Part 7

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Rishab took a cherry & gently rolled it over Madhu's bottom lip. When Madhu slowly parted her lips, the cherry slips into her mouth along with Rk's index finger & Madhu clamped it with her mouth & sucked it hard.

"You want more?" Rk asked as he took another cherry.

"More of you? Yes." Madhu whispered.

"I am asking about cherries, baby." He said smiling salaciously.

"One more. Then you will make love to me."

"Again?" He asked her in surprise as he fed her one more red cherry.

"Yes. Again and again and again."

"You are insatiable, sweetheart."

"You can't blame me. You are so deliciously sweet & smooth."

"You never cease to amuse me, biwi."

"C'mon. Kiss me. Kiss me." Madhu wrapped her arms around her husband's neck & pulled him closer & took his lips in her.

"Hmm. You taste mighty fine than the cherry, my darling husband."

"Mrs. Kundra, you are such a flirt." Rk teased her & ran his nose hers as his hand skimmed down her thighs.

"You ready?" Rk asked.

"As ever I will be." Madhu whispered shyly & closed her eyes, feeling his touch & kiss.

Madhu woke up with a start as her ears blasted with the loud noise of the bedside alarm clock. She sat upright on the bed & looked at her side. It was empty. Her husband was missing.

"Shit! It was all a dream." Madhu groaned.

"It felt so real. His sweet endearments. His kisses. His touch. Those cherries. The love making. But it was all just an erotic dream?" She wondered.

"I have never got such dreams but why now? Am I ready for intimacy with my husband? Well, I always wanted to get intimate with my husband... But... But I want him to feel something special for me. I guess he does... And its only me not seeing his love & care." Madhu momentarily went back to the previous night & her lips quiver up to a smile.

"I heard the panic & worry in his voice when he got to know I was abducted. I saw the relief in his eyes when I reached home safe. I felt safe in his arms when he hugged me. He didn't scold me for crying but only soothed me. He was absolutely sweet last night. He fed me with so much love. I felt him tensing up when he heard what all ordeal I faced." Then she noticed the band-aid in her thumb.

"Aww... He put this on my wound. He really cares for me but he sucks in expressing out. So very unromantic husband I have got!" Madhu sighed. "But its okay! I am happy with the knowledge that he cares for me."

"Now where is he? In the gym?? Why he didn't wake me up for work out?" Madhu wondered as she clambered out of the bed & made a beeline to the gym.

Madhu rubbing her sleepy eyes opened the door & walked into the room & tripped as her leg hit with Rk's leg who was taking push ups on the floor & losing her balance she fell on top of him.

"Ahhh..." Madhu screamed.

"f**k! You didnt fall down. Now get off my body. You are heavy." Rk said steadying himself by balancing his weight & her weight with his hands, his palms spread widely on the floor.

"Thank god! Thank god! I m safe!" Madhu muttered a prayer hugging her husband tight as if her life depends on him, still sprawled on top of him.

"Get up, Madhu." Rk grunted.

"Take ten push ups with me on top of you & prove you are stronger" Madhu challenged him. Rk closed his eyes frustrated.

"What? You can't? Then tell. I will get down. You don't have to bother about breaking your bones." Madhu teased near his ear & gently licked his earlobe from behind sending delicious sensation to him.

He took a deep breathe & started taking quick push ups with Madhu on top of him, making her bosom press to his back. Her hands were tightly wrapped around his chest as she started counting amidst her girlish giggle.

"...Ten... Eleven, Twelve... Sixteen... Nineteen, Twenty... Whoa! Please stop." Madhu said worried for his back. She never thought he would take her challenge so seriously & take twenty push ups when she actually asked him to take ten.

Holding Madhu's head with his hand, Rk twisted his body making Madhu slide down, safely landing her & she stretched beside him.

"You okay?" Madhu asked seeing her husband breathing hard.

"Just remember, if you throw down a gantlet then I am only too willing to pick it up." He said, turning to his side, looking at her, placing his head on his palm which was balanced with his elbow.

Madhu gazed at him with a small smile & caressed his face over the stubble cheek.

"I had a dream this morning."

"Dream or nightmare? Should I take you to a Doctor if you are getting frequent nightmares."

"No!" She snapped at him. "I had a pleasant dream. You came in my dream."

"Then how come that dream be pleasant?" Rk asked thoughtfully.

"Rishab, listen to me nah! Please."

"Tell" Rk said showing least interest. He was totally distracted with her rose bud lips. He wanted to deflower her lips but he vowed he will never touch her till she ask him to do so.

"You were feeding me cherries." She said shyly remembering her hot dream.

"That's why you said pleasant huh? You foodie!" Rk smirked & Madhu pouted her lips prettily. Then he got up from the floor & helped Madhu up too to stand on her feet.

"Why you didn't wake me today for training?"

"You were fried last night so thought to give you rest." Rk said as he wiped his sweaty face with a towel.

"I missed working out with you." She said looking at his bare chest. He tipped her chin up making her look at his eyes & he mouthed "Tomorrow"


"Take rest" he said & tweaked her nose with his finger making her blush.

Then he turned on his heel & walked back to their room & went to the bathroom to take his shower.

Rk was putting his boots & Madhu shyly stood in front of him wearing a short skirt showing her long legs & frill sleeveless blouse. Rk dragged his eyes slowly from her toe to her upper thigh to her boobs to her face.

"What?" Rk asked with a frown seeing her shyly smiling at him.

"I bought this new skirt last Sunday when I went shopping with my friend Trishna."

"Okay" He said still not getting what she want from him.

"You like it?" She asked batting her eyes.

"Too short! Don't go out wearing this." He said, though he felt possessive he didn't show that in his voice or expression. Madhu rolled her eyes.

"I know. I just bought this skirt specially for your eyes." she blurted out. She didn't know how to tell him that she was ready to unite with him & be his forever, after rudely stopping him when he initiated the move. She was trying to tempt him... seduce him... & get him into action but he was oblivious to her charm.

"Oh" He looked her skirt again. "Good. You don't have work today?" Rk asked seeing her in casual wear, changing the topic.

"I have. 2 PM shift."

"Oh! At what time your work will get over?"

"10 PM. Why?"

"You wait inside your office premises. I will come & pick you up."

"Rishab... you really don't have to bother... I will be safe."

"No arguments, Madhu."

"For how long you will come behind me like a bodyguard?"

"Till I catch those f**kers!" Rk said, his eyes blazed with fury.

"Okay" Madhu agreed realizing there was no use arguing with her stubborn husband.

"You are leaving?" Madhu asked seeing him taking his mobile & walkie talkie.



"I'm in a hurry, Madhu. You eat."

"But I made specially for you." she whined.

"I will do lunch with you. Then I will drop you at your office & evening I will bring you home." he said placating her. She smiled & kissed both his cheeks. Rk blinked his eyes in surprise but too soon he recovered from his surprise & keeping a straight face & briskly said "Bye"


"Thanks for doing lunch with me as promised & also for dropping me, Rishab." Madhu smiled sweetly.

"Madhu... evening..."

"Yeah yeah I remember..."

"You will come down only when you get my call in your phone."

"Rishab, you are overreacting."

"I'm not ready to take anymore risk with your safety."

"I know, dear" Madhu smiled & leaning across she hugged him.

Hearing a knock at the window, they part & Madhu rolled down her window & glared murderously at Trishna who was waving hi to her & beaming at her husband. Rishab gave her a polite smile.

"Hi, ACP Sir. I'm Trishna. Madhu's friend." Trishna introduced herself to Rk when he stepped out of the car & came to Madhu's side.

"Yeah, I know. We met in our wedding." Rk said drawing Madhu closer to him.

"Oh right! So you here? Any work? Investigation?" Trishna asked in a excited tone.

"No, just came to drop, Madhu."

"Ohhh... such a sweet husband you are. I heard from Madhu that you know to cook too. Wish I get a husband like you." Trishna said dreamily. Rk smiled & shrugged at Madhu when she frowned at him.

"Will you cook something for me when I come to your house?" Trishna asked.

"Sure." Rk said being courteous.

"Trish, he is getting late." Madhu interrupted but Trishna was on a go.


"Call me, Rishab. Please." Rk said with a smile.

"Rishab, Madhu said you taught her kickboxing & other self defenses..."

"So?" Madhu asked getting pissed with her friend's outrageous flirting.

"Will you teach me too?"

"He is not your personal trainer. He is a busy man. He has duty to protect the people... not to waste his time in teaching you stunts."

Rk pressed his lips to hide his smile seeing his wife's J-side.

"Oh right. I am sorry."

"Trishna, shall we get into the office?"

"Why you are in such a hurry to meet our Potbelly boss?" Trishna asked her friend with a frown. Madhu glared at her.

"Nice coolers." Trishna said pointing to his coolers hanging in the V of his shirt. "You will look hot wearing coolers."

"Er... Thanks" Rk said not knowing what else to say. Trishna was really embarrassing him & also wasting his time.

"Why don't you hook the cookers at the back side of your collar... You know like Salman khan style in Dabaang movie?"

"Trish, stop it yaar."

"Madhu said you talk little. I guess its true. Even now you aren't talking much." Trishna commented & shook her head in disapproval.

"Of course he talks little but talks very sensible & I like him this way, Trish" Madhu said raising her voice. Rk put his arm around her shoulder & gave it a gentle squeeze indirectly asking her to calm down. "Rishab, I will see you in the evening. Bye." Madhu said.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, ACP Sir." Trishna said in a flirtatious tone as she extended her hand to him for a shake. "Likewise" Rk said and politely took her & they gently shook their hands.

"Solid grip." Trishna muttered, impressed.

"Trishna, let him go." Madhu said, losing her patience.

Rk sighed in relief & mentally thanked his wife for saving him from her predator friend.

"Don't you think you were flirting bit too much with my husband?" Madhu asked as she waved bye to her husband when he took the car in reverse.

"Oh! I wasn't aware I was flirting. Your husband seems so polite & friendly. Yeah, agreed, he is quite a tough man... But the toughness suits him." Trishna said, dreamily, clasping her hands.

"Hey hello! Back to earth lady. He is my man."

"Possessive much hun?

"Haan! Toh!" Madhu shrugged getting affronted.

"Madhu, stop feeling insecure. Your husband adores you & that's so obvious."

"What?" Madhu asked in shock. "He adores me?"

"Then what? You know I am a hot babe but he had his eyes on you half of the time when I was talking to him." Trishna said with an attitude. Madhu rolled her eyes not digesting Trishna's self appraisal.

"Okay tell me how is things going between you two?"

Madhu showed her thumbs down.

"Did you try what I told you? Seduction trick?" Trishna asked.

"Yeah. Morning I wore an almost indecent skirt & stood in front of him with a come-and-kiss-me look but he didn't give two hoots. He was in a complete hands off relation."

"You only put the touch ban & now you should take off the ban too." Trishna said with a shrug.

"Trish, I am feeling so shy to go & tell him 'Husband, I am ready to do it with you, now.'... I am giving him hints but my dumbo husband is not picking the clues."

"May be he is taking revenge on you for all the cold showers he had taken because of your touch ban." Trishna laughed.

"Trish, my life is not a joke."

"Sorry" Trishna gave Madhu an apologetic smile. "Perhaps you should behave in a way he likes you in order to make him happy & get close to him."

"I don't know how he likes me to be. I always wanted him to be little romantic... But he never said how he expects me to be."

"You don't know how your husband likes you to be? Then at least you should know what & all your husband doesn't like about you."

"He often says I talk a lot like a chatterbox."

"Then don't talk much."

"It's hard, Trish"



"Then what else?"

"He doesn't like me watching serials. Gosh! He always watch news channel. How boring?"

"Baby, we are in news channel so don't say like that. We need people like your husband to increase our channels TRP." Trishna chided her friend. "And you quit watching serials." she declared.

"Okay." Madhu agreed like an obedient school kid & also listened to Trishna's pep talk on "how to attract your husband & accomplish in your love making mission"


"Hi" Madhu smiled as she took her seat on the passenger side of the car.

"Hi." Rk returned her smile. "How was your day?"

"Good. Thank you. Yours?"

"Interesting. I got to know about the kidnappers."

"Oh? Who are they?"

"Sultan & his team." Rk said glancing at Madhu.

"What the f**k! Sultan is alive?" Madhu shouted. Rk glared at her for using cuss words. It was nearly three months since the train incident happened & when there was no news she assumed them to be dead.

Shit! The blue eyes! One among the four kidnappers had blue eyes. How could you be so stupid Madhu? How could you miss that? If you had total that to Rishab his work would have reduced nah? Madhu chided herself mentally.

"For now, yes!" Rk said calmly as he was sure Sultan wasn't going to let him breathe in this world for long.

"But how you found out?" she asked. "Rishab, I am sorry. I forgot to tell you about one among the four had blue eyes just like Sultan's"

"It's okay Madhu. I had my doubts when I heard his voice... & later when I went to the spot I got a skull pendant & I remember seeing that on Sultan's neck so last night I checked the secret video you took in the train & I saw the same skull silver metal pendant. Today I got the forensic report & the finger prints matched perfectly."

"Oh my my" Madhu was utterly astonished. "In one single night you tracked all these info?"

"It's my job."

"Well, you guys caught them?"

"They absconded. We are hunting for them."

"Oh! Rishab, should I lodge a complaint on them for abducting me?" Madhu asked nervously. She realized it will be helpful for him to arrest them on strong grounds.

"No, Madhu. I don't want to drag you in this mess."

"But Rishab, it will only strengthen the case right? They can never get bailed out."

"Madhu, it won't take me a minute to register your complaint against Sultan & his fellow men. I have proof too. I have his threatening call recorded in my phone but it wont take them a minute to say it as fake. They will twist things in a ugly way saying I used my own wife purposefully to arrest them. Your media people will sell this news to good amount. Do you want that?"

"No!" Madhu said in a meek tone understanding his side of reason. She only wanted to help her husband in any way she can but not create troubles to him.

"There are lots of advantages & disadvantages in being my wife, Madhu." Rk said gripping the steering wheel tightly. Madhu turned & gazed at him.

"When you are affected... it's hard to get justice through Court... but you will get justice through me." Rk said in a serious tone with so much silent promises.

"I know." Madhu smiled, touched by his words.

... to be continued

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