Part 6

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"Hey, Madhu." Trishna, Madhu's friend greeted sitting opposite to Madhu.

"I thought you will take few more days off before joining office?" Trishna said. Madhu had her head rested on her folded arms which were placed on her glass table.

"Oh! I forgot! You actually joined office right on the day you got married nah?" Trishna teased but didn't get any reply.

"Are you sleeping?" Trishna asked caressing Madhu's head.

"No!" Came a meek voice.

"How come you are so early to office?" Trishna asked in surprise. Her friend had never reached office before 11 in the morning.

"My husband!" Madhu moaned still hanging her head down.

"Oh oh! Your sweet husband gave you a sweet walk up call hun?" Trishna asked forcing Madhu to look up at her.

"Omg! What happened?" Trishna asked seeing Madhu's puffy eyes.

"Again, My husband"

"What the hell he did to you?"

"He didn't let me sleep! I'm so tired" Madhu said stretched her hands.

"Oh okay okay! I get it. I get it..." Trishna blushed profusely understanding what they could have done in last few sleepless nights resulting Madhu in puffy red eyes.

"What?" Madhu asked with a frown.

"Bed pe cricket hun? Seems you guys had wild sex that you got rolled off the bed & got hurt your cheek." Trishna said touching Madhu's right side cheek which was slight swollen.

"Shut up, Trish!" Madhu shouted & swatted her hand away.

"Whole night you guys did it hun? Great stamina!" Trishna envied at her friend.

"Did what?"

"Ahem ahem.." Trishna shrugged.

"Oh f**k! For the past three days he was teaching me kickboxing."

"Teaching what?" Trishna asked in shock.

"You heard it right!"

"He hit you while teaching you kickboxing?" Trishna asked.

"Nope! He was on total control but I hit him at inappropriate places & wounded him. My poor husband!"

"But how you got this red scar?" Trishna asked pointing to her cheek.

"He asked me to practice with the punching bag & that damned bag hit hard me with a vengeance."

"Oh" Trishna said & softly a bubble of giggle escaped from her mouth.

"What's so funny?" Madhu asked with a frown.

"Okay leave it! Just tell me how was it?" Trishna asked excitedly meaning to their love life.

"Well, it was good." Madhu grinned thinking she was asking about kickboxing. "Gotta learn a lot from him... he is an expect in it. He handled me pretty well. Now, feeling much stronger & confident than I was before."

"I knew it! I knew it! God! Your husband is so dishy!"

Dishy? Madhu frowned at her friend.

"He is sex on legs, isn't he?" Trishna asked.

"When the f**k you made such close observations?" Madhu asked angrily. How the hell she knew her husband is sexually attractive? Of course he is hot... too hot but how could her friend make such remarks?

"Chill! It's so obvious."

What the f**k is obvious?

"He is such an eye candy. It's going to be a tiresome task for you to keep your husband away from all the women ready to pounce on him."

"I know" Madhu sighed sadly. "By the way, I was talking about kickboxing."

"You are kidding?" Trishna said in a serious tone.

"Nope! I will teach you too. it's very useful. You know what? I know rifle shooting too..." Madhu beamed at her friend so proudly.

"Teach me some sex classes which will be useful when I get married."

"How the f**k I know about it?"

"You are married os obviously you would have done it so you could share some SR secret."

"We didn't do it, yet!"

"What? Not even for once?"

"No!" She growled, embarrassed.

"You must be blind, Madhu. How could you resist your husband?"

"Even we are desperate... but circumstances didn't favor us."

"Oh! Don't take too much of time to start your love life. Play your charm & wrap your husband in your little finger." Trishna winked at Madhu.


Madhu was literally jumping in excitement as tonight was going to be their special night. Finally after a week from their marriage, they were going to get one. Madhu hugged herself in glee as she impatiently waited for the elevator to come to an halt at her floor.

The moment she stepped out of the elevator, all the excitement & bliss drained seeing Ria coming out of her apartment giving a quick hug to her husband. Ria smiled at Madhu, politely & walked into the elevator.

Madhu glared at her retreating form before turning to her husband who was waiting for her to enter in holding the door wide open for her.

"What was she doing here?" Madhu asked as she threw her hand bag at the couch.

"She came to meet me"

"May I ask why?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"She had asked me for a favor..."

"What favor?" She probed before letting him complete his sentence.

"None of your concern." he said getting irritated with her probing.

"What the hell is going between you two behind my back?" Madhu shouted.

"What nonsense! Do you think I will cheat on you?"

"Then why can't you openly tell me why she was here? That too when I wasn't at home?"

"She was being harassed by few men in her street." he said as a way of explanation for her personal meet.

"Oh! She could have gone to her area police station & lodged a complaint right? Why she came to you? Is she still having feelings for you?"

"She already told me about this... meeting me at the station, the very next day we met her in the restaurant & I even sorted out the issue. The rogues are no more troubling her & she just came to thank me. That's it! And I don't think she has any feelings for me... she sees me as her friend only." he said & ran his fingers through his hair.

"Is the bed clean?" Madhu asked acidly still doubting him & his words.

He looked at her for a moment not understanding the implication & he grimaced his face when realization hits him. "You disgust me, Madhubala" saying that he walked out of their house.


"Where were you?" Madhu asked when he returned home by 2 in the morning.

"With my Ex-Girlfriend. f**king her. Happy?" Rk asked gritting his teeth.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me & why I asked such horrible thing to you." Madhu said looking down at her feet, feeling guilty.

Rk sighed & rubbed his face tiredly & asked her "Can't we have a normal day?"

"I don't know..."

"I told you clearly I don't have any feelings for my Ex-s. They are gone. It's only you now, Madhu." Rk said as he drew her in his arms.

"But you don't have any feelings for me too" she said looking straight at his eyes searching for an answer.

He didn't know how to express his feelings for her so he just leaned down & took her lips in his kissing her but she didn't respond to his kiss. "Kiss me, dammit." he coaxed her to open her mouth. Then he slowly pushed her onto the couch & fell on top of her kissing her neck.

"No. Please. I'm not ready for this." Madhu pushed him a little away from her body. She wanted them to make love not just have sex.

"What's wrong with you, Madhu?"

"I don't know... but I don't feel like this is the right time for us to... Um... I need some time..."

"Time to trust me?" He asked. His expression impassive but he was deeply hurt.

She looked down at the floor without replying him.

"Alright! I will wait. I won't touch you till you beg me to do." He said & stood up from the couch & walked towards the balcony while she went into their room.

And from that night they didn't talk much with each other but still they had their kickboxing training session every morning. Rk behaved like a strict trainer to her more than her husband.


(2 weeks later)

"ACP Kundra, here" Rk answered the call from an unknown number as he set the table for dinner.

"Your wife hasn't reached home, yet, ACP Sir?" the stranger asked over the phone.

"Who are you?" Rk asked gripping his phone as he guessed his wife was in danger & quickly he took out the land phone & dialed Madhu's cell number.

#Love me like you do... la la... Love me like you do... Touch me like you do... ta ta...# Rk heard the low ringing sound of Madhu's cell from his phone which means her phone was with the guy who called him.

"Who the f**k are you? What you want?" he asked in a menacing tone.

"Ohhh... I am scared! If you make one move then your wife will be dead."

Rk closed his eyes & took a deep breathe to think calmly. He can't panic now. He has to save his wife but how? He wondered for few seconds tapping his fingers on the dinning table.

"Kill her!!" Rk replied nonchalantly. "For all I care." Rk said with a laugh & sat on the dining chair.

"What the f**k? You bloody moron! I am your wife... but you are granting these four bas***ds to kill me? I will kill you when I get my hand on you." he heard Madhu's loud curses.

Four? Will she be able to knock them down? Rk thought wiping off the sweat beats from his forehead.

"Just take off my blind folds you rascals! I will kill you all & then go home & kill my husband" Madhu screamed angrily.

Rk chuckled mentally as he got reassured that his wildcat wife will handle them. But wait! She said she was blind folded, didn't she? Oh f**k!

But then how she knew they were four? May be voice differences! God! I just hope they are only four men. I don't think she can fight more than four.

"Hey! Fools! Instead of blind folding her eyes, shut her f**king mouth. She talks non stop & annoys you which will ultimately spoil your plan." Rk instructed them over the phone. One genius criminal among the four, obliged to Rk's words & released Madhu's blindfold letting her to see & stuffed the same cloth in her mouth.

"Why is she still grunting?" Rk asked them, thoughtfully.

"She is struggling to break her hand cuff." One of the guys in the gang said.

"Oh I see. One sec! You guys removed her blind fold... so won't she see your faces & report to the police?"

"Ah! We are smart guys. We are wearing masks. She can see only our eyes."

Madhu closely watched their eyes, hoping it would help her to identify them in future & that will happen only if she escaped from them. She was hell mad at her husband for chit chatting with those f**kers instead of saving her.

"So you guys are not so confident?"

"What do you mean?" the head of the gang asked.

"You guys are still wearing masks fearing she might escape from your clutch & expose you to the police & press?"

"We are not scared of this little chic! We will f**k her hard & kill her this minute." the gang leader growled over the phone making Rk clinch his teeth & fist his fingers.

"If you are not scared of that little chic then why the f**k she is still handcuffed? Release her & try fight her!" Rk challenged them.

Madhu finally stopped making sounds & smirked guessing her husband's game.

"This bitch will fight us?" the leader guy laughed mockingly.

He is going to be her first prey! Rk shook his head. 

"Good luck, Boys!" Rk said & hung up the phone.

Then a minute later his land hone started ringing.

"Hello" Rk answered.

"Just checking you are still at home" 

"Look, I am out of this game."

"You are not sending your police force right?" the guy asked doubtfully.

"Do you see fear in my wife's eyes?" Rk asked.

That guy turned & looked at Madhu who was blazing with red hot anger.

"No!" he answered.

"Good! Now, don't wet your pants! Go fight her." Rk said & again cut the call.


Rk anxiously kept twisting the Rubix cubes & the moment he perfectly solved the cubes, he heard the door bursting sound. He exhaled & discarded the Rubix cubes on the table. A moment later, an angry Madhu marched towards him & started hitting him as she cried.

"How could you? How could you do this to me?" Madhu cried as she continued hitting him at his arms & chest.

Rk didn't block her but just let her hit him to her heart's content. It was his mistake. He failed to protect her. Once she got tired, he pulled her in his arms & placed her on his lap, hugging her tight.

She sobbed softly against his chest.

"It's okay! It's okay! I am sorry. I will never let this happen again. I am sorry." Rk cooed softly & kissed her head over & over again.

"Why you didn't come to save me?"

"By the time I reach you, they would have spoiled you & killed you. I couldn't take that risk. So I let you play the game... I am sorry..."

"I was scared." Madhu whispered.

"I wasn't. I knew you would come home safe."

"Such confidence in me?"

"Yes! You have the power to defeat me so I was so sure you will knock the four assholes on their asses. I'm so proud of you, Madhu" he smiled at her.

"Thanks for teaching me kickboxing & other self defense tricks." Madhu said with a smile amidst her tears. Rk cupped her face & gently wiped off her tears with his thumbs & kissed her tear stained cheeks. Madhu closed her eyes in bliss loving the feel of his touch & kiss.

"Did you get hurt?" He asked concern edging in his voice.

"I broke my nail" She pouted & showed her right thumb to him. Her thumb nail was broken pretty badly & blood was clotted. He quickly pecked the pad of her thumb & almost yelled at her "How many times I warned you to fist your fingers tightly so that it won't break, dammit?"

"You should feel glad that I am back home in one piece." She pouted as she didn't want to hear his lecture.

"That I am." he said resting his forehead on hers thanking the almighty for giving his wife back to him safe & sound.

"Um... what you have made for dinner? I am hungry?" she asked.

"Palak paneer!"

"Cool. I will go freshen up & come." She said looking at her dirty hands in disgust.

"I'll feed you... um... if you are okay with that?" Rk offered as her right hand thumb was injured & she will find it hard to tear the chappatis.

Madhu stared at him dumbstruck.

"How romantic?" She grinned.

"I'm doing it out of humanity more than romance."

"Gah! Why do you have to say that line? Why can't you let me imagine that my husband is getting romantic?"

"What's the big deal in feeding you? I have done this before too right?"

"When? You have just offered me food to taste while you cook & asked me to tell whether the salt was perfect."

"You want me to feed you or not?" Rk asked impatiently.

"Feed! Feed! Feed!"

Sighing Rk started feeding her while she narrated him about the incident.

"In my office parking lot, they four trapped me & pulled me into a car. They took me to a building which isn't fully constructed yet. They told me I can talk to you before they... they..." her voice choked & she started shaking as she thought back what could have happened to her.

"Yeah.. okay. I know. You don't have to tell." He said brushing his lips over hear hair & paused her a glass of water.

"Then you played your card... you tricked them & made them remove my blindfolds & also the handcuffs. I felt like I got my strength back. One guy was really strong. I had to put a hard fight with him... Um... Rishab, I am sorry... I didn't play fair."


"You said in kickboxing we shouldn't kick below waist & not to use our knees... But I used my knee & I ... um... knocked..."

Rk started laughing guessing what she had done. She had knocked his nuts! "It's okay, darling. It's allowed in Muay Thai Bouts"

Muay Thai? What the f**k is that? Madhu wondered.

"Did you call the police?" He asked after a beat.

"No!" She whispered, guiltily.

"It's okay. I will alert my team." he told her not wanting to make her feel more guilty.

"After hitting them I just ran away from the spot... I was in a hurry to get home... to get to you..."

"To kill me?" He teased.

"No." She giggled.

After dinner, he let her be on her own & he went to brief his team about the event & asked them to speed up in finding those kidnappers. Rk had his doubts but he wanted more proofs. He thought to discuss this matter again with Madhu hoping she will help him in identifying them.

When he returned home, he found Madhu in deep sleep. He took the opportunity to clean her injured thumb & quickly put a band-aid around her thumb.

"If anything happens to you because of me & my profession... I will never forgive myself, Madhu. I'm sorry I put through this." He said softly caressing her hair. He knew he had earned more enemies being a righteous police officer & he also knew they will bounce back at him with a vengeance. He wasn't worried about his life but about Madhu's life. He knew she will be one vulnerable target for his enemies & that was one of the reasons for training self defense to Madhu to make her strong & to protect herself in his absence. He was glad she volunteered to learn kickboxing otherwise... he couldn't even contemplate what could have possibly happened to her today.

"You are so precious to me, Madhu... I love you..." he kissed her forehead making her smile in her sleep.

... to be continued

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