Part 49

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Dedicating this part to my soul sister anish_17 on account of her birthday.

Happy birthday Anish akka! God bless you :)



Part - 49


"Nothing lasts forever. Please be my nothing." 


Inayat's eyes startled open when she heard her phone ringing. She sat up and shuffled her duvet to find her phone. Luckily, she grabbed her phone with hasty hands before it got cut.

"Veer" she breathed his name as if it was a prayer. "You okay?"

"Inayaa, what's wrong? Have you been crying?"

"First tell me you are okay, Veer, please?" she begged.

"I am okay. All things are under control. There is nothing to worry."

"Oh thank Allah" she sighed in relief.

"Now, you tell me? Were you crying? Your voice sounds hoarse."

"No, I was sleeping and I am having sore throat." She partially lied not wanting to worry him by telling her worry that she was worried about him.

"Sleeping? This soon?" He asked as it was not like her to go to bed by 7 in the evening. "You had dinner?"

"No, I was just taking a nap. I will join everyone for dinner, shortly."

"Oh. Is your new job tiring? If it's, you better quit. There is no need for you to work, you know."

"No. No. I like this job and I want to do it."

"Hmm okay."

"Why didn't you call any of us for these many days, Veer? Do you have any idea how worried ammi was?"

"Only your ammi was worried, not you?" He teased her.

"You know I was too..." I am always worried for you, Veer! "...But don't change the topic. Tell me why didn't you call?"

"Situation, Inayat." He sighed audibly. "Though the situation is calm now, you never know when the anger rears it's ugly face and people get agitated, here. It's heartbreaking to see innocent people suffer..." 

"I hope and pray the bad days of my beautiful Kashmir would end soon."

"Hmm" he too prayed to see good days in Kashmir! "I am sorry I couldn't find time for you, my family..."

"I understand"

"Okay, now let's talk something light and happy..."

"Veer, I just had a dream..." She could feel her cheeks heating up.


"You came in my dream" she said blushing profusely.

"I am delighted to hear that, Inayat" he said in a husky tone.

"You kissed me..."

"Oh!" She had stunned him by telling her dream. "Wish I was there to kiss you again but this time for real" he said closing his eyes and picturing her soft shy smile.

"You just didn't stop with a kiss..." She continued strangely feeling bold and compelled to tell him more about her dream.

"Oh! What was I doing in your dream?" He asked and waited with bated breath, anticipating to know what he had done.

She stayed silent.

"Inayat, you're cutting me to the quick here! Tell me what did I do?"

"You... You were making... love to me" she said in shuttered whisper and heard his sharp intake of breathe.


"And what? You called me and I woke up..."

"Shit! Seems like I called you at the wrong time."

"Hmm" she hummed, maybe, agreeing with him.

"Inayaa, would you wish that dream to come true?" He tested her.

"Yes, sooner rather than later" she thought.

"When are you coming home, Veer?" She asked indirectly telling him that her dream would come true only then.

"I don't know for sure. Maybe in a couple of months. It all depends on when my parents fix Naira's wedding."


"Last time when I spoke to maa she said she has found a suitable guy for Naira. She was very positive about him. Well, I didn't even quite catch his name..."

"His name is Yash Arora. Only child. Studied M.Arch. Owns a construction company, I think. He is nice and friendly. Oh and outrageously good looking..."

"You met him?" He snapped at her for saying some other man looked outrageously good-looking.

"No, I just saw his profile when ammi showed it and told me about this proposal. Yesterday, your dad went to see him at his office and he was really impressed with this young man's honesty and achievement. Oh and today, Naira met him in a mall. She only told me about his look and nature. Seems like she really likes him."

"Oh I see! Well, if my dad has approved him then I am sure this guy is a charmer but still I don't want my parents or Naira to rush things."


"Okay, Inayat, I gotta go now. I will call you later and we will talk more about Naira, your new job and mainly about your dream." He added teasingly.

"Oh please, Veer. Let that topic go." She slapped her head feeling foolish for telling him about her dream. "It was just an after effect of reading a romantic book."


"Yeah, this afternoon at office, I was assigned to read a manuscript and write a summary on it. Well, in that book the author had written some vivid erotic scenes..."

"I see"

"And that reflected in my dream."

"That's interesting." He smirked. "Inayaa..."


"I have a question for you"

"Ask, Veer"

"Do books with explicit romance turn you on?" He asked mischievously.

"I though you got some work to do?" She reminded him, pissed.

"Answer me! Only then I will hang up"


"Alright, Inayat, you don't have to answer. Just approve this book which gave you enticing dream and get it published."

"I don't have the right to get a book published. I am just an assisstant to the chief editor."

"At least try." He insisted. "I so wanna read this book and get some wet dreams just like you got."

"Stop teasing me, will you?" She scolded him softly.

He laughed. "Inayat..."

"What now?"

"...I love you"

She blushed.

"Don't forget to call ammi, okay?" She ordered. "Oh and talk to Arjun too. Poor boy got so worried when I told him that you haven't called me in days"

"Yes, boss" he chuckled.

"Why are you so happy and playful today, Veer?"

"I don't know why exactly. Maybe because I am talking to my wife after days or maybe because I came in her dream and made her come."

She gasped in shock. "I can't believe you just said that! You are so crude, Veer!"

He laughed at her outrage.

"Stop laughing, Veer, please." She begged.

"Sorry" he took pity on her. "I will let you go for now. Take care. Bye."

"Love you. Be safe. Allah Hafiz."


"Going somewhere, baby?" Madhu called out when Arjun was running towards the main door.

He halted abruptly and turned to face her.

"Yeah, mom" he nodded his head.

Why are you always sitting in the living room, mom?

Don't you have a bedroom?

"Where you going?" She asked with a sweet smile.

Should I lie? He contemplated.

"To Kathy's place, mom" he decided to tell her the truth.

If he had lied he knew she would come spying on him to Kathryn's apartment.

"Oh I see"

"And for God's sake, don't barge in on us like last time" He pleaded.

"I can't promise"


"You have never listened to your dad. You have always walked in on us and spoiled our romance so why should I listen to you now?"

"Mom, this is not the time to take revenge. Please, mom, don't embarrass me in front of my girlfriend."

"You wouldn't be worrying about me barging in and catching you if you weren't doing anything embarrassing. What are you upto, Arjun?" She asked suspiciously.

"Mom, I am just going to see her and tell her that I don't want kickboxing training anymore. I had enough of this shit!" He said slightly rubbing his jaw.

"Aww... My baby" Madhu gently caressed his jaw. "I told you dad to treat you with kid gloves but still he behaved rough. I am so sorry"

"It's okay, mom" he kissed her forehead. "Shall I go now?"

"Bring her home for dinner" she reminded him before letting him go.



Arjun rang the bell and waited for Kathryn to open the door but she didn't.

She saw him through the peephole and decided not to let him in.

"Kathy, open the door" he knocked at the door and again rang the bell, continuously.

Getting irritated with the sound, she yanked opened the door and glared at him.

"What took you so long to open the door?" He asked irately.

"What are you doing here?" She retorted.

"Let me in first" he gently pushed her aside and stepped in.

"No! Go away!" She tried to pull him back and push him out of her apartment but he shoved her away and launched himself on the love-sac.

"Now, come, kiss me and heal me, baby" he opened his arms inviting her.

"You want one more punch?" She threatened him.

"Hell no!"

"Then get your ass off my love-sac and go to your home!"

"You only offered to kiss me better in your text, you stupid girl!" He was already upset over something else and now she was worsening his mood by being rude.

"Yeah but what was your reply for that?" She asked him angrily.

"Yes, baby. Please, baby." He said with a casual shrug.

"Liar! You typed "NO THANKS" in caps with added angry emojis!"

"WHAT?!" he jumped out of the love-sac and fished out his phone from his jeans pocket to check the text. "Ah hell no! I didn't type this. Shit! My sister did."

Naira di! I am never going to forgive you for this!

"What? Your sister?" She looked at him dubious.

"Naira di was having my phone when you texted me and she only typed this reply, not me. Trust me, Kathy."

"Honestly, you didn't tell her to type no thanks?"

"Honestly, baby, why would I deny your kisses? Have I ever done that?"


"And these angry emojis? Gosh! I don't even know we have angry emoji on whatsapp because I only use two emojis: one - kissing emoji and two - red heart"

"Hmm... Logic again! But how dare you let your sister see our private messages?" She asked through gritted teeth. "What an indiscreet asshole you are?" She pounced on him, madly.

"Ah hell!" he swiftly pushed her on the fluffy love-sac and fell on top of her.

"We were just playing a game..." He pressed a kiss on her throat.

"What game?" She breathed.

"It's actually a love test"

"What the fuck is that?"

"You won't understand so you better leave it"

"Tell me?"

"If you love someone and have strong soul connection with them then when you think about them you will get some sort of sign from them that they are also thinking about you."

"I didn't understand"

"See, I told you, you won't understand." Because you don't love me!

"Explain clearly to me, Arjun" she asked nicely.

"Today, my sister met her prospective husband"


"Yeah-oh! She said she likes him and also finds some strange connection with him. So to test how strong their connection was, I conducted a test. I asked her to close her eyes and think about him in her mind and she did. When she opened her eyes she got a sweet text from him."

"Really?" Kathy's eyes went wide in surprise.

"Yeah, then Naira di wanted to test our connection." He planted a soft and swift kiss on her lips.


"Yeah-oh! I closed my eyes and thought about the hard punch you gave me..."

"Aww..." She leaned forward and kissed his jaw line. "Then what happened?"

"I got your text." He said.

"It's weird!"

"It's love!"

"You are stupid" she kissed his cheek.

He pointed his finger to the corner of his lip wanting her to kiss there. She smiled and kissed him there. "I had given my phone to my sister to see your text for herself and then I asked her type 'Yes, baby. Please, baby' but she typed 'No thanks'. She betrayed me." He pouted. She kissed his pouting lips.

He rolled her to her side and hugged her from behind as he buried his nose in her hair. "Your hair smells so good, Kathy" he inhaled deeply. "I want to hold you in my arms like this, forever and never let you go" he whispered near her ear as he tightened his hold around her petite waist. "I can't think of a life without you. I can't think of a day without seeing you or holding you or touching you or kissing you. I always need you, baby. And I want you to need me as well." He suddenly got so emotional as he thought about his bhabhi crying - missing her husband.

How is it even possible for her and bro to have a long distant relationship?

I can't even properly breathe if I am not breathing in the same air space as that of Kathryn's.

Arjun, that's quite an exaggeration! His subconscious mocked him.

"What's wrong, Arjun?" She could feel the melancholy in his voice.

"Nothing" he shook his head and closed his eyes. She turned around to face him and gently scarped his stubble cheek.

"Why are you so sad?" She asked him softly. "This is not my baby Arjun" she kissed his closed eyelids and he opened them.

"Today, bhabhi cried and her tears affected me." He confessed.

"Why Inu di cried?" Kathryn asked, genuinely concerned for Inayat.

"Veer bro hasn't called for nearly a week now and she is so worried about him." She got me worried too.


"I just wish Veer bro leaves the army and comes back to his family." He knew he was being selfish but he couldn't bear the pain of losing his loved one. He always wanted to have his relations closer to him and he wanted them to be happy.

"If everyone leaves the army for their family then who will protect us from our enemies?"

"I know but this constant fear of losing him is killing us, Kathy"

Boy! Everyone is going to die, oneday!

"Oh baby, don't get emotional because I really don't know how to handle you." She moved up a little and made him rest his head on her chest and combed his hair, soothingly.

"Arjun, why do you wanna become a doctor?" She asked tenderly.

"I want to save people's lives." He whispered as he listened to her even breathing.

"That's exactly what your brother is doing now. Saving people's lives, well, in a different way."


"He is a hero, Arjun. So just admire him and respect his love for the nation and let him do his duty in peace."

Arjun lifted his head off her chest and smiled at her.

Right then his phone rang. "Hello, bhabhi?" He answered it.

"Your brother just called me. He is fine there so you don't worry. He will call you later."

"Thanks for letting me know, bhabhi"

"You are welcome"

"Oh and you guys have also passed the love test I conducted."

"You think?"

"Yes. In fact you have super strong soul connection with my brother as it reached till Kashmir."

She blushed hearing that.

"Your blush pink has become my favorite color ever since I met you, bhabhi"

"How do you know I was blushing?"

"You always blush, bhabhi." He chuckled

"Are you with Kathryn now?"


"Oh then I don't want to take your time. I will see you guys at dinner."

"Sure, bye"


"Your bond with Inu di is so cute, Arjun"

He shyly smiled at his girlfriend.

"Kathy, I am quitting kickboxing training." He said before he forgot.

"Why? Is it because I punched you? Arjun, I am so sorry. It won't happen again." She promised. "Please come with me otherwise it won't be fun at all."

"Baby, I will come with you to Adept (Rishab's sports academy) but I don't want to learn. I will just sit and watch you do kickboxing." he said and pecked her lips.

"Why, Arjun?" She whined.

"I don't like kickboxing. Hell, I don't like any hardcore physical activities at all."

She pouted.

"Only physical activity that ever appeals to me is having sex with you." He said grinning salaciously. She laughed. "You are enough to keep me in shape and fit, baby." He said fondling her breast, setting the mood.

She swatted his hand away.



"Why? You have never said no to me" he was surprised she was denying sex.

"Let's abstain from sex"

"What the fuck?" He shouted as he leaned up and looked down at her as if she had gone mad.

"I kept thinking and thinking and thinking and finally found out the reason why your mother hates me."

She doesn't like us having sex!

"My mother doesn't hate you" he snapped.

"If it's true then why hasn't she accepted me wholeheartedly yet?"

"My dad accepted you..."

"I am talking about your mom"

"Baby, give her some time to know you better. Once she does, she will love you like anything."

"She readily accepted Inu di and Naira di's soon to be fiance. Then why not me?" She asked, petulantly.

"My mom chose this guy Yash for my sister so there is no question of approving or accepting at all! And about Inayat bhabhi, she is married to my brother... She has become a part of our family... So it's only just and fair to accept her with open arms and treat her nice. Besides, my mom can never find a single reason to dislike Inayat bhabhi. She is flawless, you know."

"Unlike me. I am flawed. I am no good for you!" She pushed him away.

My son is too good for her! Madhu's words from the dinner night kept repeating in her head.

"What the hell has gotten into you, Kathryn Annie Fernandez?" He roared with his eyes blazing. 

"I don't want to have sex with you anymore!" She roared back.

"Then with whom you want to have?" He blurted out.

"You are cheap!" She said in disgust as she fought the urge to throw him another bone breaking punch.

"I am sorry..." He moved closer to take her in his arms and give her a beseeching kiss but she backed away and raised her arms up, stopping him. "Kathy, I didn't mean it"

"I said no to sex and you have gone all ape-shit crazy on me! Whoa!"

"God! I didn't shout at you for saying no to sex but for saying you are no good for me. You are the best for me, baby!"

"No, you only love my body, not me."

"It's not true so stop insulting my love"

"You don't talk about love when you don't trust me"

"Kathy, I panicked that you didn't want me anymore so I said something stupid. I am so sorry."

"Get out of my apartment, Arjun!" She wasn't ready to listen to him.

"Stop showing me your shitty attitude. I am sick of it!"

"Get out! Get out! Get out!" She screamed like a mad girl.

"Kathryn, you seriously need a psychiatrist and you need to have your head examined!"

"Fuck you, Arjun"

"Yes, please"


"Suddenly what's happened to you, Kathy? Five minutes ago, we were fine, right?"

Let's go back to that moment, please.

"Leave me alone!" She shouted. 

"Alright! I will go now! But keep this in mind... We are not over!"

... To be continued!





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