Part 56

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(Two days later)

Rishab slowly opened the twins' room and found them so engrossed in watching their favorite television show 'A Haunting' on Discovery Channel.

Madhu was reading a book fully occupying Naira's bed, lying on her front and dangling her legs in the air. She hated that paranormal anthology series as it was scary so she kept her focus only on the book in her hand she was reading.

"Hey" Rishab sat beside his son on his bed. "What episode is this? Living nightmare?" he asked. He used to follow the show whenever he was at home with his kids.

"Nah, Face of Evil" Veer answered without looking at his daddy.

"Oh" he said and waited for the show to get over so that he can have a talk with his children. Meanwhile, he walked to Veer's study table to take a look at the trophy and the certificates. Then on Naira's study he found a camcorder and underneath it a certificate was placed. His heart swelled with pride seeing his babies' achievements.

"You're ignoring me?" Rishab asked pulling Madhu's book from her hand.

"Why you didn't attend their school annual day function?" Madhu asked in a whisper but he can tell she was utterly pissed at him.

He pressed the bridge of his nose before muttering "Sorry. Work!" that's the only explanation he could give her which was already known to her.

"I'm sick of hearing the same reason over and over again from you, Rishab" Madhu hissed at him and rolled over to give space for Rishab to sit. "You knew how important this day for our babies but still you didn't show up. You disappointed them."

"Madhu, I know it already, just don't throw it to my face, will you?"

She nodded and bit her bottom lip.

"Did you take them to Pizza house?"

"Yeah, after the function your mom, dad, kids and I had a pizza party. We enjoyed a lot..." she beamed at him forgetting her anger. "...Well, we missed you though" she said softly as she held his hand in hers.

"I missed you too. I was badly stuck at work. Even now it's not over. I have to run back in two hours. I just came to apologize and congratulate kids"

"Oh, then do that. What for you are waiting?" she asked. He pointed his chin to the TV. "Here" she passed him the remote. "Switch it off and talk"

"Nah, that's wrong." He said. She rolled her eyes and laid back.

"I can't believe my babies are watching horror movies and paranormal shows. At their age I was scared to even watch Goosebumps and Casper Cartoon series." Madhu said, more to herself. Rishab let out a chuckle hearing her soft mumbles.

"Veer, Naira" he called his children. "You guys done watching TV?" he asked.

"Yep" they said in unison.

"So I think daddy can offer his congratulation to you now"

"Sure, daddy" Veer said with a smile and stretched his hand out for his daddy. Veer was an easy forgiving natured guy.

Rishab took his son's hand and kissed it. "Sorry Veer, I couldn't make it to the function but I saw the photos your mommy took when you were on the stage. I am really, really proud of you for achieving Proficiency award and Maths Genius award. I don't know how to tell how much happy I feel for you... I just love you, baby boy" Rishab ruffled his son's hair affectionately. Veer hugged his daddy and thanked him. "I love you too, daddy, so much. You are my inspiration." Rishab smile and Veer kissed his cheek.

"Naira baby, come here" Rishab opened his hands wide for his daughter after letting his son go but she shook her head refusing to get into his waiting arms. "Seems like someone is mad at daddy" He rubbed the back of his neck. His daughter was always difficult to deal with just like Madhu. "Now what can I do to convince my baby girl?" Rishab wondered as he took a noodle from the plate which one of his kids had left unfinished. Naira looked down at the plate and then at her daddy sucking in the thin, long, noodle string between his lips and then she started crying.

"Why are you crying? Are you crying because I missed the function? Or because I ate a noodle from your plate, Naira?"

"No! I am crying because you didn't eat from my plate. You always eat from Veer's plate..."

"Oh! Sorry baby, I didn't know it was Veer's..."

"Don't tell lies, daddy. You knew it was his. He doesn't mix ketchup with his noodles but I do"

"And you know daddy doesn't like ketchup so cut your crap, Naira" Veer admonished his sister.

"Um... Ah... Well, then why daddy didn't say sorry to me first and congratulate me? He always wishes you and kisses you first. He is showing partiality, Veer" Naira made a bold statement against her daddy. Rishab was wounded by her words but at the same time he admired how his daughter spoke her mind. She didn't fear him at all.

"Baby, this is not fair. When I called you both, he was the first one to step forward and accept my apology. You didn't come and even now you are not coming. You are making me beg" he said and turning towards Madhu, he mouthed 'she got this attitude from you'

Madhu rolled her eyes and suppressed her smile by pressing her lips tight.

"No! No! No! You are treating me indifferently because I am adopted" Naira said throwing a fit.

"Naira!" Rishab raised his voice. "I told you never to think like that and bring that topic ever again. Didn't I?" He asked. She worriedly nodded her head blinking back her tears. "Then?" He asked. She mumbled a meek sorry. "I am telling you now and this will be the last time I will ever be saying this... You. Are. Not. Adopted. Got it?" She nodded her repeatedly. "Good. Now, come here" he ordered, maintaining the strict tone. Naira scrambled to the edge of Veer's bed. He held his hands out, palms up. Naira placed her palms over his.

"Why do you feel daddy is being partial, sweetheart?" He asked wanting to know what gave her that thought. If she had even one valid reason he decided to change himself, though he doubted she would have one for accusing him like that because he vehemently opposes favoritism towards one child in particular and he was very careful of not doing that mistake. "I thought I always treated you both equally." He said.

"You play football with him but you don't dance with me. You don't like fish just like Veer. You don't like ketchup just like Veer. You eat non-veg just like Veer..."

"Whoa! Whoa! Hang on there, honey bee. Veer and I share common traits, oddities and likings but that naturally happened, nothing intended, just like how you and mommy share similar qualities..." He clarified


Then he continued " I don't think your accusations are valid... Well, maybe the first one is valid. I play football with Veer... because he asks me to or simply I love to play football." He shrugged. "You have never asked me to dance with you, have you?" Naira shook her head in no. "If you had I would have danced with my doll..."


"Yep, though I suck at dancing" he joked.

"I can teach you, daddy" she offered cutely.

"Sure, baby darling" he playfully pinched her chubby cheeks making her laugh in merry. Then he lifted her off the opposite side bed and brought her to his side and placed her on his lap.

"Trust me, baby, I never have and I never will show unfair bias or partiality or whatever you call it to one of my babies affecting the other"

"That's true, Naira, though often just like you I have got the feeling that your daddy was favoring 'you' most of the times and I used to scold him 'Rishab, you are lenient with your daughter and strict with my son' and he always corrects me 'there is no your daughter and my son just 'ours' and both are equals to us.' So, please don't develop such silly notions in your mind. Daddy and mommy love and care you both equally" Madhu assured her daughter and placed a kiss.

"Sorry, daddy" Naira whispered hugging him.

"It's okay, honey bee" he kissed her head. "And I am sorry for not attending your school annual day. I feel so bad for missing my daughter's first ever stage performance but I saw the video your mommy sent me through Whatsapp as soon as you were done with your adapt tune and got off the stage. I must say you looked like a Rockstar wearing those black leather pants and leather jacket and you danced too fast yet with grace and style." He said with pride. Naira won first prize in 'Adapt tune' dance contest. "Seeing your stupendous performance, daddy has decided to join you ballet class. Happy?"

"Wow, daddy, that's awesome. I want to learn both Indo-classic and western dance styles"

"You will, baby girl. Every year I will make sure you learn different dancing styles but first we will start off with Ballet. I want to see my doll dancing ballet wearing a cute tutu"

"Awwie. I love you, daddy." Naira squealed in joy and did a happy dance after jumping out of her daddy's lap.

"Veer, Naira, I have one more important thing to add"

"What's it, daddy?" Veer asked.

"You guys are going to spend your summer holidays, this time, in Shimla with your grandparents at their guesthouse. Oh and you guys will also be touring to places nearby Shimla like Kullu, Manali, Dehli and Agra"

"Omg!" "Omg" the twins shrieked in excitement and started jumping happily on the bed.

"Will you be coming with us?" Madhu asked as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Who said you are going with them? You are going to stay with me"

"What!?" Madhu yelped.

"What? Plan cancelled?" Veer asked worriedly. Naira's eyes instantly welled up hearing her brother's question. "No, please, don't." Naira pleaded with her puppy eyes"

"Naira baby, Veer, no change in plan. You guys are leaving to Shimla in four days and I have made all the necessary arrangements already so don't worry..." Rishab said and the twins grinned "...but this time mommy won't be coming along with you"

"Oh no! Why?"

"Mommy and I have work here"

"Daddy, please. I can't stay without mommy" Naira pleaded.

Rishab sighed heavily. He knew it was going to be hard convincing Madhu and Naira.

"Naira baby, will you lend me your mommy for four days, please? I will give her back to you sharp on the fifth day."

Naira thought for a second before muttering "okay"

"Thank you, Naira" Rishab smiled happily.

"But I have a condition"

"What's it?"

"I want you to spend few days with us in Shimla when you come to leave mommy to us for the rest of the vacation"

"Two days, I can stay with you all. Is that fine?"

"Too short time..." She said with a pout "...but its fine."

Rishab sighed in relief.


"Why you didn't run your plan to me before executing it" she asked after stop pacing to and fro in their bedroom.

"It's a surprise." He answered, sitting cross legged on the bed. "Just four days I am asking, please"

"But I am not used to stay away from my kids."

"But you can stay without me. You have gone on vacation for weeks, why even for months with kids, leaving me all alone here but have I ever complained? No right? For the first time I am asking you to go with me for holiday"

"We never stopped you from joining us. You had work so you didn't come, so dare you put the blame on us." She retorted. He sighed. "Rishab..." she sat beside him on the bed and took his hand in hers. " have taken a week leave right? Why don't we four go on a family trip? We haven't done that so far, right?" she suggested.

"You don't have time for me at all, Madhu." He grumbled petulantly. She frowned. "I get to see my wife only inside these four walls otherwise it's only mommy Madhu I find everywhere. At least in this four days trip, I want my wife all to myself" he said possessively.

"Aww... baby" she teased and planted her puckered lips on his cheek. "I promise I will spend every minute with you and let kids disturb their grandparents, not us."


"Then let's take kids with us to wherever we are going"

"That's not possible"


"They don't possess a passport"

"What!" she shrieked and jumped out of the bed. She stood in between his legs and tipped his chin up to face her. "We are going abroad?" she asked. He nodded. "Where?"

" least till we reach the Airport"

"I'm not coming" she dismissed blatantly.


"I can't leave kids here and go that far" she said stubbornly.

"They will be fine with my parents" he reassured her.

"Still no"

"It's once in life time opportunity, Madhu so grab it" he threatened. She rolled her eyes.

"Don't forget the 'World Tour' you promised to take me after your retirement from service" she reminded him and smirked.

He scrunched his eyes not knowing how to convince his wife and finally resorted to begging. "Madhu, please, let's make our wedding anniversary special and memorable"

"We can make it special and memorable here itself, Rishab. We needn't go out of country to do that"

He sighed and hung his head down in defeat.

... To be continued!!! 

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