

"Right" Rishab dragged Bujang nearer to the doorway and made him sit on the floor with his legs wide spread and made him lean his body against the wall near the door. Rishab took the gun with which he shot Balraj and cleaned it with his handkerchief to erase his finger prints. Then he forcefully made Bujang hold the gun to mark his fingerprints and dropped the gun beside his hand.

"Bujang shot Balraj thrice (3 bullets Madhu used to shoot Balraj) from there (The spot where Madhu was standing when she shot Balraj) and before escaping out he shot once (Rk's one final shot which Killed Balraj) but to his bad luck Balraj died not before shooting him back. (Rk is going to shoot Bujang now from Balraj's end) Story believable, Reporter Madam?" Rishab asked as he moved to Balraj's side and took his gun which he dropped when Madhu shot right on his hand and aimed at Bujang

"Shoot him in the balls, Rishab" Madhu said fuming. "That bastard lusted after me so it will be the right place to shoot." She loathed Bujang more than Balraj.

"Madhu, I have already told you... still I am repeating... I don't like my wife taking vulgar Slang" he said glaring at her. He hates to hear nasty words coming from her sweet mouth though he uses such words.

"Sorry" she said looking at down, embarrassed.

"One man will never shoot another man there." Rishab said matter-of-fact and shot Bujang twice in his gut and placed the gun on Balraj's lap.

"Work done. Now, come let's go" Rishab held out his hand for Madhu.

"What about the other men outside? You shot them as well?"

"No, I just knocked them down by spraying chloroform. We have to move from here before they regain their consciousness." Oh and that explains why Rishab had a scarf wrapped around his face.

"I thought you will put a physical fight? Dishoom! Dishoom!" she gave few air punches. "But you disappointed me, husband" she said dramatically.

"I didn't want to make any sound and alert these two fuckers who had you under their grip and risk your life so I did things stealthily. When I heard gunshot I thought they somehow came to know that I was here and they shot you before I could reach you." he exhaled loudly. In that moment he thought he lost her. "Thank goodness it was you who shot him but not the other way."

"Oh! Good move then" she appreciated. "But I guess now we can kill them all. They are dangerous men." He didn't get why his wife was desperate to kill everyone now when last night she said she wasn't dying to kill anyone.

"Killing is easy, Madhu but cleaning up the mess is tough."

"Then what about these two? Who will clear their dead bodies? Shall we burn them here?"

"No! Those idiots lying outside, unconscious, will do the job later when they are up. They will think their boss and Bujang had some fight and killed each other and in the mean while you escaped. They won't carry these dead weights but will bury or burn them here" He said confidently.

"You are good in framing stories Rishab but what if they come searching for me?"

"I hope not. They don't have any personal vengeance against you... they just worked for Balraj/Bhatia and now that he is dead they will go find some other job but still you don't worry, I will keep track on them. If I ever find them in our vicinity or doing any other illegal activities I will show them the way to prison."

"Alright! But Rishab..."

"God! What am I going to do with this frustrating woman?" Rishab grumbled. "How many more questions you will ask me, dammit?"

"Please, please, please... one last question"

"What's it?" he barked.

"What if they approach the police and file a criminal complaint against me?" she feared.

"Criminals generally don't seek police help, Madhu" he said tiredly.

"I see!"

Then he literally dragged her out of the wood house.

"Where are we going now?" Madhu asked after walking in the dark path for nearly five minutes.

"To my boat. It's in the other side of the Island"

"Oh!" she stopped walking and bends down resting her hands on her knees as if she had just run a marathon.

"What? Tired?" Rishab asked.

"Husband, please help me" She pleaded through her eyes.

Rishab didn't say a word but just scooped her up in his arms and proceeded walking. Madhu hung her hands around his neck and rested her head on his chest.

"Husband, I am hungry. You have anything to eat in your backpack? I think if I eat something my stomach cramp might reduce."

"Oh! I am so sorry..." he said setting her gently down on the ground.

"It's okay..." she can't expect him to bring food for her in a hurry right?

"I have 'Hide and Seek' biscuits and a bottle of water. Will that do?" Rishab asked.

"Why you said sorry when you have food and water with you?"

"I said sorry because I forgot to give it to you much earlier"

"It's okay. Now, you can give me." She smiled faintly.

She first gulped down half the bottle water quenching her thirst and was about to eat her favorite biscuit but stopped mid air. "Husband, I love you more for feeding me. Muah!" she air kissed him. Rishab chuckled and watched her eat the biscuits, leaning against a huge tree.

"You want some?" she asked after emptying half the packet of biscuits. He shook his head in no.

"Just be quick. It's late already."

"Yeah, I am done." She stood up from the ground and brushed the dirt off her jeans.

"No, I can walk. I am feeling better now. Thanks" She stopped Rishab when he tried to pick her up again in his arms.

"Your stomach cramp?" he asked in concern.

"Still mild ache is there but I can manage. We will check up with the doctor once we reach the city"

"Sure" he nodded and taking her hand in his, they continued walking.

After walking for another five minutes or so they heard footsteps behind them. Rishab stopped walking and swiftly turned around.

"Madhu, move!" he shouted as placed his left hand on her stomach and pushed her behind him in a fraction of second and he took the bullet for her.

"Ahhh!" Madhu screamed as she fell on the ground.

... To be continued!!!

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