Part 26

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Part - 26


"A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other"


Arjun raced down the stairs carrying a book in his hand and headed to the dining room to grab something to eat before leaving for college.

He found his family already having breakfast except for his sister. She must have gone early or she hasn't woken up yet. He thought and took a seat opposite to his dad.

"Good morning" he greeted looking at his dad in particular to gauge his expression and judge his mood. Rishab looked up from his plate to his son and greeted him back without much of expression.

"I will take you to college, today" Rishab said much to Arjun's surprise. Madhu turned to her husband and asked him 'why?' wordlessly. He shrugged but didn't her the actual reason.

"Okay" Arjun agreed to go with him. 'I will get some time to revise while he drives' he thought.

"Don't give him lecture on the way to his college. He has exam so let him peacefully concentrate on it." Madhu hissed at her husband thinking he was giving the excuse of dropping his son to college just to have a word with him about his rude behavior the other night.

Rishab scowled at his wife but didn't retort her. He knew when to talk and when to shut his mouth. He won't upset his son by bringing up the issue when he was going to exam.

"Shall we leave?" Rishab asked his son once they both were done with their breakfast.

"It's just 8. Exam starts at 10. I think I will revise for an hour and we will start by 9." He said. His college was just some 20 minutes drive away.

"No, I have work. I will drop you early. You do the revision in your college." Rishab insisted.

"Alright. I will go collect my things and come" Arjun said and ran to his room. He took his phone from the bed and checked it. There was one message. He hoped it was from Kathryn but it wasn't. It was from his brother Veer wishing him all the best for his exam. He quickly typed 'thank you, bro' and shoved his phone in his pocket.

When he ran down to the living room, his mother was waiting for him with a cup in her hand.

"Ahhh, dahi-shakkar. I hate it." He groaned. He takes curd and sugar separately but never likes them when mixed together.

"Still you are going to have it for me" Madhu said and took the spoon closer to his mouth.

"Anything for you, mom" he said with a wink and opened his mouth wide enough for her to slip the spoon in.

"He is so like my brother"

"He is so like my lady love"

Inayat and Rishab said in unison and looked at each other hearing their subtle comments.

"My brother, Izzaan hated dahi-shakkar"

"Oh. Well, my wife does anything for me"

"Oh that's nice" they explained to each other why Arjun resembles someone so close to their heart.

"All the best, Arjun" Inayat wished him.

"Thanks, bhabhi" he side hugged her making her jump. "Oops...sorry" he muttered holding his ear. Inayat nervously smiled.


"We are here" Rishab announced as he parked his car in the college parking lot.

"Thanks, dad" Arjun said closing his book and reaching across he took a pen from Rishab's pocket. It was his sentiment to write all his exams using his dad's pen and Rishab knew that as well and that's why he buys the best pen and keeps it ready for his son.

"Do well" he wished and got out of the car.

With a confused frown, Arjun too jumped out of the car. "You're not leaving? Are you going to wait for me to finish my exam and take me back home?" He asked.

"I have" Rishab said and looked around to spot the person for whom he was there. Right then a sleek black Jaguar car screechingly entered the parking area and took a spot beside their car.

"What business?" Arjun asked his dad but his eyes were set on the car. He knew whose car it was. His girl's car. His heart started thumping in anticipation to see her after two days. And there, she got out with ease and grace and walked around her car not before slamming the door shut noisily.

"Hi, Kathy" he said giving her his charming smile but she returned neither his 'Hi' nor his smile. She quickly checked him out but didn't let him know that as she had covered her eyes with dark sunglasses. She placed her bandaged hand on his shoulder and pushed him aside as he was blocking her way.

His eyes widened when he noticed her wound. He quickly held her hand and feather softly ran his fingers over the bandage. "What the fuck is this?" He asked her in concern.

"Move" she said arrogantly chewing gum.

"Kathryn, don't show this attitude to me and tell me what caused you this?" He asked pointing to her injured hand.

Without replying him, she took off her sunglasses, hung it on her pants' belt loop and smiled, well not at Arjun but at the person standing behind him.

Rishab cleared his throat and took a step forward. Arjun had totally forgotten about his dad from the moment Kathy came.

"Wait a minute" he swiftly turned around to meet his dad. "You are here for her?" He asked. Rishab nodded his head. "For what?"

"I am her scribe"

"You knew it then? You knew about her wound but you didn't bother to tell me!" He accused.

"It's not my place to tell." Rishab said with a shrug.

"She is my girlfriend and I have a right to know"

Rishab pinched the bridge of his nose feeling frustrated for being stuck between the two.

"Thanks for coming, uncle" Kathy hugged him briefly. "Same style" she said pointing to how he had hung his sunglasses on his belt loop just like her.

Arjun quickly took out his sunglasses which was hanging on the V of his shirt and hung it on his belt loop.

"Uncle, I have to meet my Dean to show my medical report and get his signature on the letter requesting him to permit a scribe to write my exam. I want you to come along with me. Will you?"


"What's your qualification, uncle?"

"B.E, mechanical and MBA, finance"

"I see" Kathy pulled her lower lip between her teeth as she wondered whether he would be allowed to be her scribe as he was well educated.

"Studied biology only in school and it's like some forty years ago so I don't have much knowledge on that subject so I can very well be your scribe and I will say the same to your principal. You don't worry" he said reading her mind.

"Great, uncle. Let's go then" Kathy held his hand and dragged him to the principal's office completely ignoring Arjun.


"That went easy, right?" Rishab asked as they walked out of the principal's office. Arjun who was leaning against the pillar outside the principal's office straightened up and walked to them.

"That's because he is your friend" Kathy said letting out a laugh.

"Not friend, just an acquaintance. Once I dealt his case and I can't believe he still remembers me"

"No one can easily forget you, uncle, why, because you tend to leave a strong impact on people at the very first meeting itself"

Arjun scoffed. He didn't like being sidelined. He always craved for attention from everyone and here, his girlfriend wasn't giving him two hoots.

"Kathryn, that's enough now. Just tell me what happened to your hand? Did you hurt yourself or was it an accident?" Arjun asked through gritted teeth as he grabbed Kathy's hand and pulled her aside.

Kids! Rishab sighed.

"Don't you dare touch me and stay the fu... Stay away from me" she controlled her tongue realizing Rishab was standing right next to her.

"I am your boyfriend so why the hell should I not touch you?" He hissed.

"We broke up"

"No, we didn't. We are very much together and we will be like this as long as you and I shall live. You get that?" He asked jerking her forward, closer to him as he gripped her arms painfully.

"Arjun!" Rishab growled. "Don't forget where you are and let her go." He hissed.

"Dad, give us a minute alone, will you?" Arjun asked without taking his eyes off of Kathryn.

"Kathryn, I will wait for you in the cafeteria?" Rishab asked. If she wanted him around her then he would be.

"I am also coming with you, uncle. I don't have any business with this boy" Kathy said throwing a glare at Arjun and marched past them to the cafeteria.

"Kathryn!" Arjun yelled as he ran after her.

"Don't create a scene here. Talk to her after the exam." Rishab advised as he stopped his son from running behind her like a psycho shouting her name.

"Then at least you tell me what happened to her? Is it because of me she is hurt? I brought this to her, right? I am sorry, dad, I shouldn't have behaved badly with her..." He choked in his own voice and bowed his head down in shame and pain.

"It's not you and that much I can assure you."

"It's not an accident, right?" he asked but he already knew it wasn't.

"Glad to know you know your girlfriend pretty well" Rishab patted Arjun's shoulder appreciatively.

"Ahhh, what am I going to do with her?" He groaned rubbing his face in frustration. "What her bloody parents have done this time to anger her?" He asked his dad.

"I don't know. She didn't tell me the actual reason for self harming. She just said it wasn't because of you."

"I will talk to her..."

"Not now. Later."

"No, dad, I want to talk with her now." He said adamantly.

"Give her some space, Arjun. You will probably suffocate her if you behave like this"

"I won't!" he barked.

"Behave, Arjun" Rishab said menacingly.

"Okay" he said in contrite tone.

"Clear your mind now and focus on your exam"

"I think I forgot everything I studied" Arjun groaned. Today wasn't his day.

"Sit down first, relax for a minute and then recollect everything you studied."


"I will go check on her"

"Take care of my girl"

"You don't have to tell me" he said with attitude and walked away.


In the examination hall,

Answer sheet - given!

Question paper - given!

Rishab was ready with pen to jot down whatever Kathryn had to dictate!

But she kept staring at the question paper for nearly 20 minutes now making him doubt whether she studied at all.

"Kathryn, time is running..."

"Ahan yeah, let's start, uncle" she said and leaned little closer to him so that her answers won't be heard by other students sitting around her.

Two hours later, Kathryn finally stopped... To take a breath, I think. Rishab thought dropping the pen down as his fingers started aching mildly. What a speed yaar? She would have dictated at least hundred words per minute. He thought appreciatively.

From the moment she said 'Ahan, yeah, let's start, uncle' she was dictating the answers no-stop. He suspected whether she had some robotic power to scan books through her eyes and now dictating seeing them.

With the little knowledge he had on medical science he could tell her answers were perfect and now he believed what Arjun said sometimes back that she was a brilliant student, their class topper.

At that time, he thought his son was bluffing. He thought he just wanted to create a good impression about his girlfriend on him so he said that. He also questioned himself how come a drug addict focus on studies? How the hell she got a medicine seat in the first place? That was his biggest doubt but today he got the answer.

She is indeed a bright student and takes her study seriously. He realized.

"That's all, uncle. We're done" she said. He checked the time in his wrist watch. They had 35 minutes more.

He quickly checked the no. of questions attended.

"You didn't write answer for one question I think"

"Yeah! Explain Toxemia?" She scratched her head "Hmm... I don't know that answer, uncle." She said with a sigh as she crushed her brain to remember the answer.

"Toxemia is a condition in pregnancy" he whispered hoping that would help her remember the answer. Even if she didn't he can fill the answer for her. "An abrupt hypertension pregnant woman gets and it's also known as..."

"...Preeclampsia" she finished the sentence and grinned widely. "Thank you, uncle" She remembered the answer and from there she proceeded.


"My boy is still writing" Rishab said as they passed the classroom where Arjun was writing his exam sitting in the first row.

"He writes till the end moment, uncle" Kathy said rolling her eyes. "By the time he steps out he will be all sweating and shaking"

Rishab couldn't help but laugh. "You're unbelievable, girl. You started twenty minutes later but ended with twenty minutes to spare"

"I take my time to study the question paper and then prepare the answers in my head before starting to write"


"Now where to uncle?" She asked.

"I will wait for my boy to finish his exam and drive him back home."

"Oh, he can drive himself home. You are coming with me to do lunch" she ordered. "Please, uncle" she added politely when Rishab cocked his brow.

"We will take him?" Rishab asked taking pity on his son. Kathryn didn't hesitate to shake her head in no.

Rishab exhaled. "Alright! Let's just wait for him to come out. I want to give my car key"

"Give me the key. I will give it to him." Kathy showed her palm and he placed his car key. She quickly ran to his class and gave the key to the invigilator. "Ma'am, please give this key to Arjun Kundra and tell him his dad left with me, Kathryn"


She happily ran back to Rishab.

"Problem solved. Your boy will reach home safely now. Come, let's go, uncle" she literally dragged him to her car and even let him drive.


"So how did you know that answer, uncle?" Kathy asked as she took a huge bite of her 'chicken double trouble' pizza.

"Preeclampsia? Well, my wife suffered from it when she was pregnant with the twins. It was mild at that time but she developed it strongly when she had Arjun."

"Oh, well, I am amazed you still remembered all those symptoms and treatment" when she got stuck at few places, he wrote it for her.

"I didn't vaguely study the symptoms to forget, dear. I have seen them. I have seen my wife going through severe abdominal pain, frequent headaches and the worst of all was her tendency to bruise easily. I was scared to even touch her. She was that much fragile and delicate then."

"Seems like Arjun gave her a hard time"

"He did and still he does give her a hard time" he chuckled.

"Despite of being a headache to her, she still loves him the most just like how you love your daughter the most" she stated without bothering what he might think about her assessment. She observed that on the wedding itself.

"Actually my wife and I love our three kids equally but my wife cares a little more for Arjun than the twins because she still sees him as a clingy baby..." he chuckled.

"I know right" Kathy laughed.

"And I care for Naira a little more than I do for my boys because she was born weak with breathing difficulty and immunodeficiency. She often falls sick and she is prone to accidents, even 7 months ago she met with a nasty car accident... I thought I lost her but God was kind enough to give my baby back to me... so yeah I tend to show extra care and attention on my daughter who most of the time be in some sort of pain." he explained his reason to her.

"Fair reason" Kathy said softly as she stared at her pizza. She had lost her appetite when she thought about her parents.

"You alright, Kathryn?" he asked in concern seeing the sudden dip in her mood.

"I have been in horrible accidents a couple of times. I have burned myself. I have bruised myself. I have broken myself..." she slowly opened up to him as she stared at her bandaged hand. "I have done everything to seek their attention." She inhaled and exhaled painfully. That's how her self-harming act started. "I thought they would at least pity me and take care of me if I was hurt but they didn't. I would stay alone in home, alone in hospitals or my nanny would be there to take care of me but didn't want her. I didn't like her. I wanted my parents but they never came. They were super-busy business people, you know." She chuckled humorlessly. 

"If they didn't want me at all then they shouldn't have had me. They should have aborted me. At least then I could have born to a nice family like yours, uncle"

"Kathryn, I understand your pain..."

"It's not pain, uncle." She quickly raised her guard. She didn't want to show more of her vulnerable side. "It's anger, maddening anger"

"There is no anger without hurt and pain, Kathryn"

She agreed with him so she went silent.

"So what do you do, uncle?" she asked breaking the boring silence. "I know you're a retired police officer..."

"I run sports coaching academy called 'Adepts' and a fitness center in partnership with my friend Mukkund and it's called 'Rocks'."

"Wow! Arjun never told me about that"

You never talked much with him. You only fucked him, girl so don't blame him!

"He is far away from sports and fitness. He is a bookworm like his mother"

"What are the sports your train in your academy, uncle?"

"Swimming, skating, tennis, basket ball, athletics and I personally train kickboxing"

"Can I join your academy?" she asked excitedly in an instant.

"Of course you can but what sport you wanna learn? I would suggest you swimming or tennis..."

"No, teach me kickboxing" she knew swimming already and she wanted to learn some hard sport to vent out her anger. 

"Ahaan" he knew why she wanted to learn kickboxing. He decided this was the best way to bring her under his control and channelize her anger.  "Well, I will train you kickboxing only on a condition..."

"What's it?"

"You should not use your power against my son like my wife does with me" he said jokingly. Kathryn laughed. "She can punch me pretty bad. At times I feel she is stronger than me"

"Auntie knows kickboxing?" Kathy asked in surprised.

"Yep! First three months of our marriage went busy training her kickboxing and riffle shooting and fourth month she got pregnant so we paused for a while. After a year from having the twins we started training again and it went till she conceived again with Arjun. After having him she couldn't practice hard sport, her health didn't permit her so I coached her in swimming. It was always fun to teach my wife" he said with a smirk.

"That sounds romantic, uncle" Kathy teased.

"Are we done here?" He asked.

Kathy looked down at her empty pizza box. She didn't realize when she ate them. "You changed my sore mood and made me eat more" she accused him with a smile and took out her card from her purse to pay the bill.

"Nah, nah! I will pay" he quickly fished out his wallet from his pants' pocket and produced cash.

"No, uncle, it's my treat" she tried to stop him from pay but he just brushed her hand and settled the bill.

"Too bad, uncle" she pouted.

"I never let my kids pay, Kathryn" he said.

Kathryn smiled happily. "I like hanging out with you more than your son, uncle"

"Why thank you, madam" he shot her a two finger salute and that make her giggle.

... To be continued!



P.S - My Baby Brat update - Tomorrow (Most probably)

Baby Daddy update - Coming Sunday (Not sure though)

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