Part 55

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Note - I'm not at all satisfied with what I wrote. (Don't think I often say this) I am also a reader so I do know to differentiate good update and bad update. 

This part and the next part didn't come out well. 

I simply dragged... don't know why I'm even posting then, maybe because I wrote it but still if you guys feel the two updates I post now are worthless to read then do let me know (in a polite way) so that I can delete the update and post the final part which I hope will be better. 

So yeah, I'm not posting the final part now. I'm holding it for now just to know whether I should delete these two updates I post now and make the final part perfect after making few alterations. 

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Madhu and the twins were playing catch and catch game running around the house and they were creating a huge mess by throwing cushions, soft toys, pushing chairs from one place to another blocking the way for the catcher to catch them, jumping on the bed and running from one room to the other for their escape.

Rishab stood at the center of the living area and was busily scrolling his phone while he drank his coffee from the mug. Madhu blindly came and dashed him making him drop his phone down on the floor and his coffee spilled, burning his hand.

"Oops!" Madhu covered her mouth with both her hands as she anticipated for earful of scolding from her husband. "I am so sorry" she whispered.

"You don't have sense at all, Madhu" he grunted as he shook his wrist twice before blowing cool air to ease the burning sensation.

"How many times I told you guys not to run around the house?" he asked in a pissy told darting his eyes from Madhu to his kids.

"Sorry, daddy" Veer apologized and picked up his dad's phone from the floor, wiped the screen with his shirt and checked whether it was working before handing it to his daddy.

"We were bored, daddy, so we played. Oh and it's hot outside so we couldn't go to the park and play." Little Miss. Naira said dramatically throwing her hands up in the air. Madhu laughed but stopped when Rishab gave her a steely glare.

"I never said not to play. I said not to run in the confined space. You only got hurt last time by hitting your knee on the coffee table while running right? You still haven't learned your lesson, young lady?" Rishab questioned cocking his brow up trying to intimidate his daughter but she stood unfazed.

"I was playing careful this time" she matched his gaze by lifting her chin up boldly and placing her hands on the sides of her hip. "It's your fault" she pointed her finger at him before folding her arms against her chest.

"Mine? What did I do?"

" knew we were playing. You should have sat at one corner..." her arms involuntarily pointed to the beanbag placed at the corner of the living room. "...but you didn't. You stood tall like a tree rooted to the center of the house confining the already confined space." she spread out her hands and hopped on her heels to show how tall he was and how much space he had occupied. "But now you are yelling at mommy for dashing you" she sighed and shook her head muttering "Too bad, daddy". Madhu gasped in shock.

Rishab smirked seemingly amazed of his daughter's bold attitude.

"Because of you guys hot coffee spilled on my hand" Rishab accused as he showed his slightly roasted hand to his daughter to earn her sympathy and it worked. She tiptoed to look at his hand closely and seeing the redness Naira felt bad for her daddy so she took his hand with both her hands and planted few soft kisses over the burned region.

"Feeling better, daddy?" she asked giving him her baby smile.

"Oh my baby" Rishab scooped his daughter in his arms and soundly kissed her cheek.

"Aww... Why such sweet things never strike to my mind?" Madhu gushed half adoring and half envying her daughter.

"Because Naira is smarter than you, mommy" Veer stated the fact.

"Well said, Veer" Rishab agreed and fist pumped with his son. Madhu cutely pouted and turned her face away and that made the trio to make more fun of her by imitating her every little action, frustrating her.

"You guys laughed too much at my expense. Now time to make you three cry." She thought as her mind came up with an evil plan.

"Rishab..." she called him in a meek voice as she placed her two fingers on her temple and suddenly fainted and fell down, safely on the couch.

"Madhu?" Rishab quickly put Naira down to stand on her feet and rushed to Madhu's side. "Madhu... Madhu, what happened?" He grabbed her loose body in his arms and patted her cheeks to revive her back to conscious.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Both Naira and Veer panicked.

"Mommy, wake up" Naira was the first one to cry.

"Veer go get a glass of water for mommy" Rishab gently pushed him to run to the kitchen.

"Madhu! Baby! Please open your eyes?" Rishab begged hugging her face to his chest and ruffling her hair. Madhu found the position more comfortable because she was able to stifle her laughter by pressing her face against his chest.

"Mommy, wake up mommy, wake up." Naira cried yanking her momma's hand. "Please, mommy. I won't tease you. I won't trouble you. I will be a good girl, mommy. Mommy, wake up"

"Aww... My baby girl" Madhu thought as she pressed Naira's hand subtly to calm her down but she didn't realize it and Rishab and Veer didn't notice it.

Veer sprinkled water on Madhu's face but she kept her eyes tightly shut. Only when Rishab started dialing to call the ambulance she decided to drop her acting.

She slowly rolled her eyes before opening them.

"Daddy, mommy is up" Veer shrieked. Rishab dropped his phone on the coffee table and took Madhu's face in his hands.

"Madhu, you alright?" Rishab asked with worry edging his eyes. She tiredly nodded her head and held her forehead with her palm. "Wah, Madhu, what an award winning performance? My three duffers believed my act!" She mentally laughed. She thought she will get caught either in her husband or her son's hand because they both were so shrewd but luckily she didn't.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. Suddenly everything blacked out." She said softly and taking her daughter in her arms, she placed her on her lap and consoled her. Naira didn't stop crying even after her mommy got back her consciousness. "Mommy is fine. Stop crying, baby" Madhu rocked her baby girl.

"Mommy, you okay? Here, drink some water" Veer helped his mother to sip the water.

Madhu felt guilty for playing this sick act and worrying her dear family. Should I tell them I just acted and nothing wrong happened to me? No! No! Rishab will go bat-shit mad on me. I don't want to receive his wrath right after receiving his warmth.

"Madhu, come with me. Let's go see the doctor"

"No!" Her protest came in high pitch. "Um... I mean... No, I am perfectly fine."

"Madhu, you fainted all of a sudden. It worries me." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

"I am fine, Rishab. I am fine" she reassured him as she gently combed her daughter's hair who'd finally calmed down but still clung to Madhu, scared.

"You are the rock of this house. If anything happens to you we three will be shattered, Madhu" he confessed, his voice hoarse. Then she felt a kiss on top of her head.

"Aww... I love this man so much. He is actually my rock. He helps me and supports me in my difficult times but he is saying it the other way round" She thoughts with a fond smile.

"Well, only good thing happened in my fainting act is I get to hear such loving words from my husband which is a rarity"

She leaned up and kissed her husband's cheek though she wanted to kiss deeply on his lips she didn't because their babies' eyes were scrutinizing them. Then she gave kisses to both her kids.

After a minute or two of silence, Rishab was the first one to break it and told his kids to leave their mommy to rest and go to their room and do whatever they wanted to do. Veer and Naira obediently ran to their room.

"Madhu..." He started hesitantly.

Did he find out my acting? Madhu panicked and took a peek at him. "Hmm"

" don't think you could be pregnant right? Um...shall I go and get those sticks to check if you are?" He asked worriedly. She whisked her head to his side and her eyes bulged out.

"Omg! Rishab, look at your face. You seem like ready to faint" she burst out laughing. She never thought her husband will link her fainting act to pregnancy.

"Madhu, I am serious. Please tell me you are not pregnant."

"No, I am not"

"You sure?" He asked before breathing out.

She nodded. "I just got my monthly a week ago"

"Shit! Then what about last night's indulgence? I didn't use that cock blocking crap. Oh God! You might get pregnant. Shit! Shit! Shit! It's my mistake" he groaned holding his head in his hands.

"Rishab, calm down. Why are you panicking for nothing? If I am pregnant also what's the big deal?" She asked casually. He gave her a 'you-can't-be-serious' look.

"No! No to any more babies"

"Why?" she frowned. "Why can't we have one more baby?" She suddenly liked the thought of having another baby.

"No way! We already have twins and they are handful"

"Rishab, they are growing big. This is the right time to have another baby..."

"Don't be silly, Madhu. Babies keep growing so you can't keep on getting pregnant and have babies."

"I miss holding a baby in my arms. I'm sure you do to. You adored Baby Veer and Baby Naira..."

"I still adore them. They are the best kids any parent could ask for"

"I know" she smiled blissfully. "And that's why I am asking for one cuter baby"

"Madhu, we're not going to contribute anymore to India's growing population than already we have"

"Then we will immigrate to the least populated country and there we will have lots of kids, what say?" she beams at me.

"That won't work, practically. We have our life here." he dismissed her stupid suggestion and he felt even more stupid at himself for considering whether it will practically work or not. Who the hell will migrate just to have more babies? Why suddenly she is obsessed on having babies? He wondered.

"I miss being pregnant"

"But I definitely don't miss that phase"

"And that's because you missed out the entire enjoyable phase"

"Enjoyable? Yeah really! You used to cry always, even watching a silly commercial. You puke your gut out. You had sleepless nights. You were cranky all the time and ate my head. You used to wake me up at wee hours to cook for you. You curse me to hell and back for missing your appointments and make me beg for forgiveness. Above all you nearly died in labor pain before bringing out our twin monkeys." He said everything in a go and took a long breath.

"But it's all worth it in the end. Don't you say so?" she asked. He couldn't help but agree with her. Veer and Naira worth lot more pain and sacrifices.

"Madhu, even now I can't enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest. I can't be around you 24*7. You know I am committed to my work, don't you?"

"Do you think I will expect you to be with me always? Then you are mistaken. I can take care of myself, our twins and the new baby"

"Why you wanna burden yourself, Madhu?" he asked tiredly.

"It's no burden to me" she retorted.

"God! You are a stubborn woman!"

"You are the one being stubborn here!" she said and threw a cushion at him earning a blazing glare from him. "See, Veer and Naira are practically inseparable and I am happy about that so don't get me wrong. It's just... They go to school together. They play together. They do everything together. Why even they take care of each other so well without needing me for anything. I feel so left out. I want someone for myself." She whined.

"You have me, sweetheart. Don't you know I am all yours?" Rishab asked wiggling his brows up as he drew Madhu closer to him.

"Ahaan?" she teased but couldn't help the quivering up of her lips into a smile.


"I do" she agreed. He was only hers, now and forever. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his.

"You and I. Veer and Naira. Perfect pairs. If we have another baby then he/she will be the odd one." He reasoned out.

"Hmm... what if we get another set of babies? High possibilities are there right since we had twins already?"

"Twins again? Hell No!" he shrieked and jumped out of the sofa and paced back and forth in the living room.

"Rishab, come here" she held out her hand but he didn't take it. He stopped pacing and leaning his back against the wall he looked at her intensely. "Are you trying to convince me for another baby because you are already pregnant?" he asked suspiciously.


"You fainted?"

"I acted" she admitted without looking at him.

"What?" he yelled. "Come again?" he took two long strides and reached her side. He pulled her up to her feet by her arms making her meet his eyes.

"I acted because you guys were teasing and laughing at me. I didn't like it so thought I will play a little with you three" she mumbled softly. He put his finger below her chin and lifted her face up.

"What a sick game you played with us, Madhu? If you didn't like us making fun of you, you should have told us to stop and we would have."

"I'm sorry..."

"You scared the shit out of me, idiot and now you say sorry" he said gritting his teeth and holding her forearms tightly.

"Daddy, are you guys fighting?" Veer asked walking out of his room hearing his parents' voice getting louder.

Rishab eased his grip on Madhu and slowly descended his hands down her body and hooked on her hips. "No, no, Veer. We are not fighting. Have we ever fought?" Rishab asked his son. Of course they had fought many times but not in front of their kids as they didn't want to set a bad impression in their kids' mind or pull them into their fight and destroy their peace.

"No. You guys don't fight because you both love each other." Veer stated, confidently.

"Exactly! Mommy and I are just having a discussion"

"About?" Veer asked curiously.

Rishab contemplated for a second to tell him or not. "I will tell you but before that go get your sister here. We will have a family discussion"

"Alright" Veer nodded and ran to his room to get Naira.

"Let's get their opinion before we take a call." He said. She nodded.

"Daddy, I colored this fish. Is it nice?" Naira came running to her daddy and sitting on his lap, she showed her color book.

"You have done a good job, honey bee" he kissed her head.

"Daddy, you wanted us here to discuss something right?" he asked impatiently.

"Yeah, right" he cleared his throat. "You guys..."

"Wait, I will ask them" Madhu interjected. He gestured her to go ahead.

"Babies, you like babies?"

"Hun?" Veer frowned.

"I love Barbies" Naira said. Rishab laughed out loud. "You are going to get me a Barbie doll, daddy?" she asked hopefully.

"Sure, sweetie" he twitched her button nose making her giggle.

"Not Barbies. Babies, Naira" Madhu corrected her.

"Okay" Veer and Naira said in unison and looked at their mother to continue.

"Would you guys love to have a baby brother or baby sister?"

"No! I am the only baby of this house" Naira said placing both her hands over her chest. "I won't let anyone take my 'baby' position from me" she said possessively. Rishab smiled happily for getting one vote in his favour.

"I think I would love to have a baby brother, mommy" Veer contradicted his sister. "I am sick of playing doll house with Naira. And I can't stand her obsession for fish so I will be happy if I get a brother who shares my taste and preference. I really want someone to play football with me"

"But Veer, we can't be sure you will get a baby brother. It's something not in our hands" Rishab tried to brainwash his son and make him change his opinion.

"Yeah, I know but still I don't mind having a little sister. She can give company to Naira and that way I will be spared from my twin's torture." He said throwing his hands up in air in despair.

"Veer, I told you not to make such rude remarks. You should never hurt anyone with your words baby because you can never take it back or heal it" Madhu admonished her son.

"Sorry, mommy" Veer apologized. Madhu nodded forgiving him.

"So one vote each! Now, it's our turn to make the final decision" Madhu said after sending back their kids to their room.

"Still no from my side"

"Rishab, have I ever asked anything to you in the six years of marriage? No, right? For the first time I am asking for something why you don't even consider my wish but blatantly reject it?"

"Ask me anything other than this, Madhu"

"I don't want anything but a baby"

"No! Please, let's drop this discussion here, Madhu"

"No, you tell me why ever not we have another baby. It's not like we are financial unsound. It's not like we are irresponsible parents."

He closed his eyes and raked his fingers through his hair before muttering "I am not a good parent, Madhu. I already feel so guilty that I can't spend time with Veer, Naira and you. Don't add more to it."

"Rishab, you are wrong. You are a wonderful fath..."

"Don't say it, please. I know I am not." He shook his head and closed his eyes. "I am not" he repeated, his voice strained and painful. Madhu placed her hand over his shoulder to comfort him. "I missed all your medical check-ups when you were pregnant with them. I came late for our Twins' third birthday. I missed their school admission. I haven't attended even a single parents-teacher's meeting. I have never taken them on vacation. It's either you or my parents to take them out and make them happy, not me. I don't do anything for them, Madhu. I don't even have the time to sit for an hour and help them with their homework. I couldn't make them happy. I couldn't make you happy. It hurts me, Madhu. It really hurts me. Our babies and you deserve better love and care from me." He said with a hint of tears in his eyes which he wiped off too quickly before Madhu could notice.

"Oh Rishab" Madhu embraced him and rubbed his back soothing. "Kids and I love you"

"I know" he mumbled pressing his face against her neck and inhaled her sweet scent.

"You have done nothing bad to feel guilty..."

"I can't help..."

"First listen to me, will you?" She asked and she felt his head nod when his chin pokes her shoulder twice.

"You have always been there for me, for us when we needed you. Today, I am alive because of you. Today, we are having two beautiful children because of you. I could have lost them even before they were born if it wasn't for you. You saved me and our kids, Rishab." She said earnestly tracing her fingers over his stubble cheek. "Honestly, our babies and I are blessed to have you... We love you so much." She said and sealed his mouth with a kiss.

"So you still want a baby?" He asked pulling apart from the kiss.

"Not if you don't want to" she said with a genuine smile. "I respect your decision"

"Thank you" he planted a small kiss on her forehead. Then hugging his waist she settled her head comfortably on his chest and listened to his rhythmic heart beats.

"I have planned a small surprise for you" he said softly playing with her hair.

"Surprise?" She lifted her head up and faced him. "For our wedding anniversary?" She made a guess. Their sixth wedding anniversary was round the corner.

He had missed their last year's wedding anniversary as he was out of station, on duty, so he promised his wife to make it up big next time.

He nodded his head with a smile.

"What's it?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find" he winked and walked to his kids' room.

... To be continued!

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