Part 15

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I WISH A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR (2018) TO ALL MY LOVELIES!!! Have a great year ahead filled with lots of love, peace, and happiness!!!

(Wishing a day in advance because I don't know whether I will be able to come here tomorrow...LOL!)


PART - 15

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"I am not the jealous type but what's mine is MINE. End of story" 

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After greeting her father in law with salaam, Inayat started chopping the vegetables while Rishab read the newspaper.

"Uncle..." Inayat softly called him. Rishab set the paper he was holding in his hand down and looked at Inayat.

"Um... Do you know where Veer is?" She asked hesitantly. "When I woke up he was sleeping and by the time I was done with my morning prayer, he was gone."

"I didn't see him going out, dear, so he must be in the gym. It's in second floor."


"You can go see him. I will do the cooking here"

"No, no, uncle. I will do. I was just wondering where he could have gone this early" she said with a shrug. Rishab smiled and took a sip of his coffee.


"Yes, dear" Rishab asked too politely as he completely folded the newspaper and discarded it on the table to pay full attention to his daughter in law.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. You continue reading..."

"I am done reading. Now, tell me why you called me?"

"Um... I can be little loquacious so please don't mind me..." Inayat blabbered. She was slowly getting accustomed with Veer's family and liking the love and care they were showing on her.

Rishab laughed. "Not a problem. I am so used to loquacious persons. For one, your mom in law, she can jabber all day and night but still she won't get tired and will want to talk more"

Inayat covered her mouth with her middle two fingers and stifled her laughter.

"Well, what you wanna ask me?"

"Um... How is Arjun?" Inayat asked in concern. Rishab frowned wondering how she knew about his son's distress.

"Veer and I saw him sitting alone near the pool, last night. He was in low spirits." Inayat explained the reason for asking about Arjun. "We thought of talking to him but then we saw you walking to him so we let it to you to handle"

"Ahaan" Rishab said with a small smile. He likes Inayat for caring for his family. Well, it's now her family too so I shouldn't be surprised. He thought.

"He is fine and now sleeping like a baby hugging his mom" Rishab grumbled.

"Oh really?"

"This boy can be really clingy." he pinched the bridge of his nose to contain his frustration. "You know what, Inayat? The moment he born, he stole my wife from me." He said with a streak of jealousy evident on his face. Inayat suppressed her giggle by pressing her lips tight. "Many times, I thought of joining him in boarding school but his mom didn't let me do that" he exhaled.

"Oh" Inayat didn't know what else to say so she just listened to him.

"Well, about last night... he broke up with his girlfriend and he was upset so slept with us in our room” 

"Ya Allah" she felt sad hearing her brother's break up with his girl.

"Don't worry. He will patch up with his girl soon cuz he is pretty smitten by her and he can't let her go that easily."

"Insha Allah, they mend their relationship soon" she wished. Rishab smiled.


“Ah! Somebody pull the curtains close and block the sunlight. I can’t sleep here” Arjun groaned as he covered his face by throwing his arm over it but still he couldn’t find his sleep in the bright sunlight.

He mentally cursed the one who opened the curtains and disturbed his sleep. He rolled to his side to find his mom sleeping peacefully, bathing in the brightness.

“How can she sleep unstirred when the sun is burnishing her face?” Arjun thought curiously. “Maybe, she’s used to it” he reasoned and sat up on the bed, shuffling the duvet aside. “I better go to my room and continue my sleep” he looked around for his phone and found it under the pillow. He grabbed it and left his parents’ room.

Arjun climbed up the stairs taking two steps at a time as he checked his phone. He missed a step and fell down, nearly dropping his phone when he saw Kathryn’s WhatsApp DP. “What the fuck?” he cussed staring at his phone. “Just yesterday we broke up and today, she’s changed her profile pic?” Earlier Kathryn had kept a cheek-cheek touching close up picture of hers and Arjun’s but now she had removed that and kept a picture of her with another guy. “And why the hell she kept this rascal Alex’s pic?” Arjun loathed Kathryn’s bestie Alexander. “Is she trying to make me jealous?” he thought. “Bravo, girl! You won. You made me jealous and freaking mad” Arjun stood up on his feet and raced to his room to freshen up and go see Kathryn but stopped in tracks when he heard some smacking sounds.

He took two steps backward and opened the door adjacent to his room, the gym room. Veer was punching and giving roundhouse kicks to the punching bag. “Ah! This will help me to vent out my frustration” Arjun thought and stepped into the gym room.

“Bro, I wanna use the punching bag” he said bluntly.

“What?” Veer asked in shock as he swiftly blocked the punching bag from swinging. “When was the last time you entered this room, Arjun?”

“Bro, please, don't test me now. I just wanna throw some hard punches on this bag…”

“Thinking it as?” Veer asked teasingly.

“Alex” Arjun blurted out

“Who’s he? Your college rival?”

“Kathryn’s childhood sweetheart”

“Uh-huh! Seems like someone is burning in jealousy”


“Alright! You go warm up first…”

“No need for all that”

“At least wear the boxing gloves, Arjun, otherwise you will break your wrist” Veer warned him but without listening to his brother, he threw a hard punch and yelled in pain, holding his right fist.

“Hey” Veer took his hand to examine it. “Tsk tsk” Veer shook his head seeing the redness on Arjun’s knuckles. “You didn’t strike properly. When you punch the bag your index and middle knuckles should contact first, not the smaller knuckles”

“This bag is a bitch. I don’t want it. Let’s fight, bro” Arjun said shoving his brother and positioning his feet, ready for a fight. 

“No way, Arjun” Veer denied to fight with him knowing full well Arjun will get hurt.


Inayat was adjusting her hijab by standing in front of the full length mirror in her room and that's when she heard continuous banging at the door.

"One sec. Coming" she said as louder as possible with her soft voice.

"Bhabhi, see the damage your husband has done to me" Arjun complained as soon as Inayat opened the door glaring accusingly at his brother.

Inayat gaped at Arjun's face for few awful seconds before shifting her gaze to Veer and then bringing it back to Arjun. Arjun's face was bruised and his lower lip was cut. Seeing blood dripping from his lip, Inayat started panicking. "Blood..."

Her breathe quickened as images of her brother Izzaan fighting with that monster Rafiq filled her vision. Her brother fought against him till he bled badly and eventually he died.

"...Izzaan" She mumbled softly placing her hand over her chest as her head started spinning and her eyes rolled back.

"Inayat" Veer jumped in and quickly grabbed her chawl which she had hung around her neck and slowly sank her down on the floor before she collapse down with a thud and faint. "Arjun, call mom or Naira" Veer ordered. He felt helpless knowing he couldn't hold or even touch his wife. 

"Bro, first you lift her up and place her on the bed" Arjun instructed so that he can check on her.

"I can't touch her, dammit" Veer barked. Arjun literally banged his head on the wall "Ugh! For God's sake, she fainted. She won't know you touched her so pick her up in your arms and bring her to the bed." Arjun shouted his order.

"You sure she won't know? I don't want her to panic..."

"If you are not going to lift her, I am going to do that job" Arjun threatened. Veer didn't like the thought of his brother carry his wife in his arms so he very cautiously and gently picked her up in his arms and settled her comfortably on the bed.

Arjun held her wrist and checked her pulse. "Arjun, I beg you, please don't touch her. She doesn't like it"

"Ah... Shut up. I missed the count" Arjun grumbled. He was counting her pulse rate for fifteen seconds.

"Sorry" Veer mumbled and worriedly looked at his wife who looked so pale, losing the pinkish color on her cheeks.

"Her pulse is normal" Arjun said and patted her cheeks but she didn't respond.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Veer shouted when Arjun removed her chawl off her neck and was about to undo her hijab.

"I am going to remove her head scarf. This will suffocate her so its better to take it off..."

"No! No, you can't take that off. She's very particular about that thing. You will surely upset my wife and I won't let you do that" Veer pulled his brother away from his wife.

"Okay, chill, bro" Arjun raised his hands up and moved to the foot of the bed. He took Inayat's right leg in his hand and rubbed her foot.

"Arjun, you leave it. I will rub her foot" Veer said possessively and grabbed Inayat's ankle and gently rubbed her foot.

"I don't think you are rubbing her foot but feeling it" Arjun comment noticing his brother softly caressing her foot.

Veer shot him a glare and asked "Why isn't she up yet? Shall we take her to the hospital?" 

"No need. She is perfectly fine. She will come around in another 5 or 10 minutes" Arjun said and sat besides Inayat on the bed, placing one leg on the bed and the other touching the floor.

"My sweet bhabhi, you fainted seeing me bleeding?" Arjun took Inayat's hand and kissed the back of it, affectionately.

"Ah Arjun! Don't. Touch. Her." Veer said through gritted teeth. Arjun looked at his brother with a frown. "I am warning you. Stay away from my wife"

"Whoa!" Arjun scoffed. "She is my bhabhi... She is like an elder sister to me and I have all right to touch her so you don't order me"

"Fuck you, Arjun! It's not that... I am worried about her fear... You don't know my Inayat. She won't tell anything openly to me or to us even if she vehemently hates or scared of something. She might hate you or me touching her but she won't show it out, worrying we will feel hurt... So I want you to understand her, understand her fear... And please don't touch her" Veer pleaded.

"How long she will be like this, bro? One day or the other, she has to over come her fear, right? I don't think you are helping her... Sorry, we are helping her." Arjun said feeling disappointed. Veer stood silent agreeing with him. Yes, I am not helping my wife and I am ashamed about it. He thought.

"It's not going to affect me much by staying away from her, I can easily do that... but it will affect you... if not now, in future you will feel it. You will yearn to be closer with her but you can't because she will still be wallowing in her fear of being touched by men..." Veer closed his eyes, painfully. He was already yearning to hold his beautiful wife in his arms, caress her cheeks and kiss her lips. "You are her husband and you can't be like this. You can't fear to freely touch your wife..."

"What else can I possibly do?" Veer asked clueless.

"Get physically in touch with her... I mean... Nothing too intimate because we don't want to scare her and make her run screaming to the hills... But show your love to her through simple gestures like holding her hand while walking in a park or beach, kissing her forehead before going to bed... Um... Do something that will make her want for you... make her crave for your closeness, bro. Just get her addicted to you" like how I am addicted to my Kathy.

"Everything sounds good to hear but will it work?"

"Try! Try! And try like I tried!"

"What you tried?" Veer asked curiously.

"I have touched your wife's dimple cheeks once, I have flirted with her at every chance I got and I have nearly hugged her yesterday evening when she made that tasty veg rolls. All those moves were deliberately done by me to eradicate the inhibition she has on men and I am sure it's working. She is getting comfortable working and chatting with dad in kitchen. She already likes me..." Arjun said pompously. Veer snorted. "And she loves her husband... These are signs which shows that she is not scared of us. She already trust us... So it's easy for her to come out of her nutshell"

"You think?"

"Yep. I think she just couldn't wipe off the horrible incident from her mind..."

"It's not easy for her to forget that incident..."

"Exactly. Even now you heard her, right? She said Izzaan, her brother's name right?" Arjun asked. Veer nodded. "So I presume she remembered her brother seeing me in this bloody mess"

"Oh shit! How could I be so insensitive and let her see you in this state?" Veer hit his forehead. "I should have stopped you from running to her to complain about me. She hates violence."

"You shouldn't have punched me then I wouldn't have ran here to complain to my teacher bhabhi" Arjun laughed and groaned in pain.

"You asked for it, Arjun. I said I won't fight with you but you pushed my buttons. You used me as your punching bag and having enough from you, I just gave you one blow..."

"Hard blow and you broke my jaw" Arjun fake cried

"If your jaw is broken you won't be able to blabber now" Veer retorted.

Before Arjun could counter, Inayat slowly regained her consciousness.

"Inayat, you okay?" Veer asked, standing by the bed with his hands shoved in his pants' pockets, resisting the urge to help her sit up and caress her cheeks.

"Bhabhi, you okay?" Arjun asked taking hold of her hand in his. "You scared us, bhabhi" he clasped her hand with both his hands and waited for her to panic or pull her hand out of his hold but she seemed to be unaware of it.

Inayat weakly smiled at her husband first and nodded her head at Arjun.

"Thank God, you are okay" Veer sighed in relief.

"How are you, Arjun? What happened to you?" Inayat asked softly in concern. By now Arjun had wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth using his shirt sleeve not wanting to scare her again.

"Your husband hit me" Arjun complained.

"Veer?" Inayat looked up at her husband in shock. "Why you hit him?"

"He started it"

"So? You will puncture my face?" Arjun scowled. "Where did I exactly hit you? Did I mess your face like you did mine? No, right?" Arjun asked and winked at his bro. He had punched his brother on his shoulders, chest, back and arms. "C'mon, take off your shirt" Arjun mouthed. Veer shook his head in negation. He knew Inayat will faint again. Inayat was scanning his face and arms to find any visible injury and in that process she missed the brothers secret convo.

"Veer, are you hurt?" Inayat finally pulled her hand out of Arjun's hold and scrambler closer to her husband.

"Inayaa, don't panic. I am not hurt..."

"Show her the places I hit you, bro. Let her check and tell" Arjun said with a mischievous grin. Thankfully, Inayat's back was facing him so he didn't have to struggle to hide his facial expressions.

"Inayaa, I am fine. You relax. I will go get you lemonade" Veer said and quickly walked out of the room.

"Did you hurt him badly?" Inayat asked Arjun hiding her anger by lowering her head.

"Is my bhabhi angry on me?" Arjun asked sounding wounded.

"Why you brothers fought?"

"I was frustrated and to calm my nerves I... I used your husband as my punching bag thinking he won't punch be back but I was wrong. He landed one hard punch and knocked me down..."

"You are too bad and absolutely mad, Arjun" Inayat didn't hesitate to say that.

"I am the one bleeding here, not your hubby dearest, okay?" Arjun growled.

"Sorry" Inayat mumbled and looked down at her hand. "Is this your blood?" She asked noticing dried blood on the back of her hand where Arjun kissed her.

"Yep" Arjun said as he searched for the first aid kit in the drawers. "Ah, here it is" he took out the box and placed it on the bed.

"How I got your blood on my hand?" Inayat asked wiping the blood stain with her other hand.

"Uh... Um..." He stammered. He couldn't tell her he kissed her with his cut lips.


"Ahhh... My jaw is paining. I can't talk." Arjun cried.

"Oh I am sorry"

"It's okay. Now, tend my wound, bhabhi" he said, giving her the cotton ball.

"Um... Me?" Inayat asked with worried eyes.

"Yes, you. Why you won't help me?"

"No... Um... I mean. Yeah, okay. I will tend your wounds"

"Sweet" Arjun tipped his chin up and showed his cut clearly for her to clean.

Shakily, Inayat held the cotton ball and brought it closer to his mouth but took it back again. Then she broughy it again and this time the cotton ball barely contacted with his skin. Arjun sighed inwardly.

"Inayat, you don't have to struggle." Veer came to his wife's rescue. "I will clean his wound. You drink this" he placed the tray on the bedside table and handed her a glass of lemonade.

"Thank you" Inayat weakly smiled and took the glass from him.

"Show me your face" Veer said but before Arjun could turn and show his face, Veer forcefully turned his face and roughly sponged his wound with antiseptic liquid.

"Ah bro, you are hurting me" he winced.

"Veer, gently, please" Inayat told. Veer nodded and carefully tended Arjun's wound and bandaged it.

"Thank you. Now, I will leave your room?"

"Get out, Arjun"

"How sweet" Arjun mocked his brother and turned to Inayat's side "If you are not feeling well call Dr. Arjun" he said giving her a two finger salut "I am at your service 24*7." Inayat let out soft giggles. "Take care, bhabhi" He smiled and walked towards the door but stopped remembering something to tell.

"What?" Veer asked.

"Bhabhi, I will send you hot water bag..." Both Inayat and Veer frowned in confusion.

"Why would I need that?" Inayat asked.

"Not for you. For him" he pointed to Veer. "My brother's torso is bruised. You soothe his sore muscles with the hot water bag or..." He paused. Veer shook his head silently asking him not to tell whatever he was itching to tell because he knew his brother will say something embarrassing " can give him a body massage with your feather soft hands" Arjun suggested and smirked. That wasn't bad actually. Veer thought his brother would suggest his wife to kiss him (Veer) better.

Inayat gaped at him with open mouth. Veer quickly slammed the door shut after pushing Arjun out of the room.

"You take rest, Inayat. I will go take a hot shower and come" Veer said and quickly rushed to the bathroom.

... To be continued!

Well, no Naira scenes in this update too but I will surely show her scenes in the next part as you all are already missing her... Lol!



And share!


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