Part 51

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"Feeding Nemo..." Rishab said seeing his wife dropping fish food pellets into the fish tank. He was sitting on the bed, leaning his back against the upright cushion hearboard, his hands crossed behind his head and his legs outstretched as he waited for his wife to join him.

"That's 'Finding Nemo', Rishab" Madhu corrected him.

"I know that movie's name." He rolled his eyes. How could he possibly forget that movie's name when he was literally forced by his wife to watch it on every Sunday? "I am just telling what you are doing now. First you fed our babies. Then you fed your fish. And now time to feed your husband so c'mere" he opened his arms for her.

"I already served you dinner, sweetheart, didn't I?" Madhu asked with a teasing grin as she walked backwards to the bathroom.

"But still I am hungry" he whined.

"Then go eat the leftovers" she said and bit her lower lips to suppress her laughter.

"Hey, you know I am not talking about food here"

"Then?" She asked innocently batting her eyelashes.

"Don't play dumb, Madhu. Come to me right now" he ordered.

She shook her head gigging and ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

She was brushing her teeth after contemplating whether to take her shower now or after sex, along with husband and decided with the latter as the idea sounds more enticing.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face she was drying her face with a fluffy towel when she heard her husband's phone ring. She wondered who it was calling at the late hours and tried to overhear to whom he was talking but she didn't hear a word. "May be he has gone to the balcony to take the call so that he won't disturb the twins" she thought and neatly folded the towel and placed it back on the slab.

"I hope it's not work calling him" she fervently prayed and stepped out of the bathroom to find her husband rummaging something in the wardrobe.

"You are going to work?" She asked in dread seeing him take out his uniform.

"Seems like God didn't hear my prayer after all" she muttered under her breathe when he nodded his head in yes.

"Rishab..." she went and back hugged him.

"What, Madhu?" He drew her to his front and circled her in his arms.

"You... you promised... me... we... um... together..." She stammered feeling shy to even remind him about his promise he made to make love to her tonight.

"Yeah, now and forever we will be together. I am just going for work now and I will be back in two or three hours. Take care, okay?" he kissed her forehead.

"No, not that promise."


"The one you made this evening..."

"What promise I made this evening?" He asked frowning, giving her a puzzled look.

"That... That we will do stuff together tonight..." Her cheeks heat up thinking about all the possible things they could do tonight after remaining abstinent from sex for over three months.

"What sort of stuff you are talking about, Madhu? Be clear or let me get ready. I am getting late" he said impatiently

"Rishab, please don't go..." She hugged him tightly not wanting to let him go.

"Why, sweetheart?" He teased.

"Please, dedicate this one night for me... we... we will...make love " she said mortified but her need and desperation was palpable in her voice.

"You want me to ditch work for hot sex?" He asked feigning shock but his eyes danced with mirth.

"No" she sighed sadly knowing she was being unreasonable.

"Are you laughing at me?" She asked when she looked up and found a trace of teasing smile forming on his face.

"Sorry" he said and tried to control the bubble of laugh threatening to burst out but he failed and ended up laughing.

"So you want us to make love?" He asked once his laughing fit ceased.

"Yeah but I know you will choose your work than hot sex with your wife" Madhu said feeling upset and walked towards the bed and sat on it.

"I sure as hell will choose my work any day over my personal desire" he agreed as he sat beside her and started kissing her neck.

"Hmm... then don't start things now and leave me when I am high and aching for you..." she pushed him gently off her and wrapped her arms around herself as if protecting herself from him and his touch.

"I won't. Certain promises can't be broken" he whispered pulling her back in his arms and nibbled her earlobe and sucked it making her groan.

"But you got call from work right?" She asked arching her neck giving him free access to kiss.

"Here" he took out her phone from his pants pocket and thrust it to her.
She gave him a confused look whereas he grinned sheepishly.

"I just gave a ring to my phone from your phone and acted as if I was searching for my uniform knowing you would think I was going to work"

"Why?" she asked in astonishment. It means he hasn't got any calls from work? Hayee Jolly!!! She mentally did a fist pump in the air.

"You acted pricey when I called you to join me in bed so a small pay back..."

"You are so bad. I just went to brush my teeth..." she hits him on his chest with her fist hands.

"You should have told me that but hey, you can't deny the fact that you tried to tease me so I'm not guilty" He grabbed both her hands and pushed her back to the bed and restrained her hands above her hand and started kissing her lips wildly. She fought with him not to push him away but to release her hands from his grip so that she could hold his face steady. Once he loosened his hold around her hands, she slid them behind his neck and twined his hair with her fingers as she pulled him deeper and they kissed fiercely as if that was their last kiss.

"Rishab..." she gasped for air and placed her hands on his chest bringing some distance between them. "Stop please"

"What?" he grunted irately for distracting him and proceeded kissing the region just above her cleavage.

"We will go to the guestroom and continue this"


"I don't want to do this having our kids near us. It's wrong. Besides we will make noise and wake them up if we carry on this here"

"Not we, darling. It's you. You are the screamer here so you will make noise and wake them up" he smirked and pulled himself off her body and stood up. "Come" he gave her a hand and pulled her up to her feet and hurriedly led her to the guestroom not before grabbing the baby monitor in his hand.

"Strip" he ordered locking the door behind him. "I wanna see you and I wanna feel you"

"Rishab, there is no time for foreplay. We should be real quick here..." he shut her mouth with a dirty smooch as his hands squeezed the sides of her hip before wrapping her in his arms like an ivy.

"Babies will wake up for their feed, Rishab" she said and he bit her slightly swollen bottom lip.

"They won't wake up for another two hours"

"But still..."

"Shush, you talking too much and wasting my time" he roamed his hands upward and held her nape with one hand and yanked her hair with other and leaning down he kissed her throat before claiming her swollen lips. He walked her backwards till her legs touch the bed. "Sit" he said but actually he pushed her to sit on the bed and then pushed her further to lie down on the bed and he towered her body with his by climbing up on the bed.

"Rishab..." she moaned when he slid her shirt collar and bit her collar bone.

"Rishab, please..." she wrapped her legs around his waist insisting him to take her.

"Let's take it slow, Madhu... there is no hurry. I want to savor you."


"There is no fun in making love without foreplay besides how will I know my wife is aroused and ready for me?"

"I'm ready for you... just take me" she said in desperation.

"First take off your clothes, Madhu" he said as he knelt in between her legs on the bed.

"You switch off the lights. We will do it in the dark"

"How much ever I am pleased to hear that you are willing to do it in the dark, I am not going to do it in the dark, tonight. I want the lights on. I want to see you, my beautiful wife and kiss every inch of you." he said but she hesitantly sat up on the bed and scrambled back to reach the switch board so that she could turn off the lights.

"Hey, don't" he held her hand stopping her from turning off the lights. "What's wrong?" he asked sensing her discomfort. "You want this right? Or you don't?"

"I do want us to make love" she muttered shyly as she cheeks turned beet red.

"One and half years of marriage but still you are so shy to say you want me and you are blushing like a new bride" he chuckled. His teasing made her blush hard.

"Take off your clothes for me to see you, Madhu" he said softly and started unbuttoning her shirt. She gently swatted his hands away.

He frowned. "What? Why you want to shy away from me?" he asked but she didn't respond. She just held her head down as if she was ashamed of something.

"I don't have the best of best physique to show you now. I feel awkward to show my naked body to you bearing all the ugly stretch marks and belly pouch. I don't want to put you off from having sex with me" she said in mere whisper without making eye contact with him.

"Look at me, Madhu" he gently ordered but she didn't oblige to his words so he forcedly tilt her face up and made her meet his eyes. "How much more negative thoughts, worries and insecurities you have in this little head of yours, Madhu?"

"Please don't scold me for worrying" she said pulling her knees up to her chest and looked up at him with her innocent angelic face.

He laughed throwing his head back. "Why would I scold you? To receive another hard punch in my gut from you? Sorry I won't even dream of it ever again" he said jokingly. Her face turned red in embarrassment.

"I said sorry" she said and stuck her tongue out.

He clutched her ankle and dragged her down the bed and she came sliding to him. He took his hand to pull off her shirt. "Don't stop me" he warned her when she clasped his wrist. She reluctantly lifted her upper body up and shrugged off her shirt with his help. Then she herself yanked her skirt down and threw it away. "Good girl" he smiled.

"You look beautiful, Madhu" he said eying her voluptuous body for a few moments before nuzzling her cleavage and kissing her throat. His hands started palming her breasts as he moved up and kissed her lips. Madhu couldn't even break her kiss and moan in pleasure. "Your breasts are so full and I love them" he appreciated.

"Ah! Don't squeeze out my milk and waste your kids food, Rishab" she warned him when he squeezed and sucked her nipple.

He chuckled before planting kisses on both her nipples and moving down to her belly.

"I love your cute little belly pouch. It reminds me that this is the place where you bore my two angels. I feel so proud of you for being a strong woman and a wonderful mother, Madhu." He often reminded her how strong she was.

She clutched his head with her hands and brought his face up and captured his lips with hers pouring all her love in her kiss.

He broke the kiss and shifted his body from towering her to the side of the bed but never left eye contact with her. "And these stretch marks..." he looked down at her belly and caressed it with his feather soft touch. "... They are so beautiful like a modern art. I love it, Madhu. I love you and I love everything about you. Oh and your body is so exquisite." he said with utter sincerity. He made sure he appreciated her body and it's beauty and erase all the insecurities and negative thoughts from her mind.

"Re...really?" She asked incredulously with her eyes welling up. She wasn't convinced with his words as she thought he was saying all that to convince her in believing something which wasn't true so she covered her breast with one hand and her other hand was thrown over her belly and it went across the apex of her thighs as she clenched her thighs together.

Rishab sighed and closing his eyes he counted down from 10 to 1 to contain the frustration building in him. "Fuck! She doesn't believe me" he thought gritting his teeth.

"Wear your clothes and get back to our room" he said and quickly slipped out of the bed.

"Rishab, please..." without hearing her plea he walked out of the room. He knew he would say something in his anger and end up hurting her so he didn't take the risk of staying in the room for long.

When she walked into their room after throwing her clothes on her body, she found her husband standing near the twin cot and looking down at their babies. She slowly walked closer to him and stood beside him.

"Naira is opening and closing her mouth like a fish in her sleep. She is so adorable." Rishab commented with a smile and took out his phone from his shorts pocket to take a video of his two sleeping babies.

"I think she is dreaming of fish"

"I think she is dreaming of you feeding her." he said.

"You think she is hungry?"

"Possibly" he shrugged.

"Veer somehow ends up holding his sister's hand in his sleep, right?" He was observing that for quite a sometime now. Madhu nodded her head with a proud grin. "I'm happy he is already being protective of his sister" Rishab gently released Veer's hand from holding Naira's fist and lifted Naira up in his arms who was still trying to suckle something.

"Go feed her" he passed Naira to Madhu.

Veer's little hand searched for something beside him, probably for his sister's hand and he grunted and started crying when she couldn't find her hand. He flailed his hands and legs in protest when his daddy patted him to sleep and covered him with a small blanket.

"Oh boy, your sis is here only with mommy so stop crying" Rishab cooed as he lifted him up from the cot and rocked him against his chest not before showing him where his sister was.

Once Veer's quieted down Rishab stopped rocking him and stretched on the bed with his baby boy sprawled on top of his torso.

"Your patience level is high with them but you lose your temper so easily when it comes to me. Why is that?" she asked.

She was noticing it for a while now, even after coming home from a late night shift tired and ready to crash on the bed, he never got irritate when their babies start crying in the mid of their sleep. He patiently put them to sleep after changing their diapers or wake her up to feed them if they were hungry.

"Because you are not a baby" he replied curtly and closed his eyes rubbing his hand on his son's back lulling him to sleep.

"Rishab, I am..."

"Tell me one thing, Madhu, did you do all the rigorous workouts for me? Did you think I will like you only when you have a sexy figure?" he asked cutting her off.

"Yes" she replied honestly.

"Thanks for your honest reply but what you thought was wrong. I wouldn't have let you workout like a maniac if I had known you were doing it for me. I thought you really wanted to stay fit." he always insisted her to stay fit as its healthy but he never liked her doing rigorous workouts that too after a month from giving birth.

It pissed him more to think she did it to fucking please him.

"Why you left me there, Rishab? We could have... You know..."

"You know why I left" he said curtly.

"No, I don't" she said and bit her lips anticipating for his reply.

"You didn't behave like the woman I love. You were so ashamed to show what is mine to me. And mainly you didn't believe my words. You not believing my words is something close to not believing my love." He gave her the brutal yet honest answer.

"I am sorry, Rishab" she whispered looking down at her baby girl who had fallen asleep while her feed.

Without a word he settled down comfortably on the bed still having his son sleeping on his chest and pulled the duvet over them and closed his eyes to sleep not before kissing his son.

"Here" Madhu brought Naira closer to Rishab so that he could kiss her head as well. Rishab with a soft smile and caressing his daughter's head he planted a kiss on her rosy cheek. Then he settled back to his position.

"For me" Madhu asked cutely showing her cheek to him.

Rishab couldn't help but smile at her.

"I love you, Madhu" he whispered near her ear and chastely kissed her lips. "And you look beautiful to me. You always did and you will always do."

"Husband, I love you" she gave him a proper kiss.

Then they both decided to have their babies sleep with them in their bed and also agreed to discuss all the heavy shits such as her therapy, her talk with her dad, her building worries, etcetera, tomorrow. For now they wanted nothing but a peaceful sleep with their perfect family.

... To be continued!

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Thanks all for your love and support and sorry for the delay in updating my stories.

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