Part 13

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PART - 13

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"When I Saw You I Fell In Love, And You Smiled Because You Knew"

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"All cool, Pops?" Arjun asked his dad as he sat between his mom and dad on the sofa.

"Don't call me 'Pops', Arjun" Rishab warned his son. He hated it but Arjun got used to that word from Kathryn. He had noticed her calling her father 'Pops' whenever she talked to him over the phone.

"Okay, chill dad" he said tapping his dad's shoulder and turned to his mom's side. "Still mad at dad, mom?" He asked resting his head on her shoulder.

Madhu nodded her head positively and stared at the TV screen.

"How is Naira? Did she eat her lunch?" Rishab asked.

"Naira di is okay and yep, she ate"

"Is she still angry on me?"

"Hmm... Yeah... She is really mad at you and she wants to punish you huh, dad" he lied.

"What? Punish me? How?"

"She wants you to cook chicken biriyani for tonight's dinner and get ice cream cake from Ibaco as your punishment" Arjun said keeping a straight.

"Chicken biriyani? Naira wants that?" Rishab asked glaring at his son for shamelessly lying to his. "Who are you trying to fool? She doesn't eat non-veg"

"Er... I didn't say she wants that for her to eat. She just wants to give you a tiring job as punishment."

"Don't bluff. Better ask me you want to eat biriyani and I will cook for you."

"You will?" Arjun asked in merry. Rishab nodded. Cooking Biryani was as easy as tossing a toast for him so he didn't mind doing that for his son. "Well what about the ice cream cake?"

"You go and buy that, lazy ass!" Rishab snarked.

"Alright! Alright! Chill hun" Arjun said softly as if he was taming a raged bull. "Your man easily gets mad. I wonder how you handle this hot head, mom" he whispered near his mom's ear making her laugh.

"Maa" Veer called as he walked to her with Naira and Inayat trailing behind him. "I am taking Inayat out for dinner so don't cook for us, okay?" He informed.

"Oh okay. Enjoy your date night" Madhu said with a beaming smile.

"Mom, I have a client meeting at 8 in Grand Hotel and I will have my dinner there so don't cook for me as well" Naira announced.

"Oh! Will Roshan be there with you in the meeting?" Madhu asked.

"I don't know... We are working on this case together so he should be there in the meeting but I am not sure whether he will come or not...after what happened..."

"If Roshan comes to the meeting make sure you apologize to him." Madhu ordered. Naira nodded.

"Naira, if Roshan didn't come and the meeting took time to get over, you call me, I will come and pick you up" Rishab said.

"I am taking my car" Naira replied curtly dismissing her dad's offer to bring her back home safely.

"She is still angry on me" Rishab thought with a sigh.

Arjun took out his phone when he heard it ping in his pocket. "Come home, babe! Let's study" he quickly read the WhatsApp message from Kathy and shut his phone before his mom could spy the text.

"Dad, I... I am going to my friend's place to study... so don't cook Biryani tonight. You can cook some other day when Veer bro and Inayat bhabhi are at home."

"Friend? Who? Are you going to that girl's place?" Madhu went bonkers on him.

"Mom, she has a name. Kathryn. And no, I am not going to her place" Arjun said calmly.

"Don't lie, Arjun" Madhu snapped.

"I am not lying" he lied. "I am going to Virat's place." He said and made a hasty exit from the house.

"Ugh! What am I going to do with this boy!" Madhu frustrated.

"Maa, calm down, please" Veer said placing his hand on her shoulder and patting it.

"Why this boy would take his car to go to his friend's house which is only two streets away? He must be going somewhere else" Madhu thought suspiciously.

"Rishab, give me your car key" Madhu demanded patting on her husband's chest. She decided to follow Arjun's car. "I will catch him red-hand today" she muttered to herself.

Rishab fished out his car key from his pocket. "Here" he thrust his key into Veer's hand. "Take my car"

"Rishab..." Madhu gritted

"Madhu, they are going out and Veer doesn't have a car so I am letting him use mine"

"Dad, we will take a cab..."

"No, you do what I say. Take my car and go" Rishab said with finality. Veer nodded and went to his room with his wife to get ready. Naira too headed to her room to get her stuff for the meeting.

"Bravo, Rishab. You played smart and saved Arjun from getting caught..." Madhu said in a chilling tone, barely containing her anger. "...but I will see for how long you will save him. Why even now I can prove he lied to me" she grabbed her phone from the coffee table and dialed Arjun's friend Virat's number.

"Madhu, don't do this. We should trust our kids..."

"Shut up!" She snapped and stood up from the couch, walking a little away from her husband. "Hello, Virat?" Madhu asked once the call got connected.

"Hi, aunty. How are you?" Virat asked politely, wondering why his friend's mom was calling him.

"I am good. Um... Is my Arjun there?" Madhu asked biting her nail.

"Um... Yeah, he is here only"

"Can you give him the phone, please. I couldn't reach him through his phone..."

"One sec" Virat said and a minute later, Arjun spoke over the phone. "You didn't believe me, mom?" He asked offended.

"You are right, baby, I didn't believe you. You can't lie over and over again to me and think I will believe you everytime like a fool" Madhu spoke in a icy tone.


"You stopped by Virat's place because you knew I would call him" Madhu said gritting his teeth. "Am I right, sweetheart?"

"Busted" Rishab muttered under his breath and rubbed his forhead.

"No, mom, I really came to Virat's place to study..."

"Ask Virat to come over here and you guys can study..."

"Mom, please stop treating me like this... I am not a kid"

"You first stop lying to me and be honest with me, will you?"

"Alright!" He took a sharp breath before admitting to his mom "Kathryn is my girlfriend and I like her so much. Now, I am going to see her. Bye." He cut the call.

"Ah! Did he just hang up on me?" She looked at her phone in astonishment.


"You don't talk to me" she threw her phone at her husband and marched to her room.


"You look beautiful, Inayat" Veer said breaking the silence floating around them in the confined space of car.

Inayat had worn a beautiful deep purple kurta and leggins with antique embelishments done on the bodice of the kurta. Oh and a matching silk hijab.

"Alhamdulillah (All the praise and thanks be to Allah)" Inayat replied with a shy smile. Veer returned her smile.

"Veer, don't take me wrong. I am just asking because I am curious..." Inayat started and paused to gauge his expression. Veer glanced at her way and waited for her to continue. "...why don't you have a car?"

"I don't stay here to use it so I said no when my dad offered to get me a car when I joined army. He got Naira a car when she won her first case and Arjun is the luckiest among us. He got his car at 18 when got medicine seat."


"Another main reason for saying no is... I am not fond of cars. I am a bike lover."

"I guess you have told me this" Inayat said vaguely remembering him mentioning about his love for bikes once.

"I am sure I did. What I didn't tell you is... Taking you on a ride in my favorite bike is my dream"

"Your dream will come true, one day!"

"I know" he smiled.

"You guys are pretty rich" she said good naturedly, nothing vitriolic.

"Actually my grandparents were rich. My mom's dad was good in steel business and My dad's dad was good in construction business but after their demise we dissolved their companies and being their only child my parents inherited their fortune"

"Oh but your parents are so humble"

"Agreed" Veer slowdown his car near a high raised building. "We actually lived in that 2BHK apartment, 13th floor." Inayat looked up at the building through the window. "We moved in to the big house when Arjun was born..."


"Naira didn't agree to share our room with baby Arjun... you see she is very possessive of her things... so we had to shift to our grandparents' place much to my grandma's delight" Veer said with a chuckle.

"Ahaan. You sold the apartment or you still have it?"

"We still have. My mom has sentimental attachment to this place so she didn't even let this place for rent"

"Veer, will you take me there? I would love to see your childhood home" Inayat asked softly.

"Sure but not today. I don't have the house key"

"No problem"

"We can spend a weekend here" he offered as he revved the car. She nodded with a small smile.


Naira arrived at the hotel ten minutes prior to the scheduled time and waited for either the client or Roshan to arrive but none to be seen.

"Did Roshan forget about the meeting?" Naira thought. "Nah... He will never forget important things"

"Did they cancel the meeting? If so they would have informed me, right?"

"I better call Roshan" she talked to herself and took out her phone from her clutch.

"Switched off?" Naira sighed. "Is he avoiding me? I thought Roshan would be professional but no, he is taking things personal." Naira's anger flared up as minutes passed. "If this is how things are going to be between us then I don't think I can work with him anymore. I better leave his firm and set up my own office." Naira resolved and stood up to leave the place but right then Roshan walked into the private room along with their client. They had bumped into each other in the elevator.

"Sorry, I stuck in traffic and got late" Roshan politely apologized to Naira with a smile. Naira gazed at him dumbfounded. "Without further delay we will start off with the meeting" Roshan gestured the client to take his seat and courteously pulled out the chair for Naira to sit but she stood frozen to her place.

"Naira" he gently called.

"Your beard?" That was the first thing came out of her mouth. "It's gone"

"Do I look too bad without beard?" Roshan asked cocking his brow up.

"No! You look different... You look so young..." Naira said without blinking her eyes. "And so handsome..." she blurted out. "But I liked you more with beard" she whispered but he heard her.

"I know" Roshan smirked.

"Seems like your wife likes you more without beard" The client commented missing her last part. "By the way, sorry I couldn't attend your wedding. I was in Dehli on business"

"Good thing you didn't come, Mr. Mehta. We called off our marriage." Roshan said with a humorless chuckle.

"Oh, I am sorry" Mr. Mehta said. Roshan shrugged casually.

"Shall we place our orders before we start our discussion?" Naira asked feeling hungry.

"Sure" Mr. Mehta agreed and quickly placed his order to the waitress.

"Broccoli and baby corn spaghetti for me and for him spaghetti with meatballs on top and we both will have lemon Mojitos" Naira ordered for Roshan as well.

"No, I will have creamy lemon garlic chicken and sparkling, please" Roshan changed the order.

Naira with a frown said "But you regularly order..."

"My taste and preference have changed, Naira" Roshan cuts her off and gave her a plastered smile.

"Oh" Naira smiled to hide her embarrassment and turned other way.

The meeting went uneventful for Naira because she didn't pay attention at all.

Once the meeting was done and the client left, Roshan and Naira sat in their place for few minutes in sickening silence.

"You are not going to finish it?" Roshan asked when Naira kept swirling her fork in her sphagetti bowl.

"You have changed, Roshan" Naira stated setting the fork down and looking up at him.

"Really?" He asked with a frown. "I don't think so, Naira" he took a sip of his sparkling.

"You are mad at me. I can feel it." Naira accused.

"Give me a break, Naira -- I just lost my lover and my married got cancelled..."

"You said we can be friends?"

"And that's why I am sitting here and patiently talking with you"

"Do you want me to leave your firm?"

"I am actually thinking of making you my 'work' partner. You are an asset to my firm, Naira" he said genuinely.

"Do you now?" She asked.

"Of course! Just say yes"

"Yes" she said without any hesitance.

"I am really glad to hear one 'Yes' from you after too many 'No's'. Well, we will come up with a joint name for our firm and register it"

"Cool" Naira smiled.

"You came by your car or you want me to drop you?"

"I have my car. Anyways, thanks for asking" Naira smiled.

After settling the bill, Roshan walked Naira to the parking lot.

"Drive safe" he said and shut the door for her once she settled on the driver seat.

"You too and enjoy your weekend"

"Sure. See you Monday" Roshan said and walked to his car.


As soon as Arjun stepped into Kathryn's bedroom, she discarded the book she was studying and jumping out of the bed, she ran to him.

"At what time I texted you and at what time you are coming?" Kathryn asked as her fingers started unbuttoning his shirt. "Why you made me wait, you asshole?" 

"Kathryn, stop" he held her wrist and tried to stop her but she shook away his hands and impatiently tore his shirt making the buttons to pop out.

"I missed this" she buried her nose in his chest and smelled his scent. "Ah! Your smell.. it drives me crazy" she grazed her teeth over his chest finding the appropriate place to bite him.

"Kathryn, I said stop" he tried to push her away but she pressed herself to him and locked him by hooking one of her legs around his waist.

She kissed his throat before biting him there making him hiss in pain.

"If I was a vampire I would have bite you harder and sucked out your blood right at this moment" Kathryn said as she roughly pulled his face down to her and captured his lips with her.

She pushed him backwards till his back hit the door and held his neck tightly with her hands and forcefully fucked his mouth.

He bunched her loose hair with one hand and yanked it back, pulling her face away from him and placing his other hand on her stomach he pushed her away.

"What's wrong with you?" Kathy angrily slapped him for pushing her away.

Arjun shut his eyes and clenched his fists to hold his anger. "You called me here to study" he reminded her.

"And you knew very well that was a stupid excuse. You knew why I called you here, don't you?"

"Kathryn, honestly tell me, what am I to you?"


"What you call whatever shit is going on between us?"

"You are my magic bullet" she cupped his butt with her hands and pushed him forward so that his cock dug in her belly. "I can't stand anymore of your nonsense talk so you better shoot your cock in me and fuck me, Arjun" she urged him and trapped his lower lip between her teeth and bit it hardly till she tasted the metallic taste of his warm blood.

"Ah, Kathryn" he winced and turned his face away from her. "Stop using me as if I am your sex toy"

"What else you are to me?" Her reply stunned him.

"So I am your sex toy?"

"Yep! The toy I got for free of cost" Kathryn said with an arrogant smirk.

Arjun felt so disgusted of his own skin. "I can't believe you said that"

"Arjun, you are helping me recover from my addiction and I am rewarding you with good hot sex. That's all"

"But I love you. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you in Bali, two years ago"

"So?" She asked not knowing what he was expecting from her. "I don't love you" she said when he kept gawking  her in stunned silence.


"Why means what?" She asked getting pissed with the shit talk.

"Can you ever fall in love with me?" He asked hopefully

"That's not going to happen" she said hugging herself.

"Then I don't think we should continue what we are doing so far" Arjun said looking away from her.

"You are kidding, Arjun." She tried to laugh it off but she knew his words held depth. "You know I need you so you can't just quit on me" she took a step closer and held his arms, masking her terror of losing him.

"I am quitting, now. Goodbye, Kathryn" Arjun said looking straight at her eyes making his point clear before walking out of her room.

... To be continued!




And thanks!

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