Part 44

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Part - 44


"Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable" 


"What's wrong? You look worried" Rishab asked his wife taking a place next to her on the bed and holding her hands. 

"Yes, I'm worried, husband" Madhu agreed.

"About what? Naira?" he asked because he surely was worried about her and her latest decision to get married to a stranger they pick for her. 

"No, it's about Arjun"

"I should have known" he muttered under his breath. His wife's major concern was that little boy. "What about him, now?" he asked. 

"See this" she took her phone and showed him a screenshot. It was Arjun's 6th semester mark-sheet. "His marks are... just above average" 

"As long as it's not below average, you should feel happy. And tell me, how you know his roll number?" he wondered how his wife checked his results online. Every time, Arjun would check his exam result and let them know he cleared all the papers and they would trust him, at least, he would trust his son and wouldn't demand to see his mark-sheet.  

"Our Wi-fi password is his roll number" she revealed the secret. When Arjun joined college he had set his roll number as their wi-fi password so he wouldn't forget it and Madhu had smartly figured it out. "Every time, I check his exam results before he does." she added. 

"Ahaan" he was surprised with the revelation. He didn't know his wife was keeping tab on their son's exam results. 

"He is losing focus on studies and I blame that girl for that" 

"Oh c'mon, he's been in relationship with Kathryn for nearly two years now. Only we came to know about it since Veer's wedding" he meant to say she wasn't the reason for him getting low marks. If she was then he would have never got good marks in previous semesters because she was in his life ever since the day he joined med school.

"Then what could be the reason for him getting low marks?"

"Maybe the subjects were tougher this time. Maybe he didn't prepare well. Lot could be the reason but blaming Kathryn for it is not fair, Madhu." He told her in a soft tone so that she would listen to him. "And please don't care about his marks because they are not going to differ his intelligence!"

"Her marks are pretty decent" she grudged completely ignoring what her husband just told her.

Do not to care about marks! But do care about remarks!

"You know her roll number as well?" Rishab asked in shock. 

Madhu rolled her eyes seeing his reaction. "It's not hard to find a roll number from A to K. Our son's roll number's last 3 digits are 004 and Kathryn's is 054." she found it by entering series of roll numbers. 

"Oh" He wondered when his wife would stop being snoopy. 

"Is she deliberately distracting my son, my bright boy? So that she can be the topper in class?" 

"Don't be silly" his voice was filled with indignation.

"Then why she moved closer to our place?"

"God! You are not over with that issue yet?"

"No!" She shook her head. She couldn't let that go. She constantly worries and wonders about her sudden move. "Something in me says her move to this new apartment will bring trouble to Arjun"

"You are overthinking, Madhu" he brushed aside her worry.

"No, I am not!" She denied. He sighed audibly.

"Why don't you think in a positive way and believe that her move to this new apartment is a good thing?"

"How can this be a good thing?"

"I will tell you. Now, if your son spends too much time at her place you can easily go and drag him out of her apartment and bring him here which you couldn't do before"

Madhu nodded her head liking that 'dragging her son back to home' idea.

"Often we can invite Kathryn to our place and they two can do combined study here. This way we will put them under surveillance."

"Cool" she smiled.

"They will do no wrong under our watch." He reassured her.

"Seems like you have planned it all, husband"


"Alright! You have successfully convinced me" she applauded him. "Now, just do me a small favor"

"What's it?"

"Since you have good rapport with Kathryn I want you to make her understand that what she is doing to my son is so wrong"

"What is she doing to your son, Madhu?" He asked genuinely clueless.

"She is trapping him." She said.

Trapping? Trapping into what? he wondered with a frown lining his forehead. 

"She is beguiling and bewitching him. She... she is..." she suddenly started hyperventilating.

Beguiling? Bewitching? Big words! He shook his head thinking how dramatic his wife was.

"Madhu, stop freaking..."

"Rishab, I really don't know how to put this... God!" she held the sides of her head and took a moment to calm herself down and get things clear. "She has two weapons in her hands, one - seduction and two - sympathy. She is wielding those two weapons on my son and tricking him."

"Whoa! Whoa! From where do you get all these bullshit thoughts, Madhu?" He asked in astonishment. 


"I thought you had accepted Kathryn. But no, you haven't accepted her. If you had you wouldn't be thinking so negative about her."

"I accepted her because of your insistence, Arjun's stubbornness and some sympathy I have on her but not wholeheartedly." she admitted honestly. 

"Madhu, listen..." he cupped her cheeks and made her look his eyes. "...when I tell you she is a nice girl, I expect you to trust me!" he was repeating the same line to her for a while now but she wasn't trusting his judgement, probably for the first time she was lacking faith in him.

"You, please, trust me, Rishab..." she begged. "She is a femme fatale (Fatal woman)."

What the fuck does that mean? he wondered. Oh she is speaking French! 

"She will spoil Arjun's future..."

What? No, this is gross! 

"Madhu, enough!" he tried to stop her but she went on and on. 

"Young, immature men like Arjun will want attractive women like Kathryn but they are not meant to have by your side all your life"

"Why not? Kathryn is perfect for Arjun!"

"God" she briefly closed her eyes and opened them. "She has no feelings for Arjun. He is just a passing cloud for her. But that's not the case with Arjun.  My stupid boy is head over heels for her. He will get hurt brutally the day she ends this drama. She will hurt my baby and I don't want that to happen, ever."

He huffed in frustration and raked his hair with his fingers. "Madhu, yaar, she loves him and she won't hurt him."

Love? She loves him too? It was news to Madhu.  

"She told you that?"

"Yep! She told she loves me more than Arjun and that implies she loves Arjun too"

"She loves daddy more than daddy's son?" She asked with a humorous chuckle.

"Exactly! Daddy Rishab's charm works everywhere!" He boosted. She rolled his eyes but she had a small smile. 

"Arjun promised us that he would marry her only after 9 years, right?" she asked for confirmation.


"Well, I don't think their love would last that long."

"How can you say that?" He asked.

"She is not serious about him. He is just a play thing for her!" She stood her ground.

"You are delusional, Madhu"

"Mark my words, Rishab! She will leave him as soon as she gets bored of him and fly away to America. Arjun will be left heartbroken then..."

"Your son better not break my little girl's heart" 

She has endured so much pain already. he thought. 

"Don't you think your love for Kathryn is more than the love you have for your own son?"

"Maybe yes" he shrugged.

"How could you, Rishab? You don't even know this girl for two days but Arjun? He is your son, your blood and flesh." She reminded him if he was forgetting the fact.

"Blood, flesh and shit have no connection with love, Madhu. Love is unconditional and it happens in a moment. I hope you know that."

She agreed but didn't want to acknowledge it so remain mum.

"Madhu" he snapped his fingers bringing her out of her thoughts.  

"I'm not like you, Rishab." she muttered.


"I'm a selfish mother. All I care about is my children and their happiness."

"That's not wrong, Madhu" he understood her. He always did. 

"I know and that's why I want to see my Arjun happy all his life."

"He will be happy, Madhu...but only when he has Kathryn by his side."

Madhu heaved a huge sigh meaning she gave up.


"My parents better find a solid army man for my sister" Veer said to his wife over the phone. Inayat just briefed him everything that happened at home since they all returned from Kashmir. 

He agreed with Naira's decision to go for an arranged marriage. 

Being a confused girl, he believed she wouldn't make the right choice so it was better to leave the 'Husband hunting' job to their parents. 

"Why? You want your sister too to spend her life looking at her phone all day and night and waiting and waiting to hear her husband's voice at least once in a day?" she asked jokingly'...and know he's safe and sound?'  she wanted to add that but she didn't. She didn't want him to know she was constantly worried about him. 

"Seems like someone is regretting marrying an army man" he whispered. 

"No! No! No!" she said shaking her head frantically. "I'm happy with this marriage. I'm happy your family. I'm happy with you. I... I..." she panicked. 

"You... you... what?" he asked though he knew what it was.

"Um... love you" she breathed. 

"Me too" he made those two simple words sound so sexy. "It's not even a day since you left but I already miss you, Inayaa. Why don't you pay me a surprise visit? Maybe this weekend" 

"How it will be a surprise if we plan like this?" she asked, giggling. 

"I don't care whether its a surprise or a preplanned event. I just wanna see you again."

"When did you start whining like Arj..." She bit her tongue and stopped saying 'Arjun'. "I mean whining like a baby, Veer?" she asked in surprise. It was so unlike him. 

"Alright, Inayat! You don't have to come but just give me a kiss"

"What?" She shrieked.

She pulled her phone away from her ear and looked at the screen to confirm that she was really talking to her husband. 

"Are you drunk?"

"No!" He laughed.

"Then what's happened to you?" she asked in concern. "Are you okay, Veer?"

"I was okay until I got the taste of your juicy lips." He was going crazy since then. Her lips were so soft, full and sweet like an apple. "The kiss we shared this morning before you left to the Airport... It's still lingering in my mouth" he said in a husky tone causing shivers to her body. 

She felt her lips with her fingers and blushed. She loved it.

"Inayat? You there?" 

"Yes, I'm on the line only" she whispered. 

"Inayaa... I am going to ask you something and I expect your honest answer" he said in a serious tone. He was no more romantic and playful.

"I'm always honest with you, Veer" she stated matter-of-factly.

"That's right" he chuckled. "So shall I shoot my questions?"

"Shoot, captain"  

"Are you out of your fear?" 

"Not completely but I'm getting there. All thanks to Allah, my wonderful husband and his family"

"Good and I presume you are no more scared of my proximity"

"Yes" this time she was sure with her answer. "In fact I am craving for your nearness. I feel save in your arms, Veer"


"What else?" she asked knowing he was hesitating to ask something else, something big. 

"Are you ready to start a life with me?" he asked, hopefully. 

"haan?" She thought she already had started a life with him by marrying him but what was he asking her now? 

"I... I mean... I wanna start a family with you."

"haan?" she was knocked off balance with his sudden declaration of desire to have a baby. 

"Inayat, please breathe..." he told when he received only thickening silence from the other end. "And don't panic. There is no pressure on you. We will have babies when you're ready... I just asked... I wasn't thinking... I'm so sorry." he apologized repeatedly. 

"Why so suddenly you asked this, Veer?" 

"Inayaa, I'm sorry. Please, forget that I asked."


"Inayat, I think it's late. We should catch some sleep"


"Good night, Inayaa"

"Good night. Allah hafiz, Veer" (May Allah be your protector)


Two days later,

"Oh I love this love-sac, baby" Arjun said as he jumped on to it and sighed feeling comfy.

He got tired after helping Kathryn move her things into the new apartment.

"Thanks for helping me pack, load, and unload my things here." She crawled on the sac and curled next to him. He draped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him, sticking her back to his front. "Now, I am hoping you would help me unpack them too. Oh and also in decorating this house. I want this place to look neat when your family comes here, tomorrow"

"Right now you want us to clean?" He asked, horrified.

"No" she grinned. "I can see you are already tired. We will do later."

"Hmm" he kissed her nape. "Are you going to cook dinner for us, tomorrow?"

"Nah! I can't cater such a big family. I will order food from outside."


"What your mom likes?"

"Why are you asking about her likes in particular?"

"She fed me yummy butter chicken the other day. Now it's my turn to feed her the food she likes to eat"

"She loves paneer. Order anything in paneer, she will eat. My sister's taste is as same as my mom's. Rest of us will have chicken."

"Cool" she said smiling.

"Congratulation, baby" he said kissing her hair.

"For what?"

"For buying your dream home"

"This is actually not my dream home, Arjun." Yours is!

Before he could ask why she said so, she changed the topic. "How is your sister doing?"

"She is fine."

"Did your parents start looking for a suitable guy for her?"

"I don't know"

"Hope they find a nice guy soon. She is so lonely now."


"Yeah! I noticed this when we were in Kashmir. She was yearning to have a man who truly adores her by her side."

He frowned wondering how he missed to notice that.

"She wanted to trudge up the mountains holding her man's hand. She wanted to play with him in the snow. She wanted to share food with him. She was longing to do everything your mom-dad, Veer jijz-Inu di & you and I did together"

Arjun was amazed his girlfriend had observed his sister to some depth. 

"She might have wished for all that but definitely she wouldn't have felt lonely." He said but without conviction.  

 He thought his sister was enjoying herself there but now when he look back he had to agreed with Kathryn. His sister wasn't enjoying the trip. She was quite dull and always stuck by their grandma side as she didn't have any other better company.

"Why would she feel lonely when she has us, her family" he asked trying to get rid off the guilt that he had let his sister feel lonely. He should have been there for her and cheered up her mood but he was busy wooing his girlfriend. 

Kathryn smirked.


"I have a boyfriend..."


"I am referring you only, moron!"


"I have a boyfriend and she has a beautiful family but still we feel desolated." She murmured. "We both want what we don't have."

"Marry me to get what you don't have in your life" he tried his luck. 

"Stop joking" she slapped his chest.

He held her hands above her head and leaning down, he kissed her with gentle passion. She wriggled her hands from his grip and once he let them go, she clutched his hair and deepened the kiss. He let his hands roam all over her body. 

"You have lost weight" he murmured against her lips. He caressed her waist to measure her size. It was paper thin. "You have lost lot of weight" he frowned. He hadn't noticed her properly since she came back from States as he was busy fighting with her. "Aren't you eating properly?" 

"I like being slim"

"Being slim is different from being malnourished" he gently scolded her for not taking care of her health. "You should eat healthy, Kathy" he moved his hands upward and cupped her breasts. "Look, your breasts have shrunk to the size of a lemon now. Earlier they were as big as oranges."

"If you don't like my lemons then take your hands off them, asshole" she pushed his hands away and tried to get up but he pulled her back. 

"Oh c'mon! They are small but cute. I love them. Let me taste them, baby" he yanked her camisole and nuzzled her boobies. "Hmm" he moaned appreciatively. "You smell so sweet"

"Let's fuck"

"Let's make love" 

They said in unison. 

You guys would have known already who would have said 'fuck' and who would have said 'love' 

"No, fuck"

"Yes, love"  

"OMG" she shrieked looking at her phone


"Your mother! She is coming here. Your dad just texted me."

"Oh shit" he jumped out of the love-sac and made a mad dash to the door. He yanked it open and turned to say a quick 'bye' to her but stopped when she started laughing like a mad girl. 

"I got you! I got you!" she roared, laughing. 

"This is not funny!" he grumbled.

"C'mere, boy! Your momma is not coming. I lied." she opened her arms widely for him, still lying on the love sac. "C'mere! C'mere! Let's fuck, baby" 

"Arjun!" Madhu yelled standing behind Arjun. 

Oh shit! She's here for real. Kathryn got off the sac and slowly walked towards the door to face her. She knew they were in trouble. 

"Uh-huh!" Arjun scrunched his eyes  briefly and turned around to face his angry mother. 

"Mom..." he croaked. he cleared his throat and asked "You here?" 

Madhu glared at him. 

"Hi, aunty" Kathy waved her hand at her. "How's uncle?"

She kept glaring at Arjun, ignoring Kathryn. 

"Kathy and I were just cleaning this place, mom" 

"Oh really?" she asked sarcastically. She just heard Kathryn calling her son to come and fuck her in a seducing voice. How disgusting? 

"I swear, mom"

"What you're doing is so wrong, Arjun!" saying that she walked out of Kathryn's apartment. 

...To be continued!

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