Part 42

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Part - 42


"Each betrayal begins with trust"


"So where is our lawyer madam?" Sabeer asked as he sat opposite to Roshan and crossed his legs. 

"Our?" Roshan shot him a brow up.

"Chill, bro. Your. Where is your lawyer madam... my bhabhiji?" 

"That's better. She's gone to Kashmir with her family to celebrate Arjun's birthday as Veer's there. She is coming back on Wednesday."

"Oh, I see"

"Why, she didn't tell you all this?" 

Sabeer pushed his lower lip out, sympathetically and shook his head in no. "She is not answering my calls."


"What good?" 

"Let's end this game, Sabeer." Roshan said this for the nth time.  


"What we are doing is wrong!" he said matter-of-factly 

"Nothing is wrong! All is fair in love and war" he said the most cliched line. 

"Naira has always been honest with me..."

"And you are being honest with her. I'm the one cheating her... Cheating? Nah, I don't like that word. I'm the one helping... yeah, helping her to find her true love." 

"Sabeer, please, let's stop it... We can't deceive her anymore!"

"Roshan, just give me little more time. I'll open Naira's eyes and make her see how much you love her and also I'll make her fall in love with you." he vowed. 

"What if you fall for her in that process?" Roshan asked incredulously. 

"that will never happen!"Sabeer said with confident head shake. 

"Why? What's wrong with Naira? She is smart, intelligent and beautiful...and what more you need in a girl?"

"I know that, bro, but still she is not my type." Sabeer said with a shrug. 

"What's your type, man?"  

"Ask me, Roshan. I will tell you what type of girl he prefers." Naira pushed the door wide open and got into his cabin startling both Roshan and Sabeer. 

Naira had come to Mumbai this morning with her dad and Kathryn. After having lunch with them she had decided to go to her office and get some work done and also had given an appointment to a client for the evening. 

She thought to say a quick Hi to Roshan before starting her work so came to his cabin and stopped dead in track when she heard Sabeer's voice coming from Roshan's cabin. The door was ajar as it got stuck with the floor-mat and that helped Naira in eavesdropping. 

"Naira" Both Roshan and Sabeer were utterly shocked seeing her there. 

"You here?" Sabeer asked

"I should be the one asking that question to you" Naira crossed her arms over her chest and talked in a composed tone. "What are you doing here? Well, don't answer that. I already know about your plotting and planning." 

"Naira, just listen to me once..."

"Roshan, let me tell you what type of girl your friend, Dr. Sabeer Koccher, prefers before I forget" 

"Naira, we didn't do..."

"He likes easy catch and not challenging woman. If I had agreed to his 'friends with benefits' idea, then he would have long forgotten his match maker role." she said mockingly. 

"Naira, I had no intention to romance you. I don't see you in that way." Sabeer said.

"Oh right, I am your bhabhiji nah?" She asked him and smirked. 

"Naira, I'm sorry" Roshan apologized for betraying her trust. 

"Why the hell you lied to me?" She seethed at Sabeer, ignoring Roshan's apology. I will deal with him later. She thought. 

"Answer me, damn it, why did you lie?" she almost went to grab his collar but controlled herself, giving respect to his profession. He was a bloody doctor and a good one at that. "I told you I loved you right in front of my father without any fear or shame but you? Playing games behind my back?"

"Naira, I don't love you..." 

"I know that, Sabeer." she yelled at him. "You told me this the moment I confessed my love to you and I accepted your rejection... I didn't demand you to love me back, did I?"

Sabeer shook his head in negation.

"Then why didn't you let me go my way? Why you gave me false hope?" 

"I wanted you to be with Roshan all your life. You won't find a better man than him."

"Who the hell are you to decide that?" she shouted. 

"Naira, just calm down. Let's sit and talk." Roshan held her shoulders from behind and tried to pull her away from cornering Sabeer and make her sit but she shrugged him off. 

"You have always been honest and loyal to me nah, Roshan?" she asked, her eyes glittering at his betrayal. He nodded his head, his heart breaking into piece seeing her hurt. "Then what happened this time? Why you let him play with my feelings? To think, you were also a part of this plan... Oh no, wait! Were you taking revenge on me for calling off our wedding?"

"No! No, Naira! You know I would do no such thing."

 "Naira..." Sabeer placed his hand on her shoulder and forcefully made her turn to his side "...just give me two minutes. I will tell you everything from the start and only then you will understand that Roshan and I had no ill intention."

"Alright!" she crossed her arms and looked at Sabeer to hear the actual story. 

"Roshan is like a brother to me..." 

Roshan's youngest brother Rohit and Sabeer did schooling together and they were best friends since then. Sabeer used to hangout a lot at Rohit's place and that was how he got familiar with Roshan. 

"...and it hurt me when you said you called off the wedding with him, that too for me." he shook his head still finding it hard to believe she fell in love with him. 

"I felt so sorry for both of you. I didn't know where I went wrong and gave you the wrong impression that I have any kind of romantic feelings for you..."

"You took care of me so well in the hospital. You were so nice to me, Sabeer." she said childishly. 

"Initially, I couldn't comprehend the reason for you falling in love with me but later I realized it was my niceness." He said proudly.

"Even Roshan is a nice and kind guy but why she fell for me, that too when she had a crush on him during her teens?" This question had always plagued his mind for so long. "Maybe too much of niceness from two men appalled her and that's why she friend zoned one and fell for another" He concluded his own theory. "But unfortunately, she fell for the wrong one. To make it right I should stop being nice to her." He decided.

"I told you this already but once again I am repeating, Naira, I did take extra care on you but that's because you are Rishab uncle and Madhu auntie's daughter. " he reasoned his action. "Your mother was literally begging me to save you when you had that nasty car accident. And your dad? Gosh, I had never seen that strong man in such a sorry state. So I promised them to take care of you and that's what I did." Sabeer said and sighed. "But I never thought you would mistake my care, concern and duty as love." Naira looked down at her knotted fingers feeling so foolish. She indeed mistook all his small friendly and caring gestures as a sign of love.

"But Naira, more than me, it was Roshan who had spent most of the time with you in the hospital, right? He only gave you company so that you won't get bored seeing the four white walls 24*7? Then why didn't you fall for him?" he questioned.  

"Because Roshan is my best friend and I have seen him care for me before too. There is absolutely nothing new about it."

"Oh really? Then there is nothing new about what I did for you too because I have done the same to so many other patients and I can't marry all of my patients." he retorted. 

"Sabeer!" Roshan admonished him for taking that rude tone on her. 

"I'm sorry" He apologized to her. "Look, Naira, I don't think I did any wrong..."

"You fooled me!" Naira glared at him.

"Whoa! Don't look at me like that girl. You might burn me alive." He joked. She scoffed. "Trust me, Naira, all I did was showed myself bad in front of your eyes so that you would hate me."

She frowned in confusion.

"After you left my home with your dad, all crying and pleading me to marry you... I called Roshan and spoke to him. He told me how nice girl you are and how lucky I'm because you chose to marry me" he chuckled, somehow finding it funny and ridiculous. "He wanted to be portrayed as 'The Sacrificing Soul' but I didn't give him the pleasure." He playfully slapped Roshan's back.

"I planned a meet up with you in the café just to know what exactly you feel for me and guess what I found out?" He paused. Naira narrowed her eyes, curiously. "You felt nothing for me" he declared. "You didn't love me, Naira and you know what? it gave me hope. Hope to bring you two together." He look from Naira to Roshan and back to Naira.

"That day in the cafe when you were about to leave, I told you I was waiting for a friend, right? Well, that friend is none other than our Roshan." He swung his arm over Roshan's shoulder and smiled at him. "I told him everything we discussed just before his arrival..."

Naira's eyes widened in shock.

"And earned a punch in my gut from him for asking you whether we could exchange few kisses here and there" he said with a laugh. Roshan glared, he was still pissed at Sabeer for that.

"And I also reassured him that you were under some serious misconception that you love me but you didn't. What you felt for me was mere attraction or something sillier than that. So I promised him I would clear the confusion and..."

"Make me love him?" Naira asked with dry humor.

"Actually, yes! That's the plan." Sabeer agreed. "And my first step in my mission was suggesting him to take a trip so that you would miss him but you surprised us by insisting to go along with him and his brothers to Goa." He huffed at that unexpected twist. He had a conference in Dehli then. But he made Roshan give some excuses and postponed their trip for few days later so that he could also join them and play his game.

"Well, that was also interesting. It gave me a chance to show myself a jealous arrogant and controlling boyfriend."

He wanted to be hated by Naira and he knew she would hate him if he behaved like a male chauvinist pig.

Once she hated him, she would realise what a gentleman, that is Roshan, she had missed in her life. Sabeer believed she would understand Roshan's true love only then.

"Oh my God" she was beyond surprised with the revelation.

"First I restricted you not to go with the boys knowing full well you would defy me and then I made my surprise entry there, pissing you off."

This boy has studied me so well. She thought in horror. I was indeed pissed off when he barged into my hotel room as if he possessed me and that damn place.

"Actually I will tell you a secret... Um, no, two secrets."

"Whatever shit you are telling me now are secrets only. The secrets you have kept from me"

"Oh right but these are something petty... Like how I know your hotel room? Well, I only booked it. Like how we dined in the same hotel where the R brothers were already seated? We texted each other and fixed that common spot. And I deliberately ordered only chicken because I know you are a vegan. You gave me a murderous look and went to say 'hi', actually to eat whatever Roshan had ordered because you were hell hungry." He said everything in a go and breathed out.

"That campfire we went later that night was planned by Roshan because you like it and me singing a song for you wasn't a part of our plan. It just happened in a flow..."

"You kissed me in the end..."

"On the back of your hand only. Not on your lips." Sabeer jumped. He didn't want a black eye again for kissing, no, actually pecking on Naira's hand.

"And you let him do that?" She accused Roshan.

"I wasn't expecting him to kiss your hand. He told me it was a mistake."

"But still he hit me" Sabeer complained.

Now, Naira remembered Sabeer's bruised cheek she saw the next morning.

"You hit me back" Roshan reminded him.

Yeah, right, even Roshan had a cut lip.

"Because you were ungrateful. I was helping you but you were harming me!"

"You had no right to kiss my girl"

"I am not your girl, Roshan!" Naira snapped. "And you are right, Sabeer. I don't love you." Saying that, she stomped out of the room and went home.


"Why did you choose the apartment closer to our place, Kathryn?" Rishab asked seemingly casual but he wanted to know her true intention. His wife was having nightmares ever since she told she bought an apartment nearer to their home. "You can easily find a better place than this studio apartment" After Naira had gone to her office, Rishab had walked to Kathryn's new apartment to take a look it and while returning she tagged along with him to his house.

Kathryn shrugged her shoulders in a non-committal manner.

"Is it to stay closer to Arjun?" Rishab made a guess.

Kathryn shook her head in negation. "then?" he asked cocking his brow. 

"You" Kathryn said with a wink. Rishab chuckled at her honesty. "I'll tell you a secret. C'mere, uncle" she hand gestured him to come closer to her.

Rishab moved closer to her.

"I love you more than your son" she whispered near his ear. "And don't tell this to anyone, not even to your wife." She warned him.

"Alright!" He pressed her head with his palm and scratched her scalp, a silly yet affectionate gesture ane smiled wholeheartedly.

"Ah, you are messing my hair, uncle" she pushed his hand away and giggled, setting her hair properly. 

"You want something to drink" Rishab asked after a moment.

"Yeah, dry crispy white wine if you have" she said as she casually dropped few food pellets into the fish tank. She liked feeding them without minding whether they were already fed or not. 

Rishab crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her. 

"Uncle, have you ever used this lathi on your children?" She asked tracing her finger tip on the long iron bound bamboo stick hanging on the wall next to the fish tank.

"So far I haven't but right now I am sorely tempted to use it on you, my dear"

"Why?" Kathryn swirled around to face him, her eyes wide with fear.

"Next time, ask me for alcohol, I swear I'll do lathi charge on you and leave ugly red welts on your skin" he threatened her menacingly.

"Er... Cool down. From now on, I won't even ask for water, uncle." She patted his shoulders, calming him.

"Now, tell me, coffee or tea?"


Rishab sighed, rubbing his forehead. He was starting to get a headache and he needed a cup of hot coffee but this girl was troubling him.

"Uncle, why have you kept these here?" She asked picking up a pair of handcuffs from the shelf.

"Lathi, handcuffs... Hmm... all kinky props uncle has. Lucky auntie." she thought grudgingly. "Perhaps, I should borrow these toys for a day and make Arjun use them on me" she smirked at that interesting thought.  

"Where else will I keep these handcuffs?"

"In your bedroom. These prized possessions should be kept in your bedroom." Kathryn said, giggling like a school girl. Rishab gave her a confused look.

I have kept my licensed gun in the safe. These are just handcuffs so why shouldn't I keep them in the showcase? he wondered. 

"Don't tell me you have never handcuffed auntie to the bed!" She said faking horror.

Handcuff Madhu to bed and...? Oh God! 

"You are..." for the first time Rk fell short of words. He couldn't believe she said that! "...shameless, Kathryn, to say such cheesy thing to me" he tried to keep a straight face but he couldn't. This girl was making him mad and laugh at the same time.

"So have you?" She pressed him, not at all bothered that she was still being shameless and nosy.

"I am not going to answer that." He looked away. Rk, man, you'are nearing 60 and you better not blush in front of a 20 and embarrass yourself. 

"Ahaan? Well, thank you, I got my answer. You have handcuffed her!" she laughed. 

"Kitten!" he used a warning tone but she knew he was joking. "My palm is itching to pick that stick!"  

"Alright." she raised her arms up as if surrendering. "Now, go, get us coffee, uncle" she ordered.

"Bossy much" he muttered but then walked to the kitchen to make coffee for them. 


An hour later, Rishab and Kathryn were playing chess when Naira walked into the house with her head cast down. 

"Honeybee?" Rishab called her in surprise but she didn't respond as her mind was else where.

"Naira baby" he called her once again and this time she looked up at her dad with a frown marring her forehead. 

"Yeah?" she asked meekly. 

"Hi" Kathy waved her hand at Naira. She smiled politely in return. 

"You said you have a client meeting and you will come home late but you're early..."

"I cancelled that meeting, dad" 

"Oh why? Are you not feeling well?" he asked in concern. She looked forlorn and that made his heart lurch. What the hell has happened? "Come here, darling" he stretched his hand out for her to take. Naira slowly walked to him and sat next to him on the sofa. "Why you look upset? What's happened?" he asked wrapping his arm around her shoulder and drawing her closer to him. 

Kathryn silently adored Rishab's affection towards his daughter with a small smile. 

"Nothing, daddy. I'm fine." she gave him a smile but that didn't reach her eyes. "You guys carry on" she said looking at Kathryn. 

Yeah, she looks fine to me. He is worrying for no reason. Kathy thought. Some parents do overreact! She shook her head. She was actually jealous.

"Your move, uncle." Kathryn reminded him when he looked at her blankly. 

He nodded his head and looked at the chess board, unseeing it.

"I am tired and feeling sleepy" Naira said softly. 

"Go to your room and take rest. Daddy will wake you up for dinner." He suggested but to his utter surprise she placed her head on his lap and curled up on the sofa.


"Hey! What's wrong?" He panicked.

"I said nothing" she grumbled.

"Don't lie to me, honeybee!" He snapped. "Something is wrong and you are going to tell me what it is?"

"Everyone is lying to me then why not I lie to you, daddy?" She snapped back sitting up and looking at him.

"Who lied to you?" He asked calmly.

"Who else? The boys!"

"Arjun... And Veer jijz lied to you? But why?" Kathryn asked finding it hard to believe Veer lied to his sister. Arjun, a qualified liar. She knew that but Veer? No, he wouldn't lie and upset his sister. But she said boys, right? Kathryn unnecessarily confused herself.

"I am not talking about them" Naira growled.


"Roshan and Sabeer, right?" Rishab asked.

Naira nodded her head.

"Oh, you mean your boyfriend-s." she stressed the 'S' 

"Silly me thought you were talking about your brothers." Kathy hit her head with her hand.

"They are not my boyfriend-s!" Naira growled.

"Oh... Um... I thought you would pick one among the two but..."

"I am picking NEITHER!" Naira shouted.

"Okay! Calm yo tits, babe" 

"Kathryn" he put his finger on his lips asking her to keep quiet. 

"Okay" she mouthed at him and placed her index finger on her lips like a child. 

Then Naira told everything she learned today to Rishab and Kathryn too listened to it with so much interest.

... To be continued!

Sorry guys for making you all wait but I have a valid reason. I was busy with my sister's wedding so I couldn't write anything. I couldn't even visit wattpad for full two minutes in the last two weeks... But I am back now! I will try to update baby daddy soon and end it by december!

What do you think about what Sabeer and Roshan did? Is it right or wrong? Please share your opinion guys.





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