Part 3

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PART - 3

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"We Are All Born Crazy. Some Of Us Remain That Way"

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"Who the hell sneezed so loudly?" Kathy asked scrunching her nose.

Arjun tightly shut his eyes in embarrassment. Mommy! How many times do I have to tell you not to call me 'Arjoo' because it sounds so like 'achoo'!!! Arjun scolded his mother in his head.

"Where are the garlands?" Madhu blocked her son at the entrance of their house.

"Oh shit!" Arjun slapped his head with his palm.

"You forgot? Didn't you?" Madhu asked gritting her teeth and glaring at her useless son before her eyes shifted to the cute faced girl with super sexy body, standing beside him.

"You have been out for two hours and then you come home empty hand... no you actually brought this girl..." Madhu waved her hand at Kathy "by the way who is she?" She asked eying Kathryn with ill-concealed disgust.

"Is she your sister, the new bride, Arjun?" Kathy asked pointing her finger to Madhu making her blush.

"Kathy, this is my mom, not my sister" Arjun hissed.

"Ohhh" Kathy's lips formed a perfect 'O' shape as she wondered why Arjun's mom was decked up like a new bride with heavy lehenga and accessories.

"Mom, this is Kathryn..."


He shrugged not at all concerned about her religion. "My classmate" he added. Madhu could hardly believe Kathy was studing medicine with her son because she looked like a supermodel.

"Oh! Why is she here? To get any notes?" Madhu asked with a small smile.

"Nah! She is here to attend Naira di's wedding"

"What?" Madhu asked looking Kathy up and down and shook her head in disapproval. Kathy was busy looking around the house so she didn't hear Madhu's comment "From which beggar she borrowed that jean, Arjun?" Kathy's faded blue jeans had too many holes and patches, showing too much of her pale skin. It wasn't something you wear for a wedding.

"Doesn't she have any decent clothes at all to wear?" Madhu asked.

"Why? It's nice only nah?" Arjun asked. He was too pleased that his girlfriend found a pair of jean and short sleeve white shirt and didn't wear one of her usual cut off shorts and crop tops.

"Go ask her to change into one of Naira's clothes" Madhu said in a mere whisper.

"Mom, please, don't embarrass my friend by asking her to change"

"Who asked you to invite her to your sister's wedding? You didn't invite any of your male friends! What's going on between you two?"


"What, Arjun? What's the problem?" Kathryn asked hearing him raise his voice.

"Mom, one sec" he excused himself and dragged Kathy a little away from his mother but Madhu being Madhu subtly moved closer to them to eavesdrop.

"Nothing, Kathy. My mom has new traditional clothes and she wants to gift them to you"

"Oh! why?"

"It' kind of a tradition we follow." He lied


"Wherever new guests visit our home for the first time, my mom gift them something, mostly clothes like saree and salwar-kameez"

"Oh" Kathy didn't like that tradition at all and hoped his mom won't ask her to change.

"Well, since today is my sister's wedding day, she wants you to change into the new clothes she gives you"

"Why should I do that?"

"Please, Kathy. Do you want to upset my mom?"

"Why would I care?" Kathy asked getting pissed at herself for coming with him to attend the wedding.

"Kathy, please do this for me..."

"What you will do in return for doing this favour for you?"

"Whatever you want I will do" he promised

"Will you fuck me tonight?" Kathy asked wiggling her eyebrows.

Madhu gasped in shock before yelling "WHAT!!!"

Both Arjun and Kathy jumped, horrified.

"What the hell she asked you to do, Arjun?" she asked twisting her son's ear.

"Ahh... ahh...Mom, nothing, leave my ear..." he winced. Kathy let the mom-son duo to quarrel and walked into the house to look at the photos hanging on the walls.

"Tell me, now?" she pinched his ear painfully. Though she heard clearly what Kathy said, she still wanted to confirm with her son.

"Um... she asked me to teach her Human Anatomy..." Arjun stammered a lie and managed to release his ear from his mother's painful grab.

"Yeah, yeah, human anatomy... Gonna give her practical training, right?" she asked sarcastically.

"Mom, nothing like you think... We are just friends" with benefits!

"I thought you were an innocent baby but you proved me wrong, Arjun. You were playing around with... where is that girl?" Madhu eyes searched for Kathy so that she can kick her out of her house. She found her standing near the huge fish tank in the living room and closely admiring the fish.

Kathy took some fish food pellets from the bowl kept near the fish tank and dropped them into the water, feeding the fish.

"You like fish?" Madhu asked as she closely studied Kathy's behavior.

Madhu had this strange obsession for fish and if Kathy said 'Yes, I love fish', she thought she might like the weird girl. Yeah, Madhu instantly came to the conclusion that the girl looked weird.

"Yes, I love fish curry with rice" Kathy's reply made Madhu fume. Arjun literally face palmed.

"My dad makes amazing fish curry. I will ask him to make it for you, one day, Kathy" he said to her with a goofy grin but it faded when his mom darted her angrily glare at him.

"Arjun! Get her out of my sight, now!" she ordered. Arjun obliged to her order and dragged Kathy away from his mother.


"Hello, Shreya, yeah, Naira is getting ready... Hmm... okay...we will be in the venue in another two hours..." Madhu entered Naira's room talking over the phone with Roshan's mother, Shreya. "Haha... seems like my soon to be son-in-law is impatient to wait for few more hours and get married to my daughter... Don't worry... bride's family will be there on time to welcome the groom's family... Oh okay... I will ask Veer to talk with the catering service...hmm... okay, see you soon, bye." She ended the call and looked up to see Naira crying hugging her dad. baby!

"Naira, you still didn't get ready? We have to leave in..."

"Madhu..." Rishab cut her off.

"What? Rishab, this is not the time to get emotional with your baby girl. We will cry once and for all after she gets happily married and we send her to her in-laws' house..."

"She doesn't want to get married..."

"What?" she frowned but smiled when she realized the reason for her tears. "Oh baby, it's just wedding jitters. Don't worry its normal... Even I was heck nervous on my wedding day...I had second thoughts about marrying your dad..." Madhu said giggling. Rishab scoffed.

"Mom, she doesn't want to marry Roshan" Veer injected, wrapping his arm around Madhu's shoulder.

"Dad, meet my friend..." Arjun barged into the room with his girlfriend Kathy to introduce her to his dad. "Why Naira di's crying?"

"I want" Naira choked out the words and sobbed. Madhu gapped at her in shock as she forgot to breathe.

"You want beer?" Arjun was able to catch only the last part. He was super surprised of his sister's guts to ask beer few hours before her wedding, that too their parents. "I can go and get you chilled beer, if that's what you want and that will make you stop crying" Arjun offered. Everyone in the room threw murderous glares at him from different angles except Inayat and Kathy.

"I guess I have chilled beer in my mini fridge in the car" Kathy said, wanting to make his job easy.

"You drink, Arjun? What all bad habits you have and that you are hiding from me?" Madhu momentarily got distracted from the actual issue.

"Mom, I don't..."

"Madhu, we will talk about that later. Now we have other serious issue to deal with" Rishab spoke to Madhu but he had his eyes on Kathryn, sharply scrutinizing her. Kathryn uncomfortably stood there looking everywhere but him. Once Rishab swifted his gaze to his wife, Kathryn whispered to Arjun "I guess some personal problem is going on. I should better leave this place..."

"No, it's fine. You stay" he said and held her hand to keep her in place.

"Why you didn't tell me before that you love Sabeer?" Rishab asked Naira once again to get a proper and valid answer from her.

"You love Roshan and you agreed to marry him!" Madhu reminded her daughter.

"Quiet!" Rishab raised up his palm asking her to shut up.

"I just realized I love Sabeer" Naira admitted.

"Who's Sabeer?" Kathy pulled Arjun's shirt sleeve and asked in a whisper, out of curiosity.

"He is a doctor. He treated my sis when she met with an accident. Maybe from then they started loving but I wonder why she didn't tell us about her love before" Arjun briefed everything in a go to Kathy

"You fool just now she told she just realized her love for the doctor guy, right?"

"Oh right"

"Who is she?" Kathy asked pointing to Inayat. Arjun shrugged. "I have no idea..."

"Again you are proving that you are a fool, Arjun. She is standing closer to that guy like how I am standing closer to you so obviously she is his girlfriend"

"So you are agreeing that you are my girlfriend?" Arjun asked sheepishly. Kathy rolled her eyes and kicked his leg.

"That guy is my brother, Veer. Naira di and Veer bro are twins."

"Oh okay" Kathy nodded and they turned their attention back Naira.

"Veer, call Dr. Sabeer" Rishab instructed his son. Veer quickly fished out his phone from his pants' pocket and dialed Sabeer's number. "He is not answering"

"Try again and again till he picks up" Rishab roared losing his calm.

"Hello" finally the call got connected.

"Dr. Sabeer, it's me Veer..."

"Put the call on speaker" Rishab mouthed.

"Veer beta, it's me Sameer uncle"

"Uncle could you please pass on the phone to Sabeer?" Veer asked.

"Um...he..." Sameer, Sabeer's father went silent.

"Sam, I want to talk to your son, right at this moment" Rishab ordered.

"Rishab, he is wasted"

"What the?" Rishab grunted. He was getting irritated at the boy for drinking on his lover's wedding and not trying to do something to save his love.

"Yeah, he said today his lover was getting married and asked us to leave him alone. Only now when his phone kept on ringing I came into his room to answer the call and found him passed out"


"Yeah...well, I don't think Sameera and I can leave him here on his own and come to your daughter's wedding...wait a minute!" He paused as he connected the dots.

"Sabeer loves your daughter but she is getting married to Roshan so this boy got drunk! Oh shit!"

"Naira wants to marry your son" Rishab said rubbing his forehead.

"What? But what about her fiancé? Rishab, Roshan is our friend Mukkund's son... We can't do this to him and his son..."

"I know... I know... I know... But I can't get my daughter married to Roshan even after knowing she doesn't love him. If I forcefully get them married their marriage wont last for long..." Rishab sighed.

"Rishab!" Madhu was shocked. She never thought her husband will give into their daughter's stupidity and think of calling off the wedding at the end moment. She thought he will knock some senses to her muddled up brain and get her married to the man who was head over heels in love with her.

Rishab gestured Veer to deal with his mother while he talked with his friend Sameer.

"Mom, please calm down. Dad is handling the issue rightly"

"No, he is not. He can't possibly think of getting Naira married to Sabeer. What will happen to Roshan? That poor boy will be broken" Madhu cried feeling sympathetic for Roshan.

"Rishab, I guess Madhu is right. We can't do this to Roshan"

"Then what about my life uncle? What will happen to your son's life, uncle?" Naira jumped into their conversation.

"Naira!" Rishab admonished her. "You don't have the right to take that tone!"


"You shouldn't have accepted for this marriage when you had feelings for Sabeer..."

"Dad, I wasn't aware of the fact that Sabeer loves me too. He just told me when I called him few hours ago" Naira tried to defend herself.

"But you do know you love him, right? How can you agree to marry someone who is not the one you love?"

"Dad, I... I was... confused about my own feelings before but now I got the clarity" she admitted, with her head bowed down in shame. Rishab was beyond mad at his daughter for letting him down.

"Your sister is stupid" Kathy commented, luckily it was audible only for Arjun. He nodded agreeing with her.

"So what's your decision, Rishab?" Sameer asked.

"Will you accept my daughter as your daughter in law?" Rishab asked. Naira beamed hearing that.

"No! No! No! This can't happen. This can't happen. This is wrong, so wrong." Madhu cried hugging her son and muttering the words repeatedly as if it was a prayer.

"Rishab, Naira is like a daughter to me so I don't have any objection getting her married to my son but..."

"I will convince Mukkund and..." Rishb dragged not knowing how to convince Roshan who loves his daughter so dearly.

"I will talk to Roshan. He is my bestie so he will understand me. I will even apologize to him" Naira assured.

"Then I am going to be selfish here, Rishab. I want my son to be happy and for that I should get him married to Naira"

Rishab took in a deep breath knowing even he was being selfish. What to do? He loved his daughter so much and he wanted only her happiness.

"Alright! Can you bring your son to the wedding hall now?"

"Rishab, I told you already he is wasted! He can't marry your daughter in this state. If we still somehow get this marriage happen, he will regret it later for marrying her when he was not in his senses"

"Then I will call off the marriage..."

"Rishab, don't do this..." Madhu begged her husband. "We can't call off this marriage now. What the society will talk about our family?"

"Fuck the society!" Rishab barked.

"Okay, let's not give a shit about the society but what about Roshan and his family? It's not only about our family and our daughter." She yelled at her husband for being so insensitive for the first time even since she married him. Rishab found no way to explain things to his wife so he stood mum. "God! We can't do this injustice to Roshan, please understand and make your daughter understand..." Madhu cried. "Veer, at least you stop your father and sister from committing this huge mistake."

"Maa, please, stop crying" Veer felt so bad for his mother.

"No! I don't want Naira to get married to Sabeer!" Madhu said stubbornly.

"Mommy, how can you say no to my marriage with Sabeer? He is Dr. Sameer's son. Sameer, the man who helped you recover from your phobias" Dr. Sameer a psychiatrist and he treated Madhu, years ago when she newly got married to Rishab, from her night terrors and other phobias caused due to a traumatic childhood incident. "You are so ungrateful, mom..." Before she could say further, Rishab gave her a tight slap, shocking everyone presented in that room.

(A/n - Read Book 1 - 'Husband, I love you' to know Madhu's childhood incident in detail.

For quick understanding, Madhu was kidnapped when she was 7 and abused for 3 days by the kidnappers and that incident gave her nightmares and various fears but few years after marrying Rishab, she was completely recovered from her phobias)

... To be continued!

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