Part 2

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PART - 2

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"I Am Not Crazy, I Am Just Creatively Insane"

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"I don't want this marriage, Veer. I don't. Please help me get out of this marriage" Naira cried.

"What?" Veer asked in shock. Inayat gasped and covered her mouth with her palm.

"What nonsense you are talking, Naira? In another four hours you are getting married to Roshan but now you are saying you don't want this marriage?"

"Veer, please help me"

"What can I do now, Naira? Don't you know you don't love Roshan when his family came with the marriage proposal to us? You could have said no then right? Why you agreed to marry him then and now you are backing off?"

"Veer, I just realized I truly love Sabeer" Naira confessed her love for Dr. Sabeer. Both Roshan and Sabeer were her parents' friends' kids.

"You love Dr. Sabeer?" Veer asked puzzled. She nodded.

"Then what about Roshan? Naira, he is crazy about you. Please, don't do this to him. He will be left heartbroken."

"Veer, why can't you understand the simple thing that I don't love Roe?"

"You do love him. Don't fool yourself."

"No, I know who I love and who I don't"

"Naira, just joined law college because of Roshan. You went to internship in the same firm he practiced law. When he started a partnership legal firm you joined him there as well. You were behind him everywhere like a love sick puppy but now you say you don't love him and you expect me to believe you?" Veer calmly tried to remind her what all stupidity she did to just be close with Roshan.

"Maybe I had a crush on him when I was young but now I see him only as my best friend and mentor."

"Naira, why are you such a mess, always? Don't you know about your feelings before? Why now? Why on your wedding day you are doing this? Do you have any idea how much ours and Roshan's family will get humiliated if this wedding gets called off? Oh God! It will ruin dad's and Mukkund uncle's years of friendship. Think what will happen to maa? She will go hysterics..."

"I don't care..."

"Why would you care, Miss. Selfish" Veer chuckled sarcastically.

"Veer, I don't want your sarcasm now. I want you to help me..."

"Don't you have any feelings for you best friend? Roshan truly loves you. He will make you happy..."

"But I want Sabeer." Naira said stubbornly.

"God!" Veer groaned pulling his hair. Inayat watched everything silently not having anything to say because she didn't know anything about Roshan or Sabeer to judge who will be the right partner for Naira.

"Sabeer loves you?" Veer asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose to hold his frustration.

"I guess so"

"What you mean by you guess so, you idiot?"

"Veer, don't shout at me!" Naira snapped.

"You want me to slap you if not shout at you?" Veer asked angrily but his eyes and voice softened when Inayat flinched hearing him say the word 'slap'

"Dad will kill you if you ever raise your hand at me or any other girl" Naira warned.

"I know" Veer sighed. He never slapped a woman and he never endeavor to.

"When I called Sabeer two hours ago..."

"Why the hell you called him? That too on your wedding day?"

"I wanted to make a confession to him?"

"Confession?" He frowned. "What he said when you confessed your love to him?"

"I didn't get to confess my love..."

"Seriously Naira, you are frustrating me here." Veer pressed his temple with his fingers as his head started throbbing. Inayat felt bad for Veer.

"I don't know how to initiate the I asked 'aren't you coming for my wedding?' and he said 'No, I am not coming. My love is getting married to another fucker today... Oh God! I am such a looser... Ahhh! I am so heart is aching... I can't bear this pain... I just can't... Please help me, Naira... No, no, you go marry whoever the lucky guy is... I will just drown myself in alcohol' and I swear he cried in the end. He cried for me, Veer. He loves me"

"Oh please! He was drunk and you can't believe his words. He probably won't remember his love confession when you ask him tomorrow."

"Drunks and babies never lie, Veer. Don't you know that? I know he loves me. I have seen the way he looked at me when I was in hospital and how much he cared for me then. He's the reason I am alive today, Veer."

"Naira, I agree he saved you when you had that nasty car accident 6 months ago and we are all indebted to him...but you should also know it's his profession. Doctors do save lives, don't they? He did his job and you need not feel anything special about that. You don't owe your life for what he did."

"I love him" Naira cried and started hitting her twin brother on his chest repeatedly. "Get me married to him, please, Veer. I am begging you" she clenched shirt and rested her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back, soothingly.

"Okay, stop crying. I will talk to dad" he knew only his dad can handle such situations wisely. His mother will simply blow up the issue so he wished to keep her away from the matter in hand.

"Inayat, can you please stay with her? I will just go and get my dad here?" Veer asked Inayat who was looking at the twins with tear brimming eyes.

"Who is she? Your lover? or Did you secretly marry her in Kashmir? Why you didn't tell me anything? Well, she looks so pretty and innocent. Oh wait, is she a Muslim? What you call that shawl type thing you wear around your head? Niqab, right?" Naira blabbered nonstop. Veer and Inayat gawked at her open mouthed not believing she was the same girl who was crying and throwing a huge tantrum a moment ago.

"Hijab" Inayat said meekly.

"What? I didn't hear you?" Naira took a step closer to her with a smile on her face.

"It's called Hijab" Inayat said pointing to her head scarf.

"What's your name Musalimah? (Muslim girl)" Naira asked adoring the beautiful girl her brother had brought home.

"Inayat" she whispered.

"What does that mean?"

"Kindness" Inayat answered softly again.

"Perfect! You do look like a kind soul to me. My brother is lucky to have you in his life"

Veer smiled, happily, hearing something sensible coming out from his twin sister's mouth for the first time since he entered her room.

"You both are married right?" Naira asked looking from Inayat to Veer. Both shook their heads in negation.

"Oh! Then why don't you two get married now?" Naira asked excitedly. Inayat's eyes literally popped out of the sockets hearing her proposal.

"Naira, you have gone mad" Veer can't believe his sister was this crazy but he did like her idea.

"Veer, you and Inayat get married today so that our parents won't get humiliated, all the money spent over this wedding won't go waste, our guests won't get disappointed of coming all the way here for nothing and you guys will also save me from the current mess I am in." Naira literally patted her should for her brilliant idea. "And tomorrow at the crack of dawn, I will go talk to Sabeer and ask him to talk to our parents regarding our wedding. Oh and I will also apologize to Roe. He is my bestie and I know he will understand me. He will only feel happy for me" Naira rambled.

"You are freaking insane, Naira" Veer declared and walked out of her room.

"So you find my brother sexy?" Naira teased Inayat. Inayat gulped in her shock and slowly moved towards the door ready to run if Naira popped another stupid question.

"Why are you scared? Trust me, I won't tell my parents even if you tell me you guys had sex."

"Whoa! Whoa! Why are you crying?" Naira panicked seeing Inayat's eyes welling up with tears.

"Are you crying thinking about your first time sex experience? Was it bad and painful? It's okay, don't cry. I am a virgin so I don't know anything about sex but after marrying Sabeer and having sex with him, I will share my first time experience with you" Naira patted Inayat's shoulder but she didn't stop crying. "Hey, please, now stop crying. My brother will kill me if he comes to know I made his girl cry" Naira pleaded. Inayat covered her face with her both her palms and took a deep breath before wiping off her teary cheeks.

"Now smile?" Naira insisted smiling widely hoping she will mirror her action. Inayat just stared her, impassively.

"No smile? Okay cool" Naira shrugged her shoulders amd waited impatiently for her dad to come to her room and sort out the messy situation they were in at the moment.

... To be continued!

I know short update but I gave you a quick update so you guys can excuse me. Lol!

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Okay tell my guys, how many of you hate Naira for being so selfish and thinking only about her happiness?

Or do you feel it's right to be selfish for our happiness?

Or do you feel being selfish is not wrong but it should not hurt other's feeling?

I go with the last option!

What solution Rishab will come up with? Will he convince his daughter and get her married to Roshan or not?

Will this stupid boy Arjun return on time with garlands? Lol!

What will be Madhu's reaction seeing Arjun coming with Kathy?

Too many questions! Lol! Keep reading to know more!

I bet this story will be emotional and comical at equal measures! Lol

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P. S - Tomorrow most likely I will update 'Baby daddy' and 'My baby brat'

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