Part 1

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NOTE - This story is a pure work of fiction! No offence to Army folks, Doctors, lawyers, engineers, religious groups and even commoners!

All the scenes and characters in this story are fictitious! There is no resemblance to any real incident or real/dead persons!


PART - 1

(Warning - 18+ Matured contents)

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"Where There Is Love, There Is Life"

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"Darling, I love you...but I really have to go now. Today is my sister's wedding..." Arjun tried to untangle himself from his girlfriend's tight wrap but she didn't let him go.

"No, stay" she grabbed his neck and pulled him down to kiss his lips. She pressed his lower lip between her lips and started chewing it and he did the same with her upper lip.

"Babe, please try to understand. My mom has already called me thrice. I have to go now." Arjun's mom had asked him to get garlands but he ditched that job for his girlfriend.

"First you bang me to the bed post and then you are free to go" she said biting her lower lip seductively.

"Kathy, you said you were sick and that's why I came here to see you"

"Yes, I am sick. My body is aching for your touch so please cure me" Kathryn said batting her long eyelashes. She pulled the strap of her bra down and with her arms she pressed her breasts together so that they look full and sexy. Arjun let out an audible groan before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants and pulling them down his legs. He kicked of his pants on the floor followed by his boxer brief.

"Come on, babe, take me with you" Kathryn invited him lustfully and he launched himself on her, taking her full breast in his mouth. While he was busy devouring her breast, she guided him into her cave.

"Ah, this is fucking amazing... better than any drug I take" Kathy moaned in pleasure when he started moving in her.

"Bang me hard, babe" she said and dug her heel on his behind pushing him forward. He gave her thrust after thrust and pushed her further till her head hit the bedpost. She entwined her fingers in his hair and yanked tightly tipping his head up and then she pushed his head down to capture his lips.

"Oh fuck! This is getting better and better..." he hissed and hungrily osculated her mouth and darted his tongue in to suck in her sweetness.

Once they were done the deed and sedated, she pushed him off her body ruthlessly and sat up on the bed not at all bothering to cover her naked body with the thin bedsheet as she seemed so confident about her body. "Now go wherever you wanna go" she dismissed him just like that.

"Would you like to come with me to my sister's wedding?" Arjun asked hopefully.

"Who will take a 'fuck buddy' to their family function?" Kathy asked mockingly.

"You are not my fuck buddy. You are my girlfriend" Arjun growled getting offended with her constant denial.

"You think" she rolled her eyes and watched him pull his pants on. "You forgot to put your boxers." She reminded him.

"Oh shit! I don't have time to wear it now so you take it" he kicked the boxer from the floor and it travelled in the air for two seconds before landing on Kathy's head like a crown.

"Ewww" she swatted away the disgusting piece of garment and patted her head as if dusting. Arjun laughed at her funny reaction.

"You didn't make a face when you were grabbing and squeezing my dick?" he teased her. She gave him a murderous glare.

"Kathy, come with me please. I bet you will have a good time in the wedding"

"You will introduce me as what to your mom and dad?"

"I will tell them you are just my classmate and friend"

"So you don't want to introduce me as your girlfriend?"

"Not now. My mom thinks I am still an innocent baby..."

"Innocent, my ass! You fucked half of the female population in our college" Kathy smirked.

"I said 'she thinks'. I didn't say 'I am innocent' okay?" he said air quoting his words.


"So yeah, if I introduce you as my girlfriend now, she will start weaving dreams of having grand-babies already..." or who knows? she might even kill me for fucking you.

"Babies? Yuck!" Kathryn made a puking face.

"Why, you don't want to bear my children in your womb someday in the distant future?" Arjun asked combing his hair with his fingers as he looked her through the mirror.

"You are not planning to marry me, are you?"

"Maybe" he shrugged as he turned around and faced her.

"We will fuck forever but no marriage and no kids and that's the deal! You can marry a meek little chick and she can produce you babies and grand-babies to your mom" Kathy said casually, void of any emotion.

"I think it's too soon to talk about all that. Now, just tell me, will you go with me or not?"

"Alright, I will go with you. What should I wear?"

"I know you don't have any traditional attire so I think jeans and full sleeve shirt will do" Arjun said thinking it was far better than she wearing shorts and crop tops.

"Give me five minutes I will just throw the clothes on and tame my hair a bit so that I will look presentable."

"Cool" Arjun shrugged and took his phone from the bedside table to call back his mom and earn an earful from her.


"Veer, my baby" Madhu shrieked in joy and ran to welcome her elder son, Veer. He just arrived from Srinagar to attend his twin sister Naira's wedding.

"Maa, how are you?" Veer asked hugging his mother and kissing the top of her head.

"I missed you so much, baby. You look so lean. Aren't you eating well?" Madhu asked in concern looking at her son by holding him at arm's length.

"I'm fine, maa" he said and hesitantly looked behind him. Madhu followed his gaze and furrowed her brows seeing a girl, beautiful girl to be exact, standing at the door way holding a small bag with one hand and with other hand she adjusted her hijab. (Heading covering)

"Who is she?" Madhu questioned her son suspiciously.

"Veer" Rishab, Veer's father interrupted them and gave his son a sutble salute.

"Dad" they both shared a hug.

"Veer, who is she?" Madhu repeated.

"Um... maa, she is... she is my... she is my friend"

"Oh" Madhu didn't buy that. "You didn't secretly marry her, right?" Madhu couldn't help but ask.

"No, maa" not yet! He wanted to add but he didn't. He wanted Naira's wedding to go smoothly without any hitch before he talked about his relationship with his parents.

"Hello, dear" Rishab politely greeted the hijabi girl.

"As-Salaam-Alaikum (peace be upon you)" she said softly without raising her head up and facing him. Rishab smiled not knowing how to reply to her greeting.

"What's her name? How do you know her? Why you brought her here?"

"Madhu, shush! Not now. We will talk later, okay?" Rishab wrapped his arm around his wife and softly asked her to calm down.

"Her name is Inayat. She lives in Kashmir. I wanted her to attend Naira's wedding so I brought her along with me" Veer answered patiently to his mother's row of questions.

"Go get in and freshen up, kids. Veer, make sure you meet Naira. She was waiting for you since morning" Rishab informed his son.

"Sorry, dad. Flight delayed." Veer explained. Rishab slapped his back affectionately letting him know he need not give any explanation.

"I will go check on Naira" He informed his parents and turned to take Inayat with him. "Come" he held out his hand for her to take but she didn't. Understanding her hesitance he simply asked her to follow him.

Madhu gave them a strange look and turned around to face her husband. "Do you think they love each other?" she asked. Rishab Shrugged.

"She is a Muslim, Rishab" she stated.

"So? If he likes her then we will accept her." Rishab said nonchalantly.

"Rishab, you can't..."

"Where is Arjun?"

"Don't ask me about that irresponsible boy! I sent him to get garlands two hours back and still he hasn't returned home. I don't know where the hell he has gone and what the fuck he is doing?" Madhu cussed angrily. Poor mother, she was ignorant of the fact that her son was doing nothing but fucking actually.

"Madhu!" Rishab admonished for using swear words. "You will never change" he shook his head.

"Because I don't want to change"

"Why so?"

"Because my husband loves me this way" she winked at me.

"Ah, yeah, very much" he said in a boring tone, rolling his eyes making her laugh.

"Aww... husband, I love you" she quickly pecked his cheek and went to greet the guests.


"Inayat, don't leave my side. Always stay closer with me, okay?" Veer said. Inayat nodded her head twice in agreement.

"You don't have to answer anyone if they ask who you are. Let me handle them, okay?"

She nodded her head again in agreement.

"Now come, I will introduced you to my sister Naira, the bride."

Inayat pulled a soft smile on her face which made Veer smile brightly.

As soon as Veer stepped into Naira's bedroom, a force hit him hard and that was actually his twin sister Naira. She ran and jumped and hugged her brother tightly and started crying.

"Inayat, get in and lock the door" Veer said quickly not wanting anyone to see Naira crying.

"Naira, Naira... look at me" he tried to pull Naira away from him but she shook her head and tightened her hold around his neck.

"I don't want this marriage, Veer. I don't. Please help me get out of this marriage" Naira cried.

"What?" Veer asked in shock. Inayat gasped and covered her mouth with her palm.

... To be continued!!!

Firstly, this book will contain mature contents like you read in this part. If you are okay with it, you can freely proceed further but trust me I won't write too erotic scenes and make you all uncomfortable.

Secondly, I will be using few Arabic phrases and I endeavor to use them in the appropriate places but please forgive me if I go wrong because I don't know Arabic and I am not a Muslim but I do respect all religions.

Thirdly, Veer - Inayat's love story will be so pure and beautiful. LOL!

Naira's love story will be so confusing. Hahaha!

Arjun - Kathryn's love story will be so lustful. (You can't even call it as love) LOL!

So tell me, whose love story you guys are so excited to read, though I will be showing the three different love tracks at once?

Now, coming to the first chapter of this book, how is it? Good or bad or okay?

Please encourage me with your VOTES AND COMMENTS!

Share this book to your friends and find me more readers. Hehehe!

Thanks all in advance!

P.S - Next I will update 'Baby daddy' story and only after that I will update the 2nd chapter of this story. (Most likely on coming Sunday or Monday)

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