Part 27

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Hi guys, I am promptly back with an update after my exams (For those who are interest I did my final examd well)... Hahahah!

Okay, its a short update but I hope its sweet because you get to read your favourite couple Rishbala's moment!

Part 27


"Men are a luxury, not a necessity"


"She ditched me, bhabhi! Can you believe that? She left me and went with my dad to God knows where!" Arjun grumbled as he sat at the center of his bed with his legs crossed and his food plate on his lap. 

"Maybe she's still angry and that's why she didn't wait for you...but trust me she will come back to you" Inayat said positively.

"In a week we broke up twice, bhabhi. Twice! How will we work if we keep going like this?"

"Give her some space, Arjun..."

"She bloody broke her hand..." He continued with his ramble without listening to Inayat. "...and she didn't even let me check her hand. She showed so much attitude to me which highly pissed me off."

"Arjun, uncle made sure her injury wasn't severe so you need not worry. She will be fine"

Arjun frowned before realization hit him. "So you too know she was hurt but you didn't mind to tell me, right?" He asked accusingly.

"Um... Er... I thought not to tell and upset you... You had exam.... Wait, how you wrote your exam?"

He just showed thumbs up.

"Good. Now eat" she had brought lunch to his room as he preferred to eat there but not in the dining room when Inayat told she already had her lunch. 

"Where's mom?" He asked remembering he didn't find his mother and dadi from the moment he came home from college.

"Ammi has taken dadi to the doctor for her regular check up"

"Haan. You spoke to bhai?"

"Yeah. He is in Leh Ladakh on some training camp." Inayat said as she toyed with the stethoscope lying on the bed. She wondered if Arjun would let her use it. She always wished to listen the heart beats using it.

"You wanna use it, bhabhi?" Arjun asked glancing at her before focusing on scrolling his FB page.

"Um... No" Inayat shook her head and pulled her lower lip between her teeth in embarrassment.

"Oh no! This girl is hell bent on making me jealous"

"What happened?" Inayat asked softly.

"You check me and tell my heart is still beating, bhabhi. Come on quick." Arjun said as he placed his palm over his chest and acted getting heartache.


"Look at this?" He turned his phone to her side so that she could see what shocked him. Inayat took a close look at the screen and just smiled. She didn't find anything wrong in that photo.

"She bloody took my dad to Pizza world, the place where we used to go after every exam..."

"So?" Inayat asked with a frown. What's wrong in taking your boyfriend's dad out for lunch?

"So?" He asked in disbelief. "Bhabhi, I should be me the one going on lunch date with my girl, not my dad. And look at their faces." Gosh! He groaned. "My dad always gives a stoic look but with her he is all smiling. It's so unlike him. And Kathy... She... She's never been this happy around me... Seems like she likes my dad more than me... She is making me feel jealous of my own dad and I don't like it at all" he felt like he wasn't a good boyfriend as he couldn't make his girl happy. Well, he did make her happy by giving her sexual pleasure but not the real kinda happiness.

"Calm down! Calm down, Arjun!" Inayat said in a calm tone.

"You better use that stetho" he insisted. He wanted her to break free from her repulsion towards men.

Inayat hesitantly grabbed the Stethoscope and put the two ear pieces in her ears and held the chest piece. Arjun scooted closer to her as he placed his food plate aside. 

"Go ahead" Arjun encouraged.

"I always wanted to use this" Inayat admitted and placed the resonated disc over his chest and he took deep breathes. She smiled in childish excitement when she heard his loud thumpings of heart.

Arjun cautiously held her hand and moved the chest piece when she kept it at one place. He thought she would pull her hand away but to his surprise she didn't. Maybe she was busy listening to his breathing.

"Am I fine, Dr. Bhabhi?" He asked teasingly.

"Absolutely" Inayat grinned after taking off the ear pieces. "And thank you for letting me use this" She gently pinched his cheek just like she used to do with her brother.

"Anytime" he smiled which she returned.


"Seems like someone had pizza with a young friend" Madhu said with a smirk. "How was it?" She had just come home from outside and found her husband leisuring on the bed and watching TV.

"Pizza? It was yummy" he played dumb.

"Okay. Now tell me how was she?" She probed.

"First you tell me how is my mom? Is her health okay?" Rishab asked dodging her question.

"Yeah, she is perfectly fine" she said and went to the restroom to freshen up.

Later, she joined him on the bed and patiently waited for him to tell what she wanted to hear.

"She is brilliant, Madhu" He said in awe of Kathryn.

"Okay. My boy is also equally brillaint so that's not my concern" Madhu championed for her son. "Just tell me why she needed a scribe? What happened to her?"

"She accdiently fell and broke her hand" he lied.

"Ahaan" Madhu decided to believe him. "Rishab, are you close with this girl?"

"Call her Kathryn, please"

"Alright! Are you close with Kathryn... Like a friend?"

"I suppose"

"In that case why don't you tell her what she's doing is wrong?"

"What exactly she is doing, Madhu?"


"Is it something unethical to do?"

"No, it's not...but her way of love definitely wrong, Rishab"

"Enlighten me more on that assumption of yours, sweetheart" he said as he foled his arms over his chest.

"Rishab... I feel this girl... I mean Kathryn is not like typical girls who scream 'I love you'..."

"Are you saying you're typical as you keep on saying 'Husband, I love you' ever since we got married?" He asked giving her a lopsided smirk. She chuckled and slapped his arm. "Be serious, Rishab"

"Okay continue"

"I feel she is the type of girl who breaks the one she loves into pieces and see if they still love her." Rishab was amazed with his wife correct judgment about Kathryn. "She is going to break my Arjun..." Madhu placed her worry in front of her husband.

"I agree, she would test his love and hurt him in that process but our Arjun is strong to face that. Once he'd proved that he could and he would love her despite everything, she would love him like nobody ever could." he reassured her and kissed her forehead erasing her worry lines.

Right then someone entered into their room without knocking at the door and they exactly knew who it was. Arjun.

"How many times I told you to knock before you walk in?" Rishab asked his son annoyance.

"I didn't know you guys would still do romance so I didn't bother to knock" Arjun said shrugging his shoulders as he looked everywhere but them.

"What's it baby? You need something? You had lunch?" Madhu interjected.

"Yeah, mom. Bhabhi gave me lunch. I just came to..." He swifted his gaze from his mom to his dad. "How she wrote the exam?"

"Technically speaking I wrote the exam for her and yeah she gave all the answer rightly"

"Hmm" he knew it already. He actually came to ask something else but hesitating to ask in front of his mother.

"What?" Rishab asked when his son hopped from foot to foot.

"Kathy has put a status on Whatsapp" He said as he tossed his phone on the bed.


"It says 'Jab. Cross. Hook. Sweat. #Kickboxing'. Is it what I think?"

"It's exactly what you think, my son" Rishab tightly pressed his lips to suppress his laugh. His son was horrified realizing what might come his way in future. Kathy will punch him when she is in good mood. Kathy will punch him hard when she is in bad mood. Oh my poor son! He thought.

"Are you going to train her kickboxing, Rishab?" Madhu asked.

He nodded his head.

"No, you can't, dad"

"It's her wish and my business. You have no say in this matter"

"Dad, she will get hurt"

"Or you?" Rishab asked teadingly.

Madhu chuckled at her husband's comment. She actually liked the idea of Kathryn learning kickboxing from her husband. If anyone could sought her shit then it would be her husband. She knew he would set her straight and also believed that kickboxing would take off her attention from her son.


"Trust me, she will only get better after this" he assured his son.

Arjun sighed in agreement. "I think... I will also join kickboxing training" he said and exhaled.

Rishab cocked his brow in surprise. Madhu gaped at her son open mouthed.

"He is joking, right?" Madhu asked her husband after a moment. He shook his head in no.

"I am serious, mom" I want to save my ass from her kicks and punches!

"Good then but only weekend training, that too for an hour or two as I don't want this to consume too much of your study time" Rishab said.

"I get it" Arjun nodded and walked out of their bedroom.

"He is crazy" Rishab muttered. Madhu slapped his thigh.

"Rishab, I was thinking why not suggest Inayat to work..."


"Yeah, whole day she's cooped up at home, just reading books and cooking... It's not helping her to overcome her fear. She should move out, meet and mingle with different people... She needs a normal life like she had before, Rishab"

"You're right"

"She is an English Lit right so I thought why not try and get her a job in my friend Trishna's publishing company"

"That would be brilliant but before making any arrangement talk with Inayat. Ask her whether she wants to work or not. I personally feel its too soon to suggest her this as she just came here and I don't want her to think we are forcing her to work. She should work only if she wants to. Oh and also have a word with Veer regarding this matter before talking to Inayat. Get his opinion too."

"Of course I will. Veer has left his wife in our responsibility so we will take care of her and we will do only the best for her"

"Right. Now shall we go and see Naira's new office?"

"Ah, time to worry about our daughter. What are we going to do with her?"

"For now nothing. We are just going to watch her commit mistakes and learn from them."

"No, Rishab! We are going to protect her committing mistakes"

"Whatever you say as you are wiser than me" he said with a wink.

"Aww... Husband, I love you" she gushed and tightly smacked her lips on his cheek.

Rishab growled when his son barged into their room and ruined their moment once again.

"Oops... Sorry... I... I came... To take my phone" Arjun stammered.

Rishab picked his phone and threw it at Arjun in irritation which he hardly managed to catch. "Get lost" he barked.

"Chill dad. I will remember to knock the door from next time" he raised his palms up as if surrendering and walked backwards and left the room.

"You gave birth to this boy at the wrong time and that's why he is always making his appearance at the wrong time" Rishab grumbled.

"We didn't lock the door so it's our fault, not his" she defended her son.

"We weren't having sex to lock the door so no one would disturbs us"

"Exactly. We weren't having sex to feel embarrassed of getting caught." She retorted.

"You know what? You will always put fight with me for your precious boy"

"I love fighting with you, husband" she said and grinned. He rolled his eyes and he couldn't help but smile.

... To be continued!

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