Part 12

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PART - 12

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"There Is No Love Without Pain"

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"Naira! Open the door!" Madhu banged on Naira's bedroom door but she refused to open. "Baby, let momma in. We will talk, sweetie"

"Why is she mad at you, Rishab? What did you do?" Madhu asked worriedly. "What happened at Sabeer's place?"

"Naira open the door" Rishab ordered and they heard some glass article crashing on the floor and breaking into pieces.

"Naira baby open the door, please. Don't hurt yourself" Madhu pleaded tapping on the door.

"Mom, we will give her some time to calm down" Veer suggested.

"Tell me what you told her that upset her, Rishab?" Madhu shouted at her husband.

"I told her to get out of the car and not to show her face to me till my anger subsides." He recited his words.

"What? Why did you say that? How could you say such words? You know how sensitive our Naira is, then why? What has gotten into you, Rishab? Yesterday, you slapped her for the first time and today you harshly scolded her... Why are you scaring that poor kid by taking your wrath on her?" Madhu ranted.

"Sabeer doesn't love her and she wants to beg him to love her. Is this what we taught her, Madhu? I thought my daughter would gracefully walk out of his house but she created a racket and embarrassed me. That made me so mad and I said what I said" Rishab shrugged his shoulders.

"I knew it! I knew that boy doesn't love her but who listened to me? You only supported her stupidity and now see she is hurt. You brought this to her, Rishab." She accused him jabbing her finger in his chest.

"Madhu, you can't blame me like that. You know I always want our kids to be happy and I won't do any shit that will hurt them" Rk said glaring at her with raging blaze.

"Oh my baby boo!" Arjun turned his mother around and drew her into his arms, breaking the stare match she was having with his dad.

"Cool down, beautiful. My crazy Naira di loves to create a scene like this at least once in a month so there is nothing to worry... Well, we have to worry about cleaning the mess she creates now." Arjun said with a laugh and they heard another breaking of glass sound. "I think she has her ears stuck to the door and listening to us" Arjun said in a supposedly whisper but it was audible to everyone.

"Is your brother always like this..." Inayat asked her husband in amusement.

"Like what?"

"Funny" she said hesitantly.

Veer chuckled and nodded his head affirmatively.

"I guess I like him" Inayat whispered.

"I like you too, bhabhi, mainly when you blush" Arjun said with a wink hearing what Inayat softly muttered. Veer scowled at his brother. Inayat's cheeks turned to a deep shade of pink as she blushed.

"Madhu, you go to your room. Kids will talk to her and cool her down." Radha advised.

"You come with me" Madhu dragged her husband along so that she can probe him and get to know more about the actual issue.

Veer and Arjun cajoled Naira to open the door but she didn't so they let her be herself and went to do their own business.


After a while, Naira heard a soft knock. "Inayat?" Naira made a guess it was Inayat standing at the other side and knocking the door because the knock was too gentle.

"Yes" came Inayat's meek voice. Naira slowly opened the door and quickly tugged Inayat into her room. "Careful huh. Broken glass piece are shattered everywhere" Naira warned.

"I brought food for you" Inayat placed the food tray on the bedside table.

"Oh sweetie, thank you so much. I am so hungry" Naira took the tray and sat on the bed, crossed leg and started gobbling the food.

"Shall I leave?" Inayat asked hesitantly. She didn't know whether Naira would like her to stay with her or not.

"You have work?" Naira asked with mouth full. Inayat shook her head in no.

"Then sit with me" she said and patted the place beside her on the bed. Inayat obliged.

"I am so mad at daddy" Naira started. Inayat looked around Naira's room in shock. It was a total mess. "I can tell" Inayat muttered. "But I think you should control your anger. It's not healthy"

Naira stopped eating and looked at Inayat thoughtfully.

"Sorry, I have no place to advise you..."

"Oh c'mon. You are my twinnie's dear wife and my friend... We are friends right?"

Inayat nodded with a smile.

"Then you have all right to tell me what's good and what's bad though I already know all that. It's just I couldn't control my anger."

"Hmm" Inayat nodded.

"You cooked lunch, right?" Naira asked.


"No one knows to cook Kashmiri Pulav here but I love it so I always order from out..."

"Uncle told me" Inayat blurted out.

"Daddy asked you to cook Kashmiri pulav for me?" Naira asked as her lips quivered up to a small smile.


"Oh! This pulav is very tasty. Thank you"

Inayat smiled.

"Naira di" "Inayat" Arjun and Veer called respectively.

"Can I open the door and let them in?" Inayat asked.

"Let Veer in and kick out Arjun if he tried to sneak in" Naira said.

"Why?" Inayat asked

"That boy will annoy me and make me more mad"

"I think he will only cheer up your mood"

Sighing, Naira agreed to let both of them into her room.

"Have you been crying, Naira?" Veer asked in concern seeing Naira's blood red eyes as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah, daddy scolded me" Naira's eyes welled up again and the food she was chewing refused to go down her throat. She wasn't used to her daddy's scolding unlike Veer and Arjun.

"So you weren't crying for not getting Sabeer?" Arjun asked. Naira actually had forgotten about Sabeer. She was only upset over what had happened in the car with her dad.

"Oh yeah! Sabeer doesn't love me" Naira cried. Veer glared at Arjun for reminding her about Sabeer now.

"So what?" Arjun asked.

"Get out of my room, Arjun. Yoy are starting to irritate me" Naira said and clenched her teeth.

"Whoa! Cool cupcake. Just listen to me fully" Arjun crawled on the bed and sat on his heels in front of Naira. "Sabeer doesn't love you..."

"I already know that, idiot. You don't have to rub that fact on my face" Naira in her anger pushed Arjun and he fell back on the bed but quickly he bounced back and took hold of her shoulders forcing her to face him.

"Naira di, Sabeer's lover is married now so you have a fair chance to win him" Arjun boosted. Naira stared at Arjun for few good moments before her lips curved into a beautiful smile as hope flared in her.

"Arjun, my boy, though you are an A-hole, I must admit you are a smart A-hole" Naira pinched his cheeks, affectionately. Arjun proudly smirked.

"Now tell me, am I irritating you? Should I leave your room?" He asked and stood up from the bed pretending to leave the room

"No! No! You stay" Naira pulled his hand and made him sit.

"Okay" Arjun sat comfortably on the bed and stretched out his legs.

"Now tell me how will I win my Sab, Arjun?"

"Simple, you have to get close with him"

"Oh! But how?"

"Let's break your leg and admit you in the hospital he works. He can treat you again and this time he might fall in love with you..."

"Arjun, you have gone mad!" Veer scolded while Naira contemplated Arjun's idea.

"Nothing severe, bro. We will just twist her ankle and cause her a sprain"

"I will tell your stupid idea to dad" Veer threatened.

"Shut up, Veer" Naira slapped his arm.

"You are mad if you are considering his shit of an idea"

"Arjun, baby, come here" Naira gestured her brother to come closer to her. Arjun rolled on the bed and went closer to Naira.

"You love me, right?" Naira asked as she gently combed his hair with her fingers.

"Of course di. I love you." Arjun kissed Naira's cheek.

"Then we will break your leg and you lie on hospital bed and I promise to take care of you. I will stay in the hospital with you and this way I will get to me my Sab, daily" Naira said smiling sweetly.

"No!" Arjun shrieked and jumped out of the bed, maintaining distance from his crazy sister.

"I approve this idea, Naira" Veer said smirking at Arjun. Inayat covered her mouth with the back of her hand to hide her smile.

"No! That idea won't work. Let me think of someother better plan"

"Why this idea won't work?" Naira asked placing her hands on her hip and narrowing her brows at Arjun

"Mom doesn't like Sabeer and she won't let him treat me. She will take me to some other doctor and you won't get to meet him" Arjun rubbished. Naira punched his gut for evading.

"Naira, you better ignore him" Veer suggested.

"Who? Me?" Arjun asked.

"Not you duffer. Sabeer! You ignore Sabeer, Naira" Veer clarified

"What!?" Naira yelled.

"Yeah, dad said you confessed your love to him..."

"That's right"

"And If you ignore him after confessing your love he will get curious and I bet he will come chasing for you."

"You think so, Veer?" Naira asked hopefully.

"Yep! He can't stay silent for long after knowing you love him. He will want to know how serious you were when you said the 'love' thing..."

"Hmm... I guess you are right" Naira agreed and right then her phone rang.

"Omg! It's Sabeer. Should I ignore his call?"

"No! Attend his call. Let's see what he's to say." Veer said.

"Alright!" Naira swiped her phone screen before placing it to her ear. "Hello? Who is this?"

Arjun rolled his eyes at his sister's fake performance.

"Naira, it's me, Sabeer. Don't you have my number."

"Um... I... I only have your WhatsApp number...not this one" she lied.

"Oh okay"

"Tell me, Sabeer, why you called me?"

" I want to apologize to you"

Naira muted the speaker and mouthed at Veer 'He wants to apologize huh'

"Bullshit! Everyone of us know there is no fault in his part then why should he apologize?"

"I don't know..."

"He wants to talk with you, Naira" Veer stated. "Now, get back to him"

"Hello? Hello, Naira? You there?"

"Sorry, signal problem" Naira lied. Inayat was amazed at Naira's ability to lie so easily.

"Naira, I am sorry because of me you called off your marriage. I feel so guilty."

"No, Sabeer. You don't have to feel guilty. I made the mistake."

"Call me Sab like you always do, Naira" Sabeer insisted.

"He wants me to call him Sab" Naira did a quick crazy dance.

Veer and Arjun made a face at her looney act. Inayat softly giggled.

"Sab" she called.



"Shall we meet, now, in a café or mall?"

"He wants to meet me now" Naira panicked. "What should I tell him? Yes or No?" She asked Veer.

"Ask him the reason and then say no" Veer said.

"What? Why?"

"Just do as I say, Naira" Veer ordered. Inayat was surprised seeing her husband's crooked side.

"Why? Why you want us to meet?"

"Just.. just like that... No specific reason" Sabeer wasn't sure why he actually wanted to see her. "Maybe we could talk..."


"About our love failure" he said bluntly.

Naira fumed. "This moron wants to talk to me about our love failure" Naira cupped her phone to her chest and said in a whispered voice.

"Tell him your love didn't fail, Naira di" Arjun boosted. Naira grinned. "Maybe Roshan bro can give him better company. His ship sank worse than Titanic" he added with a chuckle. Veer kicked his calf for bull-shitting.

Naira's face fell hearing Roshan's name. She didn't know how she will face him tomorrow in the office.

"Naira" Veer shook her shoulder and brought her out of her reverie.

"I don't think I can come, now. I am sorry" Naira said over the phone.

"Oh. How about this weekend?" Sabeer persuaded.

"We will see. Gotta go now. Bye, Sab" she ended the call before he could say further.

"Uff" Naira huffed and slumped on the bed.

"Naira, you should be careful with Sabeer" Veer warned her.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you think he is too fast? Just yesterday his lover got married and today he wants to see you..."

"Maybe he drowned his love in the sea of alcohol and killed it" Arjun joked. Only Inayat chuckled, the other two gave him a death glare.

"You only said he will come chasing for me, right?"

"Yeah, I did but I didn't expect him to come for you this soon. It seems like he didn't love that girl at all..."

"If he didn't love that girl then he can easily fall for Naira di. You don't even have to try hard Naira di"

"That's the problem here, Arjun. He can easily forget his love and find someother girl. Today this girl..."

"Sasha" Naira said.


"Her name. Dr. Sasha"

"Whatever. Today he easily forgot this Sasha girl and tomorrow he will forget our Naira"

"Veer, you can't judge him just like that. He just wanted to talk with Naira and his intentions could be good. You can't blindly think he moved on and now he is hitting on our Naira." Inayat said.

"You are right, sweetheart" Arjun said and earned another kick on his calf from his brother.

"I agree with you, Inayaa but I just want Naira to be careful. I don't want her to easily trust him. Already he is aware of her feelings... he might take advantage of it and play with her emotions... I don't want her to get hurt so I am just cautioning her..."

"I understand" Inayat agreed.

"You can't trust men these days" Veer added.

"Bro, you are talking against our gender" Arjun said taking offense.

"I am talking as her brother" Veer retorted.

"Oh Veer!" Naira hugged Veer. "What I will do without you when you leave to Kashmir next week?"

Inayat's heart sank hearing that. Veer didn't miss to notice her sadness so offered her a smile which she returned weakly.

"Bro, why don't you take bhabhi out and show her Mumbai city?" Arjun suggested. Maybe he too noticed Inayat going down in the dumps.

"Will you go with me, Inayaa?" Veer asked. He didn't want to push her if she wasn't ready.

"Sure" Inayat agreed shyly.

"You guys can take a stroll in the beach and later dine out. I will book a table for two in Hotel Hayat. Candle light dinner will be so romantic" Arjun made a perfect plan for them.

"Not a bad plan, Arjun" Veer appreciated

"Maybe he would have done the beach-walk and dinner-talk with his girlfriend Kathryn" Naira teased. Veer laughed agreeing with his sister. Inayat smiled.

"Oh my dear sister! There is no such soft romance in my love life, only hard fuck" Arjun thought.

... To be continued!!!

Okay! I am officially in love with Arjun!!! 😍😍😍




And thanks!

P.S - I will update  "Baby Daddy" tomorrow!

And "My baby brat" on Sunday!

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