Part 14

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PART - 14

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"I am in my bed; you're in your bed. One of us is in the wrong place"

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Arjun walked into his house, devastated. He wished he could sneak into his room without anyone noticing him but he had no such luck. His mom was waiting for him in the living room.

"Arjun, where were you?" Madhu rushed to him as soon as she saw him. "I was so worried. You went by evening and you are coming home now..." She glanced at the wall clock " midnight."

Without a word, he tried to walk past her but she stopped him. "I am talking to you, Arjun. Where were you? And what's wrong, baby? You look so upset." Madhu asked caressing her son's cheek. "Rishab... Rishab, c'mere" Madhu called her husband to deal with their son.

"What? What happened?" Rishab walked to them in a relaxed pace knowing his wife would panic for nothing.

"Look, he is not talking. I think he was crying. His eyes are bloodshot"

"Mom" Arjun groaned. "I didn't cry, okay" he said as his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"What's wrong, Arjun?" Rishab asked authoritatively.

"Nothing, dad" he said without meeting his dad's eyes. "Mom, my love, don't worry. I am alright. Just go to bed." Arjun said wrapping his arms around his mom's shoulder and kissing her temple.

"Baby, are you upset because I called your friend without trusting you?" Madhu asked regretfully.

"No!" He shook his head in negation.

"Then?" Madhu pressed him to tell the truth. "You don't look good. Something is bothering you. Tell mama, please?"

"Mom, I... I am tired..." And hurt. "I want to sleep..." And forget everything. "...please, let me go" Arjun pleaded.

Sighing, Madhu nodded her head. "Baby, if you need me I am there for you, remember it, okay?"

Arjun nodded and ran upstairs to his room not before planting a kiss on his mother's forehead.

"Don't fret, Madhu. We will talk to him, tomorrow. Now, come, let's go to bed" Rishab said and taking her hand in his, he took her to their room.


Inayat turned to her side and looked at Veer who was lying on the couch across her bed and staring up at the ceiling.

"Veer" she called softly. He turned his head and looked at ger questioningly.

She stretched out her hand, palm down, for him to take. Veer looked at her surprised for a second but then he realized what she was expecting him to do. With a smile, he stretched out his hand, palm up, from his place.

Inayat pushed her head further onto her pillow and looked at their untouched hands yet it looked like they were touching from that angle.

Veer gently curled his fingers and Inayat mirrored his action and now it looked like their fingers were interlaced.

"I had a great time, today. Thanks for taking me out, Veer" Inayat said, slightly showing her dimples.

"Pleasures all mine, Inayaa" Veer said. "Um... My hand is aching by hanging in the air so shall I put it down?" Veer asked hesitantly.

With a softly laugh, Inayat nodded her head. With a sigh of relief, Veer dropped his hand to the side of the couch.

"Are we going to look at each other throughout the night or are we going to get some sleep?" Veer asked teasingly.

"Is my face so boring that you prefer to sleep than looking at me, Veer?" Inayat asked back faking upset.

Veer let out a hearty laugh. "You are starting to get the eccentricity of wives"

"What?" She asked confused

"Wives have this freakish quality of locking the husbands with their twisted words where the husbands can neither say the truth nor lie"

"Oh really?" She giggled. "Well, you can always tell me the truth"

"Then here goes the truth. I can never get bored of you. I can stare at your beautiful face forever but..." He paused.

"What?" She waited for him to finish his sentence.

" bloody eyes are betraying me. I feel sleepy" he groaned covering his face with a throw pillow.

"Allah Allah... You are so adorable" Inayat softly said with a smile and bit her lower lip to prevent her lips stretching further and forming a full bown grin.

"Did you say something?" Veer asked not getting her words properly.

"No" she lied and quickly got off the bed to go to the balcony and get some fresh air as her cheeks started heating up.

"Where are you going?" Veer asked.

"Um... I need some fresh air." She said and pointed her thumb towards the balcony. "You sleep. Good night"

"Night" he said and rolled to his front on the couch.

Inayat stood closer to the railing and hugged herself as cool breeze brushed her body. Her eyes descended from gazing the moon light to the swimming pool and there her eyes caught something or someone to be exact.

"Veer! Veer" Inayat called her husband from the balcony.

"What?" He walked to her side, yawning.

"Look over there" she pointed her finger to the pool area.

"Arjun? What he is doing there at this time?"

"He seems...dull and depressed" Inayat said closely scrutinizing Arjun. He was sitting at the edge of the pool, his shoulders hunched forward and head bowed down as if in defeat. "Why don't you go and talk with him?" Inayat suggested.

"Alright, I will go check on him" Veer agreed and turned but stopped when Inayat called him again.

"No, don't go"


"Your dad is going, already"

"Cool. He will handle him better. Let's go sleep" Veer said and walked in. Inayat followed him after shutting the balcony doors.


"What are you doing here all alone, Arjun?" Rishab asked startling Arjun.

"You scared me, dad" Arjun said literally shivering in fright.

"Sorry, son. I was watching you for long from the balcony and thought you will go back to your room at one point and you seemed to be camping here all night so I thought I will give you company"

"I was about to go back to my room, dad"

"What happened? Had a fight with your girlfriend?" Rishab asked as he sat beside him on the floor.

"Answer me when I ask something, Arjun" Rishab admonished his son when he remained silent just starting at the reflection of the moon in the pool water.

"I broke up with Kathryn" Arjun said in a mere whisper with his head hung down.


"She doesn't love me, dad" a pearl like tear drop directly fell on his hand from his eyes without caressing his cheek.


"There is no life without love, dad... There is no life for our relationship..."

"Bullshit" Rishab scowled. "First, stop being emotional, second, stop telling me those shitty dialogues. I have heard shit ton of emotional lines from your over dramatic mother so you don't add more to your share"


"Alright, I won't say a word negative about your mom"

"Good" Arjun smile. "I envy you, dad" he said after a minute of silence.

"Me? Why?" Rishab asked curiously.

"You got mom's love. You got her pure and divine love." Arjun said smiling thinking about his parents love for each other. Rishab smiled, agreeing with his son. "I always wanted my girl to be like my mom, so loving and caring but I got a bitch of a girlfriend"

"Arjun!" Rishab slapped on his back "Don't use words you will regret later"

"Kathryn is a bitch, dad. I won't regret saying that!"

"You are just angry on her now and saying nonsense but you will regret it later so you better stop sprouting shits. Besides, I don't like you disrespecting girls" Rishab warned his son.

"She said I mean nothing to her, dad, how could she say that when she means everything to me, dad?"

"Arjun, she is young and immature... she might not understand heavy life twisting things so I advise you to hold some patience. You both are still kids now. You both wait till you grow up..."

"She knows every-fucking-thing, dad, apart from loving me" he said through gritted teeth.

"You can't force her, Arjun. All you have to do is keep loving her till she feels your love."

"No, dad, she won't understand my feelings ever. She is clearly using me"

"You let her use you. I hope she didn't come behind you..."

"I agree! She didn't come. I chased her. I let her use me. I thought if sex was what will bring us together... I was ready to do anything for her, dad."

"Then what happened now?"

"I am sick... sick of the way she treats me. She said I was her sex toy"

"Ouch! That hurt your male ego hun?" Rishab mocked.

"My male ego didn't get wounded. It's my pride and respect got wounded, dad" Arjun growled.


"You are not helping me, tonight, dad so it's better I don't listen to you..." Arjun said and was about to leave the place but sat back when his dad put his hand on his shoulder, stopping him from leaving.

"Arjun, I will tell you something?" Rishab asked and waited for his son to give the approval.

"Go ahead"

"Before marrying your mom, I was in relationship with three women"

"At a time three women?" Arjun asked, stupidly. "Did you ever tell this to my mommy?" He asked getting all defensive for his mom.

"Idiot! Not at a time. I dated three chicks during the course of teenage to few months before marriage and of course I told everything to your mom. One of my girlfriends was Ria aunty, our former Neighbor."

"Thea's mom?" Arjun asked in shock. Rishab nodded. "Poor Ria aunty was ditched by my dad and Thea was ditched by my bro Veer" Arjun roared with laughter.

"Hey! I didn't ditch her. She only ditched me. And about Veer, he never had feelings for Thea. He didn't even encourage her crush."

"Alright. Now where were we?" Arjun decided to let it go.

"I was was I actually telling?" Rishab asked forgetting his point.

"You were telling me about your "Ram Leela" with three women" Arjun teased. "I never knew my dad was a player"

"Did I tell you I was a player, duffer?" Rishab glared and smacked his son's head. Arjun rubbed his head with his hand where he got the hit.

"Well, when those three girls broke up with me I didn't care..."

"And you're telling me not to care about my break up with Kathy?"

"Ahh! Arjun, you are so annoying like your mom. Stop interrupting me and let me finish my sentence" Rishab said in exasperation.

"Mom is not annoying"

"You don't know, boy. She literally sucks my life out with her annoyance" Rishab shook his head and huffed.

"Will you stop cribbing about my mom and tell what you were telling?"

"Alright! I didn't care about those girls because I knew they weren't the one for me... but when I saw your mom for the first time in a train, with my psychic power, I saw my future with her"

"Psychic power?" Arjun burst out laughing. "You are so funny, dad"

"Oh God! He is really stupid like his mom. Just like her he too missed the important thing I said and making fun of nothing" Rishab thought, horridly.

Rishab cleared his throat sending a silent threat to his son to stop laughing like a loon.

"I knew the moment I saw your mom that she was my lady to hold, to protect and to cherish and if you feel the same way about your girl then go fight for her. Never ever give up on her, Arjun, if she is worthy of your love."

"It was love at first sight for me, dad. The moment I saw her in Bali, when we were vacationing there, I knew she was my destiny."

"Ah! Now you are talking in my language" Rishab said playfully slapping his son's back.

"Now it's late but one day I will tell you my love story in detail, dad..."

"Nah! Please spare me the details, Arjun"

"Dad!" Arjun took offense with his no to hear his story "I heard yours and mom's adventurous love story as bedtime story during my childhood and I have literally counted how many times mom told you "Husband, I love you" so you better show the same courtesy and listen to my love story, dad" Arjun whined, dramatically.

"Your mom is the one who told you bedtime stories so you go tell your love story to her and I bet... she will kill you" Rishab said with a smirk and stood up to go to bed. Arjun gulped down his saliva and shut his mouth.

"Good night, Arjun"

"Um... dad, I will talk with Kathryn, tomorrow and sort out our differences. Oh and thank you for your pep talk" he said jogging behind him.

"Cool" Rishab said and head to his room upstairs.

Rishab entered his room and turned around to shut his door but stopped when Arjun stood outside his room hopping from foot to foot. "What?"

", will you mind if I sleep with you and mom, tonight?"

"Yes, I will mind so you go to your room and sleep." Rishab said curtly.

"Dad, please. Show some mercy on me. I'm hurt and heartbroken. I need mom" Arjun played the emotional card. Rishab rolled his eyes.

"Your mom is sleeping" Rishab warned before letting him enter the room.

"I won't disturb her" Arjun whispered and cat walked. Then he crawled on the bed and curled up like a small ball, laying his head on his mom's belly. Ever since he was a baby he loved to wrap his arm around her waist and place his cheek on her soft and bouncy belly.

"My baby" Madhu said with a smile still having her eyes closed and her fingers raked through Arjun's hair, soothingly.

"I love you, mom" Arjun whispered and tightened his hold around her.

"Asshole! All his love only for his mom" Rishab thought grudgingly and laid on the edge of the bed as the mom-son duo occupied most of the space.

... To be continued!




And thanks!

P.S – "MY BABY BRAT" – I will for sure update TOMORROW!

"BABY DADDY" – I will most likely update this WEEKEND!

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