Part 50

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Rishab slowly walked towards the bed where Madhu was sitting with her hands cupping her throbbing forehead.

She felt his presence nearer to her and without looking up at him she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head against his taut tummy.

"You alright?" Rishab held the sides of her head with his hands and pressed a kiss on top of her head. She shook her head in no.

"Was it bad?" he asked referring to her talk with her dad.

"I got headache" she groaned.

"Oh that bad" with his thumbs he pressed her forehead to ease her pain. "You wanna talk about it?"

She shook her head again in negation.

"You wanna talk about us?"

"No! Not now" she said brusquely "Just hold me like this for two minutes, please. I will be fine" she hugged him tighter and he cradled her head against his torso.

"Madhu..." he really wanted to apologize to her and make things better between them.

"Later. We will talk later. The function is about to start and I haven't got ready yet" that's when he noticed her still in her cotton shirt and cotton crushed long skirt.

"Alright, we will talk tonight. I owe you an apology"

"You do" she said pulling away from him and in a surge of anger she punched his gut hardly making him double over. "Fuck! I wouldn't have taught my wife kickboxing if I had known I would be in the receiving end." He thought

"Ouch! That was unexpected and hard, Madhu" he grimaced his face in pain as he rubbed his abdomen and sat on the bed. He didn't see it coming. She took him by surprise.

"Mommy, your daughter in law is not as sweet and innocent as you think. She didn't go meek when I scolded her. She was actually cooking a revenge plan against me. Without knowing this you blasted my head, mommy. You are bad." He cried, of course mentally.

"First my daughter hit me, then my mother bashed me and now my wife punched me..." he picked up his son in his arms and asked him "what are you waiting for? Go ahead and Kick me, boy!" his son gazed his daddy for few good seconds before flashing him a beautiful smile making Rishab's heart melt "Ah! At least you took daddy's side. I love you so much for this, baby boy" he kissed his son affectionately and placed him back on the bed.

"Is it paining?" Madhu asked softly, belatedly regretting the punch she gave him. "I shouldn't have gone violent and hurt him. My poor husband" she thought.

He gave her a murderous glare but didn't say a word. He felt he deserved it. He stretched on the bed beside his babies so that he could play with them "Ugh!" he groaned inwardly feeling a stinging pain where he received the hard blow from his wife's soft hand. "God, she didn't show mercy and go easy on me but my mom said they won't go easy on me next time If I even raised my voice a little higher than usual." he was sure her fist mark would have imprinted on his skin.

"Why are you staring at my face, Madhu? Go get changed"

"I'm waiting"

"What for?"

"For them to cry in hunger so that I can feed them before I change into my sari. I don't want them to spill my milk and ruin my sari"

"Don't wait for them to cry. You feed them"

"I tried but they are pushing my... um..."

He shook his head and muttered something which she didn't catch clearly so she asked him to repeat. "I would have played with your tits by sinking my teeth into them rather pushing them"

Madhu turned beet red in embarrassment. "Rishab... babies are here..."

"Oh c'mon, they don't know what's teat and teeth so why bother?"

"Rishab!" She admonished him.

"Alright! I won't talk cheesy and you better not punch me" he said teasingly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you..."

"We never mean to hurt the ones we love, Madhu, but we do often consciously or unconsciously"

"That's right. Did I hurt you, Rishab?" she asked, her hands itched to roll up his shirt and check for herself the damage she had done.

"Hurt, you did me but nothing compared to the hurt I caused you with my words. I shouldn't have said what I said in spite of knowing you and your issues well. I am really sorry." He took her hand and entwined their fingers.

She smiled forgiving him. Right then their son made the announcement that he was hungry by letting out a shrill cry.

"Oh your little tummy hungry? Go to mommy. She will feed you yummy" Rishab said in a sing song tone making Madhu laugh.

"You have changed, Rishab" she said as she lifted her son in her arms after undoing her shirt buttons.

"Is that good or bad?" He asked cocking his brow. He knew he had gone soft in the head.

"Good" she said without looking at him as she nursed her son. "Rishab, can you pick me a sari?"


"Nothing black" she warned.

He rolled his eyes. Obviously he wouldn't select black sari on good occasions though black was his favorite color.

He chose a beautiful peacock blue cotton silk sari with golden border which he had gifted her for their first wedding anniversary.

They couldn't celebrate their first wedding anniversary in a grand way for two obvious reasons. One, he had work as always. Two, Madhu was very pregnant and was slightly unwell. Rishab just bought her the sari while returning from work that night and gifted it to her and Madhu cooked special dinner for them which mostly contained his favorite foods including butter chicken. They both loved each other's little surprise and they ended their special night by making sweet gentle love.

"This one" he dropped the neatly folded sari on the bed. "You gonna wear tonight"

"I knew you would pick this one for me." Madhu laughed.

"I was dying to see you draped in this sari that night but you disappointed me."

"Oh c'mon. I had a bloated tummy and I wouldn't have looked good in this sari then."

Before he could dissent her statement his daughter started crying. "Hey, shush, baby girl. Mommy is right here. She will take you in two minutes" Rishab cooed rocking her but she cried inconsolably.

"Time up, boy! Leave me. Let me feed your sister" Madhu cooed to her son but he latched his mouth tightly around her nipple and placed his tiny hand over her swelling, possessively, not letting it go.

"Oh God! She is crying" Madhu whimpered. "I am helpless"

"God has given, you, women, two boobs for a reason, Madhu" Rishab said and sitting opposite to her on the bed, he held his daughter closer to her other breast.

"Oh no! This feels so awkward" she closed her eyes in embarrassment but wrapped an free arm around her daughter so that she was holding both her babies on either side.

Once he was sure Madhu was holding both the babies securely and comfortably, he withdrew his hold from behind his daughter's head and then placed a fluffy pillow on Madhu's lap. She slightly propped up her knees with the pillow so that she was balancing her babies with it.

"Thank you" she mouthed. He smiled and said "If you feel your hands going numb tell me I will hold our babies for you"

Has any other husband ever done this to his wife? Helped her while she breast fed their twin babies? She wondered. She fell in love with him all over again for his simple words and gestures which meant the world to her.

"Husband, I love you" she blew a kiss.

"And I, you" he said looking at her beautiful eyes and caressing her cheek with his thumb.

"What will mothers of triplets do, Rishab?" She asked suddenly breaking the spell. He didn't get what she was asking for a moment then realization dawned to him. Boobies!

"I really don't know and I really don't care. I'm just thankful we are not having triplets, Madhu..."

"Like Mukkund bhaiya cursed" Madhu added laughing.

"He did?" He asked shocked. Madhu nodded.

"I'm going to kill him for giving me that curse" he said though jokingly.

"Well, back to the topic... all I know is your two boobies are for my babies and your luscious lips are exclusively for me" he said sensuously and claimed her lips with his and kissed her tenderly yet with fierce and passion. "I am sorry for hurting you, Love" he whispered against her lips before claiming it again for a beseeching kiss.

Madhu wished she wasn't holding her babies in her arms at the moment so she could have entwined her fingers in his soft hair and pulled him down and deepened their kiss.

"Don't kiss me in front of babies, Rishab!!!" She scolded him once they pulled apart. He chuckled knowing she enjoyed the kiss but still sticking to her code.

"Alright" he rose up his hands surrendering.

"Take him. He's done" Madhu said and kissed her son's forehead. Rishab obliged and took his son in his arms and covered one side of her breast with her shirt and then helped his son to burp.

"Ah, I am happy they are fed. Now, they won't cry for their feed amidst the function" she said passing her daughter to her husband once she was done feeding.

"Now, quickly get ready before my mom comes barging in"

Madhu nodded and left to the changing room.

"How do I look?" Madhu asked posing in front of him from one side to another after stepping out of the changing room all decked up in that pretty sari and worn antic gold jewels to embellish her beautiful ears, neck and hands. She had twist side braided her long glossy hair and it matched with her homely look. She looked extraordinarily beautiful.

"Something is missing" he said without taking his eyes off his beautiful wife.

"What?" She asked adjusting her sari pleat.

"C'mere" he held his hand out for her. When she held it he pulled her closer to him making her stand between his legs while he sat on the bed. "Close your eyes" he ordered. She narrowed her brows curiously but closed her eyes the next moment. He took out the thing from his shirt pocket and gently moved her sari aside exposing her tummy. He placed a feather soft kiss on her belly. She gasped feeling his cold lips on her soft skin and her belly dipped in as she gripped her husband's shoulders.

"Rishab, please" she moaned as her legs started to wobble with the havoc he was creating in her by kissing around her navel.

"Rishab..." She moaned again but in disappointment as he suddenly released her. He was done clipping her gold belly button ring.

"Ah! Your sexy belly button ring is back. And you look stunning" he stood up and kissed her cheek not wanting to smudge her lipstick. Then he walked around and hugged her from behind "I am going to pull this sari off of you tonight and make love to you. It's been so long" he said and kissed her shoulder. Madhu had her sixth week check up yesterday and her doctor said she was completely healed from giving birth and was physically fit to go with her normal sexual activities.

"Yeah, we lastly made love on our wedding anniversary and that's some three and a half months ago" her tone clearly said she was as desperate as him to reconnect physically.

"Tonight" he promised.

"You better keep your promise. You disappointed me last night."

"Sorry, I had work." He said apologetically.

"Alright" she said and picked up their son while Rishab picked up their daughter and they walked out of their room.

Radha was the first one to spot Rishab and Madhu walking down the stairs carrying their babies.

She apprehensively looked from her son to her daughter and sighed in relief when both of them smiled widely and interlinked their free hands.

"All good, mom" Rishab whispered in her ear when they stepped down the last step.

"I am happy. You both look so beautiful together"

"Thanks, mom" Madhu smiled.

"Panditji will be here shortly to do the pooja till then you two put the babies in their wooden cradle which I painstakingly decorated with flowers for my darlings" Radha said beaming.

"Sure, mom, we will do as you said and this way we can avoid passing the babies from one hand to other. I really don't want the twins to get uncomfortable and start crying of being held by unfamiliar hands. Whoever wants to see the twins can see without lifting them up." Madhu said as her over protectiveness kicked in. Rishab wisely didn't make any comment but just gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't fall asleep babies. The function is about to start so please stay awake and play with each other okay? Mommy and daddy will greet the guests and quickly come back to you guys." Madhu promised. Rishab stood by her side, smiling.

"Why is she here?" Madhu whispered to her husband spotting Ria in their house chatting with her father in law.

"My dad and her dad are close friends. So he would have invited their family."

"I see" she said chewing her lower lips.

"I will go say a quick 'hi' to her and come" he said and quickly left Madhu's side before she could pull him back.

"Hey sista" Mukkund took one of the many daggers Madhu was sending to Ria through her eyes by standing in front of her view. "How are you?" he asked.

"I'm good, Mukkund bhaiya. Thanks for coming" she said giving him a side hug. "Where are Shreya and kids?" she asked.

"Here we are aunty" Roshan screeched popping his head out from behind his daddy's legs. Madhu laughed and kneeling down to his level she hugged him. Then she hugged his brother Rohan.

"Hello, Madhu" Shreya, Mukkund's wife waved her free hand as she was holding her 11 months old son Rohit in her other hand. Madhu smiled at her and looked down at the baby boy sitting on her mother's hip.

"OMG! He has grown big since I have last seen him and he is so beautiful as ever" Madhu caressed his chubby cheeks.

"Even you are looking so beautiful, Madhu. You quickly have lost the weight you put on while you were pregnant but look at my Shreya? She is still struggling to lose her baby fat." He said with a laugh and earned a death glare from his wife. "I... I... will go see Rishab" he stammered and quickly escaped from the place.

Madhu was chatting with Shreya and soon Sameera joined them hold her son Sabeer in her arms.

"Madhu, you okay?" Sameera asked seeing Madhu's eyes wavering from her husband to her babies' cradle.

"Is the girl hugging your husband troubling you?" Shreya asked teasingly as she caught the pure look of jealousy in Madhu's eyes whereas Sameera noticed worry in Madhu's eyes. Sameera knew a little about Madhu's issues from her husband so she guessed she was worried about her babies.

"Sorry, I will just check on my babies and come back in a minute" Madhu excused and walked to her babies' cradle.

"I told you two not to sleep" Madhu sighed finding the twins sleeping holding each other's hand.

"It's okay, Madhu. They will wake up before the function starts." Padmini said placing a hand on Madhu's shoulder. Madhu turned to her side and hugged her mother taking her by surprise. "Madhu, what's wrong?" Padmini asked worriedly.

"I missed you, mama" she said almost inaudibly.

"I missed you too, Madhu. You forgot your mama from the day you got married but still I'm happy for you because you got loving family, caring husband and beautiful babies."

Madhu nodded blinking her eyes to keep her tears in bay and gave her a smile.

"I promise I will come and see you this weekend. I have to talk with you and papa" Madhu said with determination in her eyes to mend things. Padmini frowned wondering what she wanted to talk but didn't probe her.

"Madhu, Panditji has arrived." Rishab was actually waiting from them to end their convo. Rishab looked at Padmini and politely smiled which she returned and walked away.

"You okay?" he asked Madhu.

"No, I'm not at all okay. What were you talking with her for so long? I thought you said I will go say a quick 'hi' to her and come..." she said air quoting his words. "...but all I could see was you two fondling each other"

"Oh c'mon, don't start this now" he sighed.

"Rishab, if you want me to stop then tell me what she told you and why you gave her that bear hug?" she said as bile rose up her throat as the sight of her husband hugging his Ex-girlfriend replayed in her head.

"She told me she was getting married and I congratulated her with a hug."


"Yeah oh" he rolled his eyes heavenward.

"I'm sorry"

"Forget it"

"Rishab, please, don't be mad at me and let's not spoil our babies' function"

"Whatever happens between us will never affect our babies, Madhu. I can promise you that much." He assured her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Oh and I'm not mad at you. I felt jealous when I saw you hugging my friend Mukkund though I'm very well aware you two share Bro-Sis relationship and his wife was also standing right next to him but still I couldn't help... I just wanted to pry you away from him... so I can understand your irrational anger mainly when you know Ria and I had a shared past... but trust me that's in the past. Even at that time I never felt anything special for her. You are the only love of my life, Madhu" he said with utter sincerity.

Overwhelmed with happiness Madhu hugged him almost knocking him off balance and shouted "Husband, I love you" without realizing they were having audience. Rishab closed his eyes in embarrassment but still held his wife in his arms, contented. They pulled apart when they heard giggling from ladies, chuckling from men, clapping from kids, and an appreciative whistle from none other than Radha.

Little later, Rishab and Madhu were sat down on the floor with their son on Madhu's lap and their daughter on Rishab's lap as they did pooja to lord Ganesha and showered his idol with flowers as instruction by the Pandit.

The Pandit took two silver plates spread with rice-grain and placed one in front of Rishab and another in front of Madhu.

"Now you both please write your babies' name on the rice filled plate"

Madhu with her forefinger wrote her son's name 'Veer'

Rishab wrote his daughter's name 'Naira'

"What name you two wrote? Tell us?" Radha asked excitedly.

Madhu smiled at her mother in-law and then lifting her son up from her lap and holding him straight to her face she said "You are a strong and brave boy just like your daddy so I am naming you 'Veer'. Veer Rishab Kundra" Madhu called him and he opened his sleepy eyes and smiled at his mommy. Madhu kissed her son's nose tip.

"I thought only your mommy had the most beautiful eyes with which she could set the sky on fire but she chose to burn me..." Rishab said with a chuckle. Madhu blushed. "But I was wrong. You too have an identical eyes as her and I love it when you see me with those beautiful eyes." He said looking straight at her shining eyes. "I thought I could never fall in love ever again in my life...but I was wrong yet again, my darling. After seeing your beautiful big eyes, so shinning and glittering, so filled with pure love, I fell in love with you head over heels"

"Aww..." every lady gathered there 'awed' and dapped their eyes with tissues.

"So I am naming my beautiful daughter with beautiful eyes 'Naira'. Naira Rishab Kundra" Rishab announced and his daughter puckered her lips as if she wanted to kiss her daddy. Rishab laughed and kissed her.

Everyone loved the twins' name. 

... To be continued!

@johannamerliah – Mer baby, thank you so much for suggesting me two beautiful names for Rishbala's babies. I don't know whether you remember it for yourself or not because you made the suggestion long back when Madhu got pregnant (i.e 26th part) LOL! You asked me if I could name 'Veer' if Rishbala had a boy baby and 'Naira' for girl baby. I liked both of your suggestions and I checked the meaning for the names on Google and surprisingly the meanings were so fitting (Veer - strong and brave meaning and Naira - Big eyes, glittering, and shinning) and I couldn't pick one among the two names so I made Rishbala have twins. HAHAHA!!!

I so enjoyed writing this part and took some extra effort to write this part better as it's the 50th part of the story... quite special right? Hope you all enjoyed reading as well!!


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