Part 42

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(Extremely long update LOL)

(No time to proofread so kindly excuse the mistakes)

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"Madhu, move!" Rishab shouted as placed his left hand on her stomach and pushed her behind him in a fraction of second and he took the bullet for her.

He felt an excruciating pain in his left arm as the hot blood gushed out.

"Ahhh!" Madhu screamed as she fell on the ground.

She didn't bother about the hurt and pain she felt everywhere in her body. She didn't even bother to check her husband though she was aware the bullet pierced somewhere in his skin. She just wanted to stop the one who shot her husband from shooting further.

She frantically looked around for some object to throw and found a small wooden log and hurled it accurately at the wrist of the person holding the gun and the gun flung away in that force.

Rishab was impressed with his wife's presence of mind. He expected her to come crawling to him, crying and put them both in a powerless state in front of their enemy but she didn't. She handled the matter wisely. That's like my brave girl. I love you, baby.

Oh and for the first time he also felt happy and relieved because she didn't throw things at him. He knew one day her throwing skill will save them and he was right.

"Perfect throw" she heard her husband mutter when she hastily crawled to pick the gun from the ground. She picked the gun, pushed herself up to her feet in panther's easy grace and pointed the gun at the bitch, Dipali.

"You bloody bitch. How dare you shoot my husband?" she angrily strode towards her and pushed the muzzle of the gun onto Dipali's head ready to shoot.

"Madhu, NO!" Rishab shouted.

"I'm going to fucking kill her, Rishab..."

"Madhu, please, no"

Dipali didn't get why he was stopping his wife from shooting her when she had hurt him?

"No, I'm not going to listen to you this time... she hurts you and I am going to punish her for that..." she was raged with maddening anger. She just wanted to leave the bullet in Dipali's head.

"Madhuuu..." he groaned in pain. His hand was killing him and his wife was being stubborn to take Dipali's life. "...give that fucking gun to me"

"I won't" she growled. Her eyes blazed with red hot fury as she hands tightened around the gun. "She even killed my red fish" she cried. Rishab gaped at her in disbelief. Even now she will think about her damn fish huh? She is insane! He thought.

"Madhu, I am warning you... DON'T. SHOOT. HER" Rishab warned her in a chilly tone. She knew she can't defy her husband's exclusive warning otherwise she will be in shit deep trouble.

"Ahhh!!!" she hollered like a cornered tigress to take out her frustration and shot everywhere on the ground but on her. Dipali cupped her ears with her palm to shut the firing sound and tried to squirm away from the bullets.

When Madhu was ran out off bullets she knocked the grip of the gun hardly on Dipali's forehead and discarded the gun on the ground.

"Ow!" Dipali yelled in pain as she covered her forehead with her palm.

Madhu calmed down a bit only after seeing blood ooze out of her forehead.

Rishab was too stunned to see this violent side of his sweet scared kitten. Is she really the girl I married? He wondered incredulously.

"Your husband is fucking alive so don't mess with my husband!" Madhu warned her. Dipali's painful face brightened instantly hearing that.

"Really? But I heard he was killed in the prison?"

"No, you fool! Your dad lied to you. He only set up his men and tried to kill your husband but it's my husband who saved him and took him to the hospital. He is alive because of him but you shot him..." Madhu spat the words at her. Madhu wished to get into an ugly bitch-fight and she would have if she wasn't pregnant.

"I wanted to shoot you" Dipali said regretfully. It wasn't news to Rishab and Madhu.

"We knew it already. That's why you broke into our house twice, didn't you?"

Dipali nodded. "I thought because of ACP Kundra I lost my husband so I thought to snatch your life and make his life miserable..."

"You should have come and talked to him instead of behaving like a psycho" Madhu scolded her.

"Sorry, you are right... I should have tried to know the truth... but I blindly trusted my dad's words..." thinking of the injustice done to her by her father, Dipali's blood boiled and started throbbing in her veins. "I'm going to kill my dad" Dipali declared gritting her teeth angrily.

"Don't bother. He is already dead" Madhu said flicking her hair behind her shoulder. Dipali looked at Madhu with a frown not sure whether she heard her right.

"Madhu, shut the fuck up!" Rishab hissed and glared at her. He didn't want to make Dipali mad by telling her about her father's death now and also he didn't want to give any statement to her that they only killed her father.

"Why are you glaring at me now? You told me not to shoot her and I didn't but you didn't say anything about hitting her." she shouted at her husband thinking he was mad at her for hitting Dipali with the gun. Then she undone her shirt buttons and took her shirt off her shoulders.

"What are you doing?" Rishab asked puzzled. Though she was wearing her baby pink spaghetti he still didn't like her taking off her shirt.

"I'm going to tightly wrap this shirt around your arm" she said wiping her tears and sat beside him on the ground.

"Can you please take the bullet out first and then wrap this clothe around the wound?" Rishab asked.

"What? No! No! I can't. It's dangerous. It should be tended only by the doctor." She shook her scared to touch his wound.

"Just do as I say, Madhu. I will hold my hand tightly and you just pull the bullet out. It's paining" he groaned as he held his left arm to stop the bleeding but it bled profusely.

"I'm sorry..." she started crying seeing him in pain. He shook his head tiredly. She can't do this job. He knew it already.

"Take out the Swiss knife from your jeans' back pocket."

"I have a knife?" Madhu asked in surprised as she dug into her back pocket and fetched the knife for him.

"Didn't I tell you? Chocolate bar and acupressure wrist band in the front pockets and Swiss knife in the back pocket?"

"Oh, I guess I forgot" she said and poked her tongue out. He shook his head.

"You are going to take the bullet on your own?" she asked panicking when he snatched the knife from her hand.

"I have no other option"

"Can I help you?" Dipali offered feeling guilty of shooting the man who saved her husband's life.

"You stay away from my husband, bitch or else I will fucking kill you with my bare hands." Madhu shouted like a mad woman.

"Madhu, calm down." Rishab said softly caressed her back. He didn't get why his wife was getting hyper and shouting.

"Show me your hand" she barked at him and forcefully pulled his hand closer and placed it on her lap.

"Be gentle, he is already hurt" Dipali said softly.

"Rishab, ask her to keep her mouth shut or I will insert this knife in her throat" Madhu said in a threatening tone clenching the knife in her fist.

"I am sorry" Dipali mumbled and sat quietly.

Seeing the raw blood, Madhu felt giddy and nauseous

"You can't do this, Madhu. Please, let her help."

"No, I won't let her touch you" she said possessively. Rishab rolled his eyes. She isn't going to eat me, woman!

Taking a deep breath, she held the knife firmly and slowly she brought the knife but her hand started shaking in nervousness and as a result she nicked the knife in his skin.

Sighing heavily she shook her head. "Sorry, husband, I can't do this..." she said looking down as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"It's okay" He smiled. "You hold my hand tightly. I will do it" she nodded and held his left arm gently but he asked her to hold as tight as possible. She turned her face away not able to see his pain.

"It's over" he said once he drew out the bullet. "Now, wrap your shirt tightly" she did as she was told.

"Better?" she asked. He nodded.

"You okay?" he asked her back.

"I'm not okay. I just wanna go home and sleep in our bed hugging you. I am really tired and traumatized." She said genuinely.

"I will take you home" he placed his hand on her nape and pulled her head closer to his chest and leaning down he kissed her head. She wished to hug him back but stopped fearing she will hurt his injured hand.

"You are not coming?" Rishab asked Dipali still sitting on the ground but not walking with them.

"You guys will take me?" she asked with a soft smile.



You guys would have guessed by now who would have said the 'yes' and 'no'


"If she is coming with us then I am not coming with you" she said petulantly.

"Madhu, don't behave childish. It's dark. How she will get out from here..." she cut him off by saying "Just like how she came here. It's simple as that"

"Madhu, don't be like this yaar"

"Why do you care so much for her, Rishab?"

"I don't care for her... I'm doing this out of humanity..."

"Stop being a Mahaan, Rishab. She tried to shoot me. Think what would have happened if the bullet had hit me? Here, in my tummy? I would have lost our baby and who knows even I could have died."

Fuck me if my wife doesn't look hot and sexy as hell when she is angry. He thought. This new avatar of his wife was a real turn on to him.

"It didn't happen right" he gently placed his palm on her cheek.

"Yeah, thanks to you for saving us" she hugged her tummy and turned her face away.

"You are pregnant?" Dipali gasped. "Omg! I'm so sorry... I didn't know... please... please forgive me..." she pleaded her apology.

"There is no forgiveness for you, little vixen. Get lost." Madhu said venomously and walked passed leaving behind her husband and Dipali.

"Hey, you will come with us only..."

"But your wife? She doesn't like me..." Dipali stated.

"Even I don't like you. It's not in me to leave a girl in this isolated island that too at night time so I am taking you with us." He clarified.

"Okay" Dipali nodded and followed him to the boat.

"You know to handle speedboat?" Rishab asked Dipali. Madhu was already seated on the rear seat of the boat. She looked mad seeing her husband bringing that bitch along with him but decided to let it go.

"Yeah, I came alone in my speedboat only" Dipali said and took the front seat behind the steering wheel. Once Rishab started the engine which was at the back of the boat and settled himself beside Madhu, Dipali steered the boat by applying the throttle.

"How do you know we are here?" Rishab asked curiously. He was dying to ask that question. She seemed to be unaware of her father, Balraj and his right man Bujang's death so she mustn't have come along with them then how?

"I followed you but half way I lost you so got delayed..." she said looking over her shoulder.

"What?" Rishab was stumped with her reply. She fucking followed me? And how I missed to notice that? Damn!

"I... I... um... tracking you" Dipali said hesitantly.

Madhu burst out laughing. It was her first laughter after hours.

"Rishab, did you hear her? She was tracking you. OMG! The tracker himself is being tracked. How funny is that?" Madhu teased and laughed but stopped feeling her stomach ache.

"I have put a micro tracking chip in your shoe when I ransaced your house" she said guiltily.

"Why the hell I changed into my sports shoe from my boots?" He cursed himself under his breathe. "But who knows she could have put a tracking chip in my boots as well."

Rishab quickly removed his right leg shoe which surprisingly happened to be the right one as he found a micro chip under the shoe cushion pad.

"Only this one?" he held the chip between his thumb and index fingers. Dipali nodded her head. He tossed the chip in the sea.

"You know what all you did are wrong?" Rishab asked.

"Yes, I do. I am sorry, I shouldn't have a broken into your house, twice, I shouldn't have tracked you, I shouldn't have attempted to murder your wife and your unborn baby and finally I shouldn't have shot you" Dipali said remorsefully.

"You have very well listed your offenses in chronological order. Not bad. So I guess you would be aware of the punishments for those offenses too right?"

Dipali panicked. "ACP Sir, please..."

"Don't let her go scot free, Rishab" Madhu said giving a fiery glare to

"Sir, please, I am young and I don't envisage spending my life in prison. I wanna start a fresh life with my husband so please help me. I will pay compensation..."

"We don't want your fucking money."

"Madhu, stop shouting and wasting your energy" Rishab admonished her.

"Whatever you say, your highness" Madhu said through gritted teeth and turned her face away.

"Sir, please... let me live my life with my husband. Even I deserve to lead a happy life right?" Dipali literally begged. Her eyes were filled with genuineness and yearning for a love filled life.

"Do you know about your father's illegal dealings? Do you about your father plan to abduct my wife and kill her?" Rishab asked ignoring her plea.

"No...No... I don't... know..." she stammered though it was partly true. She knew about his illegal business but not about Madhu's kidnapping plan.

"Don't lie. Tell me the truth then I will try to help you." he promised.

"Alright! I'll tell you the truth. I know only about his illegal businesses. For him money and power matters the most in this world. To achieve them he found various illegal means. He even used me in his illegal business to make money."

"What?" Both Madhu and Rishab said in unison.

"Yeah! My dad made me spend my life whoring for dangerous rich men. If I don't do I get beatings from him. If I do he gets paid from the rich businessmen who stay in our hotel."

"That's disgusting" Madhu said in a soft tone finally feeling pity of Dipali.

"My life was like that until I met and fell in love with this guy Sushanth, my husband now. He was a final year hotel management student and he was doing his internship in our hotel. We had this strange attraction right from the day we set our eyes on each other but I tried to avoid him knowing about my life style. I thought I won't find true love ever but I was wrong. I found one. Sushanth courted me in spite of knowing my ugly truth. He understood me and accepted me" Dipali said and looked above the night sky. "He is the sweetest guy I have ever seen. We decided to get married but my dad had other plans. He decided to sell me to the richest businessman in Saudi in the name of marriage... but my crazy lover did a crazy scene in the hotel by captivating the people in the hotel and threatening to blast the place down if I didn't go with him." Dipali smiled remembering the crazy incident. She loved Sushanth more for fighting for her. "Actually I should thank you, ACP Sir. No other policeman would have dared to go against my dad and get me married to my lover but you did. Thank you so much." Dipali thanks and smiled. Rishab just nodded his head.

"See, I told you on our wedding night itself that you did wrong by arresting that guy and separating the newlywed couple but you laughed saying you took revenge on him for fucking our suhaag raat! How cruel you are?" Madhu hissed at Rishab.

"Why are you teaming with her now?" Rishab asked not liking his wife supporting someone else but not him and also pointing out his mistake. Well, for her it was a mistake but for him he just did his duty.

"Look, your dad wanna take revenge on me for messing his plan of getting you married to that Saudi Sheik..." Rishab framed a new story from what Dipali told hiding the fact Balraj/Bhatia had vengeance against Madhu and her family for years now. He even hid the fact about killing her brother Sultan and her grandfather. When she was unaware of those details then why bother voluntarily say? Sometimes ignorance is bliss! He thought.

"That guy wasn't a Sheik. He just does business in Saudi" Dipali corrected him.

"Whatever! So yeah, he wanted revenge and he tried to kill me and my wife once by mal-functioning our apartment elevator but we narrowly escaped..." Dipali gasped in shock hearing that. "...and now he abducted my wife and brought her here with the plan to kill her."

"How did you come to know about his plans and how you are here on time, ACP Sir?" Dipali asked curiously.

"That's none of your concern." Rishab said arrogantly. He hated being questioned. He can tolerate only his wife's never ending questions.

"Don't be rude with that poor girl, Rishab" Madhu placed her hand on his shoulder and caressed it.

"Shut up!" he mouth at her. She pouted prettily laid her head on the edge of the boat tiredly.

"As my wife already told you, your dad and his right hand man Bujang are dead. I killed them" Rishab said. He wasn't lying. It was him who took their breaths though his wife did the major damage.

"You killed that Bujang too? OMG! That bastard deserves it. He only took my virginity when I was sixteen and made me a whore. This is the happiest day of my life. This is Diwali for me because not one but two monsters are dead. May their souls rot in hell." She sent a prayer. "Thank you so much. I owe you my life, ACP Sir" she said with tears of happiness for finally finding freedom.

"I want you to keep this incident under wrap. Don't breath a word about anything happened here to anyone because I really don't want my wife's name to be dragged in this mess. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir"

"I didn't kill any of your men..."

"They are my dad's men not mine" Dipali interjected.

"Will they listen to you?"

"I guess so because I am the only Bhatia left and their boss to lead them now"

"You are not going to get into any illegal activities, okay?" Rishab warned her. Though he knew she wasn't interested in that life style he still wanted to give her a strong warning.

"No, Sir. I won't. It's all over with my dad's death"

"That hotel is to do only hotel business and not to do prostitution, okay?"

"Okay, Sir"

"Well, you are going to ask your men to stop whatever bad shits they were doing to your dad. Oh and mainly they shouldn't come after my wife. They should not carry out this killing mission any further. If they try to mess with me or my family again then you will be answerable."

"Sure, Sir"

"If you find them still continuing your dad's illegal business then immediately you are gonna report to me, okay? I will handle them"

"Sir" she nodded in agreement.

"I also want you to ask your men to clear those two dead bodies. No case. No investigation, okay?"

Dipali nodded.

"Your husband is admitted in Fortis Hospital and he has recovered from coma. You can go see him and from there you both are free to start your new life..."

"Thank you so much, Sir..." Dipali grinned widely.

"But you should abide to my explicit warnings. No illegal business. No messing with me and my family. Got it?"

"I promise you, I won't go against your word, Sir"

"Good" he said and looked down to see his wife sleeping by placing her head on his lap. He leaned down and kissed her temple.

Madhu suddenly opened her eyes and stared straight into his eyes with a confused look. Where am I? Oh in the boat. How my head landed on his lap? I remember resting my head on the edge of the boat then how? May be I shifted and found a more comfortable place in my sleep.

What were they talking when I passed out? She wondered. She heard few words in her sleep like Hospital... free to start a new life... no illegal business... family... promise...

"You are going to let her go without any punishment?" Madhu asked.

"Yes" he said softly worrying how his wife will react to his decision.

"Good." She smiled. He was surprised and relieved. "She is also a victim like me. In fact she suffered a lot more than I did." Madhu said sympathetically. Rishab smiled proudly. This is my sweet wife having the kind heart to forgive the one who tried to kill her. "She found happiness in her lover just like I found mine in you." she took his right hand which was settled on her thigh and kissed the palm.

"When the happiness was snatched from her she behaved like a psycho. She reacted the same way I reacted right, Rishab?" she asked. He frowned. No, baby you didn't react like a psycho so don't compare yourself with her.

"When she shot you I got so violently mad and was even ready to kill her but thanks to you for stopping me. So yeah, she too got maddeningly angry and wanted to hurt the one she believed to have hurt her husband." She reasoned. Still he wasn't ready to accept the justification.

Dipali tried to shoot her but the bullet hit on him and Madhu had a clear reason to be mad at her for physically hurting her husband whereas in Dipali's case she blindly overreacted. She could have come and talked to him instead of taking such extreme measures. Knowing, what she did was unforgivable he still was letting her go scot free just because she wasn't wrong, she was wronged and she too deserved a happy life after all the struggle.

"Is your hand paining?" she asked yawning bringing him out of his chain of thoughts.

"No. How is your stomach cramp?"

"Feeling better"

"Hmm... but I still want to hear from the doctor that you and this little one are fine"

"And I want your hand to be properly tended"

"Even if wasn't shot I would have got admitted in hospital for fake reason."


"I was needed there to escort the Home Minister but I came here for you, giving them a fake reason that I got Dengu fever and admitted in hospital"

"Sometimes I wonder whether you are a police or criminal." She teased him because he never took the right way though he was a righteous man and that made her love him all the more.

He smiled. He always believed a police should think like a criminal but act like a police.

"Go back to sleep" he whispered softly as he caressed her hair.

She nodded and closed her eyes but opened again.

"Husband..." she started.

"...I love you" he ended.

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Actual story ends here... Rest all bonus parts... Showing cute family moments!!!



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