Part 30

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Note - Those who haven't read PART 29 which I posted a couple of days ago then please do read it before reading this part!

Oh and Sorry I didn't get time to reply to previous part's comments but I will do later when I comment for this part.


Part 30



"I want you like flowers want dew"


"Hey, where were you? What took you so long to drop Naira and come home?" Madhu asked her son.

"I went to see my friend" Arjun replied with a gloomy face.

"Oh. Why my baby looks so upset?" Madhu asked caressing Arjun's cheek.

"Nothing mom. I am fine." He lied as he smiled a little.

"You had a fight your girlfriend?" Madhu asked finally accepting Kathryn as his girlfriend seeing how keen her son was on her.

"Um... Not fight exactly..." He blinked. He didn't know how to explain. "We just... She... She left to the USA today and she didn't bother to tell me before."

"Oh why?"

"We were not in talking terms since the day she came to our home but today I thought of sorting our issues... So I went to her place only to discover her plan. She left me hanging, mom" he confessed.


"Yeah... I am not sure where we stand now in our relationship. Today her behavior was so odd. She was actually nice to me and that worries me..." He blurted without thinking.

She didn't show her anger. She didn't kick me out. She asked me to make love. She kissed me sweet and long. She hugged me as if she wanted to stay there in my arms forever... but then she swung back to her normal rude self. She behaved cold and distant. Is that a good sign or bad? Why? Why she left me in a confusing state? Why didn't she at least say we were okay? He cried in his mind in frustration.

"What do you mean by that? She won't treat you nice? Then why the hell you go behind her like a lovesick puppy?"

"Mom, no, you got me wrong..."

"Do care a little about your own pride and dignity, Arjun. Don't place everything under her feet and let her squash it"

"No, mom. She is really a nice girl..."

"I don't know what 'nice' means to you, Arjun"

"Nice means nice to me, mom."

"Whatever" she shrugged.

"Mom, dad has gone to the boxing ring. He will come home only by dinner time. He asked me to inform you"

"You met him? Where? You went drop your sis and then went to see your girl and he went to meet his friend..."

"And that friend is Kathryn. We both met in the Airport. He came to see off her."

"Ahaan! He didn't go to see off his daughter but went to see off this girl"

Uh-huh! Arjun, think before you talk man! You are not only getting yourself in trouble but also your dad. He thought.

"Mom, where is bhabhi?" He quickly changed the topic.

"In her room"

"I will go see her" and pour my heart out to her.

"She might be taking her nap so don't disturb her, Arjun"

"She doesn't have the habit of sleeping at day time like you, mom"

"Idiot" Madhu playfully slapped him and walked back to her room to take a short nap.


"That's me you are kissing, bhabhi" Arjun said as he walked into Inayat's room.

Inayat jumped in fright and hugged the photo album she was holding to her chest.

"Don't you know to knock the door, Arjun?" She admonished him softly.

"Don't you know to lock the door, bhabhi?" He mimicked her. "If you don't lock the door then I will walk in without knocking. I will knock only when it's locked asking you to open" He said as he jumped onto the bed.

"Sorry, it's my mistake" she apologized. "And here, your album. I thought it was your brother's baby pics as I found the album in his cupboard. I didn't know it was you. You look so like your brother when you were a baby, Arjun."

"Oh sweet lord! My brother is so lucky. He got such a sweet, innocent and naive wife" Arjun couldn't resist himself but pull Inayat to him by holding her cheeks and kiss the top of her head over her cream silky head scarf.

Inayat scrunched her eyes tightly and held her breath. Arjun gently lifted her face and groaned seeing the fear in her face and her trembling lips.

"Snap out of your dreadful past, bhabhi, please" he whispered as he wiped a lone tear rolling down her cheek with his thumb. "You have a beautiful present life filled with so much of love so please live and enjoy it with Veer bro and make a beautiful future with him"

Inayat softly wept but didn't utter a word though she wanted to say 'I am trying. I am really trying"

"No man is going to hurt you ever again because now you have dad, Veer bro and me to protect you. We all love you so much"

Overwhelmed with emotions she hugged him and cried. "I know. I love you all so much too. Oh Allah, I miss Veer"

"I can take you to Veer bro, today. All you have to say is yes" He said as he gently held her in his arms.

"No, Veer is in Leh on a training camp. I don't want to disturb him by going there now." She said as she gently pushed herself away from him. "I will go and see him after two weeks"

"Okay" he nodded. "And please don't cry. You don't look that great when you cry. I prefer to see sweet blushing bhabhi more than crying bhabhi."

"Stop it, Arjun"

"Alright" he smiled. "I will tell you something?"


"That's my brother you kissed, not me like I said. I just teased you" he said and laughed.

Inayat covered her face with the album to hide her embarrassment.

"Don't hide your blushing face from me, bhabhi, not when you know how much I love to see it"

"Please stop teasing me, Arjun" Inayat pleaded him cutely.

"Okay. Will you mind if I rest in your bed?" Arjun asked but he already started adjusting the pillow to place his head comfortably knowing she wouldn't mind or even if she minds she wouldn't say anything.

"No" she shook her head but subtly moved away from him and continued checking the album. "Arjun?"


"I want to see our family album"

"I will get you all the albums later. We will also be getting your wedding album in a couple of days. We will see it together, okay, bhabhi?"

She nodded with a smile. "Oh and I will select few photos and give them to you. You frame and bring them to me, please, so that I can hang them on the wall in this room"


"Veer won't mind, right?"

"You share this room with him so you have every right to do any changes in this room"

"Hmm..." She hummed. She still decided to ask her husband's permission before changing anything in their room. "Your brother looks so cute when he was a baby, right?"

"Your husband looks so hot now, right?" He asked her back making her blush.

"I think you should go to your room" she suggested as she couldn't take his teasing.

"No, I will start brooding if I go to my room"

"Why? What happened?" She asked with concern edging her eyes.

"My girlfriend left me"

"You guys broke up again?"

"I don't know. She left to the US today and she didn't tell me whether I am still in her life or not"

"You are, Arjun. She loves you" Inayat said reassuringly.

"You think?" He asked incredulously. She nodded.

"But she said I love you to my dad"


"He knew she was going to the US today but I didn't. If I hadn't paid a surprise visit to her place then I wouldn't have known at all. She wasn't going to tell me, was she?"

"Arjun, uncle helped her with her exams by being her scribe so they would have got close during that time and she would have shared about her vacation..."

"It's not a holiday trip. She said she's some commitment, going to do something she doesn't want to do or something like that. I didn't get a thing. I am just worried what her parents are going to make her do. Will she be okay, bhabhi?"

"She is going to be with her parents then why will she not be okay?"

"Her parents don't treat her nice or that's what she told me"

"What? How come a parent not treat their daughter nice?"

"I wonder the same and you know what? She is their only child but they never showed love or care for her. My Kathy got depressed and started taking drugs." Inayat softly gasped hearing that as her eyes welled up again. "Then I helped her recover from her addiction." He pinched the bridge of his nose to stop his tears. "Now, I worry she will started drugging again as she is going to be with her insane parents for a month. Oh God! I don't want that for her, bhabhi. It nearly took me a year to bring her addiction into control. I don't want all our efforts to go down to gutter. Neither she nor I have the strength to fight against that evil again." He turned around and burying his head in the pillow, he started crying. "I love her so much, bhabhi but she is not getting that. She is hurting me badly." His words came in a muffled voice.

"Oh Arjun" she hesitantly placed her hand on the back of his head and gently combed his hair. "Insha Allah, everything will be fine. Please don't cry"

"She is making me so weak and vulnerable, bhabhi" he refused to turn around as he felt so ashamed of crying like a baby and let his tears soak her pillow.

"Arjun, please" Inayat softly rubbed his shoulder in a comforting way. "Don't cry. I feel like crying"

Arjun tilted his head up and faced her. "You are already crying." He stated. "This is what I expect from my girl. I want her to feel my pain just like you do."

"Maybe she has her own pain to deal with at the moment so she is not seeing yours" Inayat said as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

Arjun thought about it for a moment before nodding his head in agreement. "You are right, bhabhi. She has so many issues. She craves for love but never accepts it graciously when someone is ready to give it in abundance because she feels she is unworthy of love. She is not happy with her life. She doesn't trust anyone easily. She is less expressive..."

"She is nothing like you, in short and that's what make you two perfect" Inayat said with a smile.

"You are amazing, bhabhi" he said and kissed her hand.

"Stop kissing me, please"

"Why? You are scared of me?"

"No, I feel bad that I never let Veer kiss me but I let you do"

"My bro never tired to kiss you. It's his fault, not yours or mine"

"He respects my boundary" she said with a cute pout. Arjun smirked seeing how quickly she jumped to defend her husband.

Arjun's phone buzzed in his pants pocket so he took it out and checked the caller name.

"Naira di" he said to Inayat before attending the call. "Hi Naira di. I am on speaker. Bhabhi is with me."

"Hi Arjun. Hi Inayat."

"Hi Naira" Inayat replied.

"We reached Goa an hour back and I just got freshen up and thought to call you."

"Oh good."

"Hope you are staying in a decent beach resort, di"

"Yes. Luckily I got beach facing room. It's so beautiful and calming to see the sea from here. I love it." Naira gushed happily.

Inayat and Arjun smiled.

"Inayat, you and Veer should go to Goa for your honeymoon and I will make sure to book the same resort for you guys"

Inayat blushed hearing that.

"How are the boys treating you, Naira di?" Arjun asked. Inayat sighed in relief when he changed the topic. She didn't want them to discuss about her honeymoon destination.

"Rohan and Rohit keep on calling me bhabhi. It makes me so uncomfortable and guilty"

"Ask them to stop calling you bhabhi if you don't like it. My bhabhi does that only. She will strictly say me to stop if she didn't like something..."

"Shut up" Inayat slapped his arm playfully.

"See even now she is asking me to shut up because she doesn't like me talking at all. You too be frank with them di"

Naira laughed. "Aww. I miss you guys already"

"We miss you too but you enjoy your trip to the fullest and come to us, Naira." Inayat said.

"Sure Inayat. So Arjun tell me? Did you apologize to your girlfriend and patch up with her?" Naira asked. She invited Inayat and Arjun to join her in the trip assuring them that Roshan won't mind at all but Inayat politely refused saying she won't be comfortable going out with guys and Arjun said he had to woo his girlfriend first and if everything worked out between them then they would join them later.

"Diiiiiii" he cried, of course a fake cry this time. "Dad stole my girl from me, di"


"Yeah. My girlfriend loves our dad, not me."


"It's so evident."


"They have gone for lunch out. She has joined kickboxing so that she can be trained by dad. She even told him about her trip and he hid it from me. I am so mad at him right now"

"She has gone to US?"

"Yes. She left me here, crying"

"Oh my poor boy. Don't worry, I will transfer some amount to your account. Book flight tickets and go see your girl at her place. Spend your holidays with her in the US..."

"Whoa di! What a filmy idea! You do transfer some big sum of money into my account but I am not going"


"Mom will kill me." He said in horrid. "Just sometimes back she asked me why am I running behind her like a lovesick puppy and I don't want prove that her accusation is right"

Inayat giggled seeing how scared Arjun was of his mother though she was really sweet with him.

"And you know what Naira di? Dad didn't come to send off you but he came to the Airport to send off my girlfriend who happens to be his brand new friend."

Inayat gaped at Arjun in shock. A moment back he was all weepy and emotional but now he was behaving like a bitchy gossip aunty.


"Feeling jealous? Good. I felt so too." He grinned feeling sadistic pleasure in that. "I can't stand their PDA at all. Too much of hugs, kisses and I love you-s they shared in a day. Dad, even called her 'Kitten' you know."

"He called her what?"

"Kitten, honeybee! Kitten! You have a serious competitor here, honeybee. You have to keep dad away from her and only then I will get close to her"

"Arjun, stop it." Inayat slapped his thigh hardly making him yelp. "Naira, uncle loves Kathryn just like he loves me but neither she nor I am going to take your place in his heart. You are his own daughter and you will always be special to him so you have nothing to worry or feel insecure about"

"I know, Inayat and thank you for clearing the cloud in my mind." Naira quickly realized how silly of her to think her dad would love anyone more than her. "Hey whiny!"

"Me? Whiny?" Arjun asked dramatically.

"Yes. You" both Inayat and Naira said in unison.

"Okay, tell me what?"

"Dad is not a serious threat. He will only help you in every way possible he can"


"That boy you told me about is the actual threat. What's his name?"


"Ah yeah that guy. Isn't he Kathryn's childhood friend?" Naira riled him up for deliberately making her insecure and jealous.

"Yeah. She is going to stay with him the whole time." He grunted.

"Then you better forget about her"


Naira laughed. "Just joking baby. Your girl will miss you so much and will come back to you sooner than expected, okay. Don't worry."

"I wish so di. I miss her so much already"

"Hey, wait a sec. Someone is knocking at the door. I will see who it is. You stay on line."


Inayat and Arjun silently waited for Naira to come back on line.

"Sabeer?" They heard Naira's voice from the other end of the phone. "You here?" She asked him in shock and then the line got disconnected.

"What is he doing there?" Arjun asked Inayat.

"I don't know" she replied as she looked equally puzzled as him.

... To be continued!


Thanks all

P.S - Dear 'Baby daddy' readers, I am extremely sorry for making you all wait so long but the thing is I am not getting ideas at all. I feel so lost whenever I try to write that story. I am sorry. But I will try my best to give an update soon. Please don't lose your patience. Thank you.

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