Part 43

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Part - 43


"Love never gives up"


Two days later,

The family was having a lazy time, enjoying their evening snacks and tea/coffee in the backyard. 

"Inayat, I spoke to my friend Trishna about your job and she wants to see you on Monday." Madhu informed.

"Oh" Inayat looked nervous.

Why? To conduct an interview? Am I prepared for it?

I know nothing about editing or publishing. I just love to read good books.

Ya Allah! Will I fit in this job? Do I want this job in the first place? She had these questions in her mind ever since Veer brought up this job topic.

He even assured her that she could do it but she was lacking confidence.

"Don't worry, Inayat. It's just an informal meeting. My friend wants to see my daughter in law and have a cup of coffee. That's all." Madhu said noticing she was panicking. "I will also be accompanying you so you need not worry... But yeah, we will be discussing a little about your new job and your salary package." Madhu took Inayat's hand in hers and gave it a squeeze.

"Okay" Inayat smiled a little.

"Don't sweat your palms. We are here for you" Madhu reminded her. Inayat nodded her head and fondly smiled.

"Guys, don't make any plans this Saturday." Arjun said.

"Why?" Radha asked though she had no plans. She was always free.

Madhu and Inayat looked at him with genuine interest. Naira was not in this world at all, she was lost elsewhere. And Rishab was sipping his tea, looking non-committal because he already knew what it was all about. Kathryn had already told him and personally invited him too.

"Kathryn is shifting to her new home this friday and she is hosting a small party this Saturday. She has invited us all for that party"

"Oh wonderful! I love parties!" Radha gushed excitedly.

"We are going" Rishab declared looking at his wife. Madhu just shrugged. If he wanted her to go with him, she would go. Simple.

"Arjun, did your girlfriend tell you about her kickboxing schedule?"

"What? No!"

"Thought so" he smirked. "She is starting her classes from coming Sunday."

"Oh no! Why so soon?" Arjun moaned.

"Every weekend, morning 1 hour and evening 1 hour, I am gonna train her. What about you?"

"Alright. I will come along with her and you can train us together."


"Dad, mom, I have decided." Naira abruptly stood up from the swing and walked towards her family. Everyone's attention turned towards her.

"I want to get married." Naira announced. 

Arjun spewed his coffee out hearing the news. 

Madhu and Rishab glared at their son for making fun at the wrong time.

"Sorry, it's so hot." he bluffed and hid his laughter behind the coffee mug. 

My sister wants to get married? Like seriously? but with who? Roshan or Sabeer? I think Roshan as he got more supporters... but that poor chap is not lucky for marriage! 

Will my sis call off her wedding once again?

Will I get lucky this time like how Veer bro got lucky last time? 

Should I get the best Sherwani? 

Should I ask Kathryn to come in bridal attire? So that my babe and I can tie the knot if my crazy sister does something crazy. Arjun let his thoughts run wild. 

"Dad, mom, say something?" Naira asked when they remained mum. 

"You told you hate both Roshan and Sabeer, right?" Madhu asked.

"Yeah, that's true but why are you bring them now in between our conversation?"

"Who do you want to marry? Roshan or Sabeer? You told Sabeer doesn't love you and the dating thing was all a drama and you are not interested in Roshan, right?" Madhu asked with confusion clear on her face.

"Yeah, mama, they both betrayed my trust. I don't want to marry either of them"

"Oh but just now you said you want to get married?" Madhu asked the dumbest question making Radha and Arjun hit their heads with their palms. Inayat looked impassive.

Rishab rolled his eyes before clearing his wife's confusion. "She wants to marry a new guy"

"What? She wants an arranged marriage?" Madhu grimaced her face. "You want an arranged marriage?" She asked again, this time looking at Naira and her facial expression didn't change. "Will it work for you?"

"Hey, hello, we had an arranged marriage. Don't forget that!" Rishab said getting offended. "We are happy and still so much in love with each other nah? Then why not arrange marriage work for our daughter?"

"Yeah but that's not what I meant..."

"Dad, you are talking about 27 years old story. That story won't work now." Arjun shook his head at his dad's old school thought. "Arranged marriage is as outdated as women having normal deliveries." He said dramatically. "Live in is the in-thing now"

"Live in?" Madhu question him making sure she heard him right. "Did you plan living together with your girlfriend? Is that why she moved two blocks away from our place? Is this all your plan, Arjun?" Madhu pounced on him.

"Mom... Mom, no. Calm down, please. I am not at all involved in Kathryn's decision to move out of her grandpa's house or buy an apartment closer to our house."

"You are not going to leave us and move in with her, right?" Madhu asked worriedly.

"Mama, no. I am going nowhere. I will always be with you in this house." He promised her.

"My baby" Madhu joyously hugged her son.

"If you guys are quite done with your hugging session can we get back to my issue?" Naira asked impatiently.

"Sure" Arjun and Madhu parted away from their hug.

"Why do you feel arrange marriage won't work for me, mom?" Naira questioned.

"Because we already tried it, right? We only arranged your marriage with Roshan nah? But then what happened?"

"Mom, that's different. You arranged my marriage with Roshan because you guys thought we loved each other."

"Exactly. You called off the wedding because you didn't love him. Then how come you will marry a stranger this time without loving him?" She questioned her daughter. "No! No! We can't take this risk again. Your dad and I had faced enough of humilia..."

"Madhu!" Rishab snarled. "Stop it."

They were humiliated by many when their daughter called off her marriage at the end moment and they had to get their elder son married to the girl he loved. Too many questions and confusions were raised and they were answerable to all but not even once did they say their daughter had let them down and brought shame to them! Why, because they didn't want to hurt her and they only wanted her happiness.

They protected their daughter like a human shield from people who were eager to abuse, harass and badmouth her and they took all the blame on them showing their daughter innocent.

They lied to people saying they literally forced this marriage on their daughter because they wanted to extend their friendship with Dixit's and make them their family without knowing their daughter wasn't ready for marriage yet and she saw Roshan only as her best friend, not as her life partner, which was true. 

"Sorry" Madhu mouthed at her husband.

"Mom, I feel love doesn't work for me"

"No, it will work for you, baby, but only when you see who is showing true love on you and learn to accept it." Madhu said in a soft tone hoping at least then she would understand.

"Even Sabeer sees how much Roshan loves you and that's why he tried to bring you two together but you mistook his intention."

"Madhu, stop championing him. What he did isn't a noble thing to do. He shouldn't have meddled in Roshan and Naira's life. Naira said no to Roshan and he accepted it. Sabeer said no to Naira and she too accepted it. There the story ends but this boy unnecessarily dragged it, hurting my daughter's feelings."

"Right" Naira agreed because that was exactly her point was.

"If this matter wasn't about your daughter, then I swear, even you would have supported Sabeer."

"No! I wouldn't, Madhu. I would have just asked Roshan to try harder on his own. If nothing worked, I would have told him to move on but never would I trick a girl." Rishab told how he would have reacted if he was in Sabeer's place. "I am sparing those two only for their parents. I value their friendship. Otherwise I would have taught them a lesson for messing with my daughter." He said placing a protective hand on Naira's shoulder.

"Honeybee, are you sure about your decision?" He asked Naira.

"Yes, dad"

"Naira, one last time, I am asking you this - why don't you want to marry Roshan? He is perfect in every way for you..."

"That's the problem, mom. He is too perfect for me. Besides, I know him like the back of my hand and so does he. There is nothing new to know about each other. There is nothing new to share." She rubbed her forehead struggling to explain. "My life after marriage won't be fun and interesting with him, mom." She said with conviction. "I can't live with the person I work and work with the person I live."

"She basically wants two men in her life" Arjun commented cleverly but it earned him deadly glares from all angles.

"If I marry him, forever my life will be like how it is now. This pattern won't change and I don't want a damn boring pattern."

Madhu sighed hardly getting her reason.

If she doesn't want to live and work with the same person then she can easily quit working with him and happily marry him, right? Should I dare ask this to her? Madhu thought. Nah, she would repeat like a broken tape recorder that 'Roshan is my friend and I can't see him otherwise'. It's better I give up. She resigned and let her father deal with her.

"So you want me and your mommy to find your future partner?"


"Will you be happy with our choice?"

"Yes. No regrets. Ever."

"Alright! Just give us sometime to find the right guy for you."



"Yes, mom?"

"Just promise me you won't back off..."

"Madhu don't ask your kids to promise" Radha admonished her daughter in law. "Asking promise means you don't trust them"

"I trust my kids, implicitly, mom. I always I do but I am worried. I just need some form of reassurance from her. I don't want her to change her mind at the end moment..."

"I promise you, mom. This time, my wedding will happen with the guy you both choose for me." Naira placed her palm on her mother's.

"So what do you expect in your potential husband? Arjun asked his sister. It wasn't like he was going to look for a groom for her, if needed he would but for now he asked just out of curiosity.

"Um... He should be caring, loving, understanding and honest like daddy." She said grabbing her father's arm. Radha and Madhu looked at Rishab with eyes full of pride.

"Oh really? Then you should also be nice and kind like mommy, Naira di"

"I AM NICE AND KIND ONLY, ARJUN!" Naira growled. Rishab patted her back, calming her down. She has a very bad temper. She should learn to control it. He thought.

"Yeah, yeah, what next?" He asked shaking his head like a goat.

"He should be handsome and passionate like..."

Arjun raised his palm up and grinned widely. He was confident she would say his name. He was the handsomest among the three men in their house or he thought so and he knew he was so passionate about whatever he did.

" my twin brother Veer"

Arjun scoffed. Inayat had a blushing smile on her face.

"Last and finally, he should be friendly and have good sense of humor like my little brother" Naira threw an air kiss to Arjun.

"Love you, Naira di" he air kissed her back. "Well, now that you have given us the key ingredients." He rubbed his hands and smashed then together as if he was getting ready for a mission. "We will cook the most delicious dish for you." He joked making everyone laugh.

... To be continued!

Yeah, I know short update but I believe it's a quick update so excuse the length. I will make the next update super long. Lol!

So it's official - Roshan is not Naira's man. Neither Sabeer is. A new guy is entering the story soon. Happy or sad with this twist?

Dear Roshan fans,
Roshan is an amazing guy and he will find a better life partner than Naira so don't worry.

Please do Vote,


(Comments only encourage me to write continuously so please do comment your views)

(sorry guys I couldn't reply to your previous part's comments but I read them all and loved them. Will try to reply to the previous part and this part's comments later. Thank U)



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